Saturday, September 13, 2014

Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck in a Bizarre Ayn Rand Fever Dream

By Steve Almond

"Who Is John Galt?" is a lurid pageant of right-wing propaganda—and proof of Rand's weirdly enduring influence.

Here’s what I think happened. I think Rush Limbaugh had a lousy day at the office and drowned his sorrows in bad Mexican food — something along the lines of three El Charrito’s Enchilada Grande packs — and then I think Rush fell asleep on his sofa and had a beautiful dream.

In this dream, all the most powerful and talented Americans finally get fed up with big government and its bureaucratic parasites and follow a hunky guy named John Galt to a gorgeous valley in Colorado, where together they declare themselves on strike against the government. This means they get to live in harmony and throw awesome Caucasian dinner parties and invent miraculous technological devices and pay for everything with shiny gold coins.

And because this is all happening inside Rush Limbaugh’s mind — with its misty yearnings for underage third-world prostitutes and endless Oxycontin — the production values of this particular dream have the quality of an off-brand soap opera.

It’s all pretty awesome. Weaselly government leaders meet in back rooms filled with cigar smoke to plot new ways to steal money from rich people and nationalize industry and force scientists to invent torture devices so as to control the population. Then they swish brandy around in snifters and blow smoke rings.

Meanwhile, back in paradise, this hot babe named Dagny, who runs American’s only remaining train company, crashes her plane and John Galt finds her and carries her back to his pad where he doesn’t have sex with her — not just yet. First, he’s got to introduce her to all his bad ass friends, like the doctor who examines her with his killer new medical gizmo and says, “It’s amazing what can be accomplished without red tape!” Or the mom who explains that she’s home-schooling her kids because “I wouldn’t put them in an educational system that doesn’t teach them to think.” That’s maybe the coolest thing about this particular utopia: Everyone speaks in Republican National Committee talking points.

Unfortunately, Dagny has to leave paradise before she even gets to have sex with John Galt, because the government has nationalized her train company and is running it into the ground. Bummer. In fact, the entire country is falling to pieces without men like Galt, who is both a brilliant engineer and a professional hair model. But that serves America right because, as Galt explains, “the powerful try to make us feel guilty for our success.” And that is so totally not cool.
Alas, Dagny leaves the valley and heads back to grubby old America and it’s just as poorly lit and effed-up as you’d expect, though she does get to have sex with John Galt (who comes to rescue her), an act of coitus that is performed on her desk. This sort of eases the comedown of living in a reeking dystopia.

Then John Galt gives a big speech on TV during which he asks some tough questions of the American people, who are mostly huddled outside pawn shops staring at televisions through the security bars. “Have you noticed that as everything in your world seems to decline, one thing still grows?” he asks. Everyone kind of nods. “It is the power of your rulers. None of their plans and directives have solved your problems or made your life better. The only result has been the increased control over you at the cost of your freedom.” He goes on to explain how business leaders got tired of being called “greedy exploiters” and decided to follow him. Why? Because they finally “recognized the honor they deserved and rebelled against the guilt you wanted them to feel.”

It’s not exactly “The Gettysburg Address,” but the media response is off the charts. Sean Hannity appears on-screen, looking engorged with gravitas. He loves the speech. Glenn Beck salutes Galt’s moxy. Ron Paul arises from his Cycronic crypt to predict the End Times, which is sort of a reflex at this point. The crowds outside the pawn shops start chanting John Galt’s name. It’s a movement.

Naturally, government thugs capture Galt and drag him to a secret lab where they strip off his shirt and punish him using their special new Torture Machine, which involves a lot of sparks. Galt looks a lot like Jesus Christ, if you can imagine Christ with stubble and chinos. But then Dagny and her pals rescue Galt and all the ubermenschen fly off together to their mountain hideaway where, Rush is pretty sure, they eventually build a PGA-quality golf course and hire Playboy Bunnies to wax your balls.

Except — spoiler alert! — Rush wakes up before this last part can happen. Worse yet, he has diarrhea. The beautiful thing is that even in the midst of his diarrhea, Rush is able to get online and right there in his email in-box is an invitation to the premiere of the new film, “Atlas Shrugged III.”

And now El Rushbo realizes why his dream felt so gosh darned familiar: because it’s the plot of the third and final part of Ayn Rand’s 1957 potboiler, which will debut tomorrow, Sept. 12, mostly in those precincts of the country where citizens still call the Civil War the War of Northern Aggression.

If this were an actual movie review I would, at this point, pretend to give a shit about the film’s quality. But as anyone who sits through “Atlas Shrugged III” will tell you, the filmmakers themselves don’t give a shit about the film’s quality.

Back in 2011, when the first installment came out, most reviewers agreed to regard it as a “major motion picture,” though it was funded not by a studio but by an exercise machine mogul named John Aglialoro. As a piece of art, and a form of entertainment, “Atlas Shrugged I” flopped hard.

But if there’s one thing the conservative movement of this country has proved, it’s that it can move even the most imaginatively inert product. With the ardent promotional support of Fox News and the Tea Party’s corporate arm, the film managed to earn out in video. And thus we got a second “Atlas,” with an all-new cast and even lower production values. This final chapter has an exhausted, obligatory air. It’s like watching the final phases of a botched plastic surgery.

The director — and co-writer — is a man named James Manera, whose previous work includes a documentary about music and an episode of the television show “Nash Bridges,” which he directed in 1996. I think I’ve said enough about the movie.

The larger curiosity here is Ayn Rand herself. It would be easy to write her off as a demented Cold War hack no longer relevant to our cultural and political discourse. But that would be a huge mistake.

 Because Rand’s slobbering conception of laissez-faire capitalism is not only alive and well, it remains a galvanizing ideological force.

Consider the young darling of conservative circles, former vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan. Ryan worships Rand. He once gave a speech confessing that he went into public service because of her. He also asked his staffers to read her novels, so they could learn about the free market. During the 2012 campaign, Ryan did a good job of playing down his devotion, because Rand was an atheist.

But her fingerprints are all over his famous Budget Plan. To the “takers” in our society — the aged and the sick — Ryan would provide rationed healthcare. Federal budgets for education, transportation, energy and veteran services would be slashed. The rich, meanwhile, would be handed billions in tax cuts.

The whole idea is to do like John Galt says: obliterate any restraints on personal greed. The Ryan Plan is a document so enthusiastic in its fraudulence, so casual in its cruelty, and so certain of its own virtue that it could only have been dreamed up by a man born into money, educated by Ayn Rand, and given finishing lessons in Congress.

For all the low-budget absurdity of this new movie, the famous speech Rand penned for John Galt back in 1957 still stands as the Rosetta Stone of modern conservatism. This country wasn’t built by men who sought handouts! Sweep aside those parasites of subsidized classrooms! On and on Galt yammers, forever propelled by grievance and self-pity.

His vision of capitalism is a cartoon that plays over and over again on Fox News: no poverty or environmental ruin or lack of equal opportunity. Mercy is a mug’s game in this world, a false impulse. The pursuit of wealth, by contrast, is a form of heroic purity. If only bureaucrats would get out of the way, our intrepid industrialists would beat a path to paradise and leave the moochers to rot. Rand’s mission — now taken up by Ryan and company — is to present capitalism not as an economic philosophy, but an impeccable moral system.

