Posted by Rude One
Let's get this out of the way early here so you can determine if you
want to continue: If you voted for Donald Trump, you are racist. If you
still support Donald Trump, you are racist. You are racist because you
are supporting someone who is not just personally racist but who wants
the nation to have policies and laws that are racist. Even if you are a
rich person who is just a greedy asshole and voted for Trump for the tax
cuts, you are still a racist.
I am making this distinction not because I want to excuse Trump's racism
on a personal level, but as a way of trying to explain to racist Trump
voters why they are racists even if, in their hearts, they believe they
have no issue with people of other races. That part doesn't matter if
you helped put someone in office who regularly says racist things and
regularly, deliberately does things that target non-whites, including
the Muslim travel ban, the savage immigration policies, and the attacks
on African Americans who protest violence against them. You can't say,
"I believe that everything Trump is doing is making America great again"
and then follow that with "But I'm not racist" because that's plainly a
Are we clear then? I am calling you "racist" because you're racist.
Earlier this week, when I implied that Trump voters are racist because
Roseanne Barr showed how racist they are, someone tweeted at me that
racism is "Taking a group of people and bunching them up in assumptions
and accusations." I've gotten this quite a bit, that because I say Trump
voters are racist, I'm engaging in a type of racism. But that leaves
out a crucial aspect about racism. Can you guess? It's that it's based
on race. It's not simply any random "group of people" who have some
unifying belief. If you take race out of "racism," then you don't even
have the word.
You wouldn't think that would have to be explained, but this is the way we live now.
After Barr said that Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett looked like an ape,
several people responded by pointing out how Bill Maher and many others
have said that Donald Trump looks like an orangutan. Of course, that's
because of his hair and weird tan, both things he chooses. Believe it or
not, he wasn't born orange.
Still, if you don't understand how comparing a black person to any kind
of monkey taps into an entire history of racial bigotry and degradation,
then you're too stupid to understand any of this and should probably
spend your time jacking off on r/The_Donald. The same thing goes if you
don't understand how Samantha Bee calling Ivanka Trump a "feckless cunt"
is different than what Barr said. It's not racism. And you have to
struggle to make it sexist.
Calling you "racist" isn't political correctness run amok. It isn't an
attempt to shut down debate. It isn't even really meant as an insult
(even though, yes, it is one). It's a way of defining your beliefs. If
you think that people should be treated differently because of the color
of their skin or if you voted for leaders who believe that and act on
it, then what else should you be called? I mean, "Republican" works,
too, except that there are still one or two Republicans who aren't
motivated by hatred of non-whites. So "racist" is just a shorthand way
to describe an ideology. And, yeah, I do think racists are bad people
because, well, they're racists. But that's not racism on my part.
You wanna call that prejudice? Fine. You're right. You've nailed me. I
am prejudiced against racists. I don't think those people (yes, "those
people") should have a voice in the public sphere. They should be
treated as pariahs, mocked, and condemned until they are too ashamed to
say those things out loud. You have free speech, sure, and the rest of
us have the free speech to say that you are pathetic and have stopped
the human race from advancing and that you should be accountable for the
horrible things you say and do. Because, see, you're a racist.
The other thing that Trump's racists like to say is "What about Bill
Clinton?" Or, as my tweeter accused, "You're putting people in a group
and saying they all act/think the same? You're are a Democrat, so since
Bill Clinton was as well, then you're a womanizing weasel. See how
ridiculous that is?" Yeah, it is ridiculous, but only because of how
false it is to even begin to equate the two. See, it's not just about
the failings of two flawed men.
Calling out Trump and his supporters for racism is different than
supporting Bill Clinton, who you can accuse of all kinds of things in
his personal life but whose policies did not reflect whatever level of
repugnant you think Clinton is. You might think Clinton is a rapist, but
he did not try to pass laws to make it easier for rapists to rape nor
did he pardon rapists. You might think Clinton was a serial sexual
harasser, but he never tried to get legislation passed that would
legalize sexual harassment. I'm not excusing Clinton. I was very clear
back in the 1990s that Clinton should have resigned or temporarily
stepped aside during the Lewinsky saga because of the massive
distraction that it was and that fooling around with an intern was
pretty fucked up.
But here is the difference, and it's subtle, so see if you can follow along:
When Donald Trump says or does something racist, you cheer. When he
says, "Build the wall," you chant it. When he calls immigrants
"animals," you scream your approval. When he called for a "a total and
complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States," you shouted
how much you love him. And when he issues executive orders that break up
immigrant families or threatens to deport DACA recipients or calls
places "shitholes," you say he's just doing what you elected him to do.
That's because you're racist.
On the left, we never cheered for Bill Clinton's affairs or alleged
harassment. At worst, we said it was a personal issue between him and
Hillary. At best, we condemned him. If I recall, my exact quote in 1998
was "If you're gonna be president, keep your dick out of it." So, no,
it's not comparable. Not even vaguely.
My advice, racists? Do like all of the overt racists are doing and own
that shit. Or, if you don't want to be called "racist," if being called a
"racist" makes you feel bad or ashamed, then stop being racist. And
that would mean no longer supporting Donald Trump.
But you won't do that because you're a racist and you're too fucking
dumb to get out of the pit of shit you love wallowing around in.
According to the report, 45 year old Robert Kujawa of Easton, was found guilty by a jury of ethnic intimidation, harassment, stalking and is facing two to four years in state prison.
According to his neighbor, Biafra Baker, “We just wanted to raise our children. We didn’t ask for any of this.”
For an ethnic intimidation conviction in Pennsylvania, authorities must show that a defendant committed a separate offense — in this case, stalking — for bigoted reasons.
You can watch a clip of Kujawa harassing his neighbors below via the Lehigh Valley Live on YouTube: