Posted By
Rude One
1. If the first night of the Republican National Convention is
remembered for anything other than the insistent invocation of the
United States as a scorched hellscape of a nation in the wake of the
presidency of Barack Obama, a nation that is as much a fiction as a
shining city on a hill ever was, it will be that the campaign of nominee
Donald Trump exploited and embarrassed two women before tens of
millions of people.
2. The most appalling sight of the appalling evening
was Pat Smith, mother of Sean Smith, who was killed in the attack on
the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Smith has long been on a tear to
get at some kind of truth for her child's death over what she claims she
was told by Hillary Clinton at a memorial for her son, that an
anti-Muslim video caused the attack. Frankly, it doesn't matter if it
was an anti-Muslim video, a planned terrorist attack, or goats with
guns. None of those would bring back her son, but, hey, fuck that
Hillary. So Trump had Smith go out and speak to the delegates, many of
whom, probably drunk, started crying watching this obviously grieving
and Valiumed to the gills woman try to make policy from her pain. Which
was more disgusting is up for grabs. "I blame Hillary Clinton personally
for the death of my son. That's personally," Smith said, as if Clinton
had gone to Benghazi and put a bullet in her son's skull. But the blood lust was rising as outrage grew among the idiot hordes on the
floor, an outrage that never fucking occurred at the Republican
Convention in 2004 when the man who was president during the 9/11
attacks took the stage. Smith put a bow on it by saying, "Hillary for
prison. She deserves to be in stripes." Then she turned around,
confused, wondering where she should go, lost, with seemingly no one to
guide her away.
2a. Oh, wait. The most disgusting thing was that Donald Trump called into Bill O'Reilly's Crematorium of Reality on Fox "news" at the same time as Smith's speech, which meant that he wasn't even watching it.
3. It doesn't fucking matter if Melania Trump speaks six languages, as
Trump lackeys kept telling us today. It doesn't fucking matter that she
spoke at the convention without shitting herself, as if that was the
measure of quality. Part of her generally terrible, platitudinous,
vacuous speech was plagiarized.
Purely and simply, two paragraphs of it came from Michelle Obama's
amazing 2008 convention speech. Using my crazy English professor skills,
I know from plagiarism. If a student had written that in my class, I
would make them scrap that paper and start from scratch as punishment.
(Others would look to have the student drummed out or at least fail the
class, but I'm not a dick.) And the Trump campaign, which shouldn't have
pushed Ms. Trump to speak when she reportedly didn't want to, which
should have anally probed the speech for problems no matter who wrote
it, should just admit it fucked up and stop trying to bend the truth to its will. That's totalitarian bullshit, man. That's 2+2=5 and you're a traitor if you think otherwise.
3a. Bonus points to dunderheaded
conservative commentator S.E. Cupp on CNN, who said of Melania Trump's
speech, "I don't really see a bad ending to however this goes for her
tonight." Punditry at its best.
4. But, honestly, the plagiarism is the least of the sins of the evening,
which included parading out people whose loved ones were killed by
undocumented immigrants. What the fuck are we supposed to do with that?
Oh, hey, how about countering with the undocumented man who saved a
young girl from abduction? Or the one who helped
save the life of a 9 year-old boy in an auto accident in the desert?
Those are children who likely would have been dead or seriously harmed
without the intervention of an undocumented immigrant. Should they speak
at the Democratic convention? No, because this whole fucking argument
is dumb and besides the point. All Trump wanted to tell the idiot hordes
on the floor and at home is that "illegal aliens" will fucking murder
you where you sit because they are naturally evil.
4a. Let's not even talk about Chachi.
5. No one represented the insane asylum that is the modern GOP more than
former New York City mayor and man most likely to send back a
half-eaten steak and claim it wasn't properly cooked, Rudy Giuliani.
Gesturing wildly, screaming, and jumping around like a pug on PCP,
Giuliani warned us that the country has become something it quite
demonstrably has not. "The vast majority of Americans today do not feel
safe. They fear for their children. They fear for themselves," he said,
and the only response is "Motherfucker, we're only afraid because you
keep telling us to be afraid. Crime is down, jobs are up, and more
people can get medical care than ever. All the shit that's bad - income
distribution, guns everywhere - that's on you Republican spoogerags." On
and on Rudy went, in that man-cunt way of his,
where everything is shit and Barack Obama is a fey demi-man who won't
keep you safe and Hillary Clinton is a cold-blooded bitch who murders
soldiers and only one man can save us from choking on our own vomit as
we're raped by Muslims in our homes and that man is Donald Trump, who is
qualified to do this because he got building plans past zoning
commissions. Or something. Fucking ridiculous.
