Monday, February 8, 2016

It’s almost over for Hillary: This election is a mass insurrection against a rigged system

Sanders has ended the coronation and fired up the grass roots. Now Clinton's electability argument is crumbling too.

By Bill Curry

It's almost over for Hillary: This election is a mass insurrection against a rigged systemDemocratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton and Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt, shake hands as they greet the audience before the audience before a Democratic presidential primary debate hosted by MSNBC at the University of New Hampshire Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016, in Durham, N.H. (AP Photo/David Goldman) (Credit: Associated Press)

It would be hard to overstate what Bernie Sanders has already achieved in his campaign for president, or the obstacles he’s had to surmount in order to achieve it. Not only has he turned a planned Hillary Clinton coronation into an exercise in grass-roots democracy, he’s reset the terms of the debate. We are edging closer to the national conversation we so desperately need to have. If we get there, all credit goes to Bernie.

Many of those obstacles were put in place by Democratic national party chair and Clinton apparatchik Deborah Wasserman Schultz. Without pretense of due process, Schultz slashed the number of 2016 debates to six, down from 26 in 2008, and scheduled as many as she could on weekends when she figured no one would be watching. To deprive would-be challengers of free exposure, Schultz robbed voters of free and open debate and ceded the spotlight to the dark vaudeville of the Republicans. That Sanders got this far in spite of her is a miracle in itself.

Sanders got bagged again in Iowa, this time by a state party chair, one Andrea McGuire. Like Schultz, McGuire’s specialty is high-dollar fundraising, and like Schultz she was deeply involved in Clinton’s 2008 campaign. Under the esoteric rules of the Iowa Democratic caucuses, and after a string of lucky coin tosses, Clinton eked out a 700.52 to 696.86 margin, not in votes cast but in a mysterious commodity known as “delegate equivalents.”

We’re electing a president, not the senior warden of a Mason’s lodge. All evidence indicates Sanders won the popular vote. It isn’t a minor point. If the public knew he won the only vote anybody understands or cares about, Clinton wouldn’t be “breathing a sigh of relief,” she’d be hyperventilating. McGuire refuses to release vote totals. She says keeping them a secret is an Iowa tradition. So what if it is? As with debates, the stakes transcend the candidates’ interests. In an editorial headlined “Something Smells in the Democratic Party,” the Des Moines Register, which endorsed Clinton prior to the caucuses, wrote:
What happened Monday night at the Democratic caucuses was a debacle, period… the refusal to undergo scrutiny or allow for an appeal reeks of autocracy.
Given that this entire election is a mass insurrection against a rigged system, one would think the national political press would share the Register’s concern, but it moved on to the next race with barely a backward glance. Throughout the campaign the press has been nearly as big an obstacle for Sanders as the party. Even jaded political junkies were startled when the Tyndall Report exposed the media blackout of Sanders. In 2015, ABC News devoted 261 minutes to the 2016 campaign. Donald Trump got 81 minutes. Bernie Sanders got 20 seconds. Nearly as harmful is the dismissive tone of the cable commentariat, and I don’t mean just Fox News.

CNN has larded up “the best political team on television” with partisans, including Bush acolyte Ana Navarro and Trump minion Jeffrey Lord. On the Democratic side, Paul Begala advises a Clinton super PAC; David Axelrod was Obama’s guru; Donna Brazile a DNC chair; Van Jones an Obama staffer; David Gergen a Clinton adviser. All are bright, honorable people, but it’s hard to report on a peasant revolt from inside the castle. (The network just added Sanders sympathizer Bill Press to the mix, but it’s far too little and too late.)

Things aren’t all that different over at MSNBC though to its credit it lets reporters do more of its analysis. One might expect its younger on-air personalities to be in sync with Sanders but our younger political journalists aren’t like our younger voters, being more attuned to the centrist politics of Clinton and Obama than to the reformist zeal now reshaping and re-energizing the Democrat left.

The whole press corps still treats politics as theater or sport. No one ever explains policy on a post-debate show. Must all talk be of the horse race? It’s a democracy, not an off-track betting parlor. We must all think less like political consultants and more like citizens, and journalists should lead the way.

That they don’t is a gift to Clinton. Sanders wants to talk about the fallen state of our politics, the fallen state of our middle class, and how the first fall caused the second. Clinton can’t have that discussion.  Exposing her differences with Sanders on such topics would sink her. So she says she and he are alike in every way except she’s practical and electable—”a progressive who likes to get things done”–and he’s a hopeless dreamer. It’s the kind of argument political reporters were born to buy, and despite being full of holes, it works even among some non-journalists.

The electability argument is all about money and polls, ground games and firewalls, though you hear less about money lately. Clinton’s campaign muddied the message of its launch by leaking a plan to raise $300 million for an “independent” super PAC. This was to be the year of the super PAC but it’s proving instead that even in politics, money isn’t everything. Among Republicans, Jeb Bush raised the most money, Trump the least. Trump rides high. Bush is on a respirator. As you may have heard, Bernie doesn’t have a super PAC. Backed by a record breaking 1.3 million small donors, he slashed 40 points off Clinton’s lead and rewrote the rules of presidential politics.

You hear even less about polls; or general election polls at least. What makes the media blackout of Sanders an even greater travesty is that it was imposed over a period of many months in which he led all 21 other candidates in both parties in nearly every general election poll. When a self-described socialist leads every poll, something historic is happening. Even horse-race reporters should have seen that a story so big, so confounding of conventional wisdom, demanded in depth coverage, but unless you read Salon or Rolling Stone, such coverage was hard to find.

In Thursday’s MSNBC debate, Rachel Maddow, having raised the specters of George McGovern and Barry Goldwater, briefly acknowledged Sanders’ general election lead (“I know you have good head to head polling numbers… right now”) before asking, “but do you have a general election strategy?”

Sanders might have referred all Goldwater questions to Hillary, who after all worked on Barry’s famed ’64 race, or asked Maddow why the guy leading every general election poll would need a new general election strategy, but he did neither.

There is no Clinton firewall. At most, 10 states are out of Sanders’ reach and public opinion is never static. Nor does she have a better “ground game.” Real grass-roots organizations like the Working Families Party, and Democracy for America let members guide endorsements. (Sanders’ support in each of those groups was at or above 85 percent) Such groups are building the movement Sanders speaks of in every speech. Building a movement is like wiring a house for electricity. You can buy the most expensive lamps in the store but with no electricity, when you hit the switch the lights don’t go on. It takes real conviction to fuel grass-roots politics. In Iowa, Sanders ran 5 points ahead of late polls. It won’t be the last time it happens.
If you strip away all the nonsense about polls, money, firewalls and ground games, Clinton’s left with two arguments, neither one pretty. One is that Sanders is too far left. Pundits dismiss his polls by repeating her “wait till the Republicans get ahold of him” line. And they’ll say what? That he’s old? Jewish? A socialist? Everybody already knows and anyone who’d even think of voting Democratic is already down with it or soon could be. The “socialist” tag needs explaining, but so do “corrupt” and “fascist.” Both parties’ front runners carry baggage. For my money, Bernie’s is the lightest. As for the notion that voters can’t see that paying $1,000 in taxes beats paying $5,000 in health insurance premiums, it is an insult to the American people.

The core of Clinton’s realpolitik brief pertains not to electability but to governance.  Her point is that Sanders is naïve. She says none of his proposals can get though a Republican Congress. She strongly implies that he’d roll back Obamacare, a charge that is false, cynical and so nonsensical she’ll have to stop making it soon.  She says she has a plan to get to universal health care—she doesn’t—and that she’ll do it by working “in partnership” with the insurance and pharmaceutical industries.

Who’s being naive here? A Republican Congress won’t pass any of her ideas either. The only way to get real change is to elect Democrats to Congress and have a grass-roots movement strong enough to keep the heat on them. Nor will insurers cough up a dime of profit without a fight.  Vowing to spare us a “contentious debate” over single-payer care she ignores the admonition of Frederick Douglass; “Power concedes nothing without demand. It never did and it never will.” There has been a lot of talk lately about what a progressive is. Here’s a hint: if you think Douglass is wrong, you might not be one.

