Friday, May 10, 2019

New York’s State Senate Just Passed Two Major Bills That Have Trump Stressed!

The New York State Senate is taking care of business in the absence of leadership in Congress in Washington D.C.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Over 800 Former DOJ Lawyers: Trump Would Be Charged With MULTIPLE FELONIES If He Wasn't Resident!

Yesterday a statement was released (linked below) signed by over 800 former line attorneys, supervisors, special prosecutors, United States Attorneys, and senior officials at the Department of Justice. In this statement, they assert that Donald Trump, in no uncertain terms, would be charged with obstruction of justice... if not for the fact that he is a sitting resident.

Resident Donald Trump Business Lost More Than $1 Billion Over 10 Years - WTF!

Trump lost $1.17 billion between 1985 and 1994, according to tax documents obtained by the New York Times.

Resident Donald Trump Is A Criminal Level Tax Cheat

There’s new reporting by the New York Times that Trump lost $1.17 billion between 1985 and 1994 according to documents obtained by the Times. David Cay Johnston says this adds to the mounting evidence against Trump on tax fraud.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Democrats Should Be Unrelenting On Trump's Taxes

Posted by Rude One

Look, I get why 75% of Americans, according one poll, haven't read any of the Mueller report. Yeah, part of it is that we're now so fucking stupid and so easily distracted that the very idea of sitting down and facing 400 pages of redacted shit with Russian names and banks and more sounds not just intimidating, but, fate of the nation aside, so goddamn dull. The Starr report on Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky had dicks and pussies and cigars in pussies and dicks in mouths. Of course, people wanted to read that. We're animals, after all.

People like things simple and readily graspable. They don't want your nuance. They don't want your multi-level conspiracies that are like jigsaw puzzles where the last piece is lost under the couch and you just can't reach it.  They like it cut and dried, man, easily digestible and easily spit out.

Donald fuckin' Trump knew that all the way back in 2011 when he started his bat shit crusade against Barack Obama for the crime of being black while president. We all know the birther nonsense, where idiots demanded that Obama produce a birth certificate to prove he was born in Hawaii (and when he did produce one, it wasn't the right one for them). Trump also hopped on the college records bandwagon, too, saying that Obama's university applications and such were big secrets. You can trace the layers and layers of hypocrisy through Trump's Twitter feed, like a mille-feuille of shit.

Like in July 2012, when the dumb orange motherfucker tweeted, "For the sake of transparency, @BarackObama should release all his college applications and transcripts--both from Occidental and Columbia." Or in August of that year, when he implored that Mitt Romney "shouldn't give additional tax returns until @BarackObama gives his passport records, college records & applications."

For the vast majority of us, it was a ludicrous beclowning of the electoral process. But for those who were starting to pay attention to this pathetic reality TV host as a viable candidate and thought, "I like how he sticks it to the Negro," it was fuckin' catnip. And, goddamn, it's so easy to rally behind: Yeah, why won't that Obama prove to us where he came from? (Being racists, they never realized how horribly racist it was.)

Trump even went so far as to say that Obama wouldn't be hiding his records if nothing bad was in them: "Why would @BarackObama be spending millions of dollars to hide his records if there was nothing to hide?" he asked in 2012. He also tweeted on 9/11, our holiest of holy days, "Why won't Obama release his college applications? Is there something 'foreign' about them?"

Obviously, for Donald Trump, refusing to release private information to the public, or, you know, to him, is akin to being guilty. It's right there. The dumb orange motherfucker himself said as much.

So, while they should have been doing this since 2016, Democrats now have a talking point against Trump that is the perfect combination of simple and deadly. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, a man who definitely has had a gerbil or two inserted in his rectum, declined to turn over Trump's federal income tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee, as required by law. This is on top of Trump suing to stop Deutsche Bank from cooperating with congressional investigators, likely because that would involve having his taxes revealed.

The reason that the birther shit had an effect (no, it didn't stop Obama, but it helped Trump's rise), the reason that the Hillary email shit had an effect, the reason why so many aggravatingly simple things have an effect is because they force you to make a decision. Either you want to know about Hillary Clinton's emails or you didn't. And Democrats can use that method to what is inarguably a more noble end: to find out if the resident of the United States is a goddamn criminal.

Every fucking day, every opportunity they have, every interview, every speech, Democrats should be demanding that Donald Trump release his taxes. They should be saying that he must have something to hide. It should be the only fucking thing that anyone can think of. They should get people to show up at Republican town halls to ask why the GOP doesn't care about Trump's taxes.

No, you won't get Trump's idiot hordes or his Republican lickspittles and ass remoras to turn against him (although you might succeed in getting a little creeping doubt in there). But you know that 75% who didn't read the Mueller report ain't just Trump-humpers. There are not only a lot of voters who are on the Democrats' side who need a rallying point, but there are those who aren't paying attention at all, who are disengaged, who might just fucking love the clean and clear either/or on Trump's taxes.