6. We've got three more days of this. Three more days of hearing about
how Benghazi was the worst crime in the U.S. history. Three more days of
people trying to tell us that a bloated pile of shit topped with orange
cotton candy is the superhero American needs. As we wallow in the
easily understood plagiarism nonsense, we can ignore the racism, the
xenophobia, the misogyny, the hate, emanating from the convention center
like a shit smell from a diaper.
Part 1: The Motherfucker
The Fat Man strode onto stage at the Republican National Convention in
Cleveland last night absolutely cocky in his Fat Man suit and tie. His
job was one he relished like a corndog on the Seaside Heights boardwalk:
to demonstrate that he could fuck mothers better than any other
motherfucker in a whole convention center of them. The Fat Man declared
himself the prosecutor in a case against Democratic presidential
candidate Hillary Clinton.
Oh, how the Fat Man loved the attention, the adulation, as
he lied
and prevaricated and exaggerated Clinton's record as Secretary of
State. God, how the Fat Man could have awkwardly reached under his
stomach to jerk himself off as the idiot hordes chanted, "Lock her up,"
turning policy disagreements into high crimes, the better to tee up the
inevitable impeachment hearings when Clinton is elected. The Fat Man
used his accusations to dance and prance on the stage, the cruel Fool
twisting this way and that, all this buffoonery for the enthralled
rabble, eager to sate its
and the pampered, primped family of Donald Trump sat in the gallery,
looked on approvingly, as if all that was needed was a guillotine and
the scene would be complete.
The Fat Man obviously felt powerful in his motherfucker role, as if this
was what he was always destined to do. He made logical leaps that were
astonishing to behold, like when he misrepresented Clinton saying that
Syria's president is "a reformer" and "a different kind of leader." It
didn't matter at all that she was merely reporting what others had told
her and that she was adopting a wait-and-see attitude. Oh, no. The Fat
Man decided that was enough to imply that Clinton was partly responsible
for the deaths of 400,000 people in Syria. Clinton, according to the
Fat Man, is the nexus of all evil around the world, from Nigeria to Cuba
to China.
The Fat Man was just the mightiest fucker of mothers of an evening spent
fucking mothers. Prior to him, Clinton had been accused of causing the
Benghazi deaths, of essentially intentionally leaking classified
information through her email server, of attacking women that had been,
according to a cruel woman
allegedly "sexually abused" by Bill Clinton. Outside, in just the last
few days, there have been calls for Hillary Clinton to be
hanged or
To the Fat Man, the cruel woman, all the other motherfuckers, in
Cleveland and elsewhere, one has to ask: What the fuck do you think you
know? Seriously, what special knowledge about Hillary Clinton do you
have that no one else seems to have? No, really. What do you know that
multiple congressional committees, for 25 years, including ones led by
Republicans, multiple investigations from the FBI, and multiple
independent counsels don't know? You read some shit on a website. Every
fucking time that someone has attempted to even get Hillary Clinton
charged with a crime, it has failed once the facts were clearly
ascertained. If you're holding back some super-secret piece of evidence
that fucking Kenneth Starr, Rick Lazio, and Trey Gowdy couldn't find,
then you better get that out now. Otherwise, just admit that you've got
jack shit to back up anything you're saying. But you won't. Because
you're motherfuckers, and you'd rather just keep fucking mothers than
pretend there's anything like "truth."