The writer and critic Gore Vidal characterized the philosophy of Ayn Rand as “nearly perfect in its immorality” and a number of critics described “Atlas Shrugged” (the novel) as a narrative driven by hate.

But my take on the book, as well as the movies it spawned, is just the opposite. For all the contempt that Rand (and Galt and Ryan) aim at the government, the predominant emotion they express is one of unbridled self-love. Rand herself was a kind of golem of narcissistic excess, a woman with delusions of grandeur. And she tapped into the crushing insecurity of the wealthy, the manner in which they must constantly remind themselves how much they deserve their privilege.

What animates these people and drives their chintzy propaganda isn’t rage at all, but a kind of annihilating self-hatred.

Rush is going to love “Atlas Shrugged III.”

It’s not just a movie to him. It’s a dream come true.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Panicked Georgia Republicans look for an edge: Suppressing black votes

The GOP secretary of state warned supporters “minority voters” are key to a Dem win. Now he’s charging voter fraud

Panicked Georgia Republicans look for an edge: Suppressing black votes  
Fran Millar, Brian Kemp (Credit: AP/Ric Feld/David Goldman/photo montage by Salon)

Georgia Republicans are anxious. The bright red state stays that way because African-Americans and Latinos are less likely to vote than white people. Democrats are trying to change that this year – Michelle Nunn has a decent chance of picking up a Republican-held Senate seat, while Jason Carter threatens Gov. Nathan Deal — and the GOP is fighting back.

State GOP leaders are ever more openly admitting that they’re threatened by black voter participation. And now the state’s top election official, caught on tape warning that turning out “minority voters” is the key to a Democratic victory, is accused of harassing a key voter registration project run by the pastor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Ebenezer Baptist Church and an African-American state legislator.

Earlier this week state Sen. Fran Millar got national attention when he railed against a decision by Atlanta’s DeKalb County to expand Sunday voting and open a new polling place at a shopping mall near black churches. “How ironic! Michele [sic] Obama comes to town and Chicago politics comes to DeKalb,” Millar railed in response, calling the move “blatantly partisan.”

Of course Sunday voting is a national phenomenon, available to citizens of all races – although it must be said that once black churches began to organize “Souls to the Polls” events after church, it suddenly became controversial on the right, and states like Wisconsin have limited it sharply. The spectacle of pro-Christian Republicans trying to keep other Christians from voting has always been vexing, and it’s hard to conclude it has to do with anything but race.

Criticized for his reply, Millar didn’t back down, posting on Facebook: “I would prefer more educated voters than a greater increase in the number of voters.” Yes, that does imply he thinks black voters are less educated. He added: “If you don’t believe this is an effort to maximize Democratic voters, than you are not a realist. This is a partisan stunt and I hope it can be stopped.”

But Democrats see a partisan stunt in a move by GOP Secretary of State Brian Kemp to subpoena the records of the New Georgia Project, the state’s largest voter registration effort, alleging the group has committed voter fraud.  And by records, Kemp means every imaginable record – you can see the subpoena here. It could tie up the group indefinitely.

New Georgia Project co-director Stacey Abrams, the House minority leader, says that out of 85,000 registrations, the group was aware of roughly 25 complaints about incomplete forms. “The complaints we were aware of, we’ve worked very closely with the secretary of state’s office to resolve,” Abrams told the Atlanta Journal Constitution. “In fact, the first time there was a complaint, I personally called [Kemp] and told him about our project, because I wanted to make sure we were working with the secretary of state’s office to get this work done, given how massive a project this would be.”

“We’re just not going to put up with fraud,” Kemp told a local television station. “I mean, we have zero tolerance for that in Georgia, so we’ve opened an investigation and served some subpoenas.”

Better Georgia has come up with audio of a July speech by Kemp to GOP supporters, in which he raised the specter of the defunct community-organizing group ACORN and warned that Democrats were pinning their hopes on “minority voters”:
Everybody remembers ACORN right? Well when ACORN was out registering people to vote, they were filling out applications, they were sending stuff in, you don’t know who these people are, where they’re from, the people that are registered, and the people that are filling those out.
Ironically, Kemp seems to be reassuring the group that voting restrictions passed in the wake of ACORN, including voter ID, prevent the sort of voter fraud he believes ACORN was promoting. And he closes his remarks with a warning:
You know the Democrats are working hard, and all these stories about them, you know, registering all these minority voters that are out there and others that are sitting on the sidelines, if they can do that, they can win these elections in November.  But we’ve got to do the exact same thing.
There’s nothing wrong with Kemp noting the Democrats’ plans to register “minority voters,” of course. Those plans are public. But when he’s obstructing an African-American-run voter registration project less than two months before the midterms, it’s hard not to wonder which hat he’s wearing: responsible election official, or desperate GOP partisan?

“GOP candidates in Georgia know they cannot win if the electorate reflects the increasing diversity of our state, so Sec. Kemp is using the power of his office to restrict minority voting access,” Better Georgia’s Bryan Long charged in a statement. He’s asking for a Justice Department investigation.

Stay tuned.
Joan Walsh Joan Walsh is Salon's editor at large and the author of "What's the Matter With White People: Finding Our Way in the Next America."

John McCain's quick attack

Sen. John McCain took to the airwaves beating the war drum, while also criticizing President Obama's foreign policy. Ed Schultz and Bob Shrum discuss.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Ted Cruz Booed Off The Stage At Middle East Christian Fundraiser

By karoli

Out of touch much, Senator? 

Evidently Middle East Christians have not learned the ways of Dominionist Christians. Senator Ted Cruz was invited to speak at their fundraiser Wednesday and unexpectedly found himself booed off the stage.

This one time I'm going to quote the Daily Caller, since they have the video and it really is remarkable:
“Christians have no greater ally than Israel,” [Cruz] said, at which point members of the crowd began to yell “stop it” and booed him.
EWTN News Nightly’s Jason Calvi caught the moment on video.
“Those who hate Israel hate America,” he continued, as the boos and calls for him to leave the stage got louder. “Those who hate Jews hate Christians. If those in this room will not recognize that, then my heart weeps. If you hate the Jewish people you are not reflecting the teachings of Christ. And the very same people who persecute and murder Christians right now, who crucify Christians, who behead children, are the very same people who target Jews for their faith, for the same reason.”
The cries of “stop it, stop it, enough,” and booing continued. “Out, out, leave the stage!”
At this point IDC’s president, Toufic Baaklini, came out to the stage to ask for the crowd to listen to Cruz, but Cruz had already had enough.
In an interview with Breitbart News, Cruz explained that he chose to leave because if they could not stand with Israel, he could not stand with them.

What you have here is a deep chasm between Dominionists like Cruz who believe Israel must thrive in order for Christians to have dominion over all the earth and other Christian sects, who believe that ancient covenants with Israel are obsolete, and God's kingdom on earth will come via believers in Christ.

I don't know what the specifics of the attendees at that dinner believe with regard to Israel, but odds are there were some Palestinian Christians in that crowd who were not going to stand tall for Israel, nor should they be expected to.

Cruz' arrogance and insensitivity was on parade for all to behold at that dinner. If he thinks he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning the Republican nomination for the Presidency, he's more deluded than he knows.