Clinton’s last argument concerns loyalty. Throughout 2015 she sniped at Obama from the right while relegating Bill to the sidelines. Last month, seeing her lead slip away, she wrapped herself in political and family connections, as if hoping to gain the White House as a legacy admission. Analysts say Sanders drove her to the left. It’s partly but only superficially true. Lately he has driven her to the status quo, a bad place to be in 2016.

Democrats are deeply loyal to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton who didn’t so much reconcile their party’s conflicts as engross them within their protean personalities. Hillary accuses Sanders of disloyalty to them and to the modern party they held together. When Sanders suggested that some progressive groups might be part of the establishment, she ripped into him, denying there even is such a thing. There is, of course. Its main components were once grass-roots movements that traded independence for access and are now Washington lobbies with grass-roots mailing lists. They were better off when they played harder to get.

The absence of an independent, progressive movement left a vacuum that groups like The Working Families Party and have begun to fill not a moment too soon. Clinton seeks to cast Sanders as the “other” by calling into question his loyalty to the establishment. It gets her nothing.  Democrats will always be loyal to Bill and Barack, but know in their hearts it’s time to move on. The debate now is over what comes next.

It’s not a debate Hillary wants. She’s a superb debater, whip smart, well prepared and a world-class verbal gymnast. I’m guessing Sanders goes a little lighter on debate prep, making him less concrete and specific. I wish he engaged more directly. But his quiet dignity serves him, and us, well. He’s the anti-Trump, doing nearly as much to elevate public discourse as Trump does to debase it.

One way to sum up the case he’s trying to make might be as follows. In the 1990s a near bipartisan consensus celebrated a new age of globalization and information technology in which technology and trade spur growth that in turn fosters a broad and inclusive prosperity. Government’s job is to deregulate finance and trade and work with business in ‘public private partnerships’ for progress.

Twenty years on, Hillary still sees the world through the rose-colored glasses of that ’90s consensus. Not Bernie. He sees that in 2016 rising tides don’t even lift most boats, that growth comes at a steep price when it comes at all, and that new technology cost more jobs than it creates. He understands that when jobs flow to countries with weak governments and low wages, the American middle class can’t get a raise. He sees that public-private partnership meant pay-to-play politics, and that the whole system runs not on innovation but corruption. My guess is the middle class sees what he sees and wants what he wants: a revolution. If he can continue to drive the debate, they may get one.
Bill Curry
Bill Curry was White House counselor to President Clinton and a two-time Democratic nominee for governor of Connecticut. He is at work on a book on President Obama and the politics of populism.

The Super Bowl's Not Over Until Peyton Manning Kisses Papa John, Shills for Budweiser

By Elliot Hannon

Peyton Manning just had one of the nights of his life Sunday. Potentially in the top five, somewhere in the mix of getting married, the birth of his two kids, and presumably his previous Super Bowl win? We’ll never know exactly where tonight’s performance ranks on the Manning all-time list (unless he tells us), but we can make a few inferences by his post-game celebration. In the immediate jubilant aftermath of the game, Manning leaned in to kiss—Papa John? Yes, founder and owner of the pizza chain, John Schnatter, was on the sideline.

Just to recap, here are Manning’s priorities as expressed through post-game kiss preference:

(1) Papa John
(2) wife
(3) kids
(3a) Budweiser

Peyton Manning’s life through product placement.

THE WORM HAS TURNED: Barring unforeseeable events, Bernie Sanders will be the Democratic nominee

By hootch

The Clinton campaign is collapsing. Built for an outdated presidential race from the past two decades, it underestimated the changing times, a unique opponent, and increasingly savvy voters.

The campaign's first mistake was to take the traditional approach of sitting on a lead. Certainly, it would have seemed a safe bet. The party's elected politicians would rally to her as the presumptive nominee—and they did. Donors were lined up for a big haul—and they gave. The media would willingly marginalize Sanders—and they tried. And the voters could be quickly frightened with specters of Republicans into sticking with the establishment candidate—but they weren't.

Despite every institutional advantage and a made-to-order GOP horror show, voters could not be scared away from Sanders. The more intently the machine insisted upon Clinton, the more suspect Clinton became. And now her campaign is out of options.

There are no more endorsements left to get. She's squandered her financial advantage by outspending Sanders by many times in Iowa, only to tie. Her big donors must be maxing out in direct contributions, leaving Super PAC's as the only vehicle through which she can make up the losses (less than ideal optics). And the media has already stooped so low in its dismissal of Sanders that there is no credible room left to expand that endeavor. At this point, Chris Matthews would literally have to beg viewers to vote Clinton in order to outdo his current advocacy.

On unfamiliar territory and feeling desperate, the inflexible campaign made the second mistake of doubling down on its voter containment strategy, completely giving up on converting any new voters.
There is no obvious goal or governing principles coming out of her camp at this point. No lines in the sand she's promising to draw as President. All that's left is jeering smack-talk of Bernie-Bros, pie-in-the-sky aspirations, and sexism—suggesting that anyone who still likes Sanders has been cut from the target audience.

And it isn't working.

Why should it? People aren't idiots. Shirley Chisholm, Jan Schakowsky, Barbara Lee, Sheila Jackson Lee, Elizabeth Warren and many others have shown us that women can confront our sexist culture and still refuse to submit to the male-dominated influences that have ruined our economy and democracy. And consider politicians like Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina, who have also battled untold sexist barriers to achieve their groundbreaking professional goals; only the most deluded Democratic voter would consider handing them high office as compensation for their troubles.

Essentially, the Clinton campaign is wrapping a sexist appeal in the veneer of feminism: because she was a woman, Clinton couldn't help but play ball with corporations, so give her a girl pass. What a slap in the face to every woman who never sold out or gave up. It's one thing to point out that a woman went through a mountain of man-shit to obtain her rightful due, or blazed a path for future women, however imperfectly; it's another thing, completely, to insist voters overlook corruption because the candidate is a woman.

And as the campaign lashes out in a panic, other wheels are starting to come off the bus.

In the last debate, Sanders addressed race on three occasions: 1) asked about the death penalty, he noted that innocent people of color are more likely to find their way to death row; 2) asked about our criminal justice system, he made sure to include in his answer the fact that we incarcerate mostly people of color; and 3) when responding to the Flint disaster, he asked a type of question rarely heard from a Presidential candidate: what would have happened if Flint's population was middle class and white?

Clinton said absolutely nothing about race. Well, almost nothing. At the debate's conclusion, with the last question answered, Clinton wondered aloud why there weren't opportunities to talk about race.

How must that have sounded to black viewers, who surely noticed not only Sanders' pointed and appropriate injection of racial concerns into his answers, but the absence of any equivalent from Clinton? I'm sure she had good sound bytes at the ready; she just lacked the inter-sectional ability to weave them into a question that didn't parade itself as race-focused.

Is it any surprise that public figures from the African American community are beginning to withdraw their endorsements of Clinton and line up behind Sanders?

It is as though the Clinton campaign was designed to last only so long; slap-dash construction with a lifespan no longer than the short time it would take to push Sanders out of the frame. When that didn't happen, there was no Plan B. The public didn't care who Congress endorsed, and they didn't care what the Chris Matthews of the world said, and they aren't buying the argument that everyone troubled by Clinton is somehow hoodwinked by Republican misogyny. They want actual representation and appreciate a candidate who shoots straight.

And this is the nail in the Clinton coffin. The American people are beginning to realize they have the ability to elect someone they're not supposed to elect. Clinton represents everything "normal" about elections that are now universally recognized as abnormal. She is a safe bet only in a fictional world that is being dismantled. She is the past, and the future has become viable.

Berine Sanders' support will continue to swell, as it should, and Democrats need the courage to call this a good thing—a great thing. No longer can we permit our values and agendas to be boxed in by the very influences that oppose them. Time is running out on our ecology, our economy, and our social fabric, and nothing less than an out-and-out champion for our future will do. 

