Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How to Keep the NSA Out of Your Computer

Sick of government spying, corporate monitoring, and overpriced ISPs? There's a cure for that.

JOSEPH BONICIOLI mostly uses the same internet you and I do. He pays a service provider a monthly fee to get him online. But to talk to his friends and neighbors in Athens, Greece, he's also got something much weirder and more interesting: a private, parallel internet.

He and his fellow Athenians built it. They did so by linking up a set of rooftop wifi antennas to create a "mesh," a sort of bucket brigade that can pass along data and signals. It's actually faster than the Net we pay for: Data travels through the mesh at no less than 14 megabits a second, and up to 150 Mbs a second, about 30 times faster than the commercial pipeline I get at home. Bonicioli and the others can send messages, video chat, and trade huge files without ever appearing on the regular internet. And it's a pretty big group of people: Their Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network has more than 1,000 members, from Athens proper to nearby islands. Anyone can join for free by installing some equipment. "It's like a whole other web," Bonicioli told me recently. "It's our network, but it's also a playground."

Indeed, the mesh has become a major social hub. There are blogs, discussion forums, a Craigslist knockoff; they've held movie nights where one member streams a flick and hundreds tune in to watch. There's so much local culture that they even programmed their own mini-Google to help meshers find stuff. "It changes attitudes," Bonicioli says. "People start sharing a lot. They start getting to know someone next door—they find the same interests; they find someone to go out and talk with." People have fallen in love after meeting on the mesh.

The Athenians aren't alone. Scores of communities worldwide have been building these roll-your-own networks—often because a mesh can also be used as a cheap way to access the regular internet. But along the way people are discovering an intriguing upside: Their new digital spaces are autonomous and relatively safe from outside meddling. In an era when governments and corporations are increasingly tracking our online movements, the user-controlled networks are emerging as an almost subversive concept. "When you run your own network," Bonicioli explains, "nobody can shut it down."

THE INTERNET may seem amorphous, but it's at heart pretty physical. Its backbone is a huge array of fiber-optic, telephone, and TV cables that carry data from country to country. To gain access, you need someone to connect your house to that backbone. This is what's known as the "last mile" problem, and it's usually solved by large internet service providers such as AT&T and Comcast. They buy access to the backbone and charge you for delivering the signal via telephone wires or cable lines. Most developed nations have plenty of ISP's, but in poor countries and rural areas, the last-mile problem still looms large. If providers don't think there's enough profit in household service, they either don't offer any or do it only at exorbitant rates.

Meshes evolved to tackle this problem. Consider the Spanish network Guifi, which took root in the early aughts as people got sick of waiting for their sclerotic telcos to wire the countryside. "In some places you can wait for 50 years and die and you're still waiting," jokes Guifi member Ramon Roca.

The bandwidth-starved Spaniards attached long-range antennas to their wifi cards and pointed them at public hot spots like libraries. Some contributed new backbone connections by shelling out, individually or in groups, for expensive DSL links, while others dipped into the network for free.

(Guifi is a complex stew of charity, free-riding, and cost-sharing.) To join the bucket brigade, all you had to do was add some hardware that allowed your computer's wifi hub to pass along the signal to anyone in your vicinity. Gradually, one hub at a time, Guifi grew into the world's largest mesh, with more than 21,000 members.

In some ways, a community mesh resembles a food co-op. Its members crunch the numbers and realize that they can solve the last-mile problem themselves at a fraction of the price. In Kansas City, Isaac Wilder, cofounder of the Free Network Foundation, is using this model to wire up neighborhoods where the average household income is barely $10,000 a year. His group partners with community organizations that pay for backbone access. Wilder then sets up a mesh that anyone can join for a modest sum. "The margins on most internet providers are so ridiculously inflated," he says. "When people see the price they get from the mesh, they're like, 'Ten bucks a month? Oh, shit, I'll pay that!'"

In other cases, meshes are run like tiny local businesses. Stephen Song, the founder of Village Telco, markets "mesh potatoes," inexpensive wifi devices that automatically mesh with each other, allowing them to transmit data and make local calls. In towns across Africa, where internet access is overpriced or nonexistent, mom-and-pop shops buy backbone access and then sell mesh potatoes to customers, offering them cheap monthly phone and internet rates. Song hopes this entrepreneurial model will lead to stable networks that don't have to rely on donations or tech-savvy community volunteers. He set up a mesh himself in Cape Town, South Africa. "The primary users of that tech were grandmothers," Song says. "Grandmothers are really dependent on their families, and visiting is hard—it's a really hilly area. So if you have an appealing low-cost alternative, they go for it."

WHILE MESH networks were created to solve an economic problem, it turns out they also have a starkly political element: They give people—particularly political activists—a safer and more reliable way to communicate.