Update: Here's a little more, from Twitter:

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Philadelphia rewrites law on pot

Philadelphia Councilman Jim Kenney tells Lawrence O’Donnell about new legislation to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of Marijuana.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

GOP running out of arguments against the ACA

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver and MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry join Rev. Al Sharpton to talk about a new report that’s poking holes in GOP arguments against the Affordable Care Act.

Crowd laughs at Toronto Mayor Rob Ford during debate

TORONTO - Toronto Mayor Rob Ford called a business crowd "elitist" after the crowd laughed repeatedly at him during a debate ahead of next month's election.

The scandal-plagued mayor became an international celebrity last year after he acknowledged using crack in a "drunken stupor" after months of denials. Ford returned to work June 30 after a two-month rehab stint for drug and alcohol abuse. His behavior embarrassed many residents of Canada's largest city.

Ford took part in a debate at the Toronto Region Board of Trade on Thursday. When John Tory, a candidate running to replace Ford in the Oct. 27 election, poked holes into some of Ford's arguments the crowd laughed mockingly at Ford.

Ford later said "they can laugh all they want. I have a proven track record of success."

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Fast Food Workers Will Serve Up Massive Minimum Wage Protests This Thursday


The next round of protests from fast food workers will take place on Thursday, when people in more than 100 cities will stage sit-ins or walk off the job as they seek a $15 minimum wage. “On Thursday, we are prepared to take arrests to show our commitment to the growing fight for $15,” Terrence Wise, a Burger King employee  and a member of the fast-food workers’ national organizing committee, told The New York Times.

The strike is the latest in the Service Employees International Union's two-year effort to pressure lawmakers and employers to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, up from $7.25. During a nationwide protest held May 15, workers in several countries across the world protested in solidarity. And unlike past protests, unions are also encouraging the nation's 2 million home-care workers to participate in the day's protests to put more pressure on cities.

On Labor Day, President Obama renewed his support for a raise in the minimum wage — to $10.10 an hour. At an event hosted by the A.F.L.-C.I.O. Obama said that American workers deserve a raise and, if he was a fast food worker and “wanted an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work, I’d join a union.”

Wolf Maintains Huge Lead in Pennsylvania

By Taegan Goddard

A new Robert Morris University Polling Institute poll in Pennsylvania finds Tom Wolf (D) leads Gov. Tom Corbett (R) by a wide margin, 56% to 25%, among likely voters.

America Is So Over Home Ownership: Why The Shift To A Renting Economy Might Actually Be Good

By Henry Grabar

Between 1970 and 1990, the population of Philadelphia shrank by a quarter, dropping from 1.95 to 1.59 million. Like many American cities, it seemed caught in a downward spiral.

Photo Credit: Chungking/
Since then – like many American cities – Philadelphia has stabilized. The population now appears to have bottomed out at the millennium, and has been regaining residents over the past decade. But as it rebounds, Philly is becoming a different kind of city.

In the two most recent decades, which comprise the bounce of the city’s population curve, owner-occupied housing dropped even more steeply than in the ’70s and ’80s. Between 2000 and 2012, the percentage of Philly houses and apartments inhabited by owners dropped from 59 to 52, the second-sharpest decline among big U.S. cities during that time.

Meanwhile, renter-occupied housing exploded. More units are rented today in Philadelphia than in 1970, despite 400,000 fewer residents. According to a report from Pew Charitable Trusts, the size of the Philadelphia rental stock has grown by 37,000 since the millennium — a gain of more than 10 percent.

Philadelphia is a concentrated case of a larger trend in American housing: We are increasingly renting instead of buying our homes. Rental household growth is rising at double the rate it has in previous decades. Developers are building more multi-family units than they have in years. Last month, the home ownership rate fell to a 19-year low, down to 64.7 percent from a peak of 69.2 percent in 2004.
This is bad news, insofar as it demonstrates that Americans are struggling to buy homes. It’s bad news for the housing industry, whose greenfield development machine has less fuel. But as a long-term development, it signifies an emerging model of American life released from the cult of home ownership. It would make Americans more mobile (as we once were), and more able to adapt to economic changes. Jordan Rappaport, a senior economist at the Kansas City Fed, elucidates some benefits of the shift from single-family to multi-family housing (which is closely related to the owner-renter shift):
It will shift consumer demand away from goods and services that complement large indoor space and a backyard toward goods and services more oriented toward living in an apartment. Similarly, the possible shift toward city living may dampen demand for automobiles, highways and gasoline but increase demand for restaurants, city parks and high-quality public transit.
For the moment, though, Americans are renting across the spectrum of the built environment, in cities (long skewed toward renters), suburbs (shifting in that direction) and exurbs. Wall Street has taken notice: The Blackstone Group, a private equity shop, now owns and rents some 45,000 homes. At one point, the firm’s housing division was spending $150 million a week buying houses to rent.

But academics, politicians and homeowners have long been suspicious of tenants. Increasing the home ownership rate has been a foundational goal of American politics at the federal level for most of the past century. In fact, it’s older than that: Most states had property restrictions on voting well into the 19th century.

“For a man who owns his home acquires with it a new dignity,” Sen. Charles Percy said in 1966. “He begins to take pride in what is his own, and pride in conserving and improving it for his children. He becomes a more steadfast and concerned citizen of his community. He becomes more self-confident and self-reliant. The mere act of becoming a homeowner transforms him. It gives him roots, a sense of belonging, a true stake in his community and well being.” The tax code is engineered to support that viewpoint, however off-key it may sound to the millions of Americans mired in foreclosure proceedings.

“Home ownership and Neighborhood Stability,” a 1996 paper by planning professor William M. Rohe from which the Percy quote comes, offers what might now be seen as the established academic perspective on renters. Rohe and co-author Leslie Stewart found that the home ownership rate does indeed have a positive correlation with various social and economic attributes of a “good” neighborhood. It wasn’t just that homeowners kept the paint fresh and the lawn mowed. Their status led “to greater social interaction within, and psychological identification with, the neighborhood.”

But a significant amount of doubt remains about cause and effect. The increase in “neighborhood stability” (which, per the authors, includes resident tenure, property values, and physical and social conditions) “may be the result of the types of households drawn to home ownership” rather than the experience itself. And since home ownership is closely tied to income, family size, marital status and age, it can be hard to separate those variables. Self-selection, the authors write, is “a confounding factor.”

How might things be changing today, with homeowners under duress and a whole new class of former and future owners thrust into the rental market?

Back in Philly, a recent survey of renters conducted by the city found unexpected levels of social engagement. Planners were surprised by how many renters knew their neighbors, participated in neighborhood events and helped maintain the physical environment through volunteer work.

Philadelphia, however, despite the recent shift toward a renter city, is still more than half homeowners. Of the country’s 10 largest cities, most (running across typical urban typologies) have higher percentages of renters: Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, San Diego and Dallas all have lower home ownership rates than Philly. Nearly seven in 10 New York City units are rented. How does NYC maintain any semblance of community with such a large population of “transient” neighbors? Rent control and stabilization, which cover 1 million New York City apartments.

