Saturday, January 7, 2017

Russian hack of US election

Still Supporting Donald Trump? This Message Is For You

Your Weekly Address

In this week’s address, President Obama discusses his upcoming farewell address to the nation.

Ex-Mexican President Reminds Trump He's Not Paying For That 'Fucken' Wall

By Karoli Kuns

Ex-Mexican President Reminds Trump He's Not Paying For That 'F*cken' Wall (UPDATED)
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox sent Donald Trump a message about his wall. He didn't hold anything back.
Fox pinned this one to the top of his profile, in order to give it special prominence.
I think his position is clear, don't you?
A new, even more harsh tweet:

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Latest guides for 3DS hacking up to firmware 11.2

With the recent 33c3 concluding at the end of last year, came numerous exploit announcements for the 3DS scene, many of which have since been implemented and are in working stable condition. Two of those exploits being soundhax and fasthax, both developed by Ned Will, a prominent hacker of the 3DS scene.
Alongside these many exploits and developers, the 3DS scene also consists of many involved and active community members, which can be noted from the active discussions on their sub-reddit along with the rapid development rate of recent releases.
As of this writing, it is now possible to downgrade all current N3DS models and most O3DS models based on firmware version, using the combos of waithax/svchax/safefirmhax or fasthax/safefirmhax, keep in mind fasthax is still in alpha, well technically beta, though not officially beta as of this writing, but it should be soon, thanks to an active community, many users have implemented and compiled their own versions of the exploit and have had great success for many users in the process of downgrading/installing a9lh+cfw of choice.
Starting with 3DS models firmware 11.1 and lower, fasthax doesn’t support firmwares below 11.2, but there is waithax, which provided you have the patience as the name says, to wait, works flawlessly. A guide for 3DS models below firmware 11.2 can be found here:
Since Plailect has both updated links and instructions.
For 3DS models on firmware 11.2, things get a little complex. Users of these systems can follow reddit user Aurolei’s guide, using a custom fasthax/safefirmhax compiled binary file, that works with any entry point, same as prior.

Keen warning that this current implementation may be unstable as it is not an official stable release, but a community release for those eagers users who would like to downgrade and install the a9lh exploit alongside Luma3DS/NTR or whichever customer firmware of choice is preferred. I have personally downgraded two of my own systems using both exploits and their respectful guides, with absolutely no trouble, exact step by step instructions must be followed, or user errors are likely to cause unnecessary conflicts and errors.
Custom guide can be found here:
Aurolei’s Guide
Downgrades can take around 2+ hours, so time and patience are key.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Bernie Sanders Erupts On The Senate Floor And Calls Out Trump Lies On Cutting Healthcare

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) took on president-elect Donald Trump and called him for lying when he claimed that he would not take healthcare away from millions of Americans. 

By Jason Easley

Highlighting a May 2015 tweet Trump sent where he claimed he was the only potential GOP presidential candidate against cuts in Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security, Sanders wanted Trump to stand up to Congressional Republicans and Paul Ryan or admit he was “lying” and just trying to get votes. I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. Huckabee copied me. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 7, 2015

The former Democratic presidential candidate also brought up Trump’s statements hammering Ryan on the campaign trail for wanting to make cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.

The Senate is currently debating the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

Watch the clip above of Sanders pulling out his visual aid, via C-SPAN2.Bernie Sanders Senate Floor Speech On Affordable Care Act 1/4/17

Sanders said, “What we are looking at right now is a budget process whose ultimate goal is to remove health insurance from tens of millions of Americans.”

Sen. Sanders continued, “Let us be very clear, the Republican plan, their budget plan, lays the groundwork for ending the Affordable Care Act, which will remove tens of millions of Americans from the health insurance they get.”

He demanded that Republicans come down and tell the Senate what their new plan is.

Sanders called out Trump and the Republicans for wanting to end Medicare as it currently exists by turning it into a voucher program.

Later in his speech, Sen. Sanders took direct aim at the president-elect’s lies about not cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, “Mr. Trump right now has got to do one of two things. Number one, if all that he was talking about was campaign rhetoric then what he is obliged to do now is to tell the American people, ‘Yeah, I was lying. Yeah, I said I would not support cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid but I was lying. It was a campaign ruse. I just said what came to my mind to get votes. I have no intention of keeping my word.’

Sanders said that if Trump was sincere about not cutting Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, “I would hope that tomorrow or maybe today he could send out a tweet and tell his Republican colleagues to stop wasting their time … [and] tell the American people that he will veto any proposal that cuts Medicare, that cuts Medicaid and the cuts Social Security.”

The speech from Sen. Sanders was a barn burner, and it was the loudest shot yet from Senate Democrats in their resistance movement against the Republican agenda.

Bernie Sanders has been one of the staunchest supporters of expanding the beloved programs in the Senate. What the Republicans have done is nothing less than an act of war against decades of social safety net progress.

Senate Democrats are going to make Republicans regret their efforts to dismantle Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

When It Comes To The Filibuster, No Hypocrisy Is Too Far For The GOP

Posted by Rude One

Today, Senate Majority Leader and bespectacled squirrel nutsack Mitch McConnell went on the attack at the suggestion that Democrats would try to block any Donald Trump-nominated shit-tossers from the Supreme Court. "[T]he American people simply will not tolerate" such an action, said the man who made obstruction and filibuster the twin pillars of GOP fuckery for the last eight years and who continues to justify blocking President Obama's nominee, Merrick Garland, on a vague, made-up rule about when a president gets to decide who is on the court.

