Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tutorial. Show all posts

Monday, May 28, 2018

Using DnSPY With Cheat Engine To Get Those Hard To Find Values

Special thanks to AgntLuck from the Discord channel. Today we learn how we can use another software in combination with Cheat Engine to help us find codes better, easier and more efficient than hunt and peck, trial and error.

Download dnSPY:

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Felek's redNAND-free Wii U Hacking Guide

Noob Friendly / Kid Friendly / Idiot Friendly
WIP - Work In Progress, ToDo: Add vWii hacking guide, Add Credits, Brazilian Method, CBHC Installation
PSA: Don't use Wii!

Before we start [You need]:
  • SDCard [4GB, for Brazillian Method you need 16GB minimum]
  • PC/Laptop with SDCard reader
  • Brain. I don't take responsibility for your brick​
In this guide we'll cover:
  1. Blocking Updates [Using TitleDNS!]
  2. Browserhax [Homebrew Launcher+Files]
  3. Mocha CFW set up [redNAND free!]
  4. Haxchi Installation [Offline Homebrew Solution!]
  5. Brazilian Method [DLC, Updates, Games]
  6. ColdBootHaxChi Installation [Optional, CFW on boot!]

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Latest guides for 3DS hacking up to firmware 11.2

With the recent 33c3 concluding at the end of last year, came numerous exploit announcements for the 3DS scene, many of which have since been implemented and are in working stable condition. Two of those exploits being soundhax and fasthax, both developed by Ned Will, a prominent hacker of the 3DS scene.
Alongside these many exploits and developers, the 3DS scene also consists of many involved and active community members, which can be noted from the active discussions on their sub-reddit along with the rapid development rate of recent releases.
As of this writing, it is now possible to downgrade all current N3DS models and most O3DS models based on firmware version, using the combos of waithax/svchax/safefirmhax or fasthax/safefirmhax, keep in mind fasthax is still in alpha, well technically beta, though not officially beta as of this writing, but it should be soon, thanks to an active community, many users have implemented and compiled their own versions of the exploit and have had great success for many users in the process of downgrading/installing a9lh+cfw of choice.
Starting with 3DS models firmware 11.1 and lower, fasthax doesn’t support firmwares below 11.2, but there is waithax, which provided you have the patience as the name says, to wait, works flawlessly. A guide for 3DS models below firmware 11.2 can be found here:
Since Plailect has both updated links and instructions.
For 3DS models on firmware 11.2, things get a little complex. Users of these systems can follow reddit user Aurolei’s guide, using a custom fasthax/safefirmhax compiled binary file, that works with any entry point, same as prior.

Keen warning that this current implementation may be unstable as it is not an official stable release, but a community release for those eagers users who would like to downgrade and install the a9lh exploit alongside Luma3DS/NTR or whichever customer firmware of choice is preferred. I have personally downgraded two of my own systems using both exploits and their respectful guides, with absolutely no trouble, exact step by step instructions must be followed, or user errors are likely to cause unnecessary conflicts and errors.
Custom guide can be found here:
Aurolei’s Guide
Downgrades can take around 2+ hours, so time and patience are key.

Friday, December 2, 2016

DS Programming For Newbies

This is a PDF file that contains the posts made by Foxi4 in this post as an introduction into C programming.

This is so that people can download & view on mobile devices or print out, without having to go through each & every post he's done.

Monday, December 28, 2015

More Or Less Catch All Tutorial (3DS)

By Sgt. Lulz 

Since the 3DS scene is on red alert because of the keynote from a couple days ago, I decided to write a catch-all guide to installing Menuhax and Ironhax through Browserhax in anticipation of the upcoming exploits.

First and foremost:


If a system firmware update has been released, STOP READING THIS GUIDE. You need to set the blocker DNS before proceeding. You can read about this in the 'WHAT'S THIS ABOUT DNS?' section of this guide.

1. Download the Homebrew Starter Kit from
2. Place the contents in the root of your SD card

3. Proceed according to your System Version (Found on the top screen, bottom right corner in System Settings). You will need this system version to install Ironhax as well, so write it down if you need it.
4a. Old 3DS, System Ver. <= 10.1.0-27:
Visit on your 3DS browser and follow the instructions.
4b. Old 3DS, System Ver. = 10.3.0-28:
Visit on your 3DS browser and follow the instructions.
4c. New 3DS, System Ver. <= 10.1.0-27:
Visit on your 3DS browser and follow the instructions.
4d. New 3DS, System Ver. = 10.3.0-28:
Visit on your 3DS browsr and follow the instructions.​

You should now see the Homebrew Menu. If you don't, restart the console and try again. Clearing the cookies and cache in your browser helps.

The next step is installing a new entrypoint, as Browserhax becomes unavailable every time a new system update comes out, potentially even leading to it being patched.

You have two entrypoints available for install from here: Menuhax and Ironhax.

You'll definitely want to get Menuhax, but Ironhax is also an option if you're a complete klutz (In your own opinion anyway, I don't mean to insult anybody) and are afraid of system updates or changing Home Menu themes.


1. Open the Menuhax_Manager app.
2. Hit 'Install'.
3. You're done.

OPTIONAL: Hit 'Setup a built-in Home Menu 'Basic' color theme' to use a different theme with Menuhax.​
To activate: Hold L while starting up your 3DS to open the Homebrew Menu.

CAUTION: Don't change your Home Menu theme after installing this, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Doing so will uninstall Menuhax and render it unusable. There are ways to use any themes if you REALLY want to do so, which I will further explain in the future.


1. Open the eShop - Old Version Downloader app.
2. Download Ironfall Invasion
3. Restart and open the Homebrew Menu (Using either Menuhax or Browserhax)
4. Open the Ironhax Installer app.
5. Follow the onscreen instructions. Your Ironfall version will most definitely be 1.0. System Version will be whatever you wrote down during the first guide, and the save slot doesn't matter.
6. You're done.
To activate: Open Ironfall Invasion and open the save slot you installed the exploit to.

CAUTION: Don't update Ironfall Invasion after installing this, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. The game will update to an unexploitable version.


You wait for the CFW and other-such >9.2.0-20 kernel stuff to show up.
I'll update this guide when it DOES happen.


System Versions 9.9 and above force you to update to use the Browser, as it checks with Nintendo's servers if the console is on the latest firmware to prevent exploitation. The current System Firmware as of this guide, 10.3, is exploitable as well as not needing the DNS. Things will change at 10.4 and beyond.


To change your DNS settings to bypass this:

1. Open System Settings.
2. Go to Internet Settings > Connection Settings. Edit your main connection settings.
3. Set Auto-Obtain DNS to 'No' and enter under the DNS: Both primary and secondary.
4. Do this for all your other connections, if any.

Remember: Don't update. Ever.

To the smart people:
If I've missed anything in this guide or there are any mistakes, let me know.
Thanks for reading, and stay safe out there.