Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Trump Crumbles As Female Reporters Stand Up To His Verbal Abuse

Wiejia Jiang and Kaitlan Collins bore the brunt of Trump's ire, but their backbone scared the pathetic toddler away.

By Aliza Worthington

Once again, Trump showed that he is a thin-skinned, racist, misogynistic bully. For some reason, he felt the need to hold a press conference declaring we're leading in a metric that does not exist (lives saved, which is not a thing you can measure...) and when reporters challenged him on his myriad lies and double standards, he went into familiar Defensive Donny mode.

He turned particularly disgusting and abusive at the end, towards CBS' Weijia Jiang, when she asked him why he continues to present COVID-19 information in competitive terms with other nations.
JIANG: You've said many times that the U.S. Is doing far better than any other country when it comes to testing.

JIANG: Why does that matter? Why is this a global competition to you if every day Americans are still losing their lives and we're still seeing more cases every day?

TRUMP: Well, they're losing their lives everywhere in the world. And maybe that's a question you should ask CHINA. Don't ask me. Ask CHINA that question, okay? When you ask them that question you may get a very unusual answer. Yes, behind you, please.

JIANG: Sir, why are you saying that to me specifically? That I should ask China?

TRUMP: I'm telling you. I'm not saying it specifically to anybody. I'm saying it to anybody that asks a nasty question.

JIANG: That's not a nasty question. Why does it matter?

TRUMP: Okay. Anybody else? Please, go ahead in the back. No, it's okay.

COLLINS: You pointed to me. I have two questions.

TRUMP: Next.

COLLINS: You called on me.

TRUMP: I did, and you didn't respond, and now i'm calling on the young lady in the back.

COLLINS: I just wanted to let my colleague finish.

TRUMP: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much, appreciate it. Thank you very much.

BLITZER: Very, very ugly ending to that one hour appearance by the president in the Rose Garden, refusing to answer our own White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins' question and going after another reporter, several reporters in the press in that one-hour exchange.

The indomitable Jiang was absolutely right to challenge him, and kudos also to Kaitlan Collins for allowing Jiang to follow up in order to be able to call Trump out. That is the sort of solidarity the press pool needs to be showing one another all the fucking time against this monster.

And of course because he cannot handle one woman standing up to him, let alone two, he tries to punish Collins by not letting her ask her questions. When she insists, he crumbles like the weak-ass, paper-thin-skinned coward that he is and ends the presser right there.

This is what happens when you stand up to a bully and an abuser in public. They cower and retreat.

Monday, May 11, 2020

News From The Coronaverse

Triggered Trump Rages Over Ad Blasting His Coronavirus Response | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Fmr. Republican Steve Schmidt reacts to the ad from his group, the Lincoln Project, taking on Trump's COVID-19 response which caused a furious reaction from the resident.

Coronavirus-related job losses top 20.5 million, as the unemployment rate reaches almost 15 percent, the highest rate since The Great Depression. 

Joy Reid and her panel discuss a new ad from The Lincoln Project called 'Mourning in America', that details horrible outcomes of the mismanagement of the pandemic. They also critique Donald Trump's reaction to the ad.


Trump Refuses To Wear Mask Because He's Afraid Of Looking Stupid

According to a report by the Associated Press this week, Donald Trump is refusing to wear a face mask in public because he is afraid of looking stupid, and that Democrats might use the images against him in attack ads. 

His vanity is going to be his downfall, as some of the people closest to him have now tested positive for the virus. 

Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this. 

Oh, Fuck You, Trump Voters. Just Fuck You

Posted by Rude One

Do you think they realize how fucking stupid they look, these man-children (and the occasional woman-child) playing soldier dress-up except with real guns who show up at these rallies to try to force states to open up while we're deep in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic? It's just pathetic that they believe they seem strong when they just look like a bunch of people who have been rendered brainless from a toxic stew of oxy, Facebook conspiracy madness, and One America News. And when I say they look fucking stupid, I mean objectively stupid, as in anyone looking at them from outside the whole bullshit zeitgeist we're damned to live through would think, "That's hilarious and absurd, and, c'mon, they can't be serious."

