Showing posts with label Common Sense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Common Sense. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Speaker Nancy Pelosi +174 House Democrats tell Trump's Postmaster General to reverse changes that threaten mail-in voting

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and 174 other House Democrats are demanding that Donald Trump's new Postmaster General reverse all of the operational changes they say could harm mail-in voting for the November election.

Read the entire document here.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Joey, a 30 year Navy vet, comes to grips with his 2016 Trump vote and gets emotional talking about his fellow vets being assaulted in the streets. "We gotta help him pack up."

"Do not let all those who have gone and died on battlefields for our democracy go in vain."

Are you a Republican, ex-Republican, or Trump-voter who won’t support the resident this November?

Share your story here:

Friday, July 3, 2020

Schmidt: Trump's Betrayal To U.S. Troops Is Impossible To Overstate | The Last Word | MSNBC

Steve Schmidt speaks to Lawrence O’Donnell about Donald Trump and reports that Russia paid bounties to Taliban members to kill U.S. troops in Afghanistan. Aired on 7/2/2020.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Twitch Suspends Trump’s Account For ‘Hateful Conduct’

(Bloomberg) -- Twitch and Reddit Inc. banned content linked to resident Donald Trump for violating their rules against encouraging hate.

Twitch, Inc.’s live streaming site, temporarily banned Trump’s account for reposting a 2016 speech in which he characterized Mexicans as rapists and a more recent speech in which he conjured up the image of an evil-doer breaking into a house.

Reddit, a community-based social website, said it banned 2,000 discussion pages, including r/The_Donald for being one of the two biggest violators of rules against promoting hate based on identity.

“Hateful conduct is not allowed on Twitch,” the company said in an emailed statement. “In line with our policies, President Trump’s channel has been issued a temporary suspension from Twitch for comments made on stream, and the offending content has been removed.”

Trump has been much criticized for his infamous reference to Mexicans when he kicked off his presidential campaign five years ago.

The second violation, cited by Twitch, referred to a portion of Trump’s recent rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he outlined a scenario of “a very tough hombre” breaking into a sleeping woman’s house at night. “By the way, you have many cases like that, many, many, many,” Trump said, according a Twitch transcript of the speech.

A Twitch spokeswoman said the suspension would be temporary but declined to elaborate. Best known as a popular portal for video gamers to stream themselves, Twitch also hosts live video on a wide range of other topics. When Trump’s team started his account on the site last year, Twitch informed the team that the company wouldn’t make exceptions to its content policy for political or newsworthy content, the spokeswoman said.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Biden finally takes off the gloves, DESTROYS Trump in stunning rebuke

Democrats Decide To Wait Until After The Election to Fully Attack, Just Like They Did In 2016. How'd That Work Out?

Posted by Rude One

There's a reason why the campaign of Donald Trump and Trump himself can't lay a glove on Joe Biden: we want Trump fucking gone. It's pretty goddamn hilarious to see Trump throw everything he can at Biden, including the shit he got impeached for, and nothing sticks. Trump's out there talking about Biden as a puppet of the "radical left," that Biden doesn't even know where he is, that "Sleepy Joe" can't handle the job, that Biden is owned by China. Trump's flailing and desperate because the motherfucker has seen his shit go south before. He sees the writing on the wall and it says, "Fuck you, Donald."

And unless you prove to us that Biden will somehow fuck up the response to a pandemic as badly as Trump did or that he'll let the economy crash and prance around like the thirstiest cheerleader at the prep school instead of fucking helping people or that he'll shit all over every alliance that the United States has ever had around the world while buffing the balls of dictators, it would take some kind of cataclysm of Epsteinian proportions to turn even an electoral college-clinching number of voters in Trump's favor. Or massive cheating and voter suppression, which is frighteningly possible and means we shouldn't take anything for granted.

Back in 2016, an anxious American left wondered how Democrats would respond to Mitch McConnell's refusal to consider President Obama's choice to replace the gratifyingly dead Antonin Scalia, Merrick Garland. It was perhaps the most brazen assertion of power in eight years of abject obstructionism to no purpose other than to obstruct, animated by the racist hatred of Obama that defined the GOP during his term. 