As activism has become increasingly reliant on social networking, repressive regimes have responded by cutting off internet access. When Hosni Mubarak, for instance, discovered that protesters were using Facebook to help foment dissent, he ordered the state-controlled ISP's to shut down Egypt's internet for days. In China, the Communist Party uses its "Great Firewall" to prevent citizens from reading pro-democracy sites. In the United States, authorities have shut down mobile service to prevent activists from communicating, as happened a couple of years ago during a protest at San Francisco subway stations. And such reactions aren't only prompted by dissent. Some of the big phone and cable companies have begun to block digital activities they disapprove of, like sharing huge files on BitTorrent. In 2009, the recording industry even persuaded France to pass a law—since declared unconstitutional—that canceled the internet service of any household caught downloading copyrighted files more than three times.
The last-mile problem, it turns out, isn't just technical or economic: It's political and even cultural. To repurpose the famous A.J. Liebling statement, internet freedom is guaranteed only to those who own a connection. "And right now, you and me don't own the internet—we just rent the capacity to access it from the companies that do own it," Wilder says.

So now digital-freedom activists and nonprofits are making mesh tools specifically to carve out spaces free from government snooping. During the Occupy Wall Street actions in New York City, Wilder set up a local mesh for the protesters. In Washington, DC, the New America Foundation's Open Technology Institute is developing Commotion—"internet in a suitcase" software that lets anyone quickly deploy a mesh. "We're making infrastructure for anyone who wants to control their own network," says Sascha Meinrath, who runs OTI. In a country with a repressive government, dissidents could use Commotion to set up a private, encrypted mesh. If a despot decided to shut off internet access, the activists could pay for a satellite connection and then share it across the mesh, getting a large group of people back online quickly.

Meinrath and his group have tested Commotion in American communities, including Detroit and Brooklyn's Red Hook neighborhood, where locals used it to get back online after Hurricane Sandy. Now OTI is working on a mesh that will provide secure local communications for communities in Tunisia.

Even voice calls can be meshed. Commotion includes Serval, software that lets you network Android phones and communicate directly via wifi without going through a wireless carrier—sort of like a high-tech walkie-talkie network. Created by Paul Gardner-Stephen, a research fellow at Australia's Flinders University, Serval also encrypts phone calls and texts, making it extremely hard for outsiders to eavesdrop. When OTI employees tested it this spring using external "range extenders," they were able to text one another from nearly a mile away on the National Mall. Hopping onto the DC Metro, they found they could trade messages while riding six cars apart. "We now know how to make a completely distributed phone system," Gardner-Stephen says. Despite the modest ranges now possible, there are plenty of potential uses. After an earthquake, he notes, Serval could help citizens and aid agencies make local calls instantly. In an Occupy-style scenario, police may try to shut down texting via Verizon and AT&T only to discover that activists have their own private Serval channel.
In an Occupy-style scenario, police may try to shut down texting via Verizon and AT&T only to discover that activists have their own private Serval channel.

Granted, Meinrath points out even encrypted systems like Commotion aren't a privacy panacea. Encryption can be broken, and if the mesh hooks up to the regular internet—via satellite, for instance—then you're sending signals back out to where the NSA and others have plenty of taps.

Even so, alternative networks are a pretty subversive idea, one that has attracted some strange bedfellows. The State Department recently ponied up almost $3 million to support Commotion, because officials think it could help freedom of speech abroad. But given the revelations about NSA spying (Commotion's developer, OTI, is considering joining a lawsuit to challenge the agency's surveillance program), the software is likely to gain traction among activists here at home. "It makes all the sense in the world," Meinrath says.

THE RISE OF community meshes suggests a possibility that is considerably more radical. What if you wanted a mesh that spanned the globe? A way to communicate with anyone, anywhere, without going over a single inch of corporate or government cable? Like what Joseph Bonicioli has in Athens writ large—a parallel, global internet run by the people, for the people. Could such a beast be built?
Down in Argentina, meshers have shot signals up to 10 miles to bring together remote villages; in Greece, Bonicioli says they've connected towns as far as 60 miles apart.

On a purely technical level, mesh advocates say it's super hard, but not impossible. First, you'd build as many local mesh networks as you can, and then you'd connect them together. Long-distance "hops" are tricky, but community meshes already use special wifi antennas—sometimes "cantennas" made out of Pringles-type containers—to join far-flung neighborhoods. Down in Argentina, meshers have shot signals up to 10 miles to bring together remote villages; in Greece, Bonicioli says they've connected towns as far as 60 miles apart. For bigger leaps, there are even more colorful ideas: Float a balloon 60,000 feet in the air, attach a wifi repeater, and you could bounce a signal between two cities separated by hundreds of miles. It sounds nuts, but Google actually pulled it off this past summer, when its Project Loon sent a flotilla of balloons over New Zealand to blanket the rural countryside with wireless connections. There are even DIY satellites: Home-brewed "cubesats" have already been put into orbit by university researchers for less than $100,000 each. That's hardly chump change, but it's well within, say, Kickstarter range.

For stable communications, though, the best bet would be to snag some better spectrum. The airwaves are a public resource, but they are regulated by national agencies like the Federal Communications Commission that dole out the strongest frequencies—the ones that can travel huge distances and pass easily through physical objects—to the military and major broadcasters. (Wifi uses one of the rare public-access frequencies.) If the FCC could be convinced to hand over some of those powerful frequencies to the public, meshes could span huge distances. "We need free networks, and we need free bandwidth," says Eben Moglen, a law professor at Columbia University and head of the Software Freedom Law Center. But given the power of the telco and defense lobbies, don't hold your breath.

