Saturday, August 11, 2018

Professional liar Sarah Huckabee Sanders attacks former Trump aide Omarosa for lying

I don’t know if you heard but that terrible reality television Iago, Omarosa Manigault-Newman, has a new book out. It’s about that terrible reality television spoiled dummy Donald Trump and the misanthropic world inside of the White House.

 How does someone as unqualified as Omarosa get entrĂ©e into the White House? Well it’s a mystery, and White House hot air spewer Sarah Huckabee Sanders wants you to know that any and everything that Omarosa says is a lie! And Sanders also wants everybody to know that it’s the evil media that has given Omarosa this “platform” from which to lie.

Huckabee Sanders put this refrigerator poetry together in a statement, attacking some of the more wild—and entirely believable—claims made by Manigault-Newman in her new book UNHINGED.

Friday, August 10, 2018

A New Right Wing Veterans Donation Scam

By MineralMan

I got a couple of robo calls yesterday, and tracked them back, thanks to their lame phone number spoofing. The organization that called me is the American Veterans Honor Fund. It's new, and based in Virginia. They're just getting started in scamming people out of their hard-earned money.

Here's what they're up to: The organization claims to be funding veterans who are candidates for public office. Their website offers little information, but has a two-post blog on it. One of those candidates, who may well be behind the scam, is a right-wing militia leader from Ohio. He was thrown out of the only office he has held, but he's back in the race again. To his credit, he admits that he has never served in any branch of the military of the United States, after naming all of his medals and honors from his militia group.

Here's their website:

They don't say their name when they call. My guy said, "Hi! I'm Mark with the veterans." I hung up and back called him and got the organizations name and then Googled it.

Don't be taken in. It's a scam.

As a veteran, I hate this shit! 

Republicans Betray Oath, Put Donald Trump Over Country

In the MSNBC exclusive secret audio recording, Rep. Devin Nunes says Republicans need to keep the House in November to protect the resident from investigations into any unlawful activity. Lawrence O'Donnell says members of Congress have not always been willing to betray their oath of office.

DISGUSTING! Laura Ingraham Finally Goes FULL David Duke!

Jesse Dollemore addresses the disgracefully hateful rhetoric on Fox News last night from Laura Ingraham about America's shifting demographics... followed by the retweet and endorsement from former KKK Grand Wizard, David Duke.

Posted by Rude One

Laura Ingraham Fears White Genocide

There are few things that are more of a bitch-ass argument than the whole "white genocide" thing that racists have been screeching about. The idea isn't that there will be concentration camps of white people being exterminated by legions of blacks and Hispanics and Asians and other scary non-white groups. Oh, no. See, white genocide is a gradual process by which a combination of demographic changes, migration, and white people not having babies will eradicate whiteness, causing white culture and beliefs and what not to disappear. See, it's like a genocide except no one is watching their family get mutilated by machetes or sent into gas showers. So it's not like a genocide at all save for in the delusional minds of white supremacists who don't fucking get that their whiteness is a construction of so many non-white forces that they wouldn't have a culture without it.

Grow the fuck up, you pussies. This is what happens. Populations move. People fuck people of other races. That shit just happens. Look at Mexico. Not because of undocumented migrants, but because of how it dealt with an influx of another race. You know that there are over a million people of Arab descent in Mexico? No, you didn't fucking know that, you stupid assholes. A whole bunch of them are Lebanese. Did you know that? No, you didn't fucking know that because you're a dumb fuck racist fuckball. And you know why you don't hear about it? Because the people from Lebanon and Yemen and Syria and elsewhere who moved to Mexico in the 1930's and 1940's married Mexicans and they have Arab Mexican kids and that's the way shit goes, man, and no one gives a single goddamn about it anymore. The best kibbeh I ever had was in Merida, Yucatan, and it was made by the Mexican wife of a Lebanese friend. How fucking great is that? The world's a goddamn miracle when you're not a total dick about shit like this.