Part 2: The Prick
Without a doubt, Donald Trump, Jr. is a douchebag prick. Only douchebag
pricks proudly shoot down elephants and display their cut-off tails as
trophies. And only a douchebag prick could get up there to give a speech
with his greasy, slicked-back hair and try to make himself sound like
he comes from a humble background when, really, he is just the prick
prince in a kingdom of pricks. Look at the shit he said, like when he
tried to Horatio Alger his father's story: "When people told him it was
impossible for a boy from Queens to go to Manhattan and take on
developers in the big city, rather than give up, he changed the skyline
of New York." Yeah, it was really fucking hard for a millionaire with
shitloads of connections from his developer father to become a
Or look at this: "The other party gave us public schools that far too
often fail our students, especially those who have no options. Growing
up my siblings and I, we were truly fortunate to have choices and
options that others don't have. We want all Americans to have those same
This little prick went to the Hill School in
Pennsylvania, which doesn't take vouchers and costs $35-55,000 a year,
depending on if you board there. To pretend that "all Americans" would
be able to get an $8,000 voucher and go to Hill is absurd. It's a fucking
lie from a prick.
You want to know where the game is? You want to know the big lie in
Junior's seemingly populist speech? It's when he attacked the Dodd-Frank
Act, which imposed some regulation on the financial services industry.
Junior said that it was a thousand pages long and that "What it does is
destroy small business in favor of big businesses, who can afford the
vast number of lawyers and accountants needed to comply." Except, of
course, for all the
in the actual law that help small businesses. Getting rid of it will
only enrich the Wall Street pricks who probably giggle when Donald and
Junior mock them.
And he ended with one other line that gave away the whole sham. In his
big finish exhorting everyone to bow down to his father, Junior said,
"When we elected him, we'll have done all that, we'll have made America
great again, greater than ever before." All by himself, just by putting
his ass into a chair in the Oval Office, America will become great. No
work needed. Just a sign on what will no doubt be rebranded, "The Trump
White House."
By the way, the prick also told an
to John Kasich, when they offered the vice-presidency to the Ohio
governor, that the VP would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.
What would Trump be in charge of? "Making America great again," Junior
The chanting idiot hordes and larger idiot hordes of voters don't give a
fuck about democracy. They want a king who can simply clap his hands
and make what is not real into reality, or at least the reality he tells
them it is. They want a myth and they want to kill or jail anyone who
tries to get in the way of their myth. The faithful shall not be denied
their reward of a great America, even if they have to destroy America to
get it.
Yesterday, over on the
Twitter machine, I made a simple suggestion to Texas Senator Ted Cruz.
Couching it in terms of his crushingly awful
performance as Samuel Parris in
The Crucible
when he was a student at Harvard, I asked Cruz to think about John
Proctor in Arthur Miller's play about a man standing firm on principles
against forces that want him to abandon them and give in to their power.
Proctor doesn't, and he is executed for refusing to lie about himself. I
asked Cruz to think about who the Devil is in his life and what he
should do about it.
And then, last night, lo and behold, Cruz walked up to the snack table
at the Republican's party and took a giant dump in the punch bowl while
everyone screamed at him to stop.
Yeah, after a pretty boilerplate right-wing Republican speech - blah,
blah, Hillary sucks, blah, blah, blah, Constitution, yadda, enemies,
whatever - Cruz ended by
the idiot hordes to "vote your conscience," which the delegates took
not only as a non-endorsement of nominee Donald Trump but outright
heresy, with screams of "Traitor" and "Honor the pledge" and "Fuck you."
Trump himself appeared to gaze, like an angry toad,
on the chaos as his minions egged it on and his horrible family looked
on. Cruz's wife, Heidi, derided as ugly in something Trump re-tweeted,
had to be escorted out lest the idiot hordes rip her limb from limb.
Cruz wiped his ass on the tablecloth, perhaps while looking the toad
straight in his eyes, and strode away. And nobody really gave a dry
mouse shit about Newt Gingrich telling us about his night terrors or
Mike Pence's lumbering monologue about how Trump will Trump you with his
Trumpiness or that Scott Walker even exists.
This morning, Cruz met with the Texas
most still wearing their dumb ass cowboy hats. At first, Cruz tried to
walk a line. He coyly asked why anyone would boo for him saying, "Vote
your conscience" (a line that the Hillary Clinton
took and ran with). He said he wouldn't speak negatively about Trump,
but that Trump hadn't earned his vote yet, and, oh, no, he won't vote
for Hillary. But then the questions started and the smarmy, faux-chummy
facade cracked. "I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack
my wife and attack my father," Cruz said, and in that moment his heart
grew three sizes and his spine unbent to make him completely upright. He
would not be "a servile puppy dog" to Trump, he said. And when he
asked, " Can anyone imagine our nominee standing in front of voters
answering questions like this?" he wasn't talking about answering
questions period. He meant answering them with forthrightness, clarity,
and honesty.