The notion of a truly independent global internet may still be a gleam in the eye of the meshers, but their visionary zeal is contagious. It harkens back to the early days of the digital universe, when the network consisted mostly of university scientists and researchers communicating among themselves without corporations sitting in the middle or government (that we know of) monitoring their chats. The goal then, as now, was both connection and control: an internet of one's own.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Ed Show moves to weekdays at 5 P.M. ET starting August 26th

By Steve Frank

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Al Sharpton: Why is O’Reilly privately generous, yet publicly vile?

By Morgan Whitaker

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Rev. Al Sharpton hit back at Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on Friday’s show after the conservative pundit revealed his $25,000 donation to Sharpton’s charity in order to prove, in his words, “what kind of person Sharpton is.”

“He’s been portraying me as a racist and a brutalizer of the poor,” O’Reilly said on his Thursday program. ”A few years ago Sharpton told me that his charity in Harlem, New York, was out of money and that it could not provide Christmas presents and Christmas dinners to hundreds of poor people in Harlem. So I gave Sharpton a $25,000 donation to provide the gifts and the food.”

Sharpton said on Friday’s PoliticsNation that O’Reilly’s story is far more revealing of the conservative’s own nature.

“Bill doesn’t realize it, but this story actually reveals what kind of person he is,” he said. “It says more about him that it does about me. Because Bill gave that money privately to someone he’s publicly called a quote ‘race hustler’ working in what he calls ‘the grievance industry’ — That’s his term for the civil rights work that I do.”

“What are we supposed to think about a man who is privately generous, but who says the most vile and divisive things in public?” he continued.

In the weeks following the verdict in the Trayvon Martin case, O’Reilly launched a series of attacks on Sharpton for his reaction to that verdict, including calling for a Justice Department civil rights investigation.

More recently, Sharpton had called out O’Reilly for referring to people on food stamps as “parasites,” prompting O’Reilly to reveal his donation.

“The sad truth is,” Sharpton said. “The good that Bill did with that check is far outweighed by the vile and hateful things he says on the air, night after night. Bill is playing to the extremists in his audience.”

Friday, August 16, 2013

This Modern World - By Tom Tomorrow

Forever 21 Denies Healthcare To Long Term Employees

By Sean Conners

Forever 21 bills itself as a “Christian retailer” but the way they treat their employees is anything but giving and compassionate. Image @ StyleMTV

Forever 21 bills itself as a “Christian retailer.” In fact, this Christian company even puts a little Christian code message on all of it’s shopping bags (John 3:16), which a company spokesperson is on record as saying is a “demonstration of the owner’s christian faith.” They have grown from humble beginnings in Los Angeles to an international shopping destination, with stores not only in the U.S. but also Europe, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East.

They are also no stranger to controversy. Going back just to 2001, Forever 21 was forced to settle out of court, pay back wages, etc., after being sued for systemically ripping-off employees. The company was also compelled to put in measures to prevent future products being made in sweatshops, as was happening at Forever 21’s facilities.
But, in the past decade, they have been the subject of not only ripping-off their employees, but ripping-off other designers’ clothes, even ripping-off other organizations’ successful marketing campaigns.   There doesn’t seem to be too many people Forever 21 won’t rip-off, based on their past.

In 2010, a Forever 21 security guard was caught on video (later put on YouTube) beating a deaf man after he failed to hear the store’s alarm go off.

Here’s the video:

In 2012, Forever 21 was once again caught shorting its employee wages. Some cases showing them rip off employees going back to 2004. So apparently, their initiatives to properly treat and pay their employees lasted less than a pathetic 3 years. Then it was back to ripping people off.

And in 2013, just this spring, an employee was fired by Forever 21 after telling her heartbreaking story of childhood abuse to a local media outlet. So much for “Christian values” being practiced at Forever 21.

If it wasn’t obvious before, it should be now that Forever 21′s whoring of Christianity is a sham. They aren’t demonstrating Christian values; they are advertising Christian values while they do the devil’s work.

But Forever 21 has managed to top all its past sins. This time, the “Christian” employer is demonstrating its values by cutting all its employee hours in an apparent ‘Obamacare” protest. So in one sweeping motion, the company is threatening to bust all its full time, non-management employees down to part-time.

Is Forever 21 losing money? If they are, they’re keeping it a good secret. Forever 21 is a privately-held company, so they don’t make public disclosures. But their most recent numbers put their annual revenue at about 3.4 billion. And the last time they announced their profit/losses, they bragged about making hundreds of millions in profits, this during a time when the rest of the country was going into recession. And indeed, Forever 21 is expanding, not shrinking.

So, of course, the natural move is to screw over most of your workforce (but only in the U.S., where they can get away with it) by telling them that Forever 21’s Christian values will be demonstrated by tossing them to the lions. The purging of the employees is no accident. Forever 21 is cutting the benefits for them at the end of this month, two months before they can begin signing up for the ACA healthcare exchanges, which, when tried in at least four different states so far, have saved consumer’s money. Which means they must go through the old, inefficient “COBRA” system, which is expensive, inadequate and generally regarded as a pain in the ass by many who have been forced onto it in the past. Of course, this is a huge reason why it’s being replaced. One can only presume the idea is for the employees to be “outraged” and wrongfully think COBRA is “Obamacare” and demand its repeal, just like good Pavlovian servants.