Think about that for a second. Think of someone arriving here with no understanding of American gun culture or the fetishizing of militia chic or the condemnation of science and education or the really warped ideas of "liberty" and "tyranny," and then they see the protest yesterday in California or last week in Michigan. Think about informing that outside someone that the costume cavalry was protesting for the right to gather in large groups and go to stores and salons and they don't care if those actions end up causing mass death. Oh, and, by the way, the resident of the whole goddamn country thinks they're awesome for doing it. Oh, and, by the way, that same resident has refused to do anything to make the nation safer for supermarkets and salons during the two months the country was shut down.

Everything that Trump has done and is doing is fuckin' owned by his voters, and their utter refusal to believe that Trump has fucked up just about every aspect of the response to the COVID-19 crisis is on each and every one of them. They fucked up this country worse than it was already fucked up, and they will stand on a pile of corpses to bray their devotion to Trump while popping hydroxycholoroquine with bleach shooters. If that corpse pile happens to contain their family members, well, fuck, they died so the rest of us could go eat at the Longhorn Steakhouse by the highway because freedom or some such shit.

Story after story about what went wrong and what continues to go wrong with the federal coronavirus response shows that the Trump administration has screwed the pooch on it. Fuck, they screwed the pooch then turned the pooch over and screwed it again and then when that pooch was dead from all the screwing, they tossed it aside and took another pooch from the Strategic Pooch Reserve and screwed that one, going through all the pooches they could screw and then they imported pooches from China which were flawed but screwable so they screwed those. Alas, pooches. Alas, America.

See, it’s not just that you’ve been fooled, Trump voters. It’s that you stick by your foolishness. You listen to bloviating assholes loudly farting from their home studios about how you need to get out there for the good of the “economy.” You insist that everything Trump says is real, on the useless drugs, on the bullshit cures, on the supposedly fake death toll, on the masks, on the drive-thru testing centers, on the number of tests, on every fucking thing, despite the absolute proof, in a factual way, as in indisputably, that he's totally fucking lying or just making shit up.

Most contempt-worthy is the fact that you think we who haven’t drunk the tainted Diet Coke straight from Trump’s dangly nipples actually want to be in quarantine, that we want tens of millions of people out of work, that we want schools closed and restaurants closed and supermarket shelves bereft of toilet paper. No, you poor, dumb motherfuckers. We’ve lost jobs, too, and we’re sick of having nothing to do but post memes about how fucking stupid you look. But we know that the price of reopening is the likelihood of all the gains we’ve made being erased and far more death, and, well, I guess we’re just pro-life.

And it pains us, really, it pains us deep in our souls that you can’t be reasoned with. That Trump, by any measure, has failed and continues to fail at this monumental task and that the reason he has failed so enormously and tragically is because he thought the virus was just there to spoil his chances at reelection. He is going to toss out truth and reality and replace it with everything filtered through his selfishness, his avarice, and his unending, crazed belief in his own superiority. Yet you'll just go the fuck along with it. It's fucking sad, man. The deepest wells of Obama worship never even came close to the cultish, mindless Trump veneration. I mean, c'mon, Trump refuses to wear a mask, but his campaign is going to start selling official MAGA masks. That's how stupid he thinks you are. That's how cynical this whole thing is.

And you know what else pains us? It’s that it would have been so ludicrously easy for Trump to have been the big shot hero, ordering companies to produce swabs and masks, amping up testing far exceeding any other country (for real, not in his fantasy world), demanding Congress pass funding for salaries so everyone could keep their jobs, and telling people to stay home. He could have led a genuinely positive national reawakening of community and patriotic service. He's not actually capable of that, but he could have faked it, like he's faked being a successful businessman.

And what pains us even more? You credulous simpletons would have bought into it whole hog. And you would derided anyone telling you to go back to work as an unpatriotic dick who just wants Trump supporters to die. Your media would have said that Trump was the greatest man who cares so much about us that he's willing to sacrifice the economy for your lives. In other words, you have no beliefs. You only have Trump. Goddamn, how empty you must be to think that's all you need.