Democrats needed to burn down DC, they needed to go on the air with massive ad buys, they needed to organize mass protests, they needed to refuse to pass any legislation, and more. Control the message and spread it wide and make people invested in it. That's the tactic. Create the narrative and don't just react. Obama had a chance to give the court a more liberal majority for the first time in a generation, a transformative appointment that would have solidified his legacy and created a bulwark against right-wing fuckery for at least a decent period of time. It was damn well worth fighting for.

And Democrats more or less shrugged. Oh, sure, there was a little bit of posturing and harumphing, but, likely with guidance from the White House, they pretty much decided, "Nah. Hillary Clinton's gonna win. And then even if Mitch McConnell is still Senate Majority Leader, we're sure he'll be a good guy and let Scalia be replaced by a Democrat." It was laughing-until-you-sob naive. They legit thought Clinton was gonna be president, but McConnell wouldn't have fuckin' budged. That seat would still be open because they would have declared Clinton illegitimate or under investigation or some such shit. And it would have still been because Democrats didn't mobilize in rage in the first fuckin' place.

This is not just the realm of hindsight. Right now, in 2020, Donald Trump's absolute refusal to have a unified, national policy on a fucking virus that is fucking killing tens of thousands of people every month should be the organizing principle for Democrats, prompting them to propose radical action like health care for everyone or at least that the government pay for coronavirus shit (since, you know, people are ending up with massive bills for catching COVID-19). Yes, House Democrats are having hearings. Why not have some social-distanced town halls with people who suffered because of Republican incompetence and cruelty? Why not take out ads of their own and not rely on the scum-fucking Never Trump Republicans (who will savagely turn against Democrats as soon as Trump is gone, and they'll pretend like Trump didn't happen, just as they pretend like they aren't the reason that Trump is there in the first place)?  On the pandemic, you can make the case that we can't wait until January to have a coherent strategy because, really, we fucking well can't. 

Or maybe, on another shitpile in the cow pasture of Trump's scandals, they could impeach Attorney General and man who looks as if he masturbates to animal-stabbing porn William Barr. Yet today Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said, "One hundred and thirty-one days from now, we will have the solution to many problems, one of them being Barr," adding that Barr "is contemptible. There’s no question about that. But at this point, let’s solve our problems by going to the polls and voting on Election Day."

And all I could think was "How'd that work out in 2016?"

I know, I know, I fucking know that Trump isn't gonna be removed from office. But Democrats could unify around a message that Trump has extravagantly failed at the pandemic and should resign. Why not? Why not make that the rallying cry? Why not say that the nation needs to put saving American lives in places like, oh, shit, maybe Florida or Arizona or Texas, hey, not just traditionally blue states anymore, above politics?  

It won't happen. (Or it might, in which case, whoa.) But the message comes in clear that this is a failed residency and that those who still follow Trump are supporting a failure. It's not that he's vulgar or racist or insulting. The narrative is that he's killing us. He's hurting our bodies, and he's hurting our businesses, and he's hurting our future. 

Stop being afraid to name the enemy as the enemy. And, more importantly, stop being afraid to treat the enemy as the enemy now, not as a battle in some hoped-for future.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Jerry Nadler says he expects Berman will testify before Congress and is 'not interested' in Bolton appearing

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler said Sunday he is confident Geoffrey Berman, the powerful US attorney who departed his post Saturday after a standoff with the Trump administration, will testify before his committee.

Bill Barr fires U.S. Attorney Berman. Bolton's book reveals why.

Bill Barr fires Southern District of New York U.S. Attorney Berman after John Bolton's book reveals Trump's potential interference in cases being handled by the U.S. Attorney's office headed up Berman. Here are the details.


