You own all of it.
You knew who Trump was when you nominated him, when you elected him, when you supported him – when you enabled him.
Trump didn’t appear out of nowhere, with no history to be looked to
as a measure of his worth. You knew about the bankruptcies, the endless
lawsuits, the scams that bilked people of their money, the shady
business dealings – you knew all of it.
You knew he was a pathological liar, a racist, a bigot, a
misogynist. You knew he was an incompetent blowhard, with no concept of
how government operates – and absolutely no desire to learn.
You knew he had the attention span of a gnat, the temperament of a
tantrum-prone child, the intellect of an idiot, and the maturity of a
spoiled, indulged frat boy.
You knew he was selfish and self-serving. You knew he had no
morals, no empathy, no concept of any reality that didn't acknowledge
him as the center of the universe. You knew he lacked the mental
capacity to govern a nation, and the emotional stability to lead.
You knew he was appallingly lazy, physically unfit to deal with
pressures of the presidency, and emotionally unfit to make decisions
that affect not only the US citizenry, but the entire world.
You elected him. And once installed in the Oval Office, you looked
the other way while he insulted our allies and kow-towed to our enemies.
You sat in silence as he ignored the best interests of our country in
order to pursue relationships and policies whose only purpose was to
enrich him personally. You sat mute as he disparaged and demeaned our
judiciary, our intelligence community, and the very concept of a free
You said nothing as children were torn from their parents and locked
in cages, as our military was sent to the border as a political stunt,
as he declared certain nations to be “shithole countries”, as he called
Nazis and white supremacists “very fine people”, as he sowed division
and encouraged violence.
And throughout this so-called “
residency”, you have defended his
idiocy, made excuses for his apparent stupidity, and have attempted to
Trump-‘splain everything from his lack of even a modicum of common sense
to his endless litany of ridiculous lies.
Given the revelations over the past two years – and especially over
the past few weeks – it is now abundantly clear to anyone with a
functioning brain that collusion between your “
pResident”, his family,
his associates and his “trusted advisors” and our nation’s enemies is
not a theory, but an indisputable fact.
And what have the American people gained in all of this? An
economy that’s great if you’re a multi-millionaire, stagnant wages, an
exploded deficit, tariffs that are damaging businesses, a chaotic stock
market – and a party that wants to cut social security and Medicaid,
prevent citizens from voting, take affordable healthcare away from
millions, and systematically destroy the principles our nation was
founded upon
And you own it – every cofveve-laden tweet, every crime, every
treachery, every corruption, every lie, every immorality, every inane
statement, every self-serving action, every stubborn defiance of the
facts – you own it all.
You have aided and abetted every crime your “
pResident”, his
associates, his “advisors”, his “best people”, his crooked lawyers, and
his family members have committed. You had a chance to pick a side –
and you chose to side with a traitor.
There’s no walking away from this, my friends across the aisle. We
are in a place tonight where our democracy is teetering on the edge due
to your “
pResident” being Putin’s puppet, blatantly willing to do
whatever necessary to please our enemy – the same enemy who went to
great lengths to ensure his puppet’s election.
The only silver lining in all of this is the fact that every action
your “
pResident” has taken has served to destroy your party. You were
once a political force – now you are nothing more than collateral
Be assured that those of us who have witnessed your complete
disregard for the well-being of our citizens, the survival of our
values, and the upholding of our principles will never stop reminding
the populace of your cowardice, your subservience to a madman, and your
complicity with a traitor.
The “Trump” brand-name is already toxic. The “Republican”
brand-name is about to suffer the same fate. And you brought this all
on yourselves.
You own it. You own all of it. And we’re going to nail that to your ass every time you take a breath from now on.