Not only that, but it was literally just two months ago that Republican senators were literally saying that they would not confirm any Supreme Court justice nominated by a presumptive President Hillary Clinton. Literally: "If Hillary becomes president, I am going to do everything I can do to make sure four years from now, we still got an opening on the Supreme Court," said terrible Senator Richard Burr, since reelected in the terrible state of North Carolina.

And the typical response from the festering dick holes on social media when someone on the left points out that Democrats are just doing something that Republicans either have done or have said they were totally gonna do? A whiny "Oh, you hated it when Republicans did it. Aren't you just hypocrites?" No, fucko, what's hypocritical is all of a sudden acting pissy when someone else does the exact same shit you did. Goddamn, it doesn't even fucking occur to these sphincter mites. If Republicans sacrificed their virgin children to Ba'al in order win elections and all of a sudden Democrats decided to get in on the unholy action, Mitch McConnell would be making a statement against using children in ancient blood rites while he was still holding a dripping knife.

In an interview yesterday, Senator Chuck Schumer said of the Democrats' elimination of the filibuster for cabinet picks in 2013 that he wishes "it hadn't happened." But that puts the blame for the rule change on Democrats when, clearly, it belongs with Republicans. In four years, Republicans had filibustered 30 Obama nominees for positions in the Executive Branch. That compares with 20 in all of the previous history of the United States. Instead of bemoaning the action the Democrats took so that President Obama could have a functioning cabinet, Schumer should be saying that the motherfuckers of the right wouldn't stop fucking mothers unless someone stepped in and smacked their hard-ons away.

The filibuster is about to become the Democrats' biggest ally and the GOP's greatest nemesis. They will screech and cry about how Democrats won't let the "historic mandate" that President Trump has be fulfilled. And Trump's idiot hordes will weep and rend garments, even as they die in the streets from lack of health care, demanding that their slobbering mad king be allowed to run riot. Democrats will have to gird their loins and hike up their pants to get ready for the shit storm that's coming their way for the crime of just trying to desperately prevent the whole country from sliding off the mountain on a hill into the wasteland below.

The greatest hypocrisy will come when the GOP votes to eliminate the filibuster completely. And then the reign of the shit heels and the bumble fucks can begin in earnest.

(Oh, and, by the way, Senator McConnell, if the American people gave two shits about who is blocking Supreme Court nominees, your ass would be on the street right now. It ain't a winner of an issue.)

Lingering questions

Monday, January 2, 2017

How Ed Schultz transformed from MSNBC lefty to the American face of Moscow media

By Paul Farhi

Ed Schultz has gone from liberal commentator on MSNBC to RT anchor. (Associated Press)
Ed Schultz used to be the bombastic lefty host of a syndicated radio show and daily MSNBC program. He befriended Hillary Clinton, called Donald Trump “a racist” for his birther views, and once beseeched God to take Dick Cheney “to the promised land.

In 2014, he ripped Russian President Vladi­mir Putin’s “nasty” human rights record. He also torched American conservatives for siding with the Russian president as a counter to President Obama. “Putie is their new hero,” sneered Schultz.

But the times have changed. And so has Ed Schultz.

In mid-2015, MSNBC handed Schultz his last paycheck. After six years on the air, the ratings of his daily program, “The Ed Show,” were soft and MSNBC was going for more news in Schultz’s time slot, not opinion. His daily radio show had ended the previous year.

So Schultz went back to his lakefront home in Detroit Lakes, Minn., and took stock. At 61, after a lifetime in broadcasting, he concluded he wasn’t done. In early 2016, he returned to television, albeit in an unlikely place and role for a guy who once styled himself as a “prairie populist.” He became the lead news anchor for RT America, the domestic network of what was once known as Russia Today, a globe-spanning multimedia organization funded by the Russian government.

Schultz, in other words, went to work for “Putie.”

The transition would require a bit of adjustment.

Schultz now hosts RT America’s signature evening newscast, “News With Ed Schultz,” produced in a studio located three blocks from the White House. Schultz is the American face — ruddy, beefy, with a megaphone voice — of a Moscow-based media organization that reports the news a little differently than CNN or NBC.

“Good evening, friends,” Schultz boomed on his program one recent evening before swiftly segueing into “the alleged hacking” of the presidential election by Russia. Schultz skipped the latest details, such as President Obama’s views on the matter or the consensus among American intelligence agencies about the extent of Russian meddling. Instead he went straight to Ed Schultz’s view of the matter: “This has become a lifeline for Clinton supporters in an effort to reverse the outcome of the election. . . . In the meantime, the story has entered the arena of outrageous.”

Schultz quickly threw to a recorded package, in which RT America reporter Alexey Yaroshevsky wondered how long the “spiraling downfall of sanity” over hacking in the U.S. media would continue. “Until the public sees forensic evidence, if such exists at all, these accusations should carry as much weight as online humor,” Yaroshevsky reported.

Next up: A Schultz-led panel discussion of Trump’s appointment of ExxonMobil chief executive Rex Tillerson as secretary of state and Tillerson’s ties to Putin.

“Why is [Tillerson’s] business relationships and successes with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the business world and in the energy industry, why is that a negative on Capitol Hill?” he asked the panel, almost pleading. “Isn’t that a positive thing that he knows Putin?”


RT, whose slogan is “Question More,” arrived in Washington in 2010, five years after being launched in Moscow by its founder, Margarita Simonyan, at the time a 25 year old state journalist. Simonyan, who remains RT’s editor in chief, was also a member of Putin’s re-election staff in 2012.