Which gets us to Fox "news" host and noted Nazi saluter Laura Ingraham, who, you may have heard, went off about shifting racial populations in the United States last night on her show, The Ingrown Toenail. You've likely seen this quote, which sounds like something you hear before a cross is set on fire: "[I]n some parts of the country it does seem like the America that we know and love doesn't exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people. And they are changes that none of us ever voted for and most of us don't like." Does anyone vote for demographic change? How would that work? I guess she supports keeping black people out of her neighborhood. Anyways, Ingraham had been mocking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the self-professed socialist who won the Democratic nomination for Congress in a district in New York City.

But you may not have heard the other shit Ingraham said during her xenophobic rant last night. She continued, "From Virginia to California, we see stark examples of how radically in some ways the country has changed. Now, much of this is related to both illegal and in some cases legal immigration that of course progressives love." Then, after getting in the usual shots at undocumented migrants and bringing up the scary ones who committed crimes and scary sanctuary cities (also known as "cities"), Ingraham got to her real fear, which is not crime at all: "[T]his is a sure way over time to remake and reshape America. This is exactly what socialists like Ocasio-Cortez want. Eventually diluting and overwhelming your vote with the votes of others who aren't, let's face it, too big on Adam Smith and the Federalist Papers."

Oh, Laura, c'mon. You really think your viewers know jack shit about Adam Smith and the Federalist Papers (which, by the way, great name for a terrible band)? Most of them wouldn't know The Wealth of Nations if Smith himself was whispering it in their ears as he made sweet, sweaty love to them, fucking them in the ass while watching your show.

More important than the stupidity and pliable sphincter of the average Ingraham viewer is that Ingraham is using the threat of non-white immigrants voting in order to demonize those immigrants even more than crime and job-taking might. She's saying, "Understand this, my fellow racist shit heels. They will elect people with scary names like Ocasio-Cortez and then they will pass laws that will strip your whiteness of its privilege."

Isn't that what this all really is about? The gut-wrenching fear that whiteness won't be powerful in and of itself? Or maybe it's just that there are a bunch of white people who are scared shitless that they might get treated like they've treated non-white people for centuries.

Demographic changes are gonna happen. The pure white Aryan blood will become "diluted" (which is an interesting dog-whistle of a word). Wait until climate refugees start pouring into the country, along with the economic migrants and asylum seekers from increasingly violent places. The most hilarious, fucked up part of all this is that the way that the cowardly white conservatives could have kept the nation whiter would have been to help the rest of the world with economic incentives, climate action, and more. But it's too late now, you pasty motherfuckers. You shouldn't have been listening to people like Laura Ingraham all this time.

That said, this is the country we have. We're not going back. No matter how many immigrants the Trump administration gets rid of, the demographic shift is here, man. This is the America we have. I love it. I love this crazy richness of identities. It's fucking fascinating and fucking fun. Bring on the white genocide. It sounds like a party.

You don't like it? Well, there's always Russia.

Ted Cruz BEGS Trump For Help

Ted Cruz is America’s BIGGEST cuck. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Trump Administration Wants To See How Racist It Can Be

Posted by Rude One

You've heard it over and over from Republicans: they are just concerned about undocumented immigrants (or "illegal aliens," as the Justice Department has been ordered to say). If you ignore the fact that Customs and Border Protection treated asylum seekers who presented themselves as such at the proper border crossings - doing everything legally -  like they were undocumented migrants, and if you ignore the mostly-Muslim ban, well, you could maybe sort of believe Republicans if you squinted and stuck your fingers in your ears.

Of course, mistreating the undocumented was never the full plan. Because, see, White House adviser and Man Most Likely to Be Caught Eating Hamsters Whole, Stephen Miller, is a fucking ghoul, and he's getting the Trump administration to change how legal immigrants are treated. And if you're thinking, "Oh, they must be getting extra nice to documented immigrants because they've been such pricks to undocumented ones," then you're a fucking idiot who doesn't understand the level of cruelty for cruelty's sake these shit heels exist on.

What they want to do now is get rid of legal immigrants and they're gonna contort the fuckin' law to do it so they don't need congressional approval. The plan: "immigrants living legally in the U.S. who have ever used or whose household members have ever used Obamacare, children's health insurance, food stamps and other benefits could be hindered from obtaining legal status in the U.S." You got that? You have a kid who's a U.S. citizen and is on CHIP? No green card for you. You have a green card and get an Obamacare subsidy? No citizenship and, hey, we'll take that green card away. Back to the unstable visa system for you or, the real goal, deportation.