For an example, look at Trump's
interview in the
New York Times
about foreign policy, where he said, among other terrifying shit, that
he would shit-can agreements with NATO if the other countries didn't pay
protection money to the United States, as if somehow a stable Europe
isn't in America's best interest. Here, though, is the exact quote from
the transcript: "If we cannot be properly reimbursed for the tremendous
cost of our military protecting other countries, and in many cases the
countries I’m talking about are extremely rich. Then if we cannot make a
deal, which I believe we will be able to, and which I would prefer
being able to, but if we cannot make a deal, I would like you to say, I
would prefer being able to, some people, the one thing they took out of
your last story, you know, some people, the fools and the haters, they
said, 'Oh, Trump doesn’t want to protect you.' I would prefer that we be
able to continue, but if we are not going to be reasonably reimbursed
for the tremendous cost of protecting these massive nations with
tremendous wealth — you have the tape going on?"
That's some Mafia shit right there.
"I would prefer to offer you my good
graces, but you must be willing to pay what I ask and kiss my ring. And
then my ass." And it's expressed in almost Palin-esque gibberish. Dumb
fuck. And you're a dumber fuck if you support him after that. No, fuck
that. You're a terrible human being if you support Donald Trump, and you
deserve every bad thing that would happen to you if he's elected.
Not Ted Cruz, though. He stood there and taunted the idiot hordes. And it was a thing of beauty.
Now you, dear, dear liberal, may feel conflicted about feeling even an
inkling of positivity towards Ted Cruz.
After all, he is an asshole, a
son of a bitch, a dick, a fart in human form, and lots of other things
rolled into one odious, annoying package. He believes appalling things,
about abortion, about voting rights, about LGBT rights, about...well,
pretty much everything. But let's not care about that for a moment.
Let's not care that Cruz might be positioning himself for 2020. Fuck
2020. And let's not care about any of the spin from the Trump campaign,
which is trying to make itself seem so magnanimous by allowing Cruz to
speak. Let's just not give a shit about that.
In this moment, Cruz is Cersei Lannister taking out the High Septon. He
is William Munny gunning down Little Bill. He is Walter White rescuing
Jesse. An awful person can rise to the moment to do something good, to
do away with those worse than them. You don't have to like them. You
don't have to get all warm and fuzzy.
You can sit back with a drink and say, "I'd rather have a narcissistic
motherfucker working for me than against me, even if it's just this
If I could pinpoint one thing in Donald Trump's sweaty, screechy,
masturbatory "Tales of American Armageddon" last night that might
actually give other Republicans pause, as they figure out how to deal
with a presidential nominee who has tossed out many of their most
cherished beliefs, it would be this: One word that was conspicuously
absent from
the speech was "Congress."
At no point in the entire exhausting, tedious, repetitious series of
barks and growls did Trump say he would go to Congress to ask for
something. Not once did he even hint that he understood that he couldn't
just clap his wee hands and make it so. In fact, everything in his
acceptance speech was pointedly about how he and only he can solve the
problems in the country. "I am your voice," he said, twice, along with
"I will be your champion" and "I will restore law and order to our
country." That last one was followed by an unscripted, emphatic "Believe
me. Believe me." On it went: "I am going to bring jobs" to various
states; "I am not going to let companies move to other countries;" and
more. Even worse, "I alone can fix it." If Barack Obama had said that
one night, he'd've been lynched before sunrise by conservatives for
being a tyrant.
What is going to happen if Trump
is elected and Democrats in the Senate block a bill to build the stupid
border wall? Or a bill to change the Affordable Care Act? What is he
going to do? Trump would say that he'll make deals with them, as if that
never occurred to President Obama, who gave Republicans nearly
everything they asked for in many negotiations while still getting
stabbed in the gut by them when it was time to vote.
Senators have a
long memory, and Democrats will want payback. So what will Trump do?
He'll do what his idiot hordes demand, up to and including violence.
Because when you have a cult of personality, the leader of that is the
only thing that matters. You have to believe whole-heartedly in him and
support even his most heinous acts because that's easier than admitting
you're wrong. You would rather pretend that a crass, bourgeois piglet is
a man of the people than face the reality that he's just a puny,
pampered pig.