Schultz, now 62, is one of several Americans who appear on the domestic channel. Others include former New York Times reporter Chris Hedges, who hosts “On Contact,” a weekly interview show featuring “dissident voices”; Max Keiser, who has a financial program; and Tyrel Ventura, co-host of public-affairs show called “Watching the Hawks” and the son of former Minnesota governor and RT personality Jesse Ventura.

RT America has broad distribution via the Internet, but virtually no presence on cable; only 19 cable systems (out of 5,208 nationwide) carry the channel. Nevertheless, RT claimed this year that it had a weekly TV audience of more than 8 million in the United States , a questionable figure given its limited cable carriage.

Schultz, who once said on MSNBC that Putin is “crippling” his country, now has a Russo-friendly, or perhaps American-skeptical, viewpoint on any number of issues on his RT program. So do most of the guests he interviews.

The crisis in the Syrian city of Aleppo, besieged by Syrian and Russian military forces? Apparently, it’s the United States’ fault: “You’ve got [Secretary of State] John Kerry supposedly trying to find the peace while the U.S. is being an arms dealer right into the city of Aleppo,” said Schultz on Dec. 8.

Fake online news, allegedly generated by Russian sources? Schultz, a North Dakotan who once considered running for the U.S. Senate as a Democrat, thinks it’s all “fear and hype” by the American news media and a smear by the Democratic Party, especially Clinton.

“If they [the American media] want to go after fake news, they can start with the Clinton campaign and their accusations” about Russian involvement, he said on a broadcast in September.

RT America’s approach to the news makes some American officials and foreign-policy observers wonder: Is it merely “an alternative voice,” as it likes to say, or something more sinister?

Stanford professor Michael McFaul, the former American ambassador to Russia, calls RT “an instrument of the Russian state. Their mission is to advance the mission of Mr. Putin and the [Russian] government.”

By mimicking the look and feel of an American newscast — even to the extent of permitting an occasional dissent from the Kremlin-centric line — RT is trying to “disguise” its real intent, he said.

And Schultz is part of the strategy, says McFaul. “They put on a lot of Americans as hosts and journalists,” he said. “The idea is to obfuscate and confuse people about it being a government entity.”

Schultz, a former college quarterback and sportscaster, rebutted the notion that he or RT America were mouthpieces for the Kremlin. He blamed the news media — and Clinton.

“The Clinton camp is trying to do all it can to connect Donald Trump to Putin,” he said during a phone interview in early September. “They’re trying to cast anyone on RT in a negative light. I think it’s deplorable. We’re journalists. We’re fair. We have correspondents all over the world. Yes, part of our funding comes from the government. But so does the BBC. So does the Canadian Broadcasting Network. The mainstream depiction of RT is a travesty. It’s dishonest.”

A follow-up question: How does Schultz square his liberal résumé with his current embrace of a Kremlin-friendly outfit like RT?

That question will have to wait. Schultz agreed to another interview in mid-October, and even sounded eager about it. But when a reporter came to RT’s Washington office on the appointed day, he was intercepted in the lobby by a network representative. The interview, she said without explanation, was off.

Reporters from Politico and the Daily Beast got the same treatment this year. Their interviews with Schultz were canceled at the last minute, too.

Fast-forward to early December. Schultz sounded eager about talking again but deferred final approval to an RT spokeswoman, Tiffany Evans. A few days later, Evans declined via email.


The RT gig marks another twist in Schultz’s long and winding broadcast career.

Schultz began as a radio and TV sportscaster on stations in North Dakota after his days as a football player culminated with tryouts with the Oakland Raiders and New York Jets. In the mid-1990's, he began a second line, hosting a political-talk show on a Fargo radio station. Schultz was no liberal then. As the Los Angeles Times once described it, “Big Eddie,” as he was known, would scoff at local Democratic officials and deride the homeless. “How about getting a job?” he’d ask on the air.

But the budding Rush Limbaugh underwent a stunning political conversion a few years later, switching from conservative talk-show host to a fiery liberal one.

Schultz attributed the conversion to his wife, Wendy Noack, a psychiatric nurse who worked in a Fargo homeless shelter and later became his radio producer. Schultz’s longtime friend from Fargo, Don Haney, thinks the transition was sincere. “The change was gradual, but Ed really meant it,” says Haney, an anchor and reporter at KFGO-AM, Schultz’s old station.

But others suspected that Schultz merely smelled an opportunity for counter-programming in a field dominated by conservatives.

In any case, Schultz-the-liberal was no less subtle than his conservative persona. He taunted Limbaugh for his drug addiction and tore into President George W. Bush as an enemy of “the working stiff” (later on, in 2011, he apologized after calling conservative radio host Laura Ingraham “a right-wing slut” on his radio program).

But this second guise was Schultz’s most successful. Backed by donations from Democrats, Schultz took his radio program into national syndication in 2004. “The Ed Schultz Show” eventually reached about 100 stations, including those in big cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington.

Among those who came calling was the senator from New York, Hillary Clinton; she sat for several interviews with him and described him as “a personal friend.”
MSNBC hired him in 2009, just as President Obama took office.

Brent Budowsky, a columnist for the Hill newspaper and an irregular guest on Schultz’s program, says he still views Schultz “as a strong voice for progressive populism.” Even so, he says, RT promotes the interests of the Russian government, sometimes moving into outright “propaganda.”

Budowsky calls Schultz “a good man in a difficult spot.”