Saturday, June 20, 2020

Trump Doesn't Know Shit Or Give A Shit About African Americans Or History Or Anything, Really

Posted by Rude One

It's hard to pinpoint the most blitheringly fucked tangent that Donald Trump, our cracked vinyl beanbag chair of a resident, went off on during his speech to announce a few bullshit, milquetoast little suggestions to the brutal, militarized police forces of America (seriously, if you think "reform the police" is weak, try the title of this pussy-ass executive order: "Safe Policing for Safe Communities").

But I'm gonna go with when he brought up school choice. "We’re fighting for school choice," he insisted, and added, "which really is the civil rights of all time in this country.  Frankly, school choice is the civil rights statement of the year, of the decade, and probably beyond — because all children have to have access to quality education." Yeah, fuck you, Brown vs. Board of Education. School choice pisses on you.

Just a recap: "School choice" is about giving parents vouchers that they can use to help pay for private schools, taking money away from public education (or "failing government schools," as resident Dickhead called them) and giving it to churches and private organizations and, yes, Secretary of Education and hideous greed beast Betsy DeVos. Oh, and Trump's proposal on this also includes a tax credit that would benefit the wealthy because of course it would. Calling this a civil rights "statement" (whatever the fuck that is) or anything related to civil rights just because it would end up benefiting some non-white people is so laughable that you can't tell if those are tears of joy, rage, or sadness.

But what this points to with Trump is that he doesn't know jack shit about African Americans. He doesn't understand issues surrounding their community, he doesn't give a fuck about their lives, he can't be bothered to learn their history, and, if you ask, he'll tell you that no one knows more about black people than he does. 

As racist as Trump has been his whole worthless life, the last few weeks have given him ample opportunity to relish his role as bigoted ignoramus-in-chief. Oh, he'll tell you how amazing he is for African Americans. 

He'll tell you, as he did on Tuesday and every other time he opens his gaping burger maw, "We created Opportunity Zones with Senator Tim Scott...I think it’s probably one of the great things that we’ve done in this administration.  Tens of thousands of jobs, billions and billions of dollars being brought into areas and neighborhoods that would never, ever, ever be taken care of, monetarily." (Again, a reminder, this was during a speech about alleged reforms to stop police officers from murdering black people.)

The problem is that Trump's full of shit. "Opportunity Zones" are another motherfucking tax cut to get wealthy people to, yes, invest in communities that need the investment. But guess what? They're fucking using it to gentrify areas and very little is going to black entrepreneurs. No, it hasn't created "tens of thousands of jobs" any more than Ivanka Trump has created 80 gazillion jobs or whatever the fuck number we're up to. But he's not letting go of that lie. "The Opportunity Zones have been incredible," Trump told Sean Hannity last night. "It's been one of the great -- really one of the great things, in terms of investment in areas and in terms of unemployment." 

Trump'll shuck and jive about low unemployment pre-COVID or criminal justice reform, which he thinks makes him the Greatest resident for the Blacks Since Lincoln (although, you know, even Lincoln's "questionable"). But the low unemployment is just a continuation of the progress made under Obama. It went down 9 percentage points during Obama's administration. It's gone down an additional 2 at its lowest last year under Trump. So that makes Obama worth over 4 times as many Trumps. And it's back to where it was in 2010 now in the fucked economy after Trump dickered around and didn't do a goddamn thing to mitigate the job losses during the shutdown. 

And it's not just his fake accomplishments that he keeps tooting his fleshy orange horn about. 
Trump's grasp of how Americans understand black history is goddamned embarrassing. This motherfucker is taking credit for Juneteenth. No, really. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, he said about scheduling his hate rally in Tulsa on June 19, "I did something good: I made Juneteenth very famous. It’s actually an important event, an important time. But nobody had ever heard of it." 

Think of the framing of that. "Nobody" means him and white people. It excludes, for instance, African Americans, most of whom have fucking heard of Juneteenth because it's so goddamn important. Trump said, "I had political people who had no idea." And then he asked an assistant, "Did you ever hear of Juneteenth before?" who, in a hilarious moment, responded that she learned about it when the White House put out a statement last year for the date, as it had every year. 