You probably already know this. It's probably why you are voting for Sanders in your Democratic Primary. It looks like you'll have plenty of company.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

President Obama: The World I Want My Daughters To Grow Up In

Feb. 3, 2016
Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States. 

One of America’s greatest strengths right now is the fact that our young generation—the millennials—is also the biggest, most educated, most diverse and most digitally fluent generation in our history. And one thing my daughters have taught me about their generation is that they’re not going to wait for anyone else to build a better world; they’re just going to go ahead and create that world for themselves.

We can create the circumstances that give them every chance to do that, of course—to make sure they can grow up free from debt and free to make their own choices in a world that’s not beyond their capacity to repair. That’s why my administration has reduced student loan payments to 10% of a borrower’s income, so that young people who choose college aren’t punished for that choice. We’ve reformed our health-care system so that when young people change jobs, go back to school, chase that new idea or start a family of their own, they’ll still have coverage.

We led nearly 200 nations to the most ambitious agreement in history to combat climate change. But my daughters’ generation knew long before Paris that protecting the one planet we’ve got isn’t something that’s up for debate. They knew long before the Supreme Court ruled for marriage equality last June that all love is created equal. They don’t see each of us first and foremost as black or white, Asian or Latino, gay or straight, immigrant or native-born. They view our diversity as a great gift. In many ways, their generation is already pushing the rest of us toward change.

 So for the sake of our future, one thing we have to do, maybe even above all others, is to make sure they grow up knowing that their voices matter, that they have agency in our democracy. Those of us in positions of power have to set an example with the way we treat each other—not by viewing those who disagree with us as unpatriotic or motivated by malice, but with a willingness to compromise.

We have to listen to those with whom we don’t agree.We have to reduce the corrosive influence of money in our politics that makes people feel like the system is rigged. We have to make voting easier, not harder, and modernize it for the way we live now. And we have to encourage our young people to stay active in our public life so that it reflects the goodness and decency and fundamental optimism that they exhibit every day.

The world we want for our kids—one with opportunity and security for our families; one with rising standards of living and a sustainable, peaceful planet; one that’s innovative and inclusive, bold and big-hearted—it’s entirely within our reach. The only constraints on America’s future are the ones we impose on ourselves.

That’s always been the case with America—our destiny isn’t decided for us, but by us. And as long as we give our young people every tool and every chance to decide the future for themselves, I have incredible faith in the choices they’ll make.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Chris Christie Is an Incompetent Boob and a Goddamned Liar (Part 994 of an Endless Series)

Now, the Rude Pundit is no big-time politician who is friends with football team owners and kings, nor is he running for president, but he's pretty damn sure that if he were governor of a state that just got face-fucked by an historic blizzard with historic floods, he'd probably think it's his responsibility to stay in his goddamn state, just to show everyone that he gives a happy monkey fuck. But not New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

Oh, sure, he was shamed into leaving the campaign trail in New Hampshire for a day to hang out and drink hot chocolate with the kids back at home. But as soon as the storm was over (and it was a big fucking storm), Christie told the snow-coated Garden State to kiss his big happy ass goodbye and jetted off in a private plane. When questioned about that decision this morning on Morning Blow, Christie, as is his way, was a total cock about it: "I don't even know what critics you're talking about. There is no residual damage, there is no residual flooding damage. All the flooding receded yesterday morning. And there was no other damage."

And, sure, the southern portions of the Jersey Shore might be a little more Philadelphia, a little more Delaware, but, you know they are still part of the state that Christie allegedly runs.

That part of the state got floods that dwarfed Hurricane/Superstorm/Big Honkin' Weather Event Sandy for them. In fact, this was their Sandy, since that the south shore dodged that bullet. But this more than made up for it. The flood waters recorded were a foot higher than the previous record in some areas.

As for the aftermath, or, as Christie calls it, "residual damage," the governor must understand that if a building gets flooded, especially if it has three, four, five feet of water in it, there is damage that may involve gutting the place or condemning it. Certainly, there is a fuck load of shit messed up. And it ain't isolated to a couple of homes.

The mayor of that town up there, North Wildwood, said, "We had between four and five feet of water in the downtown. Our entire dune system was compromised, and we had a big breach on 3rd Avenue. We had whitecaps and ice flow right through town. It was surreal."

Christie is prancing around New Hampshire, calling himself "the disaster governor," and saying that makes him a good leader. Well, shit, at least he didn't just fuck off to Disney World this time. He pretended he gave a fuck for a few minutes. If deluding yourself and lying to people is leadership, then Chris Christie should be the fuckin' emperor of the world.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

GOP Establishment In Freak-Out Mode: They Can't Stop Trump Or Cruz From Grabbing Nomination

"The party has been hijacked," says one GOP insider.
The Republican Party has added a new twist to its renowned blame games. Its Washington-centric establishment is saying the race for the 2016 presidential nominee is all but over before the voting starts.

As national news organizations are reporting just days before Iowa caucuses, it looks like either Donald Trump will mount a successful hostile takeover of the GOP, or the senator most despised by its establishment, Ted Cruz, will grab the nomination. That realization has prompted a growing chorus of GOP strategists and party insiders to chime in with last-minute advice to avoid what others say is inevitable, or simply panic.

“Whoever is not named Trump and not named Cruz that looks strong out of both Iowa and New Hampshire, we should consolidate around,” Henry Barbour, a Mississippi-based strategist told the New York Times, in a piece this week emphasizing time is running out for a “credible alternative.” His uncle is ex-RNC chair and former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour.

“This whole thing is a disaster,” Curt Anderson, ex-RNC political director and veteran operative, told in a piece that asked who let Trump get this far. “I feel the party has been hijacked,” said RNC member Holland Redfield. “It will be a major internal fight.”

“All of the hand-wringing and alarm-sounding within the Republican establishment is sound and fury signifying nothing,” Chris Cizilla, the Washington Post’s top handicapper wrote Wednesday. “The train has left the station. The boat has left the dock. The genie is out of the bottle. Pandora’s box is open.”

And what a box it is! Before Trump hijacked the headlines by trying to bully Fox News into dumping Megyn Kelly as a moderator for Thursday night's debate, and then walked away because he didn’t get his way (his press statement said, “this takes guts”), he was drawing the worst GOP publicity hounds.

In recent days, that’s included Sarah Palin, Jerry Falwell. Jr., Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley and Donald Rumsfeld.

“I see someone who has touched a nerve with our country,” Rumsfeld said of Trump. But the one-two punch of Palin’s and Grassley’s support is seen as influential among Iowa Republicans, who are disproportionately right-wing and evangelical. That’s why Mike Huckabee won Iowa in 2008 and Rick Santorum won in 2012. 

No matter the reason, the finger-pointing has begun. Republicans who tried to ignite a stop-Trump movement told Politico that the super PACS and donors that lined up behind their more mainsteam candidates—Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Chris Christie—misspent millions by slamming each other and not attacking Trump or Cruz. “It’s not just campaigns that are coming under fire—it’s also donors, many of whom were presented with the opportunity to go after Trump but didn’t pull the trigger,” Politico wrote. “Much frustration has been directed at the RNC, which some believe has been pushed around by the party’s surprise poll-leader.”

Trump’s Fox News Gambit

Going into the week before the Iowa caucuses, polls showed the dark mood of Republicans favors Trump and Cruz. The base is in a “sour” mood, the Post reported, although that’s too genteel. Ninety percent say the country is on a wrong track. Eighty percent don’t like the way the federal government works. Sixty percent say people like them are losing influence in America. Forty percent say they are “angry” about all of this—hence Trump’s standing: he has the support of 37 percent or so of likely GOP primary voters and has been leading for months. 

Trump yet again showed how he can uniquely manipulate the media by reviving his fight with Fox News’ anchor Megyn Kelly. He deliberately picked a fight with her the way he picks fights with protesters at his rallies. The timeline of this latest attention-grabbing gambit saw Trump threaten to pull out of Thursday’s TV debate unless Fox pulled Kelly from one of three moderator slots. But Fox did not budge, forcing Trump to follow through on his threat or look weak—a cardinal sin for him.