But perhaps a comfortable one, too. In October, Haney saw his old friend again when they traveled to Des Moines to interview Bernie Sanders. They flew there on Schultz’s newly purchased jet, whose previous owner was golf legend Arnold Palmer.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

When did Trump develop fealty to Russia, & why does it persist after their cyber attack?

ALTHOUGH PRESIDENT Obama’s sanctions against Russia for interfering with the U.S. presidential election came late, his action on Thursday reflected a bipartisan consensus that penalties must be imposed for Moscow’s audacious hacking and meddling. 

But one prominent voice in the United States reacted differently. President-elect Donald Trump said “it’s time for our country to move on to bigger and better things.” Earlier in the week, he asserted that the “whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what is going on.”

No, Mr. Trump, it is not time to move on. U.S. intelligence agencies are in agreement about “what is going on”: a brazen and unprecedented attempt by a hostile power to covertly sway the outcome of a U.S. presidential election through the theft and release of material damaging to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. The president-elect’s dismissive response only deepens unanswered questions about his ties to Russia in the past and his plans for cooperation with Vladi­mir Putin.

For his part, Mr. Putin seems to be eagerly anticipating the Trump presidency. On Friday, he promised to withhold retaliatory sanctions, clearly hoping the new Trump administration will nullify Mr. Obama’s acts. Then Mr. Trump cheered on Twitter: “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) — I always knew he was very smart!”

For any American leader, an attempt to subvert U.S. democracy ought to be unforgivable — even if he is the intended beneficiary. Some years ago, then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned of a “cyber-Pearl Harbor,” and the fear at the time was of a cyberattack collapsing electric grids or crashing financial markets. Now we have a real cyber-Pearl Harbor, though not one that was anticipated. Mr. Obama has pledged a thorough investigation and disclosure; the information released on Thursday does not go far enough. Congress should not shrink from establishing a select committee for a full-scale probe.

Mr. Obama also hinted at additional retaliation, possibly unannounced, and we believe it would be justified to deter future mischief. How about shedding a little sunshine on Mr. Putin’s hidden wealth and that of his coterie?

Mr. Trump has been frank about his desire to improve relations with Russia, but he seems blissfully untroubled by the reasons for the deterioration in relations, including Russia’s instigation of an armed uprising in Ukraine, its seizure of Crimea, its efforts to divide Europe and the crushing of democracy and human rights at home.

Why is Mr. Trump so dismissive of Russia’s dangerous behavior? Some say it is his lack of experience in foreign policy, or an oft-stated admiration for strongmen, or naivete about Russian intentions. But darker suspicions persist. Mr. Trump has steadfastly refused to be transparent about his multibillion-dollar business empire. Are there loans or deals with Russian businesses or the state that were concealed during the campaign? Are there hidden communications with Mr. Putin or his representatives? We would be thrilled to see all the doubts dispelled, but Mr. Trump’s odd behavior in the face of a clear threat from Russia, matched by Mr. Putin’s evident enthusiasm for the president-elect, cannot be easily explained.

Read more on this topic:
Greg Sargent: The Trump camp’s spin on Russian interference is falling apart
Ruth Marcus: On Russia, Trump is incapable of looking past politics
Jennifer Rubin: A moment of truth on Russia

Why Donald Trump Is Going To Be A Uniquely Terrible President

America has elected a dim-witted demagogue. We're in for a long, bumpy ride.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr

The world was gloomy before I won – there was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!”

“Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks. Thought it was going to be a smooth transition – NOT!”

We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect. They used to have a great friend in the U.S., but not anymore. The beginning of the end was the horrible Iran deal, and now this (U.N.)! Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!”

These are tweets from President-elect Donald Trump’s account.

“Aren’t you scared?” my friend Q asked, tilting his red cup back as I filled mine up. “The world will be laughing at us. He’s like a substitute president. Trump is the substitute teacher of presidents!”

We laughed even though it wasn’t funny.

“Substitute teacher?” I replied, scratching my head.

I never really thought about it like that, but Q is so right. I instantly flashed back to sixth grade, seventh grade, eighth grade and straight through high school, and to the universal language all kids speak: A substitute in the classroom means a day off, no work, a break until the teacher decides to come back and question why nothing got accomplished while they were away, as if they already don’t know the answer.

No one ever thinks about, looks for or honors substitutes; they have no Sub Of The Year Awards, appreciation days or even a system to gauge their effectiveness. The only difference between Donald Trump and a classroom sub is that I can never imagine a substitute taking credit for fixing or even trying to fix a school system.

Like Donald, substitutes are outsiders, nothing like the people responsible for shaping a normal routine. Full-time teachers normally hold degrees in their fields and have completed the work to attain and maintain some type of official certification. They are qualified, for the most part. Teachers don’t just step into a classroom one day because they are bored with business or want to somehow Make Teaching Great Again. But I do remember a number of substitutes from my years in school who would say things like, “I don’t need this job, I have my own business! You need me more than I need you, and all you kids will fail at life!” Sounds familiar.

My favorite sub in middle school was Mr. Yancy. He’d make those types of statements over and over again, but we never really listened, because he was a sub! But we liked to hold a trash can above his head and slam dunk paper balls on him until he threatened to call the principal. On good days, Yancy would try to block the dunks or attempt to slam one himself, which is why we liked him, but all in all, no one really learned anything, because we couldn’t take him seriously. It reminds me now of how we think of Trump and his sophomoric Twitter tirades as a joke, too. Which brings me to the fear question my friend Q raised.