How fucked do you have to be to believe that this is in any way good for the country? You gotta be some bullshit white genocide-believing, Nazi-loving motherfucker to go along with this. Or, you know, an average Republican in this worthless age of Trump.

So you can live in this country legally for years, have kids here, and pay your taxes. But if you avail yourself of something that your taxes are helping to fund, you can go fuck off back to Mexico or whatever shit hole you came from. You're a "public charge" now, even if you're just getting the barest of help from the government.

Trumpistas also say that they are targeting people who did something else wrong at some point in their lives, like lie on a visa application. But, as is the way with Donald Trump, who never met a contract he wouldn't violate, even people who had an agreement with the government are finding that the deal has been broken by this administration.

In one example, a Haitian man who has a green card "had used a fake passport given to him by smugglers when he entered the U.S. from Haiti in 1989, but confessed to border officers and received a waiver from USCIS absolving him of his wrongdoing and allowing him to obtain a green card in 2011." Now, though? Fuck the waiver we gave you. "When he went for his citizenship interview in August 2017, the USCIS officers told him they were going to revisit the decision to waive the fake passport incident, meaning he could potentially lose his green card as well." And then he found out he was denied citizenship. The man works 80 hours a week and takes care of a disabled daughter. He's further fucked because he has used public assistance to help with his American kid. How does this make America great again? If "great" means "whiter," then, sure, goal met.

Here you go, Republicans. Another shot to stand up and say to Trump, "No. Fuck this. This is too far. Fire that Miller cockhole and act like you're a goddamned human being." Except you won't. Because it is you. It has been you for decades. You're just finally getting to be your worst selves.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Trump handed off the VA to three Mar-a-Lago fat cats who have been running it in secret

Sitting Rep’s Campaign Collected Dead Man’s Signature On Challenger’s Behalf

Monday, August 6, 2018

The comical myth of Abraham Lincoln Trump

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Why are Republicans so opposed to protecting November's election from Russian hackers?

By Joan McCarter

It's almost enough to make you think the Russian fix is already in with Republicans for November.

House Republicans have repeatedly resisted Democrats' efforts to fund election systems protection.

Russian asset Donald Trump spent less than half an hour with his national security team to discuss the issue, and now Senate Republicans are opposing the grants to states that the House Republicans blocked, as well.

Senate Democrats are trying to get $250 million in grants to states as soon as possible to upgrade their systems and make necessary fixes. Republicans say they've got enough money, ignoring the reports from the intelligence community that Russia is interfering right now. Ignoring the Russian hacker attack on Sen. Claire McCaskill's campaign. Ignoring the discovery by Facebook of a new "sophisticated" attack possible from Russia showing that they are at it again. That's not to mention the infrastructure hacking they've been doing.

That gives plenty of fodder for Democrats to turn this into a sustained floor fight, which is precisely what they intend to do.

Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-VT) is sponsoring an amendment to a "minibus" spending bill the Senate is considering, a bunch of smaller, less controversial spending bills Congress hopes to dispense with before dealing with the remainder in a continuing resolution to keep government open past September 30. "The Trump budget would ZERO OUT election security funds,"  Leahy tweeted. "My Senate amendment, blocked by House GOP, would continue much-needed funding for election security grants. The Senate should be allowed to vote on it."

It's needed. A bipartisan group of 21 states attorneys general is pleading with Congress to pass this funding. "The integrity of the nation’s voting infrastructure is a bipartisan issue, and one that affects not only the national political landscape, but elections at the state, county, municipal, and local levels," they wrote in a letter to Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and Sen. Roy Blunt, Senate Rules and Administration Committee Chairman.