The great negotiator might have pulled a dumb move on the eve of what was lining up to be the biggest night of his life—winning the Iowa caucuses to begin his hostile takeover of the GOP. As he will see, politics abhors a vacuum and he just gave Cruz, who’s slightly trailing, and the posse of other mainstream candidates more airtime to attack and make their case. Undecided Republicans will see other choices without Trump hogging the limelight. Whether that’s a masterful move by the master negotiator remains to be seen. The Washington Post Wednesday reported that Trump supporters are parroting his lines that Kelly is biased and Fox can’t be trusted.

What’s most notable about this latest made-for-media dustup is what it reveals about Trump’s character—how thin-skinned he is when faced with critics who don’t fawn over him. On Tuesday night, Trump held a rare press conference and clashed with reporters who repeatedly asked him to respond to charges that he should not be endorsed by evangelicals because of his past marital infidelities. Come Wednesday, the Times’ campaign blog speculated that Trump knows he will be attacked for past pro-choice stances and would not be able to monopolize the debate coverage by attending. The Times also blogged that his campaign was walking back remarks about not attending the debate.

As the Boston Globe noted, “Cruz continues to work on his Iowa ground game while Trump continues to fight with the media.”

Not Republican, But Authoritarian

Whether he shows up or not, what the country is witnessing is not just a candidate whose uncanny ability to provoke and manipulate the press has upended previous rules of presidential campaigns, rendering mainstream competition all but irrelevant. Voters are also witnessing what an extreme authoritarian looks like and how he operates. That searing conclusion comes from former Nixon White House counsel John Dean, who has written many books about political authoritarians and their rise in the Republican Party.

“Trump, after decades in the glare of media attention, instinctively understands exactly how to manipulate the fourth estate better than any political figure in modern America,” he recently wrote.

“By being himself, he is taking the country to school on how to dominate public attention with his inflammatory rhetoric, which he intuitively employs through unfiltered social media.”

Dean wrote that people who know Trump say he’s not behaving any differently on the campaign trail than he does in his business life. “I spoke with an attorney who has been involved in a number of real estate disputes with Trump, over many years, who said Trump acts in a very similar fashion in his business dealings. He insults and belittles opponents, and is an extremely sore loser, whose standard operating procedure is to try to bully and bend the rules his way.”

“We are going to know a lot more about authoritarian politics when the 2016 presidential race is completed,” Dean said, referring not just to Trump but also to the vast numbers of Americans who are drawn to following extreme authoritarians. What that says about the fate of the modern Republican Party also remains to be seen, but you can be sure that its mainstream leaders see the writing on the wall and are finding it disconcerting.

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Monday, January 25, 2016

Ed Schultz News And Commentary: Monday The 25th Of January

On Monday’s show, Ed gives commentary on President Obama weighing in on the Democratic Primary, and Michael Bloomberg floating the possibility of an independent run for President.

We are joined by Katrina vanden Heuvel, Editor and Part-Owner of the Nation, to discuss the significance of the Des Moines Register’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton.

Larry Cohen, former President of the Communications Workers of America and Sanders Campaign surrogate, joins the show to discuss the lead up to the Iowa Caucus.

Flint Residents Told That Their Children Could Be Taken Away If They Don’t Pay For City's Poison Water

By John Vibes, The Free Thought Project

Not only is the Michigan government poisoning residents, but now they are threatening to take their children for not paying for it. 

Flint, MI – As the water crisis in Flint deepens, it is becoming apparent that the effects of the lead-infested water are not just a health hazard, but the situation has the potential of ruining many more lives outside of the poison issue. There is no denying that the water in Flint is undrinkable and that it is contaminated with lead and other substances, and it is clear that the government of Flint is responsible for the problem.

However, the city’s government continues to charge people for the poison water and then threatening to foreclose their home or take their children if they refuse to pay. Michigan law states that parents are neglectful if they do not have running water in their home, and if they chose not to pay for water they can’t drink anyway, then they could be guilty of child endangerment. Activists in Flint say that some residents have already received similar threats from the government if they refuse to pay their bills.

Flint residents have recently filed two class action lawsuits calling for all water bills since April of 2014 to be considered null and void because of the fact that the water was poisonous.

“We are seeking for the court to declare that all the bills that have been issued for usage of water invalid because the water has not been fit for its intended purpose,” said Trachelle Young, one of the attorneys bringing the lawsuit said in court.

“Essentially, the residents have been getting billed for water that they cannot use. Because of that, we do not feel that is a fair way to treat the residents,” Young added.

Recent estimates have indicated that it could take up to 15 years and over $60 million to fix the problem, and the residents will be essentially forced to live there until the problem is solved. Despite the fact that the issue is obviously the government’s responsibility, they have made it illegal for people to sell their homes because of the fact that they are known to carry contaminated water.

Meanwhile, residents are still left to purchase bottled water on their own, in addition to paying their water bill.

Although this problem is finally getting national media attention in Flint, they aren’t the only city with contaminated water supplies. In fact, a recent report published by The Guardian showed that public water supplies across the country were experiencing similar issues.

This crisis highlights the many dangers of allowing the government to maintain a monopoly on the water supply and calls attention to the fact that decentralized solutions to water distribution should be a goal that we start working towards.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The National Review’s priceless Donald Trump freakout is a testament to right-wing hypocrisy

The National Review wants conservatives to know that Trump is bad news. Too bad they helped create him

The National Review's priceless Donald Trump freakout is a testament to right-wing hypocrisy (Credit: AP)

I had promised myself I would keep an open mind about any arguments made in National Review’s “Against Trump” issue. Sure, it would be the first time I’ve ever done that when reading this magazine of “conservative thought,” which really started off as a repository for whatever racist swill William F. Buckley pulled out of the dark corners of his mind, where leering black men in berets and leather gloves endlessly lurked. It was an inauspicious beginning that has not gotten better with age.

And sure, National Review’s laughably bad writing has inspired so many other pretenders to the right-wing media’s scholarly throne that the very words “conservative intellectual” long ago graduated to a “jumbo shrimp” level of oxymoron.

But still. Conservatism is a political philosophy with its own tenets. Donald Trump clearly doesn’t care about any of them, which must appall anyone who still deludes themselves that they are rational believers in the project, free of the emotion and paranoia and self-pitying victimhood that fuel the modern conservative movement — a description that covers nearly every NR writer. If conservatism is to have any future as a governing principle, if it is to be anything other than irrelevant in America, surely someone somewhere on the right would take seriously the project of reclaiming it from the Breitbarts and Federalists of the world, of polishing this blackened diamond until it gleams again.

My open-mindedness lasted just long enough to read the list of contributors.

It would be bad enough if NR had used its own staff for this exercise. Lord knows what hilariously bad arguments Jonah Goldberg of “Liberal Fascism” fame would have brought to bear. But good Lord ‘n’ butter, Glenn Beck? Katie Pavlich? Dana Loesch, a woman famous for suggesting it was okay for American soldiers to drop their pants and piss on their dead enemies? Erick Erickson, whose most lasting contribution to political culture was to introduce the phrase “goat-fucking child molester” to the lexicon?

William F. Buckley was a terrible human being in a million ways, but seeing these names among NR’s contributors would have him spinning so fast in his grave he might actually tunnel out of it.
Still, a promise is a promise. Let’s look at Erickson running down a list of Trump’s apostasies against conservatism:
He supported the prosecution of hate crimes… On all these things, Donald Trump now says he has changed his mind.
Trump once thought hate crimes should be prosecuted, and to Erick Erickson, this is a negative. Let’s move along. How about Mark Helprin. Here’s his opening sentence:
A diet, caffeine-free Marxist (really, the only thing wrong with being a Marxist is being a Marxist); a driven, leftist crook; and an explosive, know-nothing demagogue — all are competing to see who can be even more like Mussolini than is Obama.
How many jars of paste do you have to have eaten for lunch to suggest Bernie Sanders is both a Marxist and a fascist within the same sentence? Forget Helprin. Though I should note that elsewhere, Thomas Sowell makes an implicit comparison of Obama to Hitler. Unfortunately no one thought to compare our current president to Emperor Hirohito, thus missing out on hitting the rare trifecta of Axis-leader references.