Other countries follow our celebrities and public figures; they pay attention to our reporting and are witnessing Trump’s incomplete, logic-free stump speeches. They see the way in which he celebrates racism and divisiveness — to many of his fans, the good ol’ days. What are they thinking? Will they still want to do business with us? Will they continue to see us as a super power, or are we now super idiots?

Hopefully they’ll be able to understand that this is just a brief four-year intermission, a last hopeless attempt at sustaining white supremacy. Like Yancy, Trump will disappear. He’s a substitute who won’t be around for long. Some things may become chaotic during his tenure, like with any substitute, but real leaders will return some day soon, and we can get back to business as usual.

D. Watkins is the author of The Beast Side: Living and Dying While Black in America. He has been published in Salon, New York Times, the Guardian and other publications, and he is a frequent contributor to NPR and CNN. 

Friday, December 30, 2016

Fuck You, Donald Trump

Fuck You, Donald Trump

Fuck you, Donald Trump.

Fuck you for being a hypersensitive, grossly plump caricature of a human being; a squirming mass of cockroaches lurking under a skinsuit veneer.

Fuck your wanton plundering of our social fabric, your willingness to tear down the structure that allows you to exist, your glorification of the worst parts of humanity, all in the name of your own insatiable greed and depravity.

Fuck your racebaiting, fearmongering, Nazi-enabling rhetoric that allows the darkest and most destructive corners of our collective zeitgeist free reign to terrorize the rest.

Fuck your ignorant paucity of intellect, your narcissistic belief in your own ego, your inability to recognize your own descent into fascism.

Fuck your promotions of white supremacists to positions of power, of science denying crackpots to oversee our future, of bootlicking toadies to oversee your transition.

Fuck your misogynistic views on women’s rights, fuck your archaic beliefs on the freedom of press and religion, and fuck your idiotic venality when it comes to the destruction of a country that, while not always achieving freedom for all of its citizens, has done the best to get there in the entirety of recorded human history.

Fuck you, Melania Trump.
Fuck you for being willing to support this disgusting slime mold because it means you can live a life of privilege and luxury, never mind the hardships that will befall women across this nation due to your husband’s philistinic views.

Fuck you for posing for puff pieces in entertainment magazines while the cabal of shitgoblins your partner is assembling gets ready to reverse everything that has allowed you to possess even the most moderate amount of power.

Fuck you for taking the easy choice, the choice to suck the dick of a loathsome troll in order to wear Hugo Boss dresses, instead of taking a stand in order to protect the fifty percent of our population who shares your gender.

Fuck you for smiling and waving at the cameras when your husband is on record as saying, “Grab them (women) by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Fuck your betrayal of everything Susan B. Anthony and other suffragettes fought for, fuck your tacit acceptance that a woman should be an accessory to a man, fuck your self-centered interest in insuring your own well-being over the well-being of the country that allows you such a lifestyle.

Fuck you, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Trump Jr.
Fuck you for being willing lackeys of this pusillanimous ape, for carrying his water on television and in media interviews.

Fuck you for clinging to his hairy teat, for not finding the courage to strike out on your own, for not recognizing that even though you can’t choose your parents, you can certainly choose your own path in life.

Fuck you for normalizing this piece of shit wannabe-Hitler, for treating his wretched series of business enterprises as anything other than the fraudulent snake-oil jobs that they are, for bowing beneath the lash instead of standing tall and making your own way, despite the loss it might incur.

Fuck you for the hate and pain you will inflict on hundreds of thousands of American citizens because you couldn’t muster the courage to say, “No, this isn’t right, and even though I’m related to you by blood, I refuse to proceed with this abhorrent state of affairs.”

Fuck your greasy, slimy, frat-house words and beliefs, your ideals that would tear us apart, your craven unworthiness to occupy a public space that you achieved through no merit of your own, one which you have no idea what to do with other than to cause hurt.

Fuck you, Jared Kushner.
Fuck your anti-Semitism.

Fuck your quisling compliance, your willingness to see those like you tortured and degraded in order to further your own lot in life.

Fuck your manipulation of our media through your financial control of the Observer, fuck your sheltered life of wanton privilege, fuck your inability to understand the arc of history.

Fuck everything you do to uphold a wretched lout who would suffer no qualms in ordering you in front of the firing squad if it meant he might live another day.

Fuck you, Republicans who refuse to disown this bloated leech.

Fuck your cowardice, your disavowal of the solemn duties of your office?—?keeping this country safe from tyrants and demagogues.

Fuck you for meekly bending the knee in compliance, instead of speaking truth to power.

Fuck you for choosing political expediency over courage, fuck you for sacrificing the poor and the sick, fuck you for dragging our government into a hole from which it may never recover.
Fuck you, members of the media.

Fuck your constant pursuit of ratings, of quarterly profits, of giving this tinpot cumdumpster a platform with which he can influence a large part of our country

Fuck you for buying into the idea that racism should be afforded an equal platform with equality, for calling a Nazi anything other than a Nazi.

Fuck your smarmy think-pieces attempting to normalize a new hegemony, fuck your cowardice in the face of totalitarianism, fuck your CEOs and VP's and executive producers who are willing to feed the innocent to the depraved in order to forestall their own demise.

Fuck you for not doing your job.

Fuck you, Trump supporters.
Fuck you for your willing ignorance, your inability to understand that a fascist is telling you exactly what he wants to do to you.

Fuck you for tearing apart the rule of law, and bringing back the rule of force.