Trump has wrecked our alliances and degraded our country to the point that the world thinks we’re just a pathetic vestige of our former selves, worthy of pity and derision, and that’s because of you, and you’re so full up with gobbling his shit that you don’t even think that matters as long as he lets you be openly racist and keeps owning the libtards, which means “anyone who doesn’t gobble shit from the MAGA trough in Donald Trump’s pig pen." It’s too bad. We could have used the help of the world, which, even in good times, we do need to buy our goods or your job is in permanent jeopardy. (Which, to be fair, it already is.)

You just don't believe in what the country ever aspired to be, to the world and to itself. Instead of believing scientists and doctors, you believe TV bullshit artists like Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity and Rush “How the fuck is he still a thing?” Limbaugh, agreeing with Trump that popularity somehow equals depth and knowledge. Instead of people qualified to lead an effort, you think that feckless pricks like Jared fuckin’ Kushner are true polymath visionaries and not just vile charlatans and egomaniacs. Instead of seeking those who have earned the right to lead you, you turn to Donald Trump and Donald Trump, Jr., a devolved version of his devolved father, a pile of shit that has dried out.

This is all on you. You’re fucking adults, for fuck’s sake, and I just won’t treat you like children who need to be forgiven and hope you learned your lesson. You decided to overlook Trump’s blatant greed and corruption. You decided that someone accused of more than a dozen rapes and sexual assaults, including multiple under oath allegations, is just a jocular party guy you wanna hang with. You decided that it was better to spend money on his trips to golf and on tax cuts for the wealthy than on roads and health care and fucking pandemic preparation.

I know that we’re supposed to feel some kind of pity for you, that you’ve spent decades being inundated with talk radio and Fox “news” and YouTube videos and conspiracy mongers and politicians and preachers who either believe this shit or fake it because they know how easily you’re manipulated. You have been hit hard by the wealth disparity in the nation, with shitty jobs for shitty pay and shitty people telling you that your shitty job for shitty pay is somehow honorable and that it’s better that you suffer than government take care of your medical needs. You would rather walk around with your guns and your camo and pretend you're free than admit how much Trump has fucked you over. And when he's no longer resident, you'll whine about how it's all rigged and unfair, echoes of his miserable voice. Yet we're supposed to feel sorry for you.

Fuck that. And fuck you. You are to blame for this madness and this death. You did this to our country. You made this decision. You won't see what's right before your eyes. You proudly refuse to take off your orange-tinted glasses with the sphincter-shaped lenses. So you're into it. You're good with it. You don't care how many people are hurt, how many people die, how many people suffer. You're good with it. As long as you can blame anyone but the wealthy in this country for every fucking misery, you're good with it. As long as the racism continues, you're good with it.

You decided that Trump isn’t evil. Or else you decided that he is evil and you just fuckin’ like being evil. 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

If only it wasn't so manly to go without masks

Barr's corrupt undoing of Flynn guilty plea

After lying to the vice president and the FBI about his conversations with the Russians, Mike Flynn pleaded guilty in court. Bill Barr is corrupting attempting to undo Flynn's guilty plea.

Here's a road map to Flynn's crimes, his court proceedings, Barr's attempt to dismiss the case, and Judge Emmet Sullivan's options in addressing Barr's corrupt motion to dismiss.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

No, Bill Barr. We Will Not Let The Trump Regime Write Our History

No matter what Bill Barr says, we won't let it happen.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Trump Believes That People Who Die Of Coronavirus Are Losers

Posted by Rude One

As it usually is in these situations, it was the simplest of questions, a potential slamdunk for an ordinary politician, hell, for an ordinary human being. But we are talking about resident Donald Trump, who is a hollowed-out pumpkin filled with a slurry of toxic waste, so the most ludicrous softball questions become moments of torment and confusion because he just doesn't get how being a person works.

On Tuesday, at an event where he brayed about the small business loan program that's become a money trough for corporate pigs to feed at, Trump got a question from a reporter. "You’ve spoken about your friend who passed away," the intrepid journalist asked, tossing a soft, underhand pitch. "I was wondering if you have spoken to the families of anyone else who has lost a loved one to COVID-19.  If there’s any particular stories that have affected you."