So many of us on the left want Democrats to get savage. But there has to be a cohesive message behind the savagery, one that's not complex or needs more than a bumper-sticker to explain. This idea is a damn start. Get people paying attention so that when the impeachment hearings start, they're already on board.

Monday, May 6, 2019

TRUMP IS FREAKING OUT!!! Robert Mueller To Testify Before Congress On May 15th!

As Jesse Dollemore predicted on February 25th and April 9th, it looks like Robert Mueller will get his turn in the Congressional witness chair to testify directly about the report which bears his name!

Donald Trump Tweeted That He's Owed An EXTRA TWO YEARS In Office Because Of "STOLEN TIME!"

Over the weekend Donald Trump tweeted the anti-Constitutional and anti-democratic idea that he should have two extra years tacked on to the end of this term of office to make up for the 22 months of the Mueller Probe.

Post-truth talking points

Friday, May 3, 2019

Trump's Manservant Bill Barr LIED TO CONGRESS And Then Failed At Covering It Up!

Let's talk about the incontrovertible timeline of sinister behavior which includes Bill Barr's perjury before Congress about whether or not he knew of Robert Mueller's frustration with his March 24th 4 page summary of the 448 page Mueller Report!

Arrest Trump AG Barr If He Resists Subpoena

Former Clinton Labor secretary Robert Reich says Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr should be arrested and put in jail if he refuses to cooperate with Democrats in Congress. Reich tells The Beat, if Barr doesn’t comply with a congressional subpoena the public must think of it as “a constitutional crisis”.

Sinbad On Marriage

Senator Mazie Hirono Lays Into Attorney General William Barr

"The American people know that you are no different from Rudy Giuliani or Kellyanne Conway or any of the other people who sacrificed their once decent reputation for the grifter and liar who sits in the Oval Office," says Sen. Hirono to AG Barr in a contentious exchange.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Robert Mueller Blasted AG Barr For Distorting His Report

By Red Painter

Shortly after Barr released his 4 page summary, Mueller wrote a sharply worded letter blasting Barr for completely spinning his findings 

Mueller and his team are clearly livid at how Bill Barr handled the roll out of their 448 report. From his bungled 4 page letter, declaring his client, Donald Trump, cleared of all crimes, to the heavily redacted 448 page report a month later with Barr's press conference, Barr has acted to protect Donald Trump and not as the country's Attorney General.

The Washington Post is reporting that Mueller wrote a letter in late March to Bill Barr complaining that the 4 page letter he wrote “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the Special Counsel's work. The Washington Post reports that they have a copy of the letter and were able to review it.

The letter was written immediately after Barr stated that Mueller had found no conspiracy between Trump and Russia and that Mueller had not reached a conclusion regarding whether Trump had obstructed justice.

The letter was so out of the ordinary and revealed a "dissatisfaction with the public discussion of Mueller’s work that it shocked senior Justice Department officials.".

In the letter, Mueller wrote:
“The summary letter the Department sent to Congress and released to the public late in the afternoon of March 24 did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions. There is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. 
This threatens to undermine a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations.”

The letter also requested that Barr release the entire 448 page report, introductions, and executive summaries.

The Washington Post further reports that DOJ officials were "taken aback by the tone of Mueller’s letter" and that they were surprised he expressed concerns. It is reported that Barr and Mueller spoke the day after Barr received the letter. Officials say that in the call, Mueller expressed concern "that news coverage of the obstruction investigation was misguided and creating public misunderstandings about the office’s work." Barr reportedly "took issue" with Mueller calling his letter a "summary" (it clearly was a summary, but Barr didn't like that word...whatever).

This bombshell could not come at a worse time. Barr is scheduled to appear tomorrow morning before the Republican led Senate Judiciary Committee and Thursday in front of the Democratic led House Judiciary Committee, for what was already going to be a raking over the coals. This news will add an extra layer of intensity that I do not think anyone anticipated.

Congress (Democrats) responded:
It will be interesting to see if Barr even shows up today.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Joe To Resident Donald Trump: You Can Call Out White Nationalism

The resident on Friday accused Democrats and the intel community of attempting a coup in the form of the special counsel's investigation and said he didn't need a gun to fend it off.

Joe Scarborough reacts to Trump's remarks and to new reporting on the NRA.

Disgustingly Out Of Shape Trump Claims He’s A “Young Vibrant Man”

Donald Trump has told a lot of lies since becoming resident – he actually just crossed the 10,000 lie mark according to the Washington Post fact checkers – but the other day he told what might be one of his most obvious lies ever.

He told reporters that he is a “young, vibrant man”, sparking much-deserved ridicule in the media.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Old Video Proves Lindsey Graham Is A Shameless Hypocrite Snake In The Grass

Where are all of the Lindsey Grahams at now? Sam Seder and the Majority Report crew watch old footage of Graham barking for Bill Clinton's impeachment.

Monday, April 29, 2019

The news cycle: a case study

I KNOW THAT I'M LATE TO THE TOPIC, with this cartoon! It was scheduled to run last week, but was pre-empted by the release of the redacted Mueller report.