Fuck you for not caring, for believing the easy lies you read instead of using your brain to find the truth.

Fuck you for putting your petty hatreds and squabbles ahead of everything that once made this country great, and fuck you for unwittingly causing it to fall.
Fuck you everyone who refuses to take a stand against this man.

Fuck your inability to understand history.

Fuck your selfish interests that ignore the fact that if one of us isn’t free, none of us is free.

Fuck your willingness to normalize this dictator, your filthy desire for more lucre, your inability to fight for your fellow citizens and everything this country once stood for. The Founders would be ashamed of you.
Fuck your blind optimism that things will somehow magically turn out okay, fuck your American exceptionalism draped in the corpses of communities of color, fuck your overwhelming ignorance that could be solved if you simply wished to learn and ask ‘why.’

Above all, fuck your cowardice, your self-loathing hypocrisy, your myopic blinders keeping you from identifying the single greatest threat our republic has faced since we took up arms against the British, because if someone other than you suffers, somehow that makes it just fine.

Fuck you, Donald Trump, for turning my country into something that it never should have become, for turning it into something no country should ever become.

Fuck you, Donald Trump, for driving us into conflict, one that will most likely end in violence.

Fuck you, Donald Trump.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

How To Tell Black People Apart

I need to laugh, mainly because of the fucked up year that we just went through.  This is some of the funniest shit that I could come up with. dlevere.

By PW Staff

David Bowie, Prince, Zsa Zsa Gabor all gone. Just to screw with us, rocker George Michael who famously wrote the tune “Last Christmas” died...on Christmas.

Carrie Fisher died and Debbie Reynolds a day later.

There was Zika in South America, Brexit in the U.K., and wildfires in Tennessee. An alligator swallowed a 2-year-old in Florida, and they murdered that gorilla Harambe in Cincinnati. A bunch of armed white dudes took over a federal building (and beat the rap); a bunch of unarmed black men were shot and killed by cops (and never got justice).

Then someone retaliated by assassinating police officers in Dallas. There were mass shootings in Orlando, Chicago and Kansas and a warehouse club fire in Oakland. America continues to fight wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and did little as thousands were being decimated in Syria.

Back home in Philadelphia, some idiot ripped off the banister from the Union League steps, Teamster boss John Dougherty got pinched and people got robbed while wasting hours of their lives trying to find those coveted Charizards in Pokemon Go.

Oh and then as a nation, we elected Donald Trump as leader of the free world.

How to Tell Black People Apart

David Alan Grier may be responsible for solving Hollywood's most awkward problem - those moments when black celebrities are confused with other black celebrities. We're sure you remember the Samuel L. Jackson debacle, the Alfre Woodard, Idris Elba disaster, or the Octavia Spencer red carpet mishap.
This infomercial for David Alan Grier’s book “How To Tell Black People Apart” featured on Jimmy Kimmel Live is not only the funniest thing we've seen all day, but it's also just what the world needs.

In it, Grier shares the side-splitting acronym you’ll never remember: PATWWFLLM. Which stands for “Pay Attention To What We Fucking Look Like Motherfuckers!!!”

The book may not be real, but the problem sure is. Hopefully Grier’s spoof is as educational as it is hilarious.

O Holy Night worst rendition ever FUNNIEST SONG ON EARTH

If you need a good laugh, and I mean 'can't breathe, stomach hurts' belly laugh, listen to the worst rendition of Oh Holy Night ever. Warning, put all drinks down and take a few deep breaths first so you don't suffocate from laughter. It starts out as sounding like a merely poor rendition of the song, but just wait.

Wing - Dancing Queen 

For 8 years, I've watched you be the better man

By babylonsister

Emerging Christian pastor to President Obama: For 8 years, I've watched you be the better man
By Leslie Salzillo
Wednesday Dec 28, 2016 · 2:21 PM EST

In this open letter to President Obama, John Pavlovitz writes about how history will secure the President’s grand legacy and body of wor. After watching President Obama for eight years, Pavlovitz shares his observations. Here are some excerpts from his June piece.

• I’ve watched the way you’ve absorbed a billion body blows from your critics; brutal words that run far deeper than policy or platform, words composed within poisoned hearts long before you served a single day in office.

• I’ve watched you bombarded with a daily Molotov cocktail of white privilege and hidden or overt racism disguised as objective opposition.

• I’ve watched your wife and children attacked with a ferocity and malevolence that defy any sense of decency and that have no precedence.

• I’ve watched your birthplace called into question, your personal faith ridiculed, your very humanity discounted.

• I’ve watched you endure the incessant, bitter venom of those for whom the color of your skin was always going to be a problem.

• And through all of it, I’ve watched you be the better man.

Pavlovitz tells President Obama that “In the face of a sustained, spitting, violent, raw-throated hatred, you’ve never responded in kind.” He writes that Obama never allowed himself to be defined by bigotry and never disrespected his critics — by becoming them. This, Pavlovitz says, will be President Obama’s greatest legacy.

The truth is, many of us understand that the Evangelical Right, the NRA, FoxNews, and far too many ordinary folks living here were simply never going to be okay with a man of color leading them and succeeding—and yet you have done both.

Eight years later, those same people still strain to bait you into reciprocating bitterness and in fulfilling their toxic prophecies of you, while you simply continue to do what you do with nobility, compassion, good humor, and steadfast, unapologetic conviction.