The only reason Republicans could possibly have for opposing this is that they think they’ll need all the help they can get to win in November.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Note To Democrats: Fuck The White Working Class

Posted By Rude One

I'm a very white person. My background is so European, it's painful: Russian, Polish, Swedish, and, in the only nod to a smidge of color, Italian. And myfamily history is pure worker: My father was a trucker. Mom was a secretary. My grandfather was an electrician and my grandmother worked in a factory. I tell you this to prove my bona fides when I say, with no due respect, it's time for Democrats and the left to say, "Fuck the white working class."

That doesn't mean neglect white workers. As I said back in November (and repeated in December), "The only way to help the white working class is to abandon the white working class when it comes to trying to get votes." It means that we concentrate on uplifting all people in this country, no matter the skin color, and we stop this bullshit outreach to the very white people who don't understand that it's good for them, too.

It's just pathetic that this keeps coming up again and again, as if Trump voters and the white working class are the only goddamn prize in the electorate. Democrats, we're told, and liberals, especially, have to, got to, must try to get them on board or our victories are hollow and our policies are meaningless.

Thomas Frank, a progressive darling for his books, including What's the Matter with Kansas? (the answer he didn't get around to is the obvious one: racism), asked in his column this weekend for The Guardian, "Can liberals please work out how to win back the working class?" It offers the usual stuff we know, that Democrats should embrace a genuinely liberal platform, that they blew it by not punishing Wall Street back in 2009, and that they embrace the wealthy in ways that alienate the left.

But what's missing is a recognition that the non-white working class is firmly with the Democratic Party. In fact, it's the base that has sustained the Democrats for several elections, and if the policies of the party are accepted by the non-white working class, then you're either saying that non-whites don't know that Democrats are bad for them or you're just fucking privileging white workers as being the only representatives of a class.

Fucking hell, not a single goddamn factory worker voted for Trump because they were sad Barack Obama didn't lock up someone from Goldman Sachs. They voted for him because he was gonna chase out the Mexicans and Muslims and he was gonna teach that Hillary bitch a lesson. It's not that fucking complicated. And it's fucked up that someone as genuinely smart as Frank can't just accept that.

Then, today, in the New York Times (motto: "We will keep publishing dumb shit until someone from West Virginia subscribes"), in one of the most tragically stupid columns I've ever fucking seen (and I've been reading this shit for years), ostensibly liberal writer Margaret Renkl offers advice on "How to Talk to a Racist," subtitled, "White liberals, you’re doing it all wrong." You might look at that and think, "Oh, c'mon. That's gotta be a joke."

Nope. Renkl wants us to reason with the unreasonable: "Somehow you need to find enough common ground for a real conversation about race. Very few people are stupid or irredeemably mean. They’ll listen to what you have to say if they trust you’ll listen to what they have to say back." Look at that shit. It's like she's talking about racists like they're particularly dumb dogs, not adult humans who could, if they wanted, try to find common ground with liberals.

It gets worse. You should, she says, stop and take a breath "when you encounter a person who believes he’s merely honoring his ancestors by driving a car with an image of the Confederate battle flag on the tag [or] when a Facebook friend announces that it’s disrespectful to take a knee during the national anthem." I'll take a breath if the exhale is me saying, "Racist asshole."

I've said this before and I'll say it again: Why is it just up to liberals? Unlike writers like Renkl, I'm not gonna act like racists are children. I'm gonna treat them like fuckin' grown-ups and not fuckin' patronize them and speak gently so they don't roll on the ground in a tantrum. I'm gonna tell 'em they're fuckin' racist and that racism is objectively wrong and they should be ashamed of their ignorant selves. And if they don't like being made to feel bad for being racist, don't fucking be racist. Now, tell me whatever stupid shit you wanna say about how you have black friends.

Democrats and the left need to get over this obsession with making the white working class happy. Reaching out to them only makes them hate us more. Why do we need them all? There is already a good percentage of them that do vote Democratic because they're also not all racist morons. Those white working class members are pretty sick of the idiots in their demographic, too.

Besides, it ain't like the white working class has a monopoly on rage or morality. Holy Republicans may hammer the Bible like it's their mistress's ass, but your evangelicals haven't got shit on the black church or the enormous growth of Hispanics as part of church congregations. Go get your voters there.