This ginned up controversy feels like it happened a million years ago, since we're all living in dog years (or, as I have suggested previously, trapped in the event horizon of the black hole in the resident's brain).

But these attacks are by no means over -- Karl Rove just published an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal last week, decrying Omar's remarks and demanding an apology.

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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Woman Destroys Chuck Grassley At Town Hall

"Senator Chuck Grassley held a town hall back home in Iowa and he got a little more than he bargained for when one of his constituents asked about his repeated votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act. In fact, Chuck Grassley has voted seven times to repeal the Affordable Care Act and were it not for John McCain’s heroic thumbs down vote, Grassley and his party would’ve succeeded in taking away health care from millions.

 So how did Chuck Grassley respond? He stammered around saying he didn’t think the courts were going to rule the Affordable Care Act to be unconstitutional, even as Republicans and the Trump Department of Justice are trying to get the courts to do just that.

This Iowa woman did not let up and Grassley seemed at a total loss. He had no defense whatsoever."

Hosts: Brett Erlich, Aida Rodriguez, Nando Vila
Cast: Brett Erlich, Aida Rodriguez, Nando Vila

Friday, April 26, 2019

Trump Is A Whiny Little Bitch Who Wants To Prosecute Hillary Clinton

Posted by Rude One

You’ve read all the legal insights you can stomach about the not-quite Mueller Report. You’ve argued with your friends and family and trolls about whether or not we should go ahead with impeachment (note: How is this even a question? You impeach the motherfucker with a full-court press convincing the American people to rally behind impeaching the motherfucker). You may have even sat down and pored through the Barr-damned redacted report, finding every appalling nugget you can mine out of it, like how the whole White House is just a cheap 1970's Godfather-knockoff film made in Russia.

And now you’ve come to the Rude Pundit, and I’m here to tell you this: Goddamn, the resident of the United States, Donald Trump, is such a little whiny bitch all the way through.

We know how much of a whiny bitch he is through his tweets and endless airings of grievances at his rallies of the damned. He's the kind of little bitch that sits in the kitchen, just whimpering when its bowl is empty or whimpering because it shoved its toy under the couch. Just a whiny, noisy, little bitch and you fuckin' hate whoever in the house brought that bitch home.

In the not-really Mueller Report, we get to see the Donald Trump in private, and, holy fuckballs, if anything, he’s even more of a whiny bitch when his stump-thumbs aren’t tapping away on the Twitter app.

For instance, when meeting with his then-White House counsel Don McGahn, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and then-AG Chief of Staff Jody Hunt, Trump bitched to Sessions about the Russia investigation, “This is terrible Jeff. It’s all because you recused. AG is supposed to be most important appointment. Kennedy appointed his brother. Obama appointed Holder. I appointed you and you recused yourself. You left me on an island. I can’t do anything.” That line, “You left me on an island,” is what you say when your online crush has ghosted you and you’re pining away pathetically into the ether.

Another time, he pissed and moaned to Sessions, “Everyone tells me if you get one of these independent counsels it ruins your presidency. It takes years and years and I won’t be able to do anything. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me.” The worst thing to ever happen to Donald Trump is that someone might hold him to account. You know, I’ve got no sympathy for Jeff Sessions, American’s most racist elf, so fuck him even if he did have to be the urinal for Trump’s whine dribbles. (Trump said his now famous “Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my residency. I’m fucked” to Sessions and Hunt, and I wonder if they immediately thought of him boning Stormy Daniels.)

Over and over, Trump whinged about how he wanted to be “treated fairly,” that he wanted everyone to make sure he got a “fair” shake. When he tried to convince Sessions to un-recuse himself from the Russia investigation and then open an investigation into Hillary Clinton (which, what the fuck?), he bleated, “Not telling you to do anything. ... I’m not going to get involved. I’m not going to do anything or direct you to do anything. I just want to be treated fairly.” Being treated fairly meant, to Trump, an AG who ran interference for him, as he absolutely believes Eric Holder did for Barack Obama. It never fucking occurs to this blithering dick face that maybe Obama didn’t do anything that needed to be interfered with.

Going after Hillary Clinton to win the election wasn’t enough. Several times, the report mentions how the Trump campaign, including testicle pimples Donald Trump, Jr. and Jared Kushner, sought information that would “incriminate” her. And Trump’s mad tweets about Clinton’s “crimes” are also part of the report.

And, most tellingly, Trump thought “it was unfair that he was being investigated while Hillary Clinton was not.” I guess it also never occurred to him that he was resident and no one gave a shit about investigating Clinton when it wouldn’t damage her politically. Trump, though, is a cruel motherfucker. Trump wanted to hurt her personally by prosecuting her for...something.

That's a fucked-up area that no one has really touched, but it's an abuse of power as deep and as wrong as any of the dozens of others.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

IT'S UNANIMOUS!!! Everyone Agrees on the Matter of Impeaching the resident!

Let's go through the many justifications (given by many people) for the impeachment of Donald Trump from the office of resident of the United States.