John Pavlovitz tells President Obama, “You live the grace so many Christians invoke but rarely model.” The pastor adds, as a father, he realizes his children are always watching him, taking cues from the way he treats people and how he responds to adversity. He knows his children watch how he cares for those in pain, how he handles mistreatment and that his words will always be secondary to his conduct. “This is where I find my deepest gratitude for you in these days.” He tells the President, “For eight years you have worked for those who have been marginalized, even while so many have sought to marginalize you. “

Pavlovitz writes that he and so many others are trying to live passionately yet with integrity and are committed to standing upon principles and never upon people. He says, “We are seeing the way you’ve done it and are moved to move similarly together.”

So you’ll forgive me if I speak informally right now, and if I use words used often brandished by your critics to undermine the work you’ve done and the life you’ve lived and the character you’ve shown.

Without a trace of irony or sarcasm, let me simply say:

Thanks, Obama.

This. Once again, John Pavlovitz proves there are Christians out there who actually follow the words of Christ, who actually care deeply about others, and who are not afraid to speak out against religious hypocrisy. More, please — and thank you, Pastor Pavlovitz.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

FORTRAN for the Web

By Al Williams

There’s an old saying: “I don’t know what programming language scientists and engineers will use in the 22nd century, but I know it will be called FORTRAN.” FORTRAN was among the first real programming languages and, along with LISP, one of the oldest still in common use. If you are one of those that still loves FORTRAN, you no longer have to be left out of the Web development craze thanks to

Naturally, the site is served by — what else — FORTRAN. The system allows for Jade templates, SQLite databases, and other features aimed at serving up web pages. The code is hosted on GitHub, and you can find several examples there, as well.

If you’ve ever wanted to do formatted I/O to a web page, here’s your chance. Come to think of it, why not? We’ve seen servers in BASIC and even in Linux shell script. Of course, today’s FORTRAN isn’t the one we learned back in the 1970’s (we assume if you didn’t learn about FORTRAN in the 1970’s, you quit reading this post a while back… prove us wrong and show us your FORTRAN projects).

Don't you dare tell me to 'get over it' or 'be tolerant'!

I listened as you called my President a Muslim.
I listened as you called him and his family a pack of monkeys.
I listened as you said he wasn't born here.
I watched as you blocked every single path to progress that you could.
I saw the pictures you made of him as Hitler.
I watched you shut down the government and hurt the entire nation, twice.
I watched you turn your backs on every opportunity to open a worthwhile dialog.
I watched you say that you would not even listen to any choice for Supreme Court no matter who the nominee was.
I listened as you openly said that you will oppose him at every turn.
I watched as you did just that.
I listened.
I watched.
I paid attention.

Now, I'm being called on to be tolerant.
To move forward.
To denounce protesters.
To "Get over it."
To accept this...
I will not.

I will do my part to make sure, this great American mistake, becomes the embarrassing footnote of our history that it deserves to be.
I will do this as quickly as possible, every chance I get.
I will do my part to limit the damage that this man can do to my country.
I will watch his every move and point out every single mistake and misdeed in a loud and proud voice.
I will let you know in a loud voice every time this man backs away from a promise he made to you.
The people who voted for him. Yes you, the ones who sold their souls and prayed for him to win.

I will do this so that you never forget.
And you will hear me.
You will see it in my eyes when I look at you.
You will hear it in my voice when I talk to you.
You will know that I know who you are.
You will know that I know what you are.
Do not call for my tolerance. I've tolerated all I can.
Now it's your turn to tolerate the ridicule.
Be aware, make no mistake about it, every single thing that goes wrong in our country from this day forward is now Trump's fault just as much as you thought it was Obama's.
I find it unreasonable for you to expect from me, what you were entirely unwilling to give.

-Author unknown

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

White Nationalists Are 'Prepared to Revolt' If Trump Runs From Their Support

Newly emboldened, these bigots will accept nothing less than full control of the Republican Party.

Someone answers the question: "Do I want Trump to fail?"

By Steve Marmel

Kellyanne Conway to Trump critics: Be careful what you say - I say fuck Kellyanne Conway and Donald Trump

By UCmeNdc

That didn't take long. Not even a week has passed, and the president elect's team is already warning Trump critics to be "careful" about the way they criticize Trump. (Freedom does not include criticizing President Trump.)

Donald Trump's minions seem to be confused about this, so let's fill them in on something they're going to need to know going forward: The President of the United States has the least legal protection against criticism or libel of anyone in the country. As the ultimate public figure, courts are obliged to grant public citizens wide leeway. This is why, for example, elected public officials, private citizens, and the Fox News channel have been repeatedly able to peddle 100% false information about Barack Obama for a decade with absolutely no repercussions.

To demonstrate how this works, I could, for example, say something like "President Donald Trump is a small-penised sex-obsessed pervert who stands accused of raping a 13 year old girl and who, given his temperament, has in all likelihood sexually abused at least one of his own children. He is mentally unstable and among the dumbest individuals ever to hold any public office anywhere, is quite probably colluding with Russia to undermine American interests, and spends his evenings aggressively masturbating to National Geographic footage of burrowing meerkats. His sole aim in acquiring the presidency is to convert the Lincoln Bedroom into a Rape Room, and he will sell an American nuclear weapon to ISIS for fifteen dollars and change if he thinks he'd make two dollars worth of profit on it."

Welcome to the big leagues, President Summer Squash. You're going to have quite the adventure from here on in.

Monday, December 26, 2016

America’s Second Civil War

By RKP5637

I often wonder if there will be civil unrest. How horrible what millions will be facing as America likely changes. This is an older article, but now the past is about to be the present on Jan. 20, 2017.