And the rise of women candidates, both non-white and white, as well as LGBT candidates, demonstrates that the future sure as hell ain't the white men that still make up the vast majority of Republican elected officials. The awesome thing about these new candidates is they are coming up with ways to present that liberal, pro-worker agenda as something that is simply common sense. That goes across the board, from Beto O'Rourke in Texas, a white Congressman who is uniting constituencies (mostly not white) in a real shot to take down Ted Cruz, to Jeannine Lee Lake in Indiana, a black woman who won the Democratic nomination in a district that once had Mike Pence representing it. The DNC and the DCCC better get the fuck on board or the party is gonna leave their old asses behind.

Just think: non-white Americans, with an assist from some white Americans, could end up being responsible for changing things to actually make shit better for the white working class. That many of them won't understand it, as they didn't when Barack Obama was getting them health care, is the triumph of the GOP politics of hate and fear and ignorance.

[Note: Yes, in very white places like West Virginia, where Democrats still have a chance, you might have to pander a bit, but the basic message doesn't need to change.]

Monday, July 30, 2018

Goofball And Galahad

Donald Trump is not a traitor. It's much worse than that

By Aldous J Pennyfarthing

The Surrender Summit ended nearly two weeks ago, but something about the post-capitulation rhetoric still doesn’t sit right with me.

This notion that Donald Trump is a traitor to his country is flat-out wrong.

Treasonous? Hell, yeah. In thrall to a brutal foreign adversary? Of course.

But he’s not a traitor.

To be a traitor, one has to have been loyal to something or someone (aside from oneself) at least once, and Trump clearly doesn’t qualify. Trump is loyal to precisely two things: his rapacious id and his ravenous ego.

Apart from those cherished jewels of the Trumpian dunce cap, our resident cares about nothing and no one.

Was he loyal to our country when he failed to pay his income taxes?

Was he loyal when he took $150,000 in federal money earmarked for small businesses impacted by 9/11?

Was he loyal when he bragged, just hours after the World Trade Center towers came down, that his building was now the tallest in Manhattan?

Was he loyal when he bone spurred his way out of the military?

Was he loyal when he did business in Fidel Castro’s Cuba in defiance of strict American trade bans?

Was he loyal when he failed to learn the words to “God Bless America” and “The Star-Spangled Banner”?

Was he loyal when he failed to donate — until he was caught red-handed — the $1 million he’d promised to veterans charities?

Was he loyal when he savagely mocked a sitting senator and war hero, as well as a Gold Star family?

Was he loyal when he approved his son’s rendezvous with Russian agents in order to get dirt on Hillary Clinton?

Was he loyal when he encouraged the rat fucking of our election by Russia and Julian Assange’s Wikileaks?

Was he loyal when he promoted a scam university in order to fleece his fellow citizens out of their retirement money?

And what about his loyalty to his family and employees?

Was he loyal to any of his wives?

Was he loyal to his current wife when he cheated on her with a porn star and a Playboy model?

Was he loyal to his family when he cut off his gravely ill nephew’s health insurance out of spite?

Was he loyal when he stiffed hundreds of real estate contractors, many of whom were struggling small business owners?

Was he loyal when he left investors in his public casino company in the lurch while personally making out like a bandit?

Was he loyal (you might want to grab an air-sickness bag for this one) when he blamed two former employees who had died in a helicopter crash for his own ongoing failures in the casino business?

Of course he wasn’t. Because he’s never been loyal to anyone, ever. Michael Cohen, et al., are learning that right now.

No, Donald Trump isn’t a traitor. It’s much more banal — and frightening — than that.

He’s just an evil asshole.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Donald Trump: Resident For Life

By Louis C

Oh, silly me, did I say "resident for Life". I'm sorry, I meant "Life for resident". Life in prison, that is.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Donald Trump has said 2083 false things as U.S. resident

The Toronto Star is keeping track of every false claim U.S. resident Donald Trump has made since his inauguration on Jan. 20, 2017. Why? Historians say there has never been such a constant liar in the Oval Office. We think dishonesty should be challenged. We think inaccurate information should be corrected. And we think the sheer frequency of Trump’s inaccuracy is a central story of his residency.