To be fair, there are a couple of decent arguments in the collection. Yuval Levin, for example, makes the smart point that Trump’s appeal as someone who will bring “great management” to the government is a contradiction of conservatism, “an inherently skeptical political outlook… [that] assumes that no one can be trusted with public power.” As a statement of principle and an analysis of why Trump’s brand of Republican politics cannot be considered conservative, this is correct.

This observation, though, highlights a big absence from any of NR’s statements, which is any self-awareness for all the ways in which the magazine and these writers and media personalities have contributed to the rise of Trumpism. Such denial has been a theme among conservatives this election season. They are happy to blame just about any other force for Trump’s rise to the top of their party’s primary: Democrats, Obama, Trump’s impeccable charlatanism somehow pulling the wool over the base’s usually brilliant eyes.

But the reason Trump’s promise of “great management” resonates with the base is due partly to the wholesale demonization of the left that conservatives have engaged in for decades. Specifically, in the right’s overhyping of every non-scandal within the perpetual anger machine of its media organs – and yes, this includes National Review – it has fed the notion that what is missing from our government whenever Democrats have a majority in any branch of it is not some strong sense of restraint by the holders of power, but mature and competent leaders.

This tendency was on display long before Trumpism. The right has spent seven years denigrating President Obama as a callow and inexperienced leader whose every utterance is evidence of his narcissism, incompetence and autocratic tendencies. Benghazi never would have happened if Obama hadn’t been fucking off in the White House while the consulate was still under attack! (What was he doing? We don’t know but it must have been bad!) Immigrants wouldn’t be flooding across the border in droves if President Nine Iron wasn’t busy playing golf all the time! Jihadists wouldn’t be threatening the existence of America if the president would just say the magical words “radical Islam” instead of taking Christmas vacation in the exotic foreign land of Hawaii!

National Review and the “Against Trump” writers, all of whom have been complicit in and active agents of this ridiculous dumbing down of their audience, might have more reason to complain if they ever offered substantive policy critiques instead of constantly spitting out strings of buzzwords (Benghazi! Soros! Alinsky!) like a computer bot in a feedback loop. Or if they would ever acknowledge the successes of some Obama initiatives like the Affordable Care Act instead of, as Jonathan Chait has chronicled, constantly denying it has had any positive effects in the face of any evidence to the contrary.

In short, the right wing has paved the way for the simplistic thinking of its voters that has led to Trump. It’s a little disingenuous for National Review, the self-styled gatekeeper of conservative thought, to complain about it now, considering its own role in it.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Roland Martin corrects a multitude of factually incorrect statements made by Stacey Dash on Fox News

Roland Martin took Fox News contributor Stacey Dash to task for her comments about BET and Black networks during Thursday’s edition of NewsOne Now.

During an interview on Fox News, Dash said:
“We have to make up our minds. Either we want to have segregation or integration. If we don’t want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the [NAACP] Image Awards, where you are only awarded if you are black. If it were the other way around we would be up in arms. It’s a double standard.”

As a result of those factually incorrect remarks, Martin decided to straighten the Clueless star out.
In an opinion piece for The New York Daily News, Martin wrote:
“Dash wants to make this grandiose statement about segregation or integration, and decides to single out a black-focused cable network and an awards show. But what she didn’t say is that these entities were created because of a lack of proper representation on the major networks and awards shows.”

Martin, host of TV One’s NewsOne Now, also highlighted the fact that despite Dash’s call to “get rid” of Black television networks, the BET Awards, and the NAACP Image Awards, she forgot about her appearance as a presenter during the NAACP Theatre Awards in 2011.

In what Martin called a “boldface lie” in his Daily News piece, Dash made the outlandish claim that BET award recipients only win if they are Black.

On Thursday’s edition of NewsOne Now, Martin continued to bring the “fever to the funkhouse,” saying, “Whites have been actually nominated and actually won BET Awards.”
“Guess what,” Martin continued, “You’ve also had non-Blacks who’ve actually won Image Awards — in fact, that’s where I met Sandra Oh from Grey’s Anatomy — at the Image Awards. America Ferrera has actually won, George Lucas got an Image Award, so did Steven Spielberg, so did Bono.”
“Oh — guess what — I don’t think a DNA test will show that they’re Black,” Martin said.

Later, Martin highlighted a series of magazines Dash was featured on that cater to an African-American audience. NewsOne Now then splashed the covers of Jet, Smooth, Monarch, Krave, Pride, Heart & Soul, and the infamous King magazine on the screen — all of which featured Dash prominently on their covers.

Martin then took his takedown of Dash to the next phase: “If you dare to open your mouth to criticize things that are Black specific, you might want to check your own history and your past Stacey, because guess what — I know how to use Google — I know how to call you out.”
“See, I’m not a fake fraudulent commentator on television. See, I don’t act, this is real. I went to school for this, you didn’t,” said Martin.

He concluded his evisceration of Dash: “The next time you embarrass yourself and you lie, please pull your phone out, pull your iPad and say, ‘Let me at least call a brother like Roland who might tell me before I go on, don’t make an a$$ out of yourself,’ looking like a damn fool.”

Insert dropped mic right here.

Why Is Stacey Dash So Damned Stupid? An Investigation

By Damon Young

How exactly did she get so clueless?

Stacey Dash
Rob Kim/Getty Images
On Wednesday, life-size human Bratz doll Stacey Dash found her way to a television studio.

Flabbergasted that a human Bratz would have the wherewithal and agency to walk into a television studio, the people at the studio began filming her, hoping, perhaps, to capture a miracle. And then, while being filmed, she opened her mouth. And then words came out of her mouth.

Sentences, even! Words such as, “If we don’t want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the [NAACP] Image Awards,” and “There shouldn’t be a Black History Month.”

Immediately, the words that came out of this human Bratz doll’s mouth were replayed, repeated and roundly ridiculed. Mainly because this human Bratz looks and sounds and acts so human that her thoughts about race and racism are taken seriously. Well, not seriously seriously. But as if an actual human said them.

Remarkably, this—the doll speaking ridiculous words and us (humans) reacting to those words—has happened before. Which, when you think about it, is really a testament to the people at Bratz for creating such an anatomically correct doll. Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, then you must be a human Bratz doll called “Stacey Dash.”

OK, OK, OK, OK. I’ll admit it. I’m just kidding. Stacey Dash is not a human Bratz doll. She is, in fact, a human being, with (presumably) a Social Security number and (presumably) independent thoughts. It’s just so damn easy to believe that she might not actually be a grown human woman—particularly a grown, human black woman—because the things that escape her mouth are so consistently and hilariously elementary that you can’t help suspecting that there’s a 7-year-old Geppetto in a bedroom somewhere controlling her thoughts and actions with a surprisingly sophisticated remote control.

Again, she is not a Bratz. Which begs the question: How did this happen? Why is Stacey Dash so stupid? How did a grown, human black woman come to act and sound and think like a human Bratz doll? Who is responsible for this happening?

I don’t have any answers. But I do have some theories.

1. God was distracted.

It’s no secret that Stacey Dash is considered by many people to be an extremely physically attractive woman. She’s appeared on countless magazine covers, has been named on countless lists of the most attractive women in Hollywood and legitimately appears to be ageless. Just as Morgan Freeman has been 75 for 25 years, Stacey Dash has been 25 for 25 years. I am one of those “many,” as her airport run in Kanye West’s “All Falls Down” video remains the third-most-transfixing thing I’ve ever seen on screen.

But the stark dichotomy between her outward appearance and what appears to be inside her brain makes me think that someone made a mistake when creating her, and that “someone” happens to be God. Of course, I don’t know this for certain, but I think this might have happened: When God is creating people, they pass through two factories, the looks factory and the brains factory. God typically attempts to give people a somewhat equal amount of both. But when Stacey Dash came through the conveyor belt of the looks factory, God got distracted—maybe Jesus or Tupac was in the kitchen burning toast again—and God left her in the looks factory too long. And by the time he realized his mistake, he had to rush her through the brains factory so the line wouldn’t get backed up.