Most economists don’t like rent-control programs, arguing that they harm the housing stock and drive up prices for newcomers. But a city with rents rising just as rapidly as the renter population risks becoming a kind of deck of cards, shuffled every 12 months when leases expire and landlords target a new stratum of the population. Unfortunately, that’s now a description that could apply to a number of American cities – not just San Francisco and Boston. Even in Houston, famous for its low cost of housing, rent is rising at a record rate. Evictions are up 43 percent in Milwaukee since 2010.

Cities like Philadelphia have already cut property taxes to help longtime homeowners (who, by the way, stand to make a windfall off gentrification) stay put in their neighborhoods. But help for renters remains politically charged, in part because renting is still seen as a transitory stage — a life-step to be tolerated but not encouraged.

But this is not a universal perspective. In Germany, for example, renting is the norm — and people are quite happy with the situation. France, Switzerland, Denmark, Austria and the Netherlands have similar renter-owner breakdowns.

Is America moving in that direction? If so, it’s worth asking ourselves why we’d rather not have renters for neighbors — and in the cases where there’s some truth to the stereotype, what we can do about it.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

National Guard Turns to Food Banks Because Rick Perry Hasn't Paid Them Yet

The National Guard troops Texas Gov. Rick Perry ordered to the U.S. Mexico border last month are using food and gas aid from a local food bank because they haven't been paid in weeks, according to the KGBT. Members of the National Guard reach out for assistance for 50 troops who were deployed around August 11 visited the food banks, and members of the group told KGBT that they won't be paid until September 5th.
(Update 3:30pm: In a statement to The Wire Gov. Perry's press office challenged the account given by the RGV food bank, and said the Texas National Guard only has a record of two troops receiving aid.)

Last month, Perry announced he was sending 1,000 National Guard troops to defend the border in the wake of inaction from the federal government. The move was met with skepticism, especially from border town sheriffs who wanted the resources to go towards police officers, since National Guard troops aren't allowed to arrest or detain undocumented immigrants. Others balked at the price — it will cost an estimated $12 million a month to sustain the troops, and as of last month the state wasn't sure how it would pay that price.
Now it seems that the troops arrived before the funds did. Democratic state Rep. Rene Olivera, who earlier condemned the "militarization" of the border, said "it's embarrassing that our troops have to stand in a food pantry line. This is the fault of the state." 

Here's the full statement from Perry's office:
First, the suggestion that Guardsmen aren’t getting paid is false. They are getting paid on a regular schedule with their first pay day on Sept. 5, then every two weeks after that.
Second, based on information provided by the Texas National Guard, two soldiers sought and received assistance through the Family Assistance Coordinator. Family Assistance Coordinators routinely help Guardsmen all across the state with needs they may have, regardless of deployment or duty status.
Also, based on information provided by the Guard, they currently have no indication that any Guardsmen received any assistance from the Rio Grande Valley Food Bank.
Governor Perry is confident the Guard stands ready to assist to any Soldier who may need it, regardless of deployment or duty status so they can meet the needs of their family, or the mission they are performing.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Mitch McConnell’s promise to the Koch brothers

Sen. McConnell delivered a promise during a meeting hosted by the Koch brothers. Lawrence O’Donnell explains why his comments are a turning point in his campaign.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Charlie Crist wins Democratic primary, will face Rick Scott in Florida governor’s race

By Reuters

[Image: Former Florida Governor Charlie Crist waves after meeting supporters outside the North Miami Public Library in Miami, Florida on Aug. 24, 2014. By Gaston De Cardenas for Reuters]

By Letitia Stein

TAMPA Fla. (Reuters) – Charlie Crist won the Democratic nomination for Florida governor on Tuesday, defeating his primary challenger with almost 75 percent of the vote and setting the stage for a nationally watched governor’s race.

Republican Governor Rick Scott easily cruised toward victory with more than 87 percent of the vote over two little-known primary opponents.

Voter turnout was low – under 17.5 percent – in an election lacking tight races at the top of the tickets to help draw voters.

With Scott and Crist virtually tied in polls, the race is shaping up as one of the most expensive gubernatorial contests, with both parties seeking a major bully pulpit going into the 2016 presidential elections in the nation’s most populous swing state.

Primary vote results provide an initial gauge of Democratic enthusiasm for Crist, who governed Florida as a Republican from 2007 to 2011 and now wants the job back under a different party label.

In accepting the party’s nomination, Crist stressed his moderate track record as a Republican on issues including public education, women’s reproductive rights and U.S. President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan.

“When I was governor, serving the public was never about right versus left, it was always about right versus wrong,” Crist said.

Crist largely ignored a primary challenge from Nan Rich, a former state legislator from south Florida who in conceding called on her supporters to help vote out Scott.

“I entered this race to defeat Rick Scott and to get Florida back on the right track,” Rich said at an election night event. “That is the goal that I remain committed to.”

General election themes have been the focus of an already blistering televised ad campaign, with Scott and Crist bashing each other’s records on everything from taxes to jobs, education and energy policy.

“The next few months are about talk versus action,” Scott said in a statement. “Florida will have a choice between a governor who sent our state into a tailspin and a governor who gets results.”

Votes cast against Crist will be scrutinized to reveal his ability to galvanize the base of a party he only recently joined after spending most of his political life as a Republican, said Daniel Smith, a political science professor at the University of Florida in Gainesville.

“He has not played to the base as he has to the middle,” Smith said. “In doing so, he risks alienating those core Democrats he is going to need in the general election.”

Early voting results indicated low voter turnout, especially in the Democratic stronghold in south Florida, which could be crucial to the party’s chances in November.

Florida Democratic leaders, seeking to move quickly past the primary, have plans for unity rallies featuring both candidates on Thursday in Orlando and Fort Lauderdale.

“With Charlie Crist as our nominee, Democrats are fired up, ready to work hard, and ready to win in November,” said Florida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant in a statement.

(Additional reporting by Barbara Liston in Orlando, Bill Cotterell in Tallahassee, David Adams, Daniel Wallis and Zachary Fagenson in Miami.; Editing by Bill Trott, Andre Grenon and Eric Walsh)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Which States Permit Open Carry of Handguns?

By Taegan Goddard

Wall Street Journal: “As people on both sides of the debate regarding open carry—the practice of carrying firearms in plain view—have been turning up the heat, more companies are being forced to take a side.”

Carrying a firearm in a concealed manner is legal in all states, but open carry has more restrictions, especially for handguns. Though federal law doesn’t restrict the open carrying of handguns in public, several states—including California, Florida, Illinois, New York, South Carolina and Texas—ban the practice, according to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Thirteen states require a special permit or license to open carry. The remaining 31 states don’t require one. The laws are different for long guns, which are commonly associated with hunting.”

“Why is open carry causing so much of a stir when concealed carry is so widespread?”
OG AC384 openca G 20140822132909 Which States Permit Open Carry of Handguns?