But Forever 21’s owners, Do Won Chang and his wife, Jin Sook Chang, whose individual worth is estimated at about 4.5 billion (yeah, with a ‘b’) dollars have decided the Christian thing to do is just that. Hardly a “brother’s keeper” kind of move, wouldn’t you say?  And even though the company is profitable and the owners have more than they can spend, rip them off some more, like they did in 2001 and 2004-2012. Choke their employees’ livelihoods like that guard did in 2010 to the deaf man who didn’t hear the alarm. And watch all the misery from their 16.5 million dollar Beverly Hills mansion in the lap of depraved decadence.

You can see Forever 21’s disgusting letter HERE and after you are done, you will certainly find better options to shop at than the very unChristian Forever 21.

Eve of Destruction

It is almost impossible to find an establishment Republican in town who’s not downright morose about the 2013 that has been and is about to be. Most dance around it in public, but they see this year as a disaster in the making, even if most elected Republicans don’t know it or admit it.

Several influential Republicans told us the party is actually in a worse place than it was Nov. 7, the day after the disastrous election.

This is their case:

• The party is hurting itself even more with the very voters they need to start winning back: Hispanics, blacks, gays, women and swing voters of all stripes.

• The few Republicans who stood up and tried to move the party ahead were swatted into submission: Speaker John Boehner on fiscal matters and Sen. Marco Rubio on immigration are the poster boys for this.

(PHOTOS: Republicans on how to fix the GOP)

• Republicans are all flirting with a fall that could see influential party voices threatening to default on the debt or shut down the government — and therefore ending all hopes of proving they are not insane when it comes to governance.

These Republicans came into the year exceptionally hopeful the party would finally wise up and put immigration and irresponsible rhetoric and governing behind them. Instead, Republicans dug a deeper hole. This probably doesn’t matter for 2014, because off-year elections are notoriously low-turnout affairs where older whites show up in disproportionate numbers. But elite Republican strategists and donors tell us they are increasingly worried the past nine months make 2016 look very bleak — unless elected GOP officials in Washington change course, and fast.

The blown opportunities and self-inflicted wounds are adding up:

Hispanics. Nearly every Republican who stumbled away from 2012 promised to quit alienating the fastest-growing demographic in American politics. So what have they done since? Alienated Hispanic voters — again.

It is easy to dismiss as anomaly some of the nasty rhetoric — such as Rep. Don Young calling immigrants “wetbacks” or Rep. Steve King suggesting the children of illegal immigrants are being used as drug mules. But it’s impossible for most Hispanics not to walk away from the immigration debate believing the vast majority of elected Republicans are against a pathway to citizenship.

(PHOTOS: Senators up for election in 2014)

House Republicans are dragging their feet on immigration reform — a measure that most Republican leaders agree is essential to getting back in the game with Hispanic voters before the next presidential election. House leaders say there’s no chance they’ll bring up the broad measure that has passed the Senate. Instead, they plan a piecemeal, one-bill-a-month approach that is likely to suffocate comprehensive reform.

Some Republicans are praying that leaders will find a way to jam through something President Barack Obama can sign. But current signs point to failure. The House will be tied up all fall over fiscal issues — and there’s unlikely to be time to litigate immigration reform even if most members want to, which they don’t.

“If Republicans don’t pass immigration reform, it’ll be a black cloud that’ll follow the party around through the next presidential election and possibly through the decade,” warned Scott Reed, senior political strategist at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

African Americans. Republicans hurt themselves with other minorities by responding lamely — and, in some cases, offensively — to the Trayvon Martin case, and to the Supreme Court ruling that gutted Voting Rights Act protections.

“You can perform an autopsy until you’re blue in the face,” said Michael Steele, the former Republican National Committee chairman, now with Purple Nation Solutions. “But if the people you’re trying to reach have no faith or trust in the words you are saying, it doesn’t matter.”

(Also on POLITICO: Stockman invites Obama rodeo clown to Texas)

It would be easy to dismiss Steele as bitter because he was forced out of the RNC and has feuded with Reince Priebus since. But he has done something few Republicans have: risen to the top of American politics as a black Republican. On voting rights, Steele said, the party needs to actively deal with African-American complaints about voter suppression and impediments to voters’ registration. “We need to be saying: ‘We respect, yes, the rule of law. But we also respect your constitutional right to vote,’” he said. “We just can’t sit back and rely on, ‘Oh, gee, you know, we freed the slaves.’”

Steele was even more incensed about Republican reaction to the Martin case. “What African Americans heard was insensitive,” he said. “Republicans gave a very sterile or pro forma response.

There was no sense of even expressing regret or remorse to Trayvon’s mother.”

Republicans tell us privately that pressure from conservative media only encourages their public voices to say things that offend black audiences.

(Also on POLITICO: Gay marriage issue entangles Gov. Tom Corbett)

Gays. Polls show the Republicans’ traditional view is rapidly becoming a minority view in politics, but the party has done nothing this year to make itself more appealing to persuadable gay voters.

“We come off like we’re angry and frustrated that more of our fellow Americans aren’t angry and frustrated,” said a senior Mitt Romney campaign official who asked not to be named.