2. She made a deal with a witch.

Maybe you don’t believe in God. But maybe you do believe in witches. If so, it’s not particularly difficult to envision a scenario in which a 12-year-old Stacey Dash encountered a witch on the way to middle school and the witch granted her eternal beauty on the condition that her brain stays 12 years old. And she accepted. And you can’t really blame her for this, because who wouldn’t? If the 12-year-old me happened to happen upon a witch on the way to school, I totally would have taken, I don’t know, world-class athleticism if it meant I had to keep my 12-year-old brain. (Which, apparently, is the deal Pacman Jones took.)

3. It’s a conspiracy to rid the world of Staceys.
There are two common ways of spelling “Stacey”: Stacey with an “e” and Stacy without the “e.” There’s also no good reason why two spellings of this name should exist. Perhaps someone named Stacy with a lot of power and waaaaaaaay too much free time realized this (Stacy Keach, perhaps?), and programmed Stacey Dash to be an abject idiot so that no parents would ever think to name their daughter (or son) Stacey again.

4. Stacey Dash isn’t actually stupid. She just has an exceedingly rare inverse astigmatism that causes a colorblindness that makes her see black as white and white as black.

If this is true, everything she’s said about race makes perfect sense. Because if she sees white people as black, of course she’d believe that there’s no need for BET or Black History Month or Ebony magazine or The Root! Of course she’d wonder why black people needed all this extra stuff, when black people already make up the majority. Of course she’d make so many appearances on Fox News. She probably thought she was at an Earth, Wind & Fire concert or a Kappa cabaret.

Again, if this is true—and I have no reason to believe it’s not—it’s deeply, terribly tragic and we all owe her an apology. If you’re reading this, Stacey Dash, I’m sorry for thinking you were a life-size Bratz doll or just really, really, really stupid.

It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault.

Damon Young is the editor-in-chief of He is also a contributing editor at He lives in Pittsburgh and he really likes pancakes. You can reach him at

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Right-Wing Media Desperately Trying To Pin The Blame For Flint Water Disaster On Democrats

Posted By Rude One

It's pretty easy to pinpoint blame for the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. The Republican governor appointed an emergency manager to oversee Flint and strip authority away from the elected officials of the city. The different city managers in 2013 and 2014 signed off on a switch in the water supply from Detroit and Lake Huron to the polluted Flint River. Yes, the city council voted for the switch to save money, but that vote didn't matter since it was up to the city manager who was, as mentioned, appointed by the Republican governor. The results of tests of the water were either mishandled or suppressed by the state's Department of Environmental Quality. That's a department that is under the Republican governor.

So Republicans are to blame. Quite clearly. Quite directly. This ain't a stretch of logic. This ain't bullshit grasping at straws. A Republican appointing people to make decisions for a town is pretty much A+B=C, a straight fuckin' line here.

But not if you're one of the spooge-bucket carriers for the sniveling right-wing in this country. Oh, no, according to them, the blame rests with Democrats for mismanaging Flint for decades, thus leading to the appointment of the city manager, thus leading to lead-fucked kids.

That's not an exaggeration of the position of much of the conservative punditocracy. The fuckin' National Review (motto: "Hey, even we won't hire Bill Kristol") has an editorial titled, helpfully, "Flint Is Not a Republican Scandal." The editorial gleefully points out that Darnell Earley, the emergency manager who was in place when the water supply change took place, is a Democrat, which is true, except that he served at the pleasure of the Republican governor, Rick Snyder, who most recently appointed him the emergency manager of the Detroit public schools, which is going about as well as you might imagine.

By the way, the Michigan Democratic Party called on Snyder to fire Earley because of his fuck-ups on the water. By the way, the emergency manager before Earley, who signed the executive order on switching water, Ed Kurtz? He's a Republican. Oh, and, by the way, the water switch? It had to be signed off on by the state government run, as you know, by Republicans.

Inflamed bunion John Nolte of that shithole of thought, Breitbart, goes even further: "The city of Flint, Michigan, has been imploding since the 1980’s. Now, due to mismanagement by city officials, the water is poisoned with lead. In every way imaginable, the city is an arm-pit. But how is that possible when Utopian-Democrats have run the city unchallenged for years? How is that possible when in 2006, Flint was voted the 10th most liberal city in America?"

Kevin Williamson of National Review says much the same: "Flint, like big brother Detroit down the way, has a long history of political dominance by the Democratic party. Its current mayor is a Democrat; so was her predecessor; the mayor before him, Don Williamson, was a career criminal (he did time for various scams some years back) and a Democrat who resigned under threat of recall."

At FrontPage, another conservative cockknob magazine, another cockknob writes, "Democrats turned Flint into a deadbeat city. A deadbeat city with high crime, high rates of structure fires, lots of potholes and failing services. Flint, Detroit, Newark, Oakland, Chicago and a hundred other failed and failing cities are their handiwork...Flint’s dirty water originated with its dirty Democratic Party overlords. Blaming Republicans won’t clean it up."

You know what's missing from all of these articles about how the poor, deluded people of Flint keep electing Democrats who keep them poor and deluded? The fucking collapse of the fucking auto industry that caused the closure of the GM plants in the 1980s, reducing the jobs in that field there by over 90% as of this year, from 80,000 to around 5000. You want to head back in time to lay blame? You better go a little further back than just the last couple of administrations in the city.

The conservative logic on this is that Flint was asking to get raped by Republicans because Democrats had dressed it so slutty.

The problem is that the governor's office roofied Flint. We know that by the emails, which show, at best, that Snyder's office wanted to close its eyes and pretend the poisoning of a 100,000 people wasn't happening. At worst, it just didn't care. And, frankly, it doesn't matter what party was involved. Someone should be arrested. 

Sarah Palin And Donald Trump: 69ing On The Road To Hell

Posted By Rude One

Pausing between licks on her clit, Donald Trump said to Sarah Palin, "Now, tell me. Is that not the best tasting dick you've ever had in your mouth?" Palin, into the task at hand, uttered a muffled affirmation that, yes, Trump's penis was indeed delicious. "You got that right," Trump continued. "I make sure to keep it nice and clean. I get this special soap just for the male private area from a place in Spain. And I eat lots of fruit. Blueberries. Kiwi. Only the best. So when I blow my huge load, it'll be like sweet yogurt. You'll be asking for seconds."

Palin reached out a hand and started to push Trump's back, indicating that his head should be buried in her snatch and not talking about his own prick, which, to be honest, she could barely keep hard. "Oh, right," Trump exclaimed. "You know you don't taste too bad, either. You could barely tell you had any kids, let alone ones like that big-headed boy. It's a well-maintained, top-shelf slit, and I should know." Palin hit him again, and he went about clumsily attempting to bring her to orgasm.

That was the deal they made, and Trump knows all about the deal.

Palin didn't need to say much in her liaison with the leading Republican presidential candidate in a penthouse at the Ames Holiday Inn. And, indeed, if you had walked in on them, you'd have wondered if it was a pair of lovers giving oral pleasure or two leathery snakes eating other from the tail up.

When she gave her endorsement to Trump in Iowa, Palin went on, at length, about...well, really, it was kind of hard to tell since her "speech" would more accurately be described as an oxy-fueled, deranged, incomprehensible stream of consciousness that would make James Joyce say, "What the fuck are you talking about?" before drinking himself to a thankful death.

From what it's possible to piece together, or maybe to interpret, like it's Faulkner at his most obscure, Obama is a pussy, liberals are victimizing real conservatives, and Trump will, shit, make America great again or something. Seriously, you figure this shit out: "Where, in the private sector, you actually have to balance budgets in order to prioritize, to keep the main thing, the main thing, and he knows the main thing: a president is to keep us safe economically and militarily. He knows the main thing, and he knows how to lead the charge." The Rude Pundit reads really difficult theory and criticism. He actually can understand a Judith Butler article (shout-out to the academic geeks out there). He can't understand those sentences up there. Besides, there is no reason that we would treat this speech as anything other than ranting madness, which comes across even more when you watch it and see Palin shifting and twitching and gesticulating around like a ferret that got into the meth stash.