If Trump is a serial liar, why call this a list of “false claims,” not lies? You can read our detailed explanation here. The short answer is that we can’t be sure that each and every one was intentional. In some cases, he may have been confused or ignorant. What we know, objectively, is that he was not telling the truth.

Trump accused of making hush payments to 3 more women

By Joe Tacopino

Could be more stormy weather ahead.

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for porn actress Stormy Daniels, said on Thursday night that he is representing three more women who claim to have been paid hush money by President Trump or his associates.

“Three additional women. All paid hush money through various means,” Avenatti tweeted late Thursday, after discussing the new clients with an audience at a public event in California.

“Time for Michael Cohen and Donald Trump to come 100 percent clean with the American people. All the documents, all the tapes, NOW. No more lies or lip service. #Basta.”

Daniels says she was paid $130,000 by Trump lawyer Cohen to sign a nondisclosure agreement about her alleged 2006 affair with Trump just a month before the 2016 presidential election. Trump has denied having an affair with Daniels.

Avenatti said the three women claimed they were paid to keep quiet by Trump, Cohen or the National Enquirer’s parent company, American Media Inc.

He did not explicitly say that the women had affairs with the resident.

Avenatti also told the audience at the event in West Hollywood that “at least one of those women claimed to be pregnant at the time” the agreement was signed.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Sean Spicer Wrote A Book. The Reviews Are Not Kind

Sean Spicer left his role as resident Trump's first press secretary one year ago, and to mark the occasion, he's releasing a book called "The Briefing" about his experience with the Trump campaign and administration. It is, according to the early reviews, not good.

In perhaps the harshest review of them all, ABC reporter Jonathan Karl (writing in the Wall Street Journal) says "The Briefing" is "littered with inaccuracies," is "light on insider detail" and "annihilates strawmen."
Mr. Spicer's book is much like his tenure as press secretary: short, littered with inaccuracies and offering up one consistent theme: Mr. Trump can do no wrong. Mr. Spicer has not been well served by the book's fact checkers and copy editors. He refers to the author of the infamous Trump dossier as "Michael Steele," who is in truth the former chairman of the Republican National Committee, not the British ex-spy Christopher Steele. He recounts a reporter asking Mr. Obama a question at a White House press conference in 1999, a decade before Mr. Obama was elected.

The Washington Post's Erik Wemple has little good to say about the book, and is struck by how weak Spicer's attempt to come to terms with his actions as press secretary:
Even a half-witted political memoir would grapple with such a disconnect — perhaps by acknowledging some fault in the boss, or perhaps by comparing his low points with those of other presidents. Yet "The Briefing" isn't a political memoir, nor is it a work of recent history, nor a tell-all, or tell-anything. Rather, it is a bumbling effort at gas-lighting Americans into doubting what they have seen with their own eyes as far back as June 2015... To hear Spicer lecture about errors, one might suppose he'd show some concern about the false and misleading tweets that Trump blasts daily to his 53 million followers.

NPR's Annalisa Quinn notes that "The Briefing" has some merits, including his discussion of Washington's conservative circles and the interplay between the media and social media, but gets hung up on Spicer's continued lies: 
Spicer leaves out important context and doubles down on some of the lies he became famous for as press secretary, including his absurd claims about crowd size at Trump's inauguration. Spicer's transparency on some points also makes his moral double standards more disappointing. For instance, he denigrates Hillary Clinton for being married to Bill Clinton, who has been accused of sexual misconduct. "Many people had to ask themselves: if what those women said is true, what kind of a woman would stand by a man who did such things?" Probably the same kind of person who would stand by a president who bragged about sexually assaulting women. Or who would praise former congressman Mark Foley as "smart and ambitious... and fun to be around" — without mentioning that he solicited nude photos and sex from teenage boys employed as congressional pages.

In a one-star (out of five) review, The Telegraph's Harriet Alexander found "The Briefing" a major disappointment:
Entitled The Briefing, it is Spicer's attempt to clear his name. His first press briefing, when he berated the bemused reporters for downplaying the size of Mr Trump's inauguration crowd, set the tone for his seven month tenure at the White House. At times hostile, at times hilarious, his briefings got higher ratings than the actual soap operas airing at the same time. So how has he managed to make his account of the time so dull?