Paul Ryan runs from DREAMers

Rep. Paul Ryan tries to distance himself from discussing immigration reform, refusing to answer questions from Dreamers from a book signing. Ed Schultz, Ray Jose from United We Dream, Mitch Caesar and Ana Rivas Logan discuss.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Wisconsin's Walker confronted with damaging new details

For all the current and former Republican governors facing serious scandals – Rick Perry, Bob McDonnell, Chris Christie, et al – let’s not forget about Gov. Scott Walker. The Wisconsin chief executive is in the middle of a tough re-election fight – which he’ll have to win to move forward with his presidential plans – and a lingering controversy is making his task more difficult.
To briefly recap, Wisconsin election laws prohibit officials from coordinating campaign activities with outside political groups. When Walker faced a recall campaign, however, he and his team may have directly overseen how outside groups – including some allegedly non-partisan non-profits – spent their campaign resources.
Late Friday night, the allegations surrounding the governor’s office appear to have grown far more serious. Consider this report from Madison’s Wisconsin State Journal.
Gov. Scott Walker personally solicited millions of dollars in contributions for a conservative group during the 2011 and 2012 recalls, which prosecutors cited as evidence the governor and his campaign violated state campaign finance laws, records made public on Friday show.
Among the groups that donated money to Wisconsin Club for Growth during that time was Gogebic Taconite, which contributed $700,000, according to the records. The company later won approval from the Legislature and Walker to streamline regulations for a massive iron ore mine in northern Wisconsin.
In an April court filing unsealed briefly on Friday, a lawyer wrote, “Because Wisconsin Club for Growth’s fundraising and expenditures were being coordinated with Scott Walker’s agents at the time of Gogebic’s donation, there is certainly an appearance of corruption in light of the resulting legislation from which it benefited.”
I think it’s safe to say these revelations do not cast Walker and his team in a positive light. On the contrary, Friday’s night’s evidence appears quite damning.
As additional reporting from the weekend makes clear, Team Walker, with the governor’s direct involvement, is accused of raising money for Wisconsin Club for Growth, which in turn ran ads to support the governor and helped disperse campaign funds to conservative allies.
In one especially damaging detail, Walker was dispatched to Las Vegas with talking points on the importance of unregulated contributions for the supposedly independent nonprofit group.
“Stress that donations to [Wisconsin Club for Growth] are not disclosed and can accept corporate donations without limits,” an aide told Walker via email. “Let [potential donors] know that you can accept corporate contributions and it is not reported.”
Wisconsin Club for Growth allegedly funneled these unregulated contributions to allies, all to help Walker prevail in his recall election. Indeed, the reports suggest the governor insisted on Wisconsin Club for Growth maintaining a leadership role in order to “ensure correct messaging.” A fundraising consultant for Walker to one of the governor’s campaign consultants, “We had some past problems with multiple groups doing work on ‘behalf’ of Gov. Walker and it caused some issues.”
The coordination aspect is clearly problematic under campaign-finance laws, but the scandal may also include a possible quid-pro-quo angle.
Other Wisconsin Club for Growth donors included Gogebic Taconite LLC, which has proposed opening a 4 1/2-mile long iron mine in northern Wisconsin. The company gave $700,000 to Club for Growth in 2011 and 2012. Walker signed legislation last year streamlining state mining requirements and paving the way for the project. The documents don’t show whether Walker directly solicited donations from that company. A spokesman for the company did not return a message seeking comment.
There are 71 days until Election Day in Wisconsin. These are probably not the kind of headlines the Republican governor was hoping for as the campaign cycle approaches Labor Day.
Postscript: If you’re new to Walker’s scandal or need a refresher, this Q&A is helpful (thanks to my colleague Nazanin Rafsanjani for the heads-up).

Self-Certified Rand Paul Went To Guatemala To Play Doctor While Bashing Obama

By Vegasjessie

 After denouncing any immigration from Central American countries, the GOP's self-certified ophthalmologist uses his trip to Guatemala for presidential campaign photo ops. The trip wouldn't be complete without deriding his own president.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul recently ventured to Guatemala on a medical mission to help the impoverished citizens with much needed ophthalmologic care. Chris Jansing, hosting Meet The Press before Chuck Todd arrives as the new host, accompanied the diminutive Senator Paul to the Central American country. Paul was one of 28 American volunteers organized by the Moran Eye Center in Utah.

Oddly enough, he is not certified by the highly respected American Board of Ophthalmology. He was "certified " by the National Board of Ophthalmology which has existed since 1999, when Paul “founded” it. Rand's board lists no more than seven doctors, and its address is a post-office box in Bowling Green, Ky. You can find the requirements of the American Board of Ophthalmology at, while Paul’s group maintains no such website. The legitimate ABO has over 16,000 doctors who are members.

The visit seemed to be philanthropic in nature, but what good is a humanitarian trip if you can't use it to bash President Obama in front of the whole world? The Kentucky republican, in a meeting with Guatemalan President Molina said,

the mess we’ve got at the border is frankly because of the White House’s policies... nothing good has happened because Sen. Reid has decided that he’s not going to allow any votes on any bills this year because he’s protecting his members who are vulnerable in the election—he’s protecting them from any kind of votes.
Rand was once seen as too liberal with his slightly more tolerant stance regarding immigration, except he never presents an alternative solution. Perhaps he used the trip to show his kind side despite his country's inability to "secure the border" (which is rather secure).Michael Czin, national press secretary for the DNC, reminds us of the lack of action by Senator Paul who

voted against Democratic immigration reform legislation and opposed an emergency supplemental package to address the border crisis.
Rand Paul is vying for the nomination as the GOP candidate in less than two years. After the party's "autopsy," Reince Priebus called for sweeping changes in 2013, yet no immigration proposals other than securing the border have been presented. It's funny that Rand would be slamming the president on an issue his party deems "not that important" while facing a leader of a nation whose people are desperate to emigrate to the USA.

Republicans are far too busy legislating the uterus, denying climate science, trying to outlaw the teaching of evolution and kowtowing to the NRA to deal with such trivia. Ironically, many Republicans feel ISIS is sending people through the "unsecured" southern border yet they don't find the immigration crisis all that significant Either way, it's President Obama's fault, all of it.

Darren Wilson's Former Police Force Was Disbanded for Excessive Force and Corruption

The Washington Post gives additional insight into the background of the officer who killed Michael Brown.

By Prachi Gupta,

While news outlets and commentators have attempted analyze every action of Michael Brown, the unarmed black teen shot to death six times in Ferguson, Missouri two weeks ago, we seem to know very little about his shooter, Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Wilson, who just months ago won a commendation in a Town Council ceremony, now remains under the police’s protection and hasn’t spoken about the incident.

But as the public continues to search for answers, the  Washington Post has published a report on Wilson’s career, including a brief biography, that offers some insight into Wilson’s past.