Republicans did show progress in the form of restraint, with many leaders offering a muted reaction to a pair of Supreme Court rulings related to same-sex marriage. In the past, many would have taken to the airwaves to condemn what they see as the crumbling culture around them. A number of top Republicans are counseling a more libertarian approach, letting people live their lives and letting states, or better the church, set the rules for marriage at the local level.

Swing voters. Republicans are in jeopardy of convincing voters they simply cannot govern. Their favorable ratings are terrible and getting worse. But there is broad concern it could go from worse to an unmitigated disaster this fall. Most urgently, according to a slew of key Republicans we interviewed, conservative GOP senators have got to give up their insistence that the party allow the government to shut down after Sept. 30 if they don’t get their way on defunding Obamacare.

The quixotic drive — led by Rubio, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) — is part of Rubio’s effort to make up with the conservative base after he was stunned by the backlash over his deal-making on immigration. Pollsters say the funding fight makes Republicans look even more obstructionist, and causes voters to worry about the effect a shutdown would have on their own finances.

Whit Ayres of North Star Opinion Research, who has been drilling down on this issue for the conservative public-opinion group Resurgent Republic, said: “Shutting down the government is the one way that Republicans can turn Obamacare from a political advantage to a political disadvantage in 2014.”

Monsanto's Wizard-Of-Oz website

Posted by Jim Hightower

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Excellent news, consumers: Biotech giants that've been secretly inserting genetically engineered organisms into thousands of food products you buy, have just announced that they're coming clean!

Wow, you mean no more GMO Frankenfood ingredients will be slipped into our diets? Oh, come on – these are food profiteers, so they're not about to come that clean. So maybe they're agreeing at last (and at least) to label any products that contain ingredients with tampered DNA. No, no – right-to-know labeling is what food tamperers fear most, for they know we won't buy those items if we know what's in them. Okay then, what do they actually intend to do?

They're giving us a website.

Say what? Yes, the entirety of their grand gesture of "corporate transparency" is to put a mess of PR and useless gobbledygook on a slick site called GMOAnswers.com. They say we can ask "virtually any question," and their "experts" will be happy to tell us why GMO's are good for us. In other words, "come clean" is an industry euphemism for "whitewash."

The website will be controlled by – and its "answers" written by – agents of Monsanto and a handful of other corporations that control the dangerous and deceitful genetic manipulation industry. "We want to get into the conversation" with those opposed to GMO's, stated a biotech exec – ignoring the fact that these same industry schemers did not allow any opponents into "the conversation" they had in back rooms with our government officials when they conspired to foist these nasties on our families without our knowledge.

Monsanto and Gang are notorious liars, political manipulators, and thugs. They can put all the propaganda they want on their Wizard-of-Oz website, but – like putting earrings on a hog – it can't hide their ugliness.

"In Bid for Support, Biotech Companies Vow More Transparency," The New York Times, July 29, 2013.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Ring of Fire 8/11/13

Published on Aug 12, 2013

Author and journalist Paul Waldman joins to discuss why the Tea Party Republicans are still obsessed with destroying healthcare.

Wall Street is raking in billions by manipulating the commodities market, and attorney Mike Burg shares the details about that scam.

The U.S. Supreme Court could soon hear arguments on a case that will make Citizens United look like The Bill of Rights, and attorney Howard Nations tells about the case that will hand our elections over to corporations.

Progressives are getting mad and starting to fight back, and Farron Cousins from The Trial Lawyer Magazine talks about the grassroots movement taking shape that will ask Republicans the tough questions that the media refuses to ask.

And conservative media is circling the drain -- progressive radio and TV host David Pakman talks about the destruction of the right's most powerful talkers...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bill Press and Cenk Uygur review the legacy of Current TV

By Viewpoint Staff

Bill Press (host, “The Bill Press Show”) and Cenk Uygur (host, “The Young Turks,” and co-creator, TYTNetwork.com) sit down with “Viewpoint” host John Fugelsang to weigh in on the impact of Current TV.

Press says, “I had very high hopes for Current TV. I consider it now a failed experiment. One more example of liberals not having either the commitment to progressive media, or having the staying power to stick with it.” Uygur feels “perfectly fine” with the legacy of Current TV. He says, “One day we’ll look back at the alumni of Current and go, ‘Oh my God! Look at that All-Star cast — and what an amazing moment they had in history.’”

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Does the GOP need an image reboot?

Joan Walsh and Patrick Murphy join Karen Finney to discuss the likelihood of the Republican Party winning the next national election.

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Insurance Company Almost Lets Dad Die Over 26 Cents

By Abby Miller

A New Jersey garbage truck driver almost saw his life slip away from him over 26 cents.

You’ve been laid off, pay for COBRA coverage, and suddenly you need a $500K bone marrow transplant. Thank goodness for health insurance … or maybe not. Photo by Alex Remnick for the (NJ) Star Ledger via NJ.com.

Thirty-three-year-old Sergio Branco took a three month leave of absence (thanks to the Family and Medical Leave Act) from his job with Russell Reid, a waste management company, after finding out that he had fast-spreading type of leukemia. Soon, his doctors informed him that he would need a bone marrow transplant to save his life. Luckily, they were able to find him a donor with a perfect match and scheduled the transplant for August 16th.
A $500,000 transplant. Thank goodness for health insurance.