Surely, Trump had to pay her to be there. Palin may be many things, but she knows how to grift for some cash. She probably didn't even go to Cruz and jumped right to the billionaire so she could support the drug and alcohol habits of her brood of inbred beasts. Surely, Trump regretted it as soon as he realized he would have to stand there for however long Palin was going to have to blather on before she finally crashed and needed another hit of Klonopin or Vicodin or whatever takes the edge off her mania. In fact, you can pinpoint the moment when Trump realized that he might have made a terrible mistake. It's about 13 minutes in:

You gotta love that look of Trump glancing angrily to the side, as if asking some poor, demeaned assistant, "When the fuck is this kooky broad gonna finish? I got a tanning appointment." Don't pity Trump here. Laugh at him for thinking that he was getting a loyal dog when what he really bought was a rabid wolverine.

Trying to discern the substance of a Palin speech is like trying to figure out how to stick your hand into a roach-filled hole to get that coin you dropped: you might find what you're looking for, but you're gonna end up disgusted, skeeved out, and coated with goo. And here is that goo-slicked nickel: "The permanent political class has been doing the bidding of their campaign donor class, and that’s why you see that the borders are kept open. For them, for their cheap labor that they want to come in. That’s why they’ve been bloating budgets. It’s for crony capitalists to be able suck off of them."

Leaving aside the obvious jokes on the phrase "suck off of them," Palin dissed "crony capitalist" in front of a man who has profited mightily from that system. That kind of ideological dissonance might be alarming, but, well, Palin.

So maybe what Trump wanted was Palin to assure the yokels and the yahoos in Iowa that he was the right man to stand up to "special interests." To the rubes who would vote for Trump just because Palin supports him, that means he'll represent white and dumb and evangelical America. Their Idiot Queen has deemed it so. So it must be. The road to hell is paved with such pitiful alliances.

And Palin gets to extend the expiration date on the Palin product line. Someone's gotta pay for all that bail when Viper or Quack or Titty or whatever the fuck her kids are named get arrested.

Oh, and fuck you, John McCain.

Sarah Palin's Bizarre Trump Endorsement Analyzed

Here is the anatomy of a very disturbing scene.
Has the world known a greater horror than what it witnessed on Tuesday when Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump for president of the United States? I don’t mean physical horror, like murders, genocide or sexual violence. I mean lingering existential dread, the kind of sick feeling that burns the inside of your stomach like you just drank a pint glass full of battery acid.

We looked directly into the eternal abyss and were left forever changed by it. Pundits much smarter than I have said that Palin’s decision to endorse Trump might shift the upcoming Iowa caucus in his favor because Palin still has many supporters and donors in the state. My God, Iowa. My God …

I watched all 20 minutes of Sarah Palin’s mush-mouthed, meandering speech and analyzed it for you, but first, I’d like to offer up these five quotes. Some of them are from former MTV reality star and burgeoning space angel devil warrior symbologist Tila Tequila and some are from former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Can you tell the difference? Answers at the end of the piece.
  1. “I only exist in your dreams. Literally. The dream reality exists inside of vibrating atoms at the nucleus.”
  2. “Where they’re fightin’ each other and yellin’ ‘Allah Akbar’ calling jihad on each other’s heads forever and ever.”
  3. “I’d rather beg than depend on the government because then they’ll own your soul.”
  4. “I own this world. You’re now transitioning into MY domain! It shall be fully completed by May.”
  5. “Power through strength. Well, then, we’re talking about our very existence, so no, we’re not going to chill. In fact it’s time to drill, baby, drill down.”
And so it begins. These two really look great next to each other, don’t they? When in the same room, their spray tans seem almost human. Imagine a hyper-intelligent species from another galaxy coming to Earth and intercepting the satellite feed of this horrendous speech. First of all, they’d have no idea how to decipher our language and second, they’d assume Valencia oranges were our babies.

Instead of leaving the stage for a pee break or sitting down outside of the frame like anyone else would, Trump lingers. He just stands there like the Colossus of Rhodes, breaking character only to give a thumbs up or smile when Palin forms a complete sentence.

“Looking around at all of you, you hardworking Iowa families. You farm families, and teachers, and Teamsters, and cops, and cooks. You rockin’ rollers. And holy rollers! All of you who work so hard. You full-time moms. You with the hands that rock the cradle. You all make the world go round, and now our cause is one.” Goodnight you princes of Maine, you kings of New England!

Hopefully I am not the only one who heard the above quote and thought about Rebecca De Mornay in the 1992 psychological thriller The Hand That Rocks the Cradle – a film about a vindictive, childless nanny who tries to steal another woman’s family through seduction and physical intimidation. See, the federal government is the nanny (state) in this analogy and you are the poor, victimized family who just wants someone to raise their children for them so that they can focus on their careers. But nooooo, this nanny wants to take your kids, and your husband, and your guns, and your taxes, and eventually … your life!

What I’m saying is that The Hand That Rocks the Cradle explains the entire Republican platform and you should watch it immediately.

Palin deftly segues into what convinced her to endorse Trump rather than all the other equally bloodthirsty Republican candidates.

“He is from the private sector, not a politician – can I get a ‘Hallelujah!’ Where, in the private sector, you actually have to balance budgets in order to prioritize, to keep the main thing, the main thing, and he knows the main thing: a president is to keep us safe economically and militarily. He knows the main thing, and he knows how to lead the charge. So troops, hang in there, because help’s on the way because he, better than anyone, isn’t he known for being able to command, fire!”

Oh, I can just see it now. Once “Make America Great Again” becomes passe, the new Trump campaign slogan will be, “Donald Trump: He Knows the Main Thing … and Knows How to Keep It.” Or better yet, “Donald Trump and the Main Thing” will be the name of a high school ska band in Kingston, New York.

As Palin ploughs on, Trump’s teeth finally make an appearance on the campaign trail. As disturbingly white as those teeth may be, it’s preferable to his pursed mouth that looks like he’s about to kiss a live salmon.

“Trump’s candidacy, it has exposed not just that tragic ramifications of that betrayal of the transformation of our country, but too, he has exposed the complicity on both sides of the aisle that has enabled it, OK?”

OK …

At this point, even Trump looks completely baffled. No matter what you think of the man’s hateful, moronic rhetoric, at least it’s coherent. Right now, as I watch this video, I can feel myself going mad.

All Palin and No Logic Makes Dave a Dull Boy.

“That’s why they’ve been bloating budgets. It’s for crony capitalists to be able suck off of them.” If you think that sounds obscene, wait until you get to the part about slurping off the gravy train.

Palin fawns over Trump a bit more, then spins a few conspiracy theories about how the Republican establishment wants the Donald to disappear and that the Democrats would never “eat their own”. I accept that the traditional GOP power-brokers don’t want Trump to be their nominee, but to say that Democrats are somehow the model of an efficient political machine that simply bends over for the old school candidate is ludicrous. In fact, in 2008 the Democratic party split in half during their primary, almost annihilating both Hillary Clinton and upstart Barack Obama in the process. If you are not Sarah Palin and actually read the news, you’d remember that there was even talk of a brokered convention that year.

“We, you, a diverse, dynamic, needed support base that they would attack. And now, some of them even whispering, they’re ready to throw in for Hillary over Trump because they can’t afford to see the status quo go, otherwise, they won’t be able to be slurping off the gravy train that’s been feeding them all these years. They don’t want that to end.”

Was this speech written, or was it found at the bottom of the ocean next to the Cloverfield monster?

And now, Palin totally falls apart and starts speaking as though a tiny man with a cattle prod is silently electrocuting her underneath her podium while she tries to finish her remarks. “Well, and then, funny, haha, not funny, but now, what they’re doing is wailing, ‘Well, Trump and his, uh, uh, uh, Trumpeters, they’re not conservative enough.’” Christopher Dorner’s manifesto made more sense than this. I haven’t seen a speech this bad since the first Police Academy movie.

