By Janet Allon
Jon Stewart takes a week off every once in a while and we are
consigned to watching his reruns for a fix, which is okay because they
stand up fairly well. It also gives us a chance to take a step back and
savor some of his finest insults. Stewart might have torn a page or two
from Shakespeare’s book—the bard was known to sling a good insult here
and there.
When Hamlet says, “They have a plentiful lack of wit,” and a
character in Coriolanus says, “More of your conversation would infect my
brain,” they could certainly be talking about Fox News.
Henry V’s
line: “Such antics do not amount to a man,” could certainly apply to
John Boehner or Ted Cruz, and “Thou mis-shapen dick,” seems tailor-made
for Scalia, Alito and Limbaugh. Take your pick.
But Stewart has
his own way with words (or he and his scribes do.) Too bad he took Hobby
Lobby week off, but let’s take a moment to remember some of his best
digs, some of which sound positively Shakespearean.
1. Sonnet to Rush Limbaugh:
Rush—The quivering rage heap who is apparently desperately trying to
extinguish any remaining molecule of humanity that might still reside in
the Chernobyl-esque superfund cleanup site that was his soul.”
2. Insult by metaphor:
''Fox News: You are the lupus of news.''
3. Ode to O’Reilly
what you and your minions don't understand, O'Reilly. Your hell doesn't
scare me. I make my living watching Fox News eight hours a day. I'm
already in hell.''
4. Soliloquy on Fox:
opposes a Syria peace plan because its modus operandi is to foment
dissent in the form of a relentless and irrational contrarianism to
Barack Obama and all things Democratic, to advance its ultimate
objective of creating a deliberately misinformed body politic whose
fear, anger, mistrust, and discontent is the manna upon which it
sustains its parasitic succubus-like existence.”
5. And in the role of the fool:
Perry is what happens if Lex Luthor distilled down George Bush essence
in a laboratory and crossed it with gun powder and semen from the finest
thoroughbred in Lubbock, and then strapped that concoction onto a
nuclear missile and shot it into the f**king sun! And then, waited,
waited, waited, until one day, on the anniversarry of the Alamo, a solar
flare, yada yada yada, Rick Perry!''
6. The king in his lonely tower:
Romney calling the President 'detached and out of touch' is like a
multimillionaire who owns two mansions, six cars, and who thinks
'corporations are people, my friend' calling someone 'detached and out
of touch.'''
7. Michele Bachmann, one of the witches in MacBeth?
honest Newsweek, you used that photo in a petty attempt to make Michele
Bachmann look crazy. That's what her words are for.''
8. Wait, no, Bachmann’s not nearly clever enough to be a witch
''I gotta say, of all my issues with Michele Bachmann's brain, migraines are not even in the top 20.''
9. My kingdom for a horse?
are troubled times, and we need a hero, someone unencumbered by
politics as usual. Someone who could kill a moose with one hand and skin
a bear with the other. Someone without a job. ... Yes! Like a ship
slowly appearing over the horizon to an island of castaways, Sarah Palin
has arrived with fresh food, clothing and that little box she keeps
next to her bed filled with crazy.''
10. Falstaffian excess?
he's getting ready to play an Indian in a 1950s Western, or John
Boehner is not human, but actually made entirely of cured meats.'
11. How the mighty have fallen
Cheney and Karl Rove, once two of the most powerful men in this
country, are now suffering from Balzheimer's disease. Why didn't I see
it before? Balzheimer's is a terrible illness that attacks the memory
and gives its victims the balls to attack others for things they
themselves made a career of. There is no known cure.''
12. A rose by any other name would smell?
are no longer allowed to say that people are rich. You have to refer to
them as 'job creator'. You can't even use the word 'rich'. You have to
say, 'This chocolate cake is so moist and job creator.'''
13. The green-eyed monster doth mock:
be nice to be a Republican senator sometimes, because you get the fun
of breaking sh*t and the joy of complaining the sh*t you just broke
doesn't work.''
14. All’s well that . . . wait . . .
view America like this: 70 to 80 percent [are] pretty reasonable people
that truthfully, if they sat down, even on contentious issues, would
get along. And the other 20 percent of the country run it. ''
15. O war! Thou son of hell!
the long war on Christianity. I pray that one day we may live in an
America where Christians can worship freely! In broad daylight! Openly
wearing the symbols of their religion... perhaps around their necks? And
maybe -- dare I dream it? -- maybe one day there can be an openly
Christian President. Or, perhaps, 43 of them. Consecutively.''
16. If you prick us, do we not bleed?
is it that if you take advantage of a tax break and you're a
corporation, you're a smart businessman, but if you take advantage of
something you need to not be hungry, you're a moocher?''
Walmart, the nation’s most profitable corporation,
may also be the greatest beneficiary of the taxpayer-funded
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), commonly referred to
as food stamps.
But how has Walmart managed to make so much money off of taxpayers? For the short answer, take a look at the chart below where we’ve illustrated the scam. For the long answer, keep reading.
Step One: Pay your employees so little that they are forced to rely on food stamps to survive.