Or maybe not.

After Sergio’s three month leave of absence was up, his company fired him. Unsurprised, his family at least took heart in the knowledge that they could continue their health insurance coverage through COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act). They’d have to pay the whole premium, but it was better than paying the full $500,000 for the transplant.

Soon after Sergio was fired, a letter arrived letting them know they had until June 30 to decide whether or not they wanted the coverage. Of course they did, so on May 24, Sergio’s wife Mara sent in her check for $518 to pay for the first month of coverage for Sergio.

But she forgot the 26 cents.

Whatever the reason–she was preoccupied with the kids, her sick husband, supporting the family, etc–the bill for $518.26 wasn’t paid in full. So, despite the fact that they were still within the time allowed to pay before the option for coverage was gone, and despite the fact that the check Mara sent in was cashed, Sergio’s coverage was terminated, leaving him unable to pay for the transplant. It wasn’t until the hospital notified them that the Branco family found out about the cancellation.

When Mara contacted the company handling the insurance coverage, Paychex, to find out what happened, they told her about the 26 cents. When she tried to pay it, Paychex wouldn’t accept payment, saying that Russell Reid, Sergio’s old company, told them to accept no more payments from them. Mara called Russell Reid, and they denied the accusation. She was soon left with no choice but to get the Department of Labor involved, who also got the run-around from both companies involved–all while a man’s life hung in the balance. Finally, at the beginning of July, they received written notification that Sergio’s insurance was cancelled. Their payment of $518 was sent back to them.

Finally, the Branco’s had no choice but to get a lawyer.

The lawyer changed everything. The law says insurance coverage cannot be cancelled over a “de minimis amount,” not to mention that Paychex never sent the appropriate notices under the law. Soon, Paychex and Russell Reid had no choice but to reinstate Sergio Branco’s insurance coverage.

His transplant is still on track for August 16.

What’s worrisome about Sergio’s case, while there are a few things that aren’t right here, is that even after the Department of Labor was involved, they were still unable to really get anything fixed until they employed an attorney. Considering their situation, attorney’s fees are likely a hardship on the family that they should never have had to incur.

Further, with everything else in their lives, with all of the stress involved in raising children while dealing with a terminal illness, the ultimate insult is to pull their coverage over an amount that can be found at the bottom of the dryer.

The lesson here seems to be: ‘Don’t get sick, and don’t stress out if you do.’

Monday, August 12, 2013

Walmart's worst nightmare

By Jason Kottke

WinCo is an Idaho-based grocery chain that frequently beats Walmart on price while providing health care benefits for any employee working over 24 hours a week as well as an annual pension.
While all of these factors help WinCo compete with Walmart on price, what really might scare the world's largest retailer is how WinCo treats its employees.
In sharp contrast to Walmart, which regularly comes under fire for practices like understaffing stores to keep costs down and hiring tons of temporary workers as a means to avoid paying full-time worker benefits, WinCo has a reputation for doing right by employees.
It provides health benefits to all staffers who work at least 24 hours per week. The company also has a pension, with employees getting an amount equal to 20% of their annual salary put in a plan that's paid for by WinCo; a company spokesperson told the Idaho Statesman that more than 400 nonexecutive workers (cashiers, produce clerks, and such) currently have pensions worth over $1 million apiece.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Michelle Obama credits ‘Let’s Move’ campaign as kid obesity rates drop

By Clare Kim

Michelle Obama credited her signature “Let’s Move” campaign–which encourages healthy eating and exercise–for helping to decrease childhood obesity rates in the U.S. The first lady spoke on Tuesday after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 19 states and territories saw obesity rates among low-income preschoolers decline.

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“Today’s announcement reaffirms my belief that together, we are making a real difference in helping kids across the country get a healthier start to life,” the first lady said in a statement. “We know how essential it is to set our youngest children on a path towards a lifetime of healthy eating and physical activity, and more than 10,000 childcare programs participating in the Let’s Move! Child Care initiative are doing vitally important work on this front. Yet, while this announcement reflects important progress, we also know that there is tremendous work still to be done to support healthy futures for all our children.”
When Obama launched her initiative more than two and a half years ago, conservatives mocked the first lady’s commitment to ending childhood obesity. Sarah Palin accused Michelle Obama of using big government to take control of parenting decisions.

“Take her anti-obesity thing that she’s on,” Palin said on The Laura Ingraham Show.
“She’s on this kick, right? What she is telling us is she cannot trust parents to make decisions for their own children, for their own families and what we should eat. And I know I’m going to be again criticized for bringing this up, but instead of government thinking that they need to take over [and] make decisions for us according to some politician or politician’s wife’s priorities, just leave us alone, get off our back, and allow us as individuals to exercise our own God-given rights to make our own decisions and then our country gets back on the right track.”
The former vice presidential candidate even took a shot at the first lady on her short-lived reality TV show. ”Where’s the s’mores ingredients,” Palin jokingly asked. “This is in honor of Michelle Obama, who said the other day we should not have dessert.”