According to officials interviewed by the Post, Wilson maintained a clean record, but the Post reports that his first job “was not an ideal place to learn how to police.” He entered the police force in 2009, joining a nearly all-white, 45-member task force that patrolled Jennings, Missouri, a small, impoverished city of 14,000 where the residents were 89 percent African-American. The racial tension was high, and the police were accused of using excessive force against its residents:
Racial tension was endemic in Jennings, said Rodney Epps, an African American city council member.
“You’re dealing with white cops, and they don’t know how to address black people,” Epps said. “The straw that broke the camel’s back, an officer shot at a female. She was stopped for a traffic violation. She had a child in the back [of the] car and was probably worried about getting locked up. And this officer chased her down Highway 70, past city limits, and took a shot at her. Just ridiculous.”
Police faced a series of lawsuits for using unnecessary force, Stichnote said. One black resident, Cassandra Fuller, sued the department claiming a white Jennings police officer beat her in June 2009 on her own porch after she made a joke. A car had smashed into her van, which was parked in front of her home, and she called police. The responding officer asked her to move the van. “It don’t run. You can take it home with you if you want,” she answered. She said the officer became enraged, threw her off the porch, knocked her to the ground and kicked her in the stomach.
The department paid Fuller a confidential sum to settle the case, she said.
The department also endured a corruption scandal. In 2011, city council members voted 6-1 to shut down the force and start over, bringing in a new set of officers. Everyone was let go, including Wilson, but he soon found a job at the Ferguson police department, where he has been since.
Lt. Jeff Fuesting, who took over command of the Jennings force, assessed the problems of the former task force like this:
“There was a disconnect between the community and the police department. There were just too many instances of police tactics which put the credibility of the police department in jeopardy. Complaints against officers. There was a communication breakdown between the police and the community. There were allegations involving use of force that raised questions.”
Prachi Gupta is an Assistant News Editor for Salon, focusing on pop culture. Follow her on Twitter at @prachigu or email her at

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Al Gore sues Al Jazeera America for unpaid millions

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Former Vice President Al Gore is suing Al Jazeera America, saying the news network is withholding tens of millions of dollars that it owes for buying Current TV from him and other shareholders for $500 million last year.

David Boies, Gore's attorney, said in a statement that Al Jazeera America "wants to give itself a discount on the purchase price that was agreed to nearly two years ago." He said the suit was filed in Delaware Court of Chancery on Friday.

Al Jazeera America didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Qatar-owned news channel took over Current TV's signal last August and hired a slew of U.S. TV news veterans like Soledad O'Brien and John Seigenthaler. It is available in nearly 60 million U.S. homes.

Gore and co-founder and former Current TV CEO Joel Hyatt each had 20 percent stakes in Current, while Comcast Corp. had less than a 10 percent stake. Another major investor in Current TV was supermarket magnate and entertainment industry investor Ron Burkle.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Rick Perry indicted for abuse of power

James Moore joins Steve Kornacki to discuss the breaking news out of Texas that Gov. Rick Perry has been indicted for abuse of power.

Calling on our leaders to take a stance

The public calls on our nation’s leaders to take a strong stance against the violence that occurred in Ferguson.  Michael Eric Dyson, John Fugelsang and James Peterson discuss.

Police identify Darren Wilson as cop who shot, killed 18-year-old Michael Brown

Let's Be Clear About Michael Brown

Posted By Rude One

Here's a nice picture for your Thursday night:

This is the desperate attempt by Matt Drudge to show that Michael Brown, who was shot down, unarmed, and, from multiple witness accounts, with his hands up and moving away from a police car in Ferguson, Missouri, was some kind of thug. How him flipping off the camera (in a jokey, "I'm-just-scratching" way) accomplishes this only the terrier-fucking Drudge would know. Drudge and other shit-eaters of the right just have to gangsta Brown up in order to protect the power of the cop-soldiers who, until tonight, were acting like total, deranged, over-armed, roided-up cockholes with protesters, reporters, and people at home in Ferguson.

And to what end do Drudge and the cop's water carriers need to show this? To say that it was okay to gun the 18 year-old down?

Let's be fucking clear about Michael Brown:

It doesn't matter if he was the biggest drug dealer in the St. Louis metropolitan area.

It doesn't matter if he was the baddest gangsta in the Ferguson 'hood.

It doesn't matter if he was the biggest pimp in the state.

It doesn't matter if he had committed robberies or purse snatchings.

It doesn't matter how many gang signs he flashed with his hands.

It doesn't matter if he said, "Fuck tha police" every chance he got.

It doesn't matter if he flipped off cops or grabbed his junk while looking at them.

None of that justifies being gunned down by a police officer. None of it.

Of course, Michael Brown wasn't any of the above.

What does matter is what the cop did and what the cops have done and will do. You can bet that the officer who shot Brown didn't ask if he was a future college student.  

He was just another nigger, indistinguishable from the niggers around him, and that was enough.

Standing up to post office privatizers

Posted by Jim Hightower

"Boss," spelled backwards, is double-S-O-B, and that's how most of the employees of the US Postal Service feel about their top boss.

America's postal employees –from mail clerks to letter carriers – take great pride in moving millions of pieces of mail to us every day, whether we live in inner cities or way down at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, where mail is delivered by mule-riding letter carriers to a Native American tribe living there.

But USPS bossman, Postmaster General Pat Donahoe, definitely does not make postal workers proud, for he's been deliberately monkey-wrenching our mail system by slowing delivery, reducing staff and hours of service, closing neighborhood and historic post offices, shutting processing centers, trying to end Saturday delivery, badmouthing his own agency's performance, steadily corporatizing public functions, and transforming decent, union-scale jobs into the low-wage retail economy.

One portentous example of Donahoe's determination to bust the wages and undermine the performance of USPS is the sweetheart privatization scam he's set up with Staples. He's letting this big box retailer place official postal kiosks in its 1,500 stores – only they're not being staffed by highly trained, publically-accountable postal workers, but by Staple's own poverty-wage, high-turnover floor staff. In at least one case, Donahoe even cut the hours of service at post offices around a Staples store, then put up a sign directing postal customers to the Staples outlet.

Mark Dimondstein – the feisty president of the American Postal Workers Union – calls Donahoe "Wall Street's Trojan Horse, the privatizer from within." But, says Dimondstein, "We intend to stop him." His union has launched a Dump Donahoe campaign as well as a national boycott of Staples stores. For information and support, go to

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Anonymous’ Twitter account suspended in conjunction with Ferguson protests

Anonymous had threatened to reveal private information about a man they claimed to be Michael Brown's shooter

Anonymous' Twitter account suspended in conjunction with Ferguson protests (Credit: Reuters/Nacho Doce)

Hacking group Anonymous’ Twitter account (@TheAnonMessage) was suspended on Thursday. The group claimed to reveal the name of Michael Brown’s shooter via the social media website and threatened to publish his home address and photo if the Ferguson Police Department did not confirm the allegation.

According to NBC News, Chief Angel Jimenez of the St. Ann Police Department in Missouri said that the person accused by Anonymous is actually a dispatcher, not a police officer. “At no time has he ever been involved in a shooting in Ferguson or elsewhere,” said Jimenez.

While Twitter does not comment on individual accounts, when asked for comment, a representative pointed to the social media website’s rules, which states that Twitter does not permit users to  ”publish or post other people’s private and confidential information” or “publish or post direct, specific threats of violence against others.” Anonymous had done both.

Anonymous has since switched to a backup account.

Joanna Rothkopf Joanna Rothkopf is an assistant editor at Salon, focusing on sustainability. Follow @JoannaRothkopf or email

Chuck Todd to replace David Gregory on Meet the Press

david gregory chuck todd


NBC will name Chuck Todd the new host of "Meet the Press" as early as Thursday afternoon, according to people with direct knowledge of the network's plans.

The sources confirmed widespread speculation that David Gregory, the moderator of the iconic Sunday morning public affairs program for the past six years, will be replaced by Todd.

One of the sources said the transition will be swift - so swift that Gregory will not even host "Meet the Press" this weekend.

