Monday, December 16, 2019

Laurence Tribe: Make Trump 'The O.J. Simpson Of Presidents'

Talking impeachment with Joy Reid, Laurence Tribe urges Democrats to turn Donald Trump into "the O.J. Simpson of presidents" if Sen. Mitch McConnell refuses to conduct a full and fair impeachment trial in the Senate.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Terrified Trump Says He May Skip 2020 Presidential Debates

According to reports, Donald Trump has been talking with his advisers about the possibility of simply skipping the 2020 presidential debates. He claims that the media won’t be fair to him, but the truth is that he’s terrified of the thought of going up against anyone who is going to call out his lies and his pathetic record as resident. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Friday, December 13, 2019

A Few Questions For Enraged Republicans

Posted by Rude One

In the wake of Democrats finally loading the cannon on actual articles of impeachment, Republicans are somewhere between frantic denial and explosive apoplexy as they insist that Donald Trump did nothing wrong in his dealings with Ukraine and Congress. So I have a few questions for 'em.

1. If Ukraine is so corrupt, why was no funding held up in 2017 and 2018? And why was corruption in Ukraine not a significant part of any hearings in the House of Representatives in those years, when Republicans were in the majority? (And in hearings in the Senate, corruption in Ukraine was seen as directly being influenced by Russia.)

2. If Ukraine continues to be so corrupt, why were the funds even released in 2019 when they made no tangible additional effort to fight corruption between July and September?

3. If Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election in the United States, why did the Republican-run committees in the House ignore that in 2017 and 2018? Not a single hearing looked into that in those years, although hearings did focus on how Ukraine needed the support of the United States against Russia.

4. If Hunter Biden did something so awful, how come Republicans in the House didn't investigate it in 2017 or 2018? Devin Nunes was the chair of the Intelligence Committee, and Republicans chaired the Foreign Affairs and Judiciary committees. But the name "Biden" barely comes up in hearings, mostly in a historical context. And "Hunter Biden" is simply nowhere to be found. What made him more corrupt in 2019?

5. You ask rhetorically if the United States shouldn't pursue an investigation against Burisma and Hunter Biden just because he's the son of the president's political opponent. resident Trump was asked if he had asked for investigations of a single other person or entity in Ukraine, and he couldn't answer. Do you have an answer? Why didn't you pursue those in 2017 and 2018? Do you think it's okay to only investigate Hunter Biden?

6. When a Democratic president's staff is subpoenaed to come before Congress, do you agree that that president should be allowed to order them to defy the subpoena?

7. When a Democratic president refuses to allow any documents to be given to Congress during investigations, do you support that?

8. If a Democratic president asks for a favor from the leader of, perhaps, Israel to look into, say,  business deals of the Trump family because Israel is so corrupt, are you okay with that? Would you support that president withholding aid to Israel until they dealt with the issue?

These are all ridiculous questions because Republicans have decided that any sense of consistency, dignity, or honesty must be subsumed in their deeply depraved defense of Donald Trump. 
They are all his willing bitches and he's their enthusiastic pimp, sending them out to fuck the country, knock it out, and take its wallet.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Michael Bloomberg Thinks He’s The Only Candidate Who Can Beat Trump

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg told an interviewer this week that the entire field of Democratic candidates was weak and that Trump would eat them alive during the campaign. Of course, he believes that he is the exception to this, which is laughable. 

There are plenty of Democratic candidates who would lose to Trump, both electorally and in a debate, but there are also several who would destroy him. 

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Trump’s Kids Forced To Attend Classes On How NOT To Defraud A Charity

As part of a settlement agreement over the misuse of charitable funds, Trump’s kids Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric are being forced to take a course on how not to defraud a charity.

Imagine being so corrupt that a judge actually orders you to take classes on how to NOT be corrupt.

Sadly, that’s the world we’re living in with the current leader of the United States and his family.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Atty. General Barr Is Lying To America About Ukraine

Former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi reacts to Atty. General Barr's answers on who hacked the 2016 election. Aired on 12/10/19.

Trump Campaign Compares Him To Genocidal Marvel Supervillain

The Trump War Room, an extension of the Trump for resident campaign, tweeted out a video depicting Donald Trump as Marvel supervillain Thanos, thinking that it would be the best way to own the liberals.

But the campaign must not have actually watched the movie, because Thanos loses in the end, and the clip they chose to superimpose Trump’s head onto is just moments before Thanos’s plan falls apart. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Trump campaign's weird Thanos video. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Trump Team Mocked For Comparing Him To Supervillian

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

YIKES!!! House Republicans Just Had A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Impeachment Day!

Jesse Dollemore talks about the disastrous showing from the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee related to the ongoing Impeachment Inquiry into Donald Trump's corruption.

Minority counsel Steve Castor blew it in the face of a day filled with fact questions from Democrats.

Even the Republicans childish procedural pranks/tactics fell flat!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Get Behind Bernie Sanders Or All Is Lost

A Tim Black Show Freedom Friday Caller "Laura from Alaska" talks politics 60's, MLK, JFK, Nixon to today's Trump, Bernie and horrid Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy.

Psychiatrists Warn Congress About Dangers Of Trump’s Declining Mental State

A group of several hundred psychiatrists and mental health professionals have sent a letter to Congress urging them take Donald Trump’s declining mental state seriously, and also warning of the consequences of his cognitive decline.

The resident is completely detached from reality, the professionals warn, and if we don’t do something about this matter now it could cost all of us in the long run.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Joe Biden Is The Hillary Clinton Of The 2020 Election

Joe Biden might still be the front runner in most polls, but he isn’t the candidate who can beat Donald Trump.

In fact, all of the problems that Hillary Clinton had in 2016 are resurfacing with Biden, both the real and the imagined.

And, like Clinton, some of the attacks on Biden are unfair, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t resonate with independent voters and swing the election back towards Trump.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains the parallels between Biden 2020 and Clinton 2016.

Nunes goes viral for SHAMEFUL stunt while being questioned by reporter

THE CULT HAS SPOKEN!!! In New Poll Republicans Say Trump Is Greater Than Abraham Lincoln!

Jesse Dollemore talks about the perplexing stupidity of Donald Trump and the further confusing worship of him by Republicans.

In a recent Economist/YouGov poll a majority of Republicans said Trump was the greatest Republican resident over Abraham Lincoln.

This is despite his impending impeachment, treacherous self-dealing, and brazen serial violations of his oath to the Constitution of the United States and his Oath of Office.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Loathsome George Zimmerman Sues Victims For $100 Million

Zimmerman and his lawyer are alleging that one of the witnesses in the 2013 trial, during which he was acquitted in the fatal shooting of the unarmed black teenager, was a fake.

Trump Becomes Global Laughing Stock At NATO Summit

Donald Trump attended the first day of the NATO Summit yesterday, where he promptly became the laughing stock of the entire world.

He was fact-checked by foreign leaders during press conferences, snubbed by a member of the British Royal Family, and even mocked behind his back by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

These people don’t take Trump seriously, and neither should American voters, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Trump is a clown to the rest of the world. Cenk Uygur, Emma Vigeland, and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Chris Matthews On World Leaders Laughing At Trump: He’s A Joke Now

At a Buckingham Palace reception on Tuesday night, the leaders of Canada, France and Britain could be heard talking informally among themselves about the resident. Chris says, "He's a joke now ... he sort of earned that role. Let's face it, he doesn't want to be a member of NATO, he doesn't want to be an ally of anybody, the only friends he has or world monsters." Aired on 12/4/19.