Rush Limbaugh jumped on the right-wing bandwagon, attacking Michelle Obama for eating ribs at a meal when “she is demanding that everybody basically eat cardboard and tofu.”

“Michelle My Belle, minus the husband, took the kids out to Vail on a ski vacation, and they were spotted eating and they were feasting on ribs,” Limbaugh said. “Ribs that were 1,575 calories per serving with 141 grams of fat per serving. Now I’m sure some of you members of the new castrati:

‘This is typical of what you do Mr. Limbaugh, you take an isolated, once in a lifetime experience, and try to say that she’s a hypocrite.’ She is a hypocrite. Leaders are supposed to be leaders. If we’re supposed to go out and eat nothing–if we’re supposed to eat roots, and berries and tree bark and so show us how. And if it’s supposed to make us fit, if it’s supposed to make us healthier, show us how.”

While the right continued their attacks, the first lady campaigned for an active lifestyle and healthier eating habits, and the message seemed to resonate. She visited Sesame Street and exercised with Elmo. She showed off her exercise routine by doing push-ups with Ellen DeGeneres (and mom-dancing with Late Night host Jimmy Fallon). She invited schoolchildren from across the country to help her garden and cook meals at the White House, and even enlisted Beyonce’s help with the “Move Your Body” music video for the initiative.
CDC research shows that about one in eight preschoolers is obese and that such children are five times more likely to be overweight later in childhood and adolescence. Obesity rates among preschoolers are improving, but the research states that there is still more work to be done. Among low-income children ages 2-4 years, between 2008 – 2011, obesity rates decreased slightly in 19 of the 43 states and territories studied, and obesity rates increased slightly in 3 of the 43 states and territories.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Herring Filets Recalled over Listeria Concerns

Gold Star Smoked Fish Corp. of Brooklyn, N.Y., is recalling Baltic Treasures, Norwegian Style Matjes, Marinella “Delicatessnaya,” Jewish Style Matjes, Traditional Russian Matjes, and Rybacka Wies Matjes Brands of Herring Fillets in Oil due to contamination or possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes.

In addition, Zip International Group LLC of Edison, N.J., is recalling Baltic Sprats in Spicy Brine Net Wt. 15.8 Oz (450g) in plastic packaging, also because of the potential Listeria contamination.

The recalled Gold Star products are packaged in 10.5 oz/300 gram, 17.64oz/500 gram, and 35.5oz/1 kg vacuum packed plastic packages and have sell by dates 103113, 113013, 123113, or 13114 stamped on the back of the container.

The UPC Numbers are 0 21143 24118 1, 0 21143 24119 8, 0 21143 24117 4, 0 21143 24116 7, 0 21143 24101 3, 0 21143 24105 1, 0 21143 24111 2, 0 21143 24103 7, 0 21143 24106 8, 0 21143 24110 5, 0 21143 24102 0, 0 21143 24104 4, 0 21143 24121 1, 0 21143 24122 8, and 0 21143 24123 5.

The products were sold nationwide. They are products of the USA.

Zip International’s recalled sprats were packaged with a best by date of October 12, 2013 (UPC: 4750217602547). The best by date is located on the top of the packaging and was sold to distributors and retail grocery stores in New York State beginning on May 31, 2013 and ending on June 6, 2013.

It is a product of Latvia..

All recalls were initiated after routine testing by the New York State Department of Agriculture found the Listeria contamination.

No illnesses have been connected to the products. However, given the time involved in tracing an illness back to a food item, it is impossible to say whether or not anyone has fallen ill.

Computer Program That Writes Jokes Makes Them Very Un-PC

By Alan Colmes

“I like my women like I like my gas–natural” is just one example.

A computer designed to tell witty one-liners has been criticised for being sexist and un-PC.

Scientists at the University of Edinburgh created the software to tell one-line jokes using a simple set of rules in which a statement is followed up with an amusing punchline, such as ‘I like my coffee like I like my war…cold’.

However, some of the lines the computer has produced have been criticised for being sexist or in bad taste including ‘I like my men like I like my acorns…buried’ and ‘I like my women like I like my gas…natural.’

…the computer most commonly creates jokes that compare men or women to objects.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Republican threat of shutdown looms

As Congress heads out on a five-week vacation, the Republican threat of a shutdown over President Barack Obama’s health care law looms. Karen Finney, Michael Eric Dyson and Bob Shrum join Ed Schultz to discuss.

By Erin Ganley

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Al Sharpton’s ‘open letter’ to Bill O’Reilly

By Morgan Whitaker

After being attacked as everything from a “race hustler” to “dishonest,” Rev. Al Sharpton responded Tuesday to Fox News host Bill O’Reilly recent insults.

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Representing what O’Reilly called “the grievance industry” on his Monday program, Sharpton laid out other “grievances” in the history of America, noting that the First Amendment literally gives Americans the right to assemble and petition for the “redress of grievances.”

He pointed to Seneca Falls and to the famous “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” in which Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote that he hoped white clergy would “serve as the channel through which our just grievances could reach the power structure.”

“Sharpton and others are attacking me because I am a threat to them,” O’Reilly said on Monday’s program, accusing the civil rights leaders of profiting by “promoting racial division.”