Even at Walmart’s definition of a full-time job, an employee earning the company’s average wage of $8.81/hour makes just $15,500 per year, placing them well below the federal poverty line for a family of four. With such low wages, even when working full-time hours, many associates are forced to depend on taxpayer-funded assistance such as food stamps and Medicaid to survive. In other words, Walmart is shifting responsibility onto the public for ensuring their associates’ basic needs are met.
One study showed that a single Walmart can cost taxpayers anywhere from $904,542 to nearly $1.75 million per year, or about $5,815 per employee for these programs all because one of the world’s most profitable retailers is paying substandard wages and benefits. A more recent report by Americans for Tax Fairness revealed that Walmart’s reliance on programs like food stamps cost federal taxpayers an estimated $6.2 billion a year.
Step Two: Exploit loopholes to avoid paying billions in taxes that fund food stamps.
While taxpayers are shouldering the responsibility to ensure Walmart’s employees can make ends meet, the company zealously avoids contributing its fair share of taxes using a myriad of schemes. Another report by Americans for Tax Fairness and the Institute for Policy Studies claims the company exploits a little-known loophole to avoid an estimated $104 million in U.S. taxes by granting extravagant “performance pay” bonuses to top executives. You read that right – the more Walmart pays its executives, the less it pays in taxes.
The Waltons, the nation’s wealthiest family and owners of Walmart, contribute almost none of their personal wealth to the charitable foundation that bears their name and instead uses the charity’s tax structure to avoid an estimated $3 billion per year in estate taxes.
By fervently minimizing its tax liability, Walmart has once again dodged its responsibility in addressing its employees’ basic needs and is instead letting the rest of us foot the bill.
Step Three: Reap billions in profits when food stamps are spent in your stores.
So what happens to all those food stamp dollars? They’re spent at Walmart!
Last year alone, Walmart collected an estimated $13 billion in revenue from food stamps spent in their stores. As Slate and NPR reported in April,
For a company that can easily afford to pay its employees decent wages, Walmart has decided to do just the opposite. Just last week, the company’s spokesman, David Tovar, published a snarky retort in response to a recent New York Times opinion column denouncing the company’s refusal to meet its employees’ most basic needs. As the Huffington Post revealed, Tovar’s “fact check” was short on actual facts, but it did illustrate another of Walmart’s usual strategies: when problems are exposed within your ranks, unleash a well-funded PR machine instead of addressing the issue.
But how has Walmart managed to make so much money off of taxpayers? For the short answer, take a look at the chart below where we’ve illustrated the scam. For the long answer, keep reading.
Even at Walmart’s definition of a full-time job, an employee earning the company’s average wage of $8.81/hour makes just $15,500 per year, placing them well below the federal poverty line for a family of four. With such low wages, even when working full-time hours, many associates are forced to depend on taxpayer-funded assistance such as food stamps and Medicaid to survive. In other words, Walmart is shifting responsibility onto the public for ensuring their associates’ basic needs are met.
One study showed that a single Walmart can cost taxpayers anywhere from $904,542 to nearly $1.75 million per year, or about $5,815 per employee for these programs all because one of the world’s most profitable retailers is paying substandard wages and benefits. A more recent report by Americans for Tax Fairness revealed that Walmart’s reliance on programs like food stamps cost federal taxpayers an estimated $6.2 billion a year.
Step Two: Exploit loopholes to avoid paying billions in taxes that fund food stamps.
While taxpayers are shouldering the responsibility to ensure Walmart’s employees can make ends meet, the company zealously avoids contributing its fair share of taxes using a myriad of schemes. Another report by Americans for Tax Fairness and the Institute for Policy Studies claims the company exploits a little-known loophole to avoid an estimated $104 million in U.S. taxes by granting extravagant “performance pay” bonuses to top executives. You read that right – the more Walmart pays its executives, the less it pays in taxes.
The Waltons, the nation’s wealthiest family and owners of Walmart, contribute almost none of their personal wealth to the charitable foundation that bears their name and instead uses the charity’s tax structure to avoid an estimated $3 billion per year in estate taxes.
By fervently minimizing its tax liability, Walmart has once again dodged its responsibility in addressing its employees’ basic needs and is instead letting the rest of us foot the bill.
Step Three: Reap billions in profits when food stamps are spent in your stores.
So what happens to all those food stamp dollars? They’re spent at Walmart!
Last year alone, Walmart collected an estimated $13 billion in revenue from food stamps spent in their stores. As Slate and NPR reported in April,
“The same company that brings in the most food stamp dollars in revenue – an estimated $13 billion last year – also likely has the most employees using food stamps.”There you have it. Walmart’s perfected its food stamp scheme by keeping its employees dependent on taxpayer-funded food stamps, not paying its fair share in taxes to fund SNAP, and then reaping all the profits from food stamp redemption in its stores.
For a company that can easily afford to pay its employees decent wages, Walmart has decided to do just the opposite. Just last week, the company’s spokesman, David Tovar, published a snarky retort in response to a recent New York Times opinion column denouncing the company’s refusal to meet its employees’ most basic needs. As the Huffington Post revealed, Tovar’s “fact check” was short on actual facts, but it did illustrate another of Walmart’s usual strategies: when problems are exposed within your ranks, unleash a well-funded PR machine instead of addressing the issue.