Gregory seemed to confirm that in a series of Twitter messages on Thursday afternoon, hours after this story was originally published.

"I leave NBC as I came - humbled and grateful," he wrote. "I love journalism and serving as moderator of MTP was the highest honor there is."

He added, "I have great respect for my colleagues at NBC News and wish them all well. To the viewers, I say thank you."

Todd, for whom the term "political junkie" seems invented, is currently the NBC News political director and the host of "The Daily Rundown," which airs at 9 a.m. ET on NBC's cable news channel MSNBC.

He will be the twelfth moderator in "Meet the Press" history. Born on radio in 1945 and reborn for television in 1947, "Meet the Press" is the longest-running show on TV.

Within NBC, it is a cherished brand, but it's also one that has fallen on hard times. With Todd in the anchor chair, NBC hopes to reinvigorate the program and its weekly ratings.

An NBC spokeswoman declined to comment.

Negotiations with Gregory and Todd were still underway Thursday.

An announcement about Todd's promotion would end an ugly period of public conjecture about Gregory's fate, made worse by the network's tepid statement of support for him earlier this summer.

When the New York Post's Page Six column said in July that Gregory could be replaced "soon after the November midterm elections," a network representative was quoted as saying, "We heard the same false rumors and suggest you take them with a grain of salt, as we did."

Tepid support, indeed.

Mike Allen of Politico reported earlier this week that Todd was the "likely successor" to Gregory and that the change was "expected to be announced in coming weeks."

That report may have accelerated the network's timetable. If not Thursday, the anchor change will be announced no later than Friday, the sources said.

The people spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to comment on the record.

On Thursday, Gregory was in New Hampshire, far from his Washington, D.C., office. NBC News president Deborah Turness was in New York, having canceled a long-planned trip to London, to oversee the transition.

Questions about Gregory's future on "Meet the Press" surfaced shortly after Turness took over the news division in the summer of 2013.

She has discussed any number of changes to the program, including, at one point, the possibility of a studio audience.

The best-known "Meet the Press" moderator is Tim Russert, who was appointed to the job in 1991 and died suddenly in June 2008 while preparing for an edition of the program. Under Russert, "Meet the Press" was solidly No. 1 in the ratings race among the broadcast networks.

After Russert's death, Tom Brokaw filled in until December 2008, when Gregory took over. The program now routinely ranks No. 3 behind "Face the Nation" on CBS and "This Week" on ABC.

XBox One is about to become movie pirates best friend

By GaryOPA

Microsoft continues to outpace Sony with another huge Xbox One update

Microsoft announced a huge new update to the Xbox One on Tuesday and it included a full-scale video player capable of supporting just about any kind of file you can think of including, MKV containers!

At Gamescom, Sony only teased that new 'user interface' is coming this fall with their PS4 updates, but Microsoft turned up the heat by announcing their Xbox One is getting a ton of more 'features' in series of updates thru-out the rest of year.

With the big one that they going to allow you to basically throw at it any media file you can think of, in their dream of making Xbox One the 'all-in-one' thingie attached your big screen living room TV, to compete against the battle of small little streaming xmbc-type boxes that people have now wired up to their connected household to watch all those 'pirated' movies, tv shows you always deny you have until you figure out that your new friends that you invited over to house are cool like you are, and not going slap you down with lawsuit for watching 'Expendables 3'.

Gamescom only just began, but Microsoft has already made a splash with a couple of huge Xbox One bundles, some exclusive game announcements and a software update that Xbox One (and PS4) owners have been waiting for since the consoles launched last fall. Major Nelson took to the Xbox Wire shortly before the media briefing kicked off to announce that a full-scale media player would finally be coming to the Xbox One.

The media player will be capable of playing just about any file you can throw at it, including .avi, .jpg, .gif, .mov, .mp3, .mpeg, .wma and .wmv.

Other additions to the console include a new "Friends" section, Snap Center and threaded messages with the full conversation history. Microsoft is also planning to release a digital TV tuner for the Xbox One in Europe, and those with the TV tuner will be the first to gain the ability to stream live TV on their SmartGlass devices. Xbox One owners will also be able to boot straight to TV and those with OneGuide will see a new mini guide at the bottom of the screen.

Those that have been invited to the Xbox One early access Preview program will get a chance to toy with all the new features later this month. The rest of us will have to wait until September for what looks to be one of the biggest updates yet for the Xbox One.
Well, Microsoft had to do something as there is no good 'games' coming out until the next Holiday 2015 year, so you will need to do something with your new XB1 console this holiday season, even if it is just watching 'pirated' shit. -- Welcome to the Dark Side!

NEWS SOURCE #1: The Xbox One is about to become movie pirates’ best friend (via) BGR
NEWS SOURCE #2: Microsoft continues to outpace Sony with another huge Xbox One update (via) BGR

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

We're Lucky There Aren't More Riots

Posted By Rude One

That photo is of police patrolling the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, in the wake of a night of riots and looting in the wake of the shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by a white cop. In that suburb of St. Louis, the population is 67% black, but there are only 3 black cops on the 53 person police force, with 2 other non-whites). What's fascinating about the picture is that the front line of five officers (two from other areas, no doubt) is all black while behind them are roughly a dozen and a half white cops and not a single other non-white one.  (Side note: Has anyone written about GOP opposition to Obama as a symbolic castration and its effect on blacks in this country?)

And that's the problem, isn't it? It's that no matter where black men turn, there are always white men with guns right behind them, whether it's asshole cops or asshole gun owners. No matter if there's a black man in the White House; there's always a power structure founded on and fostered by whiteness that exists with little challenge.

What is there to say about the riots, about the looting, about the burning of businesses in Ferguson?

Yeah, it's wrong to steal shit and fuck up buildings. It's more wrong to gun down a kid who, according to many witnesses, had his hands up and, according to official reports, was 35 feet away from the police car. If you believe the law is no longer on your side - indeed, if you believe its enforcers are using it to harm you - why the fuck wouldn't you riot? Tea Party assholes march around with their guns out right after mass shootings, and no one shoots them down. Maybe it's time for some Black Panther action.

Frankly, it's a shock that there aren't more riots, in Staten Island and in Dayton, in just the last few weeks of cops killing black men. As Brittney Cooper writes in Salon, "To be black in this country is to be subject to routine forms of miscalculated risk each and every day.  Black people have every right to be angry as hell about being mistaken for predators when really we are prey."

The median income in Ferguson is $37,000, ten grand lower than the state average.  The state has refused to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.  92% of people arrested in Ferguson are black, taken in by, as mentioned before, the over 90% white police force. Of course, poverty combined with racism combined with the endless stream of whites killing unarmed blacks for no reason is going to add up to an explosion.

We as a nation have fucked over black Americans in so many ways. We've isolated many in neighborhoods with shitty housing, shitty schools, shitty businesses, and shitty health care. We've demonized affirmative action. We've gutted welfare programs, work programs, and other poverty programs. We've given prisons over to private corporations that demand to be filled with any kind of petty criminal under minimum sentencing laws and the worthless drug war. 

So we've filled the shitty streets with cops who have been given the right to harass blacks into hatred of the authority they should be able to turn to to stop the crimes that matter. We have made it so that, even if you're not from one of these shitty neighborhoods, you are forever framed by them, forever framed as a thug or a bitch, forever suspect.