“They didn’t want to talk about these issue until he brought ’em up. In fact, they’ve been wearing a, this, political correctness kind of like a suicide vest.”

Never before has the idea of a suicide vest sounded more appealing. “So, all I have to do is press this button and the bad lady’s voice will go away? Please, God, sign me up.”

“He builds things, he builds big things, things that touch the sky.” I hope the sight of this bothers you as much as it bothers me.

Cool grandma Sarah decides to let it all hang out and toss some hot jive: “You know, they stomp on our neck, and then they tell us, ‘Just chill, OK just relax.’ Well, look, we are mad, and we’ve been had. They need to get used to it.” This is truly the “I Have a Dream” speech for idiots.

“The self-made success of his, you know that he doesn’t get his power, his high, off of OPM, other people’s money, like a lot of dopes in Washington do. They’re addicted to OPM, where they take other people’s money, and then their high is getting to redistribute it, right?” For a brief moment, I thought Palin was accusing the entire federal government of being addicted to smack. Debilitating drug addiction might explain the contents and composition of this speech.

By the way, you know what you call people who derive pleasure from giving the less fortunate among us money? Christians.

Trump looks off stage. Who is he looking at? A stage manager? Is he searching for an exit?

Regretting every single one of his life choices and praying for salvation?

“And you’re ready for the tax reform he talks about to open up main street again. And you’re ready to stop the race-baiting and the division based on color and zip code, to unify around the right issues.

The issues important to me, or I wouldn’t be endorsing him. Pro-life, pro-second amendment, strict constitutionality. Those things that are unifying values and their time-tested truths involved. These are unifying values from big cities to tiny towns, from big mountain states and the Big Apple, to the big, beautiful heartland that’s in between.”

Aren’t those all the most divisive issues in the country? Those are the issues we’re supposed to unify around? Here are a few issues that actually unify the country:

• Ice Cream Is Delicious
• McDonald’s All Day Breakfast
• Star Wars
• Zayn Should Have Stayed in One Direction. He’s Totally Sabotaged His Own Career.
• Free Beer

If that was Donald Trump’s platform, he’d have my vote for Permanent Emperor of the Universe.

“Now, finally friends, I want you to try to picture this, it’s a nice thing to picture. Exactly one year from tomorrow, former president Barack Obama. He packs up the teleprompters and the selfie-sticks, and the Greek columns, and all that hopey, changey stuff and he heads on back to Chicago, where I’m sure he can find some community there to organize again. There, he can finally look up, President Obama will be able to look up, and there, over his head, he’ll be able to see that shining, towering, Trump tower. Yes, Barack, he built that, and that says a lot. Iowa, you say a lot, being here tonight, supporting the right man who will allow you to make America great again. God bless you! God bless the United States of America and our next president of the United States, Donald J Trump!”

I am truly flabbergasted that Sarah Palin hasn’t come up with new insults to direct at Obama. This guy is a two-term president who has overseen the passage of major legislation like the Affordable Care Act, dined with countless world leaders, and will likely leave office with improvement on most major economic markers since he got the job. All that, and the best she can do is to mock him for working as a community organizer.

It has never worked to mock this man for helping people in need. You’d be better off joking about his gigantic dumbo ears or his mole instead of impugning the very idea of human kindness. Obama is 2-0 against these clowns and yet they persist in claiming that using a teleprompter disqualifies you for the office of president. To Sarah Palin, a truly impressive achievement is paying to erect a building shaped like a hunting rifle.

As if Palin’s speech wasn’t grotesque enough, we have to see Trump’s kissing face. What is he kissing? The invisible demon whispering in Palin’s ear? I have to assume that an outside entity was feeding her lines, as it is the only explanation for her shambolic, disjointed lunacy. Inexplicably, a human being who speaks like the comment thread underneath a YouTube video remains a political force in this country.

Really, this was all fated to happen. No two people on this planet seem less concerned with criticism, more content with themselves, or more oblivious to the obscenity of the words they speak. Let us never forget that almost 60 million Americans voted for John McCain in 2008. That’s 60 million people in a nation of over 300 million that had no qualms about having Sarah Palin a breath away from the nuclear codes. To them, there was nothing wrong with her speech yesterday. It probably made perfect sense. The stumbling, the atrocious grammar, and the folksy gibberish just endears her to them more. Sarah Palin has not disappeared because her supporters haven’t either. The marriage of Trump and Palin is simply the unification of a movement that has been gaining steam in this country ever since the election of George W Bush. This is not a nation of thinkers. It’s a nation of deciders and robber barons and blowhards.


“I only exist in your dreams. Literally. The dream reality exists inside of vibrating atoms at the nucleus.” TILA

“Where they’re fightin’ each other and yellin’ “Allah Akbar” calling jihad on each other’s heads for ever and ever.” SARAH

“I’d rather beg than depend on the government because then they’ll own your soul.” TILA

“I own this world. You’re now transitioning into MY domain! It shall be fully completed by May.” TILA

“Power through strength. Well, then, we’re talking about our very existence, so no, we’re not going to chill. In fact it’s time to drill, baby, drill down.” SARAH

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Palin Claims Trump's 'Not An Elitist' During Rambling Endorsement Speech

By Heather

The Snowbilly from Wasilla wants us all to believe that Donald Trump is just a regular working Joe like you and me. The cable "news" networks decided to give Donald Trump some more free airtime this Tuesday and treated their audiences to twenty minutes of Sarah Palin's rambling word salad of an endorsement and for those of you who aren't fond of the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard, here's a taste:
PALIN: Yeah, our leader, a little bit different. He's a multi-billionaire, not that there's anything wrong with that. But it's amazing. He is not elitist at all. Oh, I just hope you all get to know him more and more as a person and a family man, what he's been able to accomplish with, it's kind of this quiet generosity.
Yeah, maybe his largess kind of, I don't know, gets in the way of that quiet generosity and his compassion, but if you know him as a person, you'll get to know him more and more, you'll have even more respect. Not just for his record of success and the good intentions for America, but who he is as a person. He's not an elitist.
PoliticusUSA has more on her never ending word salad of an endorsement here: Sarah Palin Goes On A Demented Mentally Unstable Rant About Obama While Endorsing Trump

Sarah Palin was supposed to be endorsing Donald Trump, but within moments of taking the stage, Palin unleashed a demented and mentally unstable rant about President Obama.

Palin said:

Thank a vet and know that United States military deserves a Commander In Chief who loves our country passionately, and will never apologize for this country. A new Commander In Chief, who never leave our men behind. A new Commander In Chief one who never lie to the families of the fallen.

I’m in it because just last week we’re watching our sailors suffer and be humiliated on a world stage at the hands of Iranian captors in violation of international law. Because a weak-kneed capitulator in chief has decided that America will lead from behind, and he who would negotiate deals like kind of with the skills of a community organizer maybe organizing the neighborhood tea. Well he deciding that America would apologize as part of the deal as the enemy sends a message to the rest of the world that they capture, and we kowtow, and we apologize, and then we bend over and say thank you enemy.

Palin also whined about the media and was her generally unhinged self. Sarah Palin was a moldy flashback to the past. Palin brought out all of her old 2008 Obama slurs. Palin inaccurately accused President Obama of incompetence, apologizing for America, and lying.

The circle has now been completed as the ugly racism that Sarah Palin injected into the Republican Party in 2008 has matured into the candidacy of Donald Trump. Palin laughably accused Obama and Democrats of race baiting, while standing beside Donald Trump who called all Mexican immigrants drug dealers and rapists.

Sarah Palin is a permanent stain on the United States of America, and she has come back into the 2016 race to satisfy her own ego and replenish her dwindling coffers.

Trump may gain a few voters in Iowa by trotting her out there, but she's toxic as a surrogate when it comes to a general election. I hope he keeps her around for the rest of his campaign.