Randa Morris

supremacists claim that thousands of people from around the world will
participate in a ‘White Man March’ scheduled for March 15, 2014. –
Banner for the
White Man March
On March 15, 2014 groups of white supremacists from all around the world will be holding a
‘White Man March.’
At least that’s what is being claimed on the internet and social media
sites like facebook and twitter. After doing a little research, however,
I see this ‘huge event’ being about as popular as
‘Ex-gay Lobby Day On Capital Hill,’ and about as successful as one of the Tea Party’s many rallies to
‘Take Over Congress And Impeach President Obama.‘
What is the White Man March?
According to the event page the White Man March isn’t really a
planned march. It’s more of an attempt by a few racist idiots to spread
across the US and apparently around the world. The website and facebook
page basically exist to encourage other people to distribute the
group’s flyers and posters, and to plan ‘pro-white’ events in their own
An overview of the White Man March
propaganda includes:
- Anti-racism is a code word for anti-white.
- White supremacist is an anti-white slur.
- Diversity is a code word for white genocide.
- White people are suffering from racial discrimination.
- There’s no such thing as white privilege.
- Hitler was a hero who was simply defending his race.
Here’s an example of a flyer they’re asking people to distribute.

White Man March flier – Piping up about white genocide!

White Man March flier – White slavery.

What can you expect to see happen on March 15?
While there is a website and facebook group designed to promote the
White Man March, the actual number of interested participants isn’t
quite thousands. The facebook group can boast 193 active
members, but many of them appear to be fake accounts and duplicate accounts.
There seems to be very little planned ‘pro-white’ activity. One person calling himself
‘John Mnsota’ appears
to be trying to gather support for a White Man March against Lutheran
Social Services and World Relief Services. His group, however, currently
has one member, which is himself.
The largest group I could find was one claiming to be from
Centralia Illinois. That group has 119 members, but with names like
‘Hushits Asecret,’ it’s pretty clear that many of these are not real people. Take
Dave Englisc,
for example, who created a facebook account in November, and lists his
hometown as Liverpool, UK. Will Dave really be travelling from Liverpool
to march in a White Man March in the state of Illinois? I suppose it
is remotely possible, but it is also highly unlikely. Then there’s
Barry Horowitz,
also a member of the Illinois group. This person created his facebook
page on February 15, 2014. He appears to be using his page for promoting
the White Man March, as well as for reminding his small number of fake
facebook followers that America has a (wait for it) black president.
Will there be thousands marching around the world?
There’s a group in
Colorado with one member, that might be participating in a White Man March.
Another group calling itself the
American Freedom Party, has
6 members, and appears to be trying to find a couple of people in Texas
and maybe Louisianna. Then there is the group that calls itself the
Northern New England Group,
which has 2 members. That group covers the states of Maine, New
Hampshire, Vermont and ‘Massajewsetts.’ So that’s one member for every
two states. Also, there’s a place for people to share their
‘Ideas for Activism.’ That group has 9 members and 6 poster designs, but no mention of a plan to march.
According to a person calling himself Ralph, a white supremacist group in Arizona tried to have a
white man’s BBQ
last year, but only 11 people showed up.
If you can’t even get support
for your hateful, ignorant views with a BBQ, that should tell you
On top of that, if the white supremacist movement can’t even
gain traction in the state of Arizona, I have a feeling it’s not going
to do well in other states either.
There will always be stupid people who spend their time creating fake
facebook profiles and designing posters full of hate messages, in hopes
that they’ll find their way to other idiots who look and think like
them. What they don’t seem to understand is that
to the majority of
people, they look and sound like exactly what they are, idiots.