Right now, you, sitting there as a semi-normal human being, you could toss out a couple of examples about stories that affected you. Maybe you could talk about Sklyar Herbert, the 5 year old girl in Detroit, who passed away a week before. Maybe you could mention one of the doctors or other first responders who have been taken out by the disease they were fighting. Maybe you could talk about someone else you know, like the elderly retired professor I knew who I just found out died of coronavirus. It might be emotional. But you could do it, though.

But Trump couldn't. He answered, "Well, I have — I have many people.  I know many stories.  I’ve spoken to three, maybe, I guess, four families unrelated to me.  I did — I lost a very good friend.  I also lost three other friends — two of whom I didn’t know as well, but they were friends and people I did business with, and probably almost everybody in the room did. And it’s a — it’s a bad death.  It’s not a — it’s — it’s a bad thing.  It grips onto some people.  Now, we found out that young people do extraordinarily well." And then that was it. The brain worms then made him pivot to schools that are opening up which led him to criticize distance learning because of course he did.

We know that whenever Trump is called upon to offer some kind of sympathy for the dead and sick, he either quickly reads a rote script or he changes the subject, often to how "horrendous" or "brilliant" COVID-19 is, as if it has to be the worst illness in the history of the world because that's the only virus that can be an opponent worthy of Donald Trump.

Trump has made a big show about how he refuses to wear a mask because he's been tested and doesn't have coronavirus. At the event Tuesday, in Oval Office gatherings, neither Trump nor the people there, including Drs. Birx and Fauci, wear masks. You know that he sees wearing a mask as a sign of weakness. You know that he's demanded that no one be allowed to wear masks. No one is gonna make him look like a disease-fearing pussy. He is the uber-mensch. All others cower beneath his exceedingly healthy orange glow.

Essentially, that's his attitude towards the dead. If you get sick, you are weak and you are preventing the economy from "roaring back," so he'll order you back to work or have governors force you back so you lose your unemployment benefits. If you die, you're a loser because it makes him look bad. Here's what he managed to say yesterday: "We mourn — and I have to say this so strongly — we mourn every life tragically lost to the invisible enemy, and we’re heartened that the worst of the pain and suffering is going to be behind us." The worst is not "behind us." We're in the worst right now, with cases rising in some states, falling in others, and staying steady in the others.

The sick and the dead are inconvenient because they prevent him from gallivanting around the country and prancing like a coked-out baboon in front of his adoring, cretinous crowds. He talked about how tragic it would be to have social distancing at his rallies of the damned: "I can’t imagine a rally where you have every fourth seat full. Every — every six seats are empty for every one that you have full.  That wouldn’t look too good." Your fever and cough are keeping the resident from having good-looking campaign events, you selfish fucks.

Note: Of course, as long as it's the poors, immigrants, prisoners, and the weak old people (not strong like his wheezing ass) that die, well, that's just thinning the herd until we get to immunity or something.

But I keep coming back to that fuckin' question. Trump admitted that he has not reached out to a single family of someone who died. He didn't take any time to ring up some widow in Alabama or Texas or Kansas, the states that he won. That's just fucked up. He can't because to do so would be to concede that the deaths mean something beyond lower approval ratings. He can't because he's incapable of exuding the kind of empathy that's necessary to come across as anything other than the popularity-driven, praise-thirsty, narcissistic monster that he is.

Instead, he pretends that 60,000 deaths are bad, but, hey, a million deaths is worse and China must be lying; he's petulantly defensive, pissed off that all these weak losers are dying and that he's supposed to pretend to care. Fuck that. Not when it's more fun to shitpost about Brian Williams or CNN.

He says the disease is going to disappear "like a miracle," except it's not. It's going to slowly peter out, the bodies stacking up, becoming to him like a wall preventing his reelection. Your death means nothing more and nothing less.

Joe Reacts To Trump Tweet | Morning Blow | MSNBC

Joe Scarborough reacts to a new tweet from the resident. Aired on 5/4/2020.