While The Guardian calls it an "an essential narrative by a non-family member who once possessed Oval Office walk-in privileges," it also notes how Spicer massively undercuts Trump's current line that Paul Manafort wasn't deeply involved with his campaign:
Inexplicably, Spicer does his best to undercut his own and his ex-boss’s credibility. When it comes to Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager, Spicer’s story appears to have evolved. For three consecutive pages, The Briefing: Politics, the Press and the President graphically details how Manafort beat back the efforts of Never Trump Republicans to steal the presidential nomination. Spicer gushes: "How Manafort and company did this was a scene out of 1950's politics – alternating between carrot and stick and sometimes bat."

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Republicans Won't Save Us Because Their Voters Don't Want To Be Saved: A Farce In Six Acts

Posted by Rude One

1. In another of its ongoing series "Do the Editors of the New York Times Really Think the Yokels Will Ever Love Them?" reporters interviewed an assortment of the aforementioned yokels, along with a scattering of rubes and yahoos, all who voted for Donald Trump, to find out what they think of the resident in the wake of his bowing down to Vladimir Putin. And, surprise, surprise, the yokels, rubes, and yahoos are almost all still on board.

One dumbass in Indiana said, "It is strictly a witch hunt" against Trump, while a shit-for-brains in Louisiana proclaimed, "They’re just trying to make Trump’s election look fraudulent" and some fucking moron in Arizona said that Trump is a strategic master because "No one really thinks it’s a true friendship" with Putin.

2. National Public Radio did the same kind of thing, talking with Trump voters who barely blinked about his weird damn support for Russia. They talked to stupid assholes in Central Bumfuck, Texas, who said things like, "[Trump's] smart. He knows how to negotiate" and that Trump has "done a lot of things that other presidents haven't had the guts to do."

3. When Harley-Davidson said it had to shift some of its operations overseas because of the tariffs that Trump has imposed, NPR went to an actual Harley plant in Wisconsin that might lay off workers because of the shift. Even these workers who may lose their jobs as a direct result of Trump's policies are standing by their Orange God. One really said, "I mean, he wouldn't do it for no reason. I look at him as a very smart businessman. And, I mean, if he feels that's what he needed to do, that's what he needed to do."

4. At a nail factory in Missouri that has already laid off 60 workers due to the steel tariffs, workers couldn't turn against Trump. "I understand why he's doing it," one pathetically mewled to MSNBC, while another still has faith in the man: "I want him to fix it so it’s better." The slobbering support for Trump goes on unabated as workers are let go. Said one, "I support him 100%. In fact, I’d like to shake his hand. He’s doing a great job.” And asked directly if she'd change her mind on Trump if she lost her job, a worker replied, "Overall, he’s done good. I’m not going to be selfish just because of me.”

(Just to get this right: President Obama asked everyone to get into the health care system in order to make insurance affordable for all, and that was the worst thing anyone could do because fuck those takers. But you're willing to sacrifice your job because you have to keep supporting the man who made you lose it? That's some Jedi-fuckin' mind trick right there with a heavy dose of racism.)

5. Soybean farmers who are expecting to see massive losses as a result of the trade war with China believe that this is all a part of Trump's genius at work. One delusional Arkansas farmer said, "resident Trump is a businessman. He’s making a high-risk business decision that probably should have been made a long time ago. But it’s definitely a risk." Another utter imbecile, who is going to lose half his farm revenue this year, praised Trump with, "The one thing I admire about the guy is that he’s fulfilled or tried to fulfill" his campaign promises.

6. On C-SPAN Monday, an awful caller from Connecticut said, awfully, "I’ll try not to sound too awful, but I want to thank the Russians for interfering with our election to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming president."

And you can fucking well bet that that's what many of Trump's idiot horde are saying. Because of that, Republicans are going to walk the fuck away from the whole Trump and Russia issue because Trump might be a motherfucking traitor, but that motherfucking traitor is the only thing holding the Republican Party together.