You can find fact
of all the lies in a speech that Trump promised would be filled with
"facts." You could drive yourself mad trying to get your mind around so
much of the shit he said. For instance, apparently, Hillary Clinton is
the alpha and omega of all bad things going on in the world.
turmoil? Hillary. Iraq? Hillary. Hot Lebanese dude didn't message you
back on Grindr? Hillary. In fact, Clinton is such an evil genius and
agent of destruction that we'd better elect her before she has us all
And Trump went further than any of the fear mongers before him in
portraying the United States as a nightmare, a lawless landscape of
rampant crime (which is really down), cops being gunned down (fewer than
ever), and undocumented immigrants murdering the fuck out of us (very
rarely). The world itself is falling to pieces (despite it being one of
the most
periods in the planet's history). Every one of Trump's assertions is
factually wrong. That's not just an opinion. Facts, actual numbers,
something that Trump is very fond of mentioning, bear that out. But, no,
the whole place is turning to shit, according to Trump. The only
solution Trump offered is Trump. Trump will make it all better. All you
gotta do is vote him in. Then America will be great again. He'll do it
all by himself.
Or maybe, just maybe, this is the con: You make everyone believe that
the world is turning to shit and then when you're elected, you just
change the spin. "Oh, hey, look, crime is way down," you say, not even
hinting that it was down before you were elected. "Oh, hey, look, my
strategy on ISIS worked," you say, not mentioning that it was headed
that way anyways. "Oh, hey, look, I've put into place a nearly two-year
process for incoming refugees," you announce, leaving out that that's
how it's been for a long time. See how easy it is to make America great
again? You just start saying it is and then, racist blinders off,
everyone looks around and says, "Well, shit, things really are pretty
good." And for shit that wasn't getting done because Republicans
wouldn't let it get done, like child care and infrastructure spending,
hell, all of a sudden, the GOP will be the biggest fan of funding
bridges and roads.
And who gets all the credit? Not the nigger president
who obviously fucked it all up because he's such a nigger. All
accolades go to Trump.
Along those lines, I have a theory about how we got here. I call it the
"Nigger Rejection Theory." See, lots of white people have staked a great
deal of their identity and political beliefs on the notion that
whiteness is superior to any other race. Niggers aren't good for
anything other than basic shit. Sure, sure, black people could entertain
them, in movies, music, and sports. Those niggers are fine because they
exist only as images and they don't have a day-to-day effect on the
lives of these white people. However, along comes Barack Obama, and he's
not only president, but he's pretty good at it. In fact, the nigger
president succeeded in making the lives of these white people better
than they were under the last white president.
They simply couldn't reconcile that. These white people all of sudden
found themselves with health insurance, many with jobs, most with lower
taxes, and it all happened because of the nigger president. What can you
do? You can either admit that your life-long, family-passed-down
prejudices are completely wrong and that niggers can do lots of things,
including leading the free world. Or you just go into complete denial
because you just can't stand to give a nigger credit. Now, here is
Trump, telling you that everything is wrecked and it's all turning to
shit and, well, fuck, that sounds good because it makes the nigger and
his cunt sidekick look bad.
Goddamn, it must feel good to have to give up on a challenging thought and just get your primal racism nerve massaged.
The greatest slap in Obama's face in the whole Nazi rally was when the
idiot hordes started chanting, "Yes, you will" at Trump. It was the
bizarro version of "Yes, we can," Obama's campaign rallying cry. Obama
was saying that we all needed to work together and, even if you think,
like I do, that he didn't ask us to do enough, at least he was including
us. For Trump and the idiot hordes gazing up at his bloated visage,
in gold, no such effort is needed beyond making sure that their godhead
gets into office. All good things will pour from that. Trump is like
the high school asshole guy who tells a girl that giving blow jobs will
improve her complexion. No, it won't. All she'll end up with is a
mouthful of jizz and a satisfied jerk going home.
Almost a year ago, I
joked that
"Kneel before Zod" was Trump's guiding principle. Now it appears that
that will be his governing policy.
If none of this scares you, then you
are too fucking dumb to breathe, but you'll still vote. And if the
media makes this into just another day at the races, then we should all
invest in kneepads.