Trump's Fantastical Dream

Saturday, May 2, 2020

NO NO NO!!! Trump & Kushner Okay w/ 60,000-70,000 American Deaths. Say They've Done a Great Job!

Jesse Dollemore discusses recent comments from both Donald Trump and Jared Kushner when they have touted themselves as having done a great job in dealing with the spread of the Coronavirus. They are moving the goalposts right before our very eyes and think we aren't paying attention!

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Divine Right Of Trumps

Posted by Rude One

Something Donald Trump said last week has just stuck in my craw. Well, to be fair, every goddamn word out of that shit-ogre's mouth sticks in my craw. My craw is fuckin' full. But this is a little snippet that got no attention whatsoever, but just seems to me to indicate exactly how perverse this entire depressing situation has always been.

Last Tuesday, on April 7, prior to jacking off for the media at his Coronavirus Task Force presser, Trump held the "Small Business Relief Update Meeting," another session where he gets his balls massaged by having everyone tell him how awesome his awesomeness is. In his introductory remarks, prior to lying again about the number of jobs his daughter/genetic spank bank Ivanka has created, Trump said this: "My daughter, Ivanka Trump, who just wants to have people working.  That’s what — I gave her lots of options, and - 'What do you like?'" And then he went on to lie-brag, "She started off with a goal of 500,000 jobs, and now she’s up to over 15 million."

Look at what he's admitting there. The motherfuckin' resident of the United States, who is elected and doesn't inherit the position, said that he asked his daughter, "What do you want to do in my administration?" Not what was she qualified for. And, honestly, all she's qualified to do is be the mascot for a company of cheap knock-offs of other designers' work and putting her stupid name it. A person with any self-awareness would have said, "Oh, that's okay. I'm just gonna keep on abusing sweatshop workers." But, no, in this telling, Ivanka said, "Daddy, I wish to work on getting Americans jobs." It's not just that the whole story is a lie (really, Ivanka's there to make sure Donald doesn't shit himself and keel over). It's that the lie is disturbing as fuck: The resident let his daughter choose her job in the White House, like a toy at FAO Schwarz.

It's of a piece of Trump believing himself the equal to a king, the imperial presidency on Adderall, snorted off his daughter's tits.

Back in the quaint times of the Mueller investigation, when Trump was just a filthy traitor selling out the nation to Russia and not outright murdering Americans, he used to say repeatedly that he had the power to do all the treason he wanted: "Then, I have an Article II, where I have to the right to do whatever I want as president. But I don’t even talk about that," he said at some godforsaken conservative conference of the damned. Of course, he talked about it all the fuckin' time.

And now, over the last few days, Trump has gone even further, asserting that he has the power to decide when individual states are ready to open up for business post-pandemic. On Monday, he asserted, "When somebody is the resident of the United States, the authority is total, and that’s the way it’s got to be." And, as he does when he knows he's fucking wrong, he insisted that others knew what he was saying. Usually, it's "you know what I'm talking about," but here it was "And the governors know that." Except the governors don't "know" that because it's just not fucking true. I just wanted one governor to say, "Motherfucker, you were too much of a pussy to close anything. Don't fuckin' get in my face about when to open it, you anus-lipped, jiggly-jowled prick."

At today's pressturbation session, he didn't just say that he has control over the economies of individual states. He said that he can use his emergency powers to adjourn the Congress so he can recess appoint a bunch of harmful fucks to positions of power. You know, so they can ensure that government for Trump and by Trump continues unabated. He went full batshit:  "If the House will not agree to that adjournment, I will exercise my constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress. The current practice of leaving town while conducting phony pro forma sessions is a dereliction of duty that the American people cannot afford during this crisis. It is a scam what they do. It's a scam." By the way, that "scam" was used to prevent President Obama from recess-appointing anyone.

What was pissing off Trump so much that he needs to provoke another constitutional crisis? The Voice of America news outlet, funded by taxpayers, wasn't sucking his dick. Yeah, VOA reported China's number of coronavirus deaths, and because they didn't say, "Oh, and China eats shit," Trump and Trumpinistas are losing their goddamn minds. Trump wants to put in his own propagandist at the VOA.  The VOA asserted independence and freedoms, like press and speech, and that was the greatest sin you can commit when you are dealing with a king.