Even then, Trump couldn't help but be a fucking dickzit. "I don’t think it was put up by others. But we made people aware of it," he said, implying that no previous president had recognized it, despite the fact that both Barack Obama and George W. Bush issued multiple statements for Juneteenth. 

Trump did admit, "Actually, a young African-American Secret Service agent knew what it was." No shit.

Even on the most pressing racial issue, the one that caused him to have his fucking weirdo police event, the protests over the deaths of black people at the hands of police and people who took the law into their hands, Trump's proud ignorance just highlights his unabashed racism. He's pissed that people are still even talking about how he's failed to lead (as if he ever led a goddamn thing in his life other than the line to the omelet bar at Mar-a-Lago). The New York Times reported, "The remarks he made about [George] Floyd when he attended the launch of the SpaceX spacecraft should have been enough, the resident told aides."

He couldn't be bothered to learn the names of the people who were killed. Asked by the WSJ about meeting with the families of murdered black Americans, as he did on Tuesday before speaking, if any stories stood out, Trump said, acting like he was asked about favorite passages of the Bible, "All of them." Pressed on it, he offered, "Ahmed. Ahmad. He is the young man who was running. It was just sad to see. Mother was a fantastic woman. Made a great impression. They all made a great impression on me." And then, forgetting Ahmaud Arbery's name, he moved on to how important his law enforcement speech was. 

By the way, the families declined to appear at the ceremony where Trump gave that speech and signed his bullshit executive order. A lawyer described the meeting with Trump as "very contentious." Did they think this void of a human-shaped rage vessel would want anything more than to hear their praise? Did they expect empathy when, really, Trump probably thought they should comfort him for all that their loved ones' deaths had put him through politically? What a fucking tragic farce.

And, when it comes to Rayshard Brooks, the black man who was sleeping in his car at Wendy's drive-thru in Atlanta and got shot in the back running from police, well, Trump isn't gonna try to pretend to give a jolly donkey shit. On Crazy Sean Hannity's Circus of Self-Fellatio, Trump said, "I heard today and just got a report that the police officer's lawyer said that he heard a sound like a gun, like a gunshot. And he saw a flash in front of him. So, that's an interesting -- you know, I don't know that I would have necessarily believed that. But I will tell you, that's -- that's a very interesting thing." That's the kind of punk-ass shit he does all the time. He's not saying something's true. He's just asking questions about things he "heard," whether it's about the supposed "miracle" of hydroxychloroquine or the possible sinister motives of the elderly man pushed over by police in Buffalo. We call that the "little bitch" approach to arguments.

Trump's actually going along with much of conservative media on Brooks. As far as Tucker Carlson's bitch face and the rest of the right-wing machine are concerned, they're done pretending that cops do anything bad. Brooks pointed a taser at a cop and didn't listen to every word the cop said, so he deserved to die. Trump is always an echo chamber for whatever he saw on the TV just before speaking. 

Back at the police "reform" event, Trump concluded his speech, in part, with this odd statement: "To go forward, we must seek cooperation, not confrontation; we must build upon our heritage, not tear it down." Yeah, that cruel orange bastard wrapped up an event that happened because white people murdered black people by saying we shouldn't tear down symbols of the Confederacy. Motherfucker, if we really were tearing down our heritage of American racism, almost nothing would remain standing.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Trump Fights Reality As 2nd Wave Of Coronavirus Hits America

Donald Trump is trying to deny the very reality all around him at the moment because that reality isn't very good for his poll numbers. And if things get worse (and they will) those poll numbers are going to tank even further. 

New numbers are showing that the 2nd wave of the Coronavirus is currently upon us, and the resident is acting like this isn't even happening. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening. 

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Joy Reid: Just Stop Killing Us; This Isn't A Huge Demand | Morning Blow | MSNBC

MSNBC's Joy Reid says protesters in Minneapolis are risking the coronavirus to send a message to the country: 'Just stop killing us; this isn't a huge demand.' Aired on 05/29/2020.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Don't Let Trump And The Republicans Sacrifice You For The Economy

Donald Trump and other prominent Republican leaders around the country are trying to convince the public that it is totally safe to go back to work. But the truth is that it isn't. We aren't there yet, and it may be months before it is actually "safe" for Americans to return to work. 