Then we've said, "You're an American. You have opportunity. You can pull yourself up by your bootstraps and live the American dream." Goddamnit, the Rude Pundit wants to fuck shit up just writing that. He can't imagine living it.

So, sure, it's a shame that others now suffer economically (mostly) in the wake of the Michael Brown killing. But when when the plants in the ground finally grow, you don't blame the leaves. You blame the people who put the seeds in the dirt and watered them, decade after decade.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

As Washington DC Remains Gridlocked, Cities Are Shifting Toward Progressive Politics

These mayors are pursuing policies Obama has been unable to enact on the national stage.

After Bill Clinton was elected president in 1992 one of his key aides, Rahm Emanuel, sat in the campaign’s favorite restaurant in Little Rock, Arkansas, venting his frustration at those who had tried to stand in their way. He would call out a name, ram his steak knife into the table and, like Bluto in Animal House, shout “Dead!” Then he would pull the knife out and call another name and stab the table again.

Heaven only knows what damage he does to the furniture when he mentions Karen Lewis’s name.

Emanuel, who was Barack Obama’s chief of staff, is now mayor of Chicago. Lewis is the head of the Chicago Teachers Union who got the better of him after leading the teachers in a strike two years ago.

The two genuinely despise each other. When Lewis took on Emanuel over lengthening the school day, he told her: “Fuck you, Lewis!”; during the strike Lewis branded him a “liar and a bully”.

Now Lewis is seriously considering running against Emanuel for the mayoralty next year. People are wearing buttons urging her candidacy and setting up Facebook pages to support her. When she showed up at a civil rights conference two months ago the crowd cheered “Run, Karen, run!”

She could win.

A Chicago Sun Times poll last month gave Lewis a nine-point lead with 18% undecided. Other polls have Emanuel in front by a similar margin. But between them a general picture emerges. The situation is volatile; Emanuel is vulnerable and Lewis is viable.

Beyond the idiosyncrasies of the case, the possibility that America’s third largest city might elect a union leader over an establishment Democrat marks a broader national shift towards progressive city politics.

Across the country, from New York to Seattle and Boston to Pittsburgh, municipal authorities are swinging left. As Harold Meyerson argued in the American Prospect: “The mayoral and council class of 2013 is one of the most progressive cohorts of elected officials in recent American history... They are, in short, enacting at the municipal level many of the major policy changes that progressives have found themselves unable to enact at the federal and state levels. They also may be charting a new course for American liberalism.”

The organizational and electoral bases of these campaigns are virtually the same as those that propelled Obama to victory – trade unions, minorities, young people (particularly young women) and liberals. And they are promising what Obama has been unwilling or unable to deliver. They are trying to raise the minimum wage, introduce green technology, create affordable housing, levy money from the wealthy to fund universal childcare and rein in their police departments from racist excess.

These are bold plans and, for the most part, they are acting on them. Bill de Blasio, the mayor of New York, has described the city as a “laboratory” for New Deal-style reforms. In reality these initiatives are more like local triage against the wounds of over a generation of stagnant wages, neoliberal reform and the class and racial polarisation that comes with them – all of which were further aggravated by the most recent economic crisis. It looks like the New Deal only because so many Americans have been getting such a bad deal for so long. Local, populist and redistributive, they owe more to the Occupy movement of 2011 of which they are the most logical, likely corollary. Their agendas, of course, are far less ambitious. But they share a trajectory.

As such, the ramifications go beyond the local. Public imagination when it comes to political geography is skewed. People think in terms of red and blue states, but the real distinction is between town and country. With just a handful of exceptions, every city of more than 500,000 inhabitants votes Democrat; in all of the 10 largest cities in America white people are a minority. More than two-thirds of Obama’s lead against Mitt Romney in 2012 came from the three largest US cities – New York, LA and Chicago, and their surrounding areas. It’s not difficult to see why. People come to cities to escape isolation and find opportunity. So cities become home to a disproportionately large number of gay and lesbian people, immigrants and religious minorities. To function they demand social tolerance and public investment for everything from transport to parks.

Cities are where the overwhelming majority of the Democratic base lives. The increasingly pronounced inequalities of race and class, the impact of neo-liberal school reforms and general disinvestment in social capital have hit all but the very wealthy hard. Anyone seeking the presidential nomination would be a fool to ignore this.

Lewis, like De Blasio before her, is touting a “tale of two cities” theme, calling not just for greater equality but a more liveable city. She’s talking like a candidate even if she has yet to confirm her candidacy. There is much to weigh.

Chicagoans have not taken to Emanuel. His notoriously abrasive manner and high-handed, confrontational approach grates. His predecessor, Richard Daley, was embraced as an authentic Chicagoan with no ambitions beyond the city, even if he came across in public as a monosyllabic dolt. Emanuel has acted – wilfully it seems – like a polarising product of Washington, slick and insensitive.

Lewis has made her fair share of enemies too. But she is a populist who as a former standup comedian has a better feel for her audience. She also cuts an intriguing figure. She’s an African-American woman who recently converted to Judaism. She studied music in college, has a master’s degree in film, and taught chemistry in high school.

Lewis has intensity. Those who follow her – and there are many – will go all out and all the way. But Rahm’s speed dial has bling. When he ran four years ago, he would hang up on donors who’d sent him $5,000, saying he was embarrassed to accept such checks from people who could easily afford $25,000.

Lewis will give Rahm a run for his money. She’ll have to: Emanuel has an awful lot of money. And while progressive voters do get the final word, it won’t be before corporate sponsors have had their say.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Sydney man in Syria posts picture of son holding severed head

‘That’s My Boy’: Islamic State Fighter Tweets Photo of His Son Holding a Severed Head

Editor’s Note:
This story contains a graphic image and descriptions.

“That’s my boy.”

Those are said to be the proud words of a convicted terrorist who tweeted out a photo of his young son holding up the severed head of a slain Syrian soldier.

The photo, published in The Australian newspaper, reportedly shows the son of Khaled Sharrouf, a Sydney man who fled to Syria last year and joined up with Islamic State militants. The boy, wearing a blue shirt and a blue watch, uses both hands to grab fistfuls of hair to hold the head up for the camera.
Image source: The Australian
Image source: The Australian

According to the newspaper, Sharrouf posted other photos as well, including one posing with his sons, everyone decked out in fatigues and holding guns in front of the IS flag, and another of himself with the same severed head.

“There are more photographs in newspapers in Australia today of the kind of hideous atrocities that this group is capable of,” Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott told Australian radio. “[The] Islamic State — as they’re now calling themselves — it’s not just a terrorist group, it’s a terrorist army and they’re seeking not just a terrorist enclave but effectively a terrorist state, a terrorist nation.”
Image source: The Australian
Image source: The Australian

The Islamic State, previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, has seized significant territory in the region and proclaimed a caliphate. Its gains across Iraq prompted the United States last week to begin a series of airstrikes to impede its advance.

“ISIL is a threat to the civilized world, certainly to the United States, to our interests, as it is to Europe, it is to Australia,” U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said in Sydney. “I think reflected on the local newspaper I saw this morning, with the picture on the front page, it’s pretty graphic evidence of the real threat that ISIL represents.”