The pathetic reality is that Trump doesn't have the power of a king (yet) is that he can't make the truth go away. Oh, sure, the fucking idiot hordes, who will suckle at his saggy teats until it kills them, will believe his story.

But the real truth is that Trump had the power to do something to prepare for the coronavirus pandemic and he didn't. He could have waved his hand (in the form of a signature or two) and unleashed the manufacturing power of the United States. He could have coordinated national social distancing early on. He could have taken the WHO's tests and vastly expanded our ability to do them. He had that power: the power to have saved thousands of lives. It was in his tiny hands. And he didn't use it because he couldn't see past his own bloated reflection. How fucking sad is that.

What we're really seeing is the flailing of a pitiful failure, a sad old man screaming at the TV for disagreeing with him. He's going to keep saying this kind of shit and the threat is that he really acts on this. Because then it will once again be up to Republicans to join Democrats in reining in his desire to reign. And if they don't, it will be up to the Supreme Court to decide. And we know how that goes.

It's not even a surprise anymore when Trump escalates to cover up his incompetence and bad decisions. He's like every terrorist: he gets off on seeing shit blow up.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Chuck Schumer Proves He's A Completely Worthless Senator

Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has been more than willing to help Donald Trump get his judicial appointments confirmed and working with Mitch McConnell on stimulus bills that only help major corporations. 

But when it comes to Trump putting his name on stimulus checks, Schumer has finally decided to grow a spine. 

Schumer has introduced legislation to stop this meaningless gesture from Trump with the "No PR Act," and Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains why this is beyond infuriating.



Friday, April 24, 2020

Trump Suggests Disinfectant To Kill Virus Inside The Body

The resident suggested the possibility of an 'injection' of disinfectant into a person infected with the coronavirus as a deterrent to the virus during his daily briefing Thursday. The Morning Blow panel discusses Trump's remarks. Aired on 04/24/2020.

Heather TEA
Trump, YOU & Bill Gates can go 1st. 💅 Don't worry, we'll WAIT.💁
Donald Trump's daily coronavirus press briefings have been getting stranger by the day, but Thursday's absolutely broke the crazy meter. 
Trump told people that the virus might be able to be defeated by heating the body to absurd temperatures, or by putting light inside the body, or, and more dangerously, by injecting disinfectants into a person. 
None of these are actual treatments, and some of them are a near guarantee of death, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains.  


Thursday, April 23, 2020

Tucker Calls Out AOC For Elitism and Privilege | Tim Black

Fox News Savior, Tucker Carlson goes after Ocasio Cortez aka AOC using a bit of Class, Race, White Privilege, and Wikipedia.

THIS IS DANGEROUS!!! Tucker Carlson & Fox News Are Promoting Protests Against Stay At Home Policies!

Jesse Dollemore talks about Fox News' and Tucker Carlson's irresponsible promotion and encouragement of science-denier protesters who are complaining about the many statewide stay at home orders. 

It is especially notable that Fox News is championing these largely white protests when they have made untold profits off of demonizing protests related to issues close to communities of color!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez BODIES Tucker Carlson After He Calls Her Privileged!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to Tucker Carlson after he said that she came from privilege, after Republicans spent years saying she is dumb and that she's just a bartender.

Democrats Refuse To Fight For Struggling Americans In Latest Relief Bill

The Democratic leaders in Congress are patting themselves on the back today over the fact that they worked with Republicans on a new relief bill that is certain to pass. 

The only problem these Democrats have is that they didn't get anything REAL for the American public in these bills, and their "concessions" were things that should have been a no-brainer to pass. 

The Democrats aren't fighting for us, at all, and that isn't going to bode well come November. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this. 


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Mehdi Hasan Loses His Mind, Says Joe Biden Should Pick Elizabeth Warren "Because She Is Progressive"

Mehdi Hasan of the Intercept says that Joe Biden should pick Elizabeth Warren as his Vice President, with the argument being that it's because she's a progressive who will keep him in check on progressive issues. 

Except... she's not a progressive who cares about progressive issues.