Rev. Dr. Susan K. Smith
Writer, author, musician, pastor, preacher and social justice advocate.

I am really trying to figure out what is going on in America, and what will happen to America should Donald Trump win the presidency.

I never for a moment believed that Trump could not win the nomination, contrary to the pundits’ takes on television. I was furious that they could not see, or would not see, that this man had a platform and an audience.

Even now, some pundits and news people insist upon saying that Trump cannot win the presidency, but I believe they are wrong. Trump has a swath of supporters that is not backing down or backing away that we know about, but I believe his base of support includes a lot of people who will never admit publicly that they are rooting for him, but who are, nonetheless.

From the beginning, I was disappointed that so many people resonated with him. He was, and is, crude and rude. He is disrespectful to women; I was horrified when he characterized all Mexicans (the ones coming to the United States) as rapists and criminals. His disrespect of Sen. John McCain stunned me; like McCain or not, he is a war hero, but not to Trump. His parodying a man who was developmentally disabled made me sick. The fact that he says nothing of substance in his rallies is appalling. His arrogance at saying he will build a wall between the United States and Mexico and will make Mexico pay for it was hateful, and his plan to deport millions of illegal immigrants out of this country made me shake my head.

This is America, right?

His dog whistle language as concerns his feelings about black people is hardly subtle; his ordering his people to “get them out of here” when they have showed up at his rallies, and his reminding his followers that there was a day when they would have been able to take care of those protesters in a way that they would be taken out on a stretcher...was...well, really white.

But it wasn’t the fact that Donald Trump was and is so narcissistic and arrogant that bothers me so much. What bothers me is the blind following he seems to have, of both white and black people, who seem to think he can do no wrong. They do not care that he does not have any viable foreign policy; he seems to feel he will be able to act unilaterally and just ...get rid of people or nations he doesn’t like. His rambling about how he will just sort of magically fix the economy has made no sense to me at all. He has made all his followers believe that he and he alone can bring jobs back to this country. They believe him. He is right about one thing: he could go out onto Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and his supporters would still support him.

The question is “why?” So, the white working class is angry. So...what? What makes their anger so different, so virulent, and so strong and so much more worthy of mention? Why is their anger more important than that of all the other people in this nation who have been marginalized? Why isn’t more of the country upset that what seems to be the unifying thread holding his base together is white supremacy, racism, in its most ugly form?

Why is their anger more important than the anger of everyone else?

Could it be that these people have found out that white supremacy loves no person who is not only not white, but prefers people who are white with money? Could it be that they are realizing that the phrase in the Constitution, “all men are created equal” really does pertain now, as it did then, primarily to these wealthy, white landowners? Could it be that, as they have looked around, that they see how they are no better off economically than are black people, in spite of their being white?’

Don’t accuse me of playing the race card. It is the pundits and the news operations who have made it clear that it is angry white men who are behind Trump in the biggest numbers. It is angry white men who no longer have the manufacturing or construction or mining jobs they used to have so they could make a decent living. The pundits are pointing out the fact that the demographic that is most responsible for the Rise of Trump angry white men.

They are tired of being “politically correct,” meaning, they can’t say the “n” word when they want. They cannot openly discriminate against black and brown people like they used to. The Black Lives Matter movement has been steadily dismantling their false confidence that the police take care of “the bad people,” who happen to be ...”the black people.” The shootings of innocent and/or unarmed black people by white police officers, caught on tape, has shattered the lie behind which law enforcement has hidden for decades. Their officers, some of them, are being called to accountability. In this country where, historically, a police officer never had to prove he or she did anything wrong and who never had to worry about going to jail for participating in state-sanctioned murder, things are changing ...and it is making some white people more and more angry. They want “their country back.” They want to “make America great again.” That greatness included free-flowing racial violence by whites against blacks and rampant discrimination; it included white people being able to have jobs when many black people were denied those same jobs. That America included having trials (and still does) where a black person could and would be tried by an all-white jury for a crime he or she might not have committed, and nobody could do anything about it.

That is changing.

And now, to add insult to injury, there are too many brown people here, brown people who have done the work for white people that neither white not black people would have done themselves because the pay is so low. Brown people in the form of Hispanics, and now, brown and black people in the form of Muslims...are all over the place ...and some white people are not only angry, but they are afraid that they are losing the power they always had
These people believe that Trump - who sounds eerily like the Hitler I have read about - will make everything all right. He will build that wall. He will “get the coloreds out.” He will reset the American equilibrium and return things to the way they used to be. And that’s why they do not care what he says or does. They do not care who he berates or puts down. They do not care if he says one thing on one talk show and something entirely different on another show minutes later.

They want America back. Their America.

They began to mumble when Barack Obama was elected president.; their lawmakers vowed, even as Obama was being inaugurated, that they would make him a one-term president. While there were many people who believed his election meant that America was a post-racial country, there were those who vowed that this country would be post-racial over their dead bodies. That’s why we heard the cry, “We want to take our country back!” They were intentional about what they meant. And they are intentional now.

I shudder to think about where America is headed. If Trump wins the nomination and then the White House, it will be bad for a whole lot of people. If Trump is bumped from contending for the presidency by a brokered convention, it will still be bad for a whole lot of people, because, as Trump as alluded, his angry white people will rise up. He said, “I think you’d have riots.” I think he’s right. Trump’s supporters would rise up...

But someone would rise up against them.

It will be America’s Second Civil War.

God, help our nation.

Trump Pretends He's Already The President