“The grievances we face in America have changed over time–just as the country has changed,” Sharpton said in his response. “But today, there are still deep injustices that we must address. Our criminal justice system too often treats millions of Americans differently because of the color of their skin.”

“We’re always striving to form a more perfect union. We’ve long moved past unfair tariffs and three-fifths of a person, beyond denying women the right to vote and beyond the control of Jim Crow,” he said. “Now we fight against criminal injustice and economic equality. We fight for equal rights for all Americans, for gays, for new immigrants, for women to earn equal pay for equal work.”

“Sure, it makes some people uncomfortable, but this country has always evolved because people stood up, addressed the problems of their time and fought to change them.”

Monday, July 29, 2013


By Phillyindy

"Why don't you respect their different perspective on life and try to come to some common ground?"

This was a reply I received on another thread regarding morons who vote against their interests over and over again.

I'm a liberal, and this shit drives me nuts!!!!

You want to know why "liberals lose so God damn always" (to quote Will McAvoy)?


Liberals constantly make the fatal error of assuming the other side is intelligent and reasonable. That if we are nice and present the data, people will come around.


President Obama, easily one of the most intelligent, reasoned, articulate, honest, well intentioned presidential candidates in our history took this approach...and Sarah FUCKING PALIN's ticket still got 47% of the vote...and that was AFTER Republicans launched an illegal war on lies, sanctioned torture, and created the biggest financial disaster since the GREAT DEPRESSION!

47% people!!! Know what that means? It means that just about half the country, now devastated by 8 years of republican rule, would take Sarah FUCKING Palin rather then a Democrat...even one as amazing as Obama.

It means in 2008, after 8 years of Bush, half the country thought the problem was that our leader wasn't MORE of a right wing ideological nut.

Many of my liberal friends were patting themselves on their back that day. I was naturally thrilled Obama won, but I was also well aware of the fact that instead of what should have been a landslide...he could have easily lost.

And for me, that brought a horrifying realization that our country was even more insanely misinformed and fucked then I thought.

Obama also took this typical liberal "kill them with kindness" and "compromise" approach with governing...how's that worked out for progressive legislation, for the progressive movement as a whole?

Let's see, Obama's only signature piece of legislation is a right wing Heritage Foundation healthcare plan that is a giant handout to big pharma and insurance agencies.

Meanwhile, we've had draconian cuts to everything from education to life saving social programs for the poor and elderly.

We've bailed out Wall Street and the banks, but told homeowners, the unemployed, students, the needy, and even entire cities like Detroit to go fuck themselves sideways.

We've had a continuation (even an expansion) of Bush national security policies and right wing economic policies.

More free trade policies, more corporate welfare, and the continued assault on the middle class, the poor, and our social contract.

Yet do you see mass protests in the streets? Rioting? Are the Republicans facing backlash? Do most people even know what's causing all of this or who's responsible?


In fact, Nate Silver is now saying there is a 50% chance Republicans will take the Senate in 2016...and no chance they will lose the house.

Deny it all you want, but it's perfectly theoretical that Republicans could own the entire government come January 2017.

The fact that this is even plausible right now, let alone a real possibility, should serve as a splash of ice water in the face of liberals.

What you are doing ISN'T working!

It's time to wake the fuck up and realize that this noble, above it all approach of messaging HAS BEEN FAILING MISERABLY FOR 30 FUCKING YEARS...to the point where the oligarchy now has so much power that it may now be irreversible.

By now everyone should know that Americans are largely simple, ignorant, fearful folk. They trust the confident assuredness of a leader above things like facts. Like Bush, "Wrong but strong".

You want to make Americans understand and come around to your side? Then quit acting like fucking pussies sitting in a circle on the grass at your college quad!

Stand up and denounce the other side for the sick twisted fascist pukes that they are.

STOP acting like there are 2 sides to common decency, to moral truths, to policies that serve only the purpose of enslaving the citizens while empowering the ruling elite.

CALL PEOPLE THE FUCK OUT in every setting, in every situation. Minimize them, make them a mockery, paint them as immoral parasites.

I don't care if it's you kids teacher, your priest, or your fucking dying Aunt.

When possible, do so politely, if that's not possible, then FUCK THEM.

Think this is harsh? Well you ever wonder why social issues like gay marriage and discrimination are the ONE area where liberals win CONSISTENTLY?

Because they use this tactic!!!! Because they shame people into doing the right thing. They make it socially UNACCEPTABLE to not agree.

This is why those issues drive conservatives nuts more then anything - because that's THEIR tactic!

To question capitalism means you are a commie pinko. To question a war means you don't support the troops. To question torture means you are a terrorist lover. Conservatives have mastered the tactic of forced conformity.

So sorry for the rant, but I've fucking had it. This isn't 1970, where the other side is made up of at least some intelligent, well meaning people with legitimate alternative views and we all agree on the basic principles of America.

THIS IS A FUCKING WAR against a soulless, immoral, ruthless oligarchy hell bent on permanently enslaving the people of this country...and they are winning, they are kicking our asses into oblivion.

Liberals are the only reason America became the great shining beacon of hope and justice and equality and prosperity for all that it once was.

Well it's time for liberals to get dirty again, or you can kiss this country goodbye.

America isn't the last great hope for the world...liberals are.