But those in power have nothing to worry about - they have all the protective gear and testing equipment they could ever want.   

You don't.

Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains why you can't allow yourself to become a sacrifice from the Republicans to the Gods of Wall Street. 

Biden Ad Blisters Trump, Says #45 Destroyed The Economy Because He Refused To Respond To COVID-19

A new ad released from the Joe Biden campaign rips Donald Trump for destroying the economy as a result of this administration's disastrous response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The video's narrator says, "Donald Trump doesn't understand. We have an economic crisis because we have a public health crisis. And we have a public health crisis because he refused to act." 

The scathing ad ends with the following damning statement, "Donald Trump didn't build a great economy. His failure to lead destroyed one."

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Trump Lacks Every Quality Needed For Leadership In A Crisis

Former Republican strategist Steve Schmidt says he believes he sees panic from the resident in his 'epically bad' response to the coronavirus pandemic. Aired on 05/13/2020.

Resident Trump Just Needs To Shut The Fuck Up

Donald Trump nearly broke his single-day tweet record by tweeting more than 100 times on Sunday. 

The resident was tweeting lies about the pandemic, conspiracy theories about his predecessor, and insults at his enemies - none of which were relevant or helpful to the country. 

It is time someone just said it - Donald Trump just needs to shut the fuck up for a while. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Trump Crumbles As Female Reporters Stand Up To His Verbal Abuse

Wiejia Jiang and Kaitlan Collins bore the brunt of Trump's ire, but their backbone scared the pathetic toddler away.

By Aliza Worthington

Once again, Trump showed that he is a thin-skinned, racist, misogynistic bully. For some reason, he felt the need to hold a press conference declaring we're leading in a metric that does not exist (lives saved, which is not a thing you can measure...) and when reporters challenged him on his myriad lies and double standards, he went into familiar Defensive Donny mode.

He turned particularly disgusting and abusive at the end, towards CBS' Weijia Jiang, when she asked him why he continues to present COVID-19 information in competitive terms with other nations.
JIANG: You've said many times that the U.S. Is doing far better than any other country when it comes to testing.

JIANG: Why does that matter? Why is this a global competition to you if every day Americans are still losing their lives and we're still seeing more cases every day?

TRUMP: Well, they're losing their lives everywhere in the world. And maybe that's a question you should ask CHINA. Don't ask me. Ask CHINA that question, okay? When you ask them that question you may get a very unusual answer. Yes, behind you, please.

JIANG: Sir, why are you saying that to me specifically? That I should ask China?

TRUMP: I'm telling you. I'm not saying it specifically to anybody. I'm saying it to anybody that asks a nasty question.

JIANG: That's not a nasty question. Why does it matter?

TRUMP: Okay. Anybody else? Please, go ahead in the back. No, it's okay.

COLLINS: You pointed to me. I have two questions.

TRUMP: Next.

COLLINS: You called on me.

TRUMP: I did, and you didn't respond, and now i'm calling on the young lady in the back.

COLLINS: I just wanted to let my colleague finish.

TRUMP: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much, appreciate it. Thank you very much.

BLITZER: Very, very ugly ending to that one hour appearance by the president in the Rose Garden, refusing to answer our own White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins' question and going after another reporter, several reporters in the press in that one-hour exchange.

The indomitable Jiang was absolutely right to challenge him, and kudos also to Kaitlan Collins for allowing Jiang to follow up in order to be able to call Trump out. That is the sort of solidarity the press pool needs to be showing one another all the fucking time against this monster.

And of course because he cannot handle one woman standing up to him, let alone two, he tries to punish Collins by not letting her ask her questions. When she insists, he crumbles like the weak-ass, paper-thin-skinned coward that he is and ends the presser right there.

This is what happens when you stand up to a bully and an abuser in public. They cower and retreat.