Showing posts with label WTF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WTF. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Miami politician says aliens took her on a spaceship - Now she’s running for Congress

“I went in. There were some round seats that were there, and some quartz rocks that controlled the ship — not like airplanes.”

Source: by ​Paul Seaburn

Read here:

DNC Appoints Anti- $15 Minimum Wage Stooge To Finance Committee

Elections have consequences, and the consequence of Tom Perez winning the DNC chair is that we now get anti-progressive, pro-corporate, anti-worker millionaires appointed to important positions inside the DNC.

Donald Trump Ignores Fallen Soldiers In Niger - Lies About Obama As Cover!

In this ‘Dollemore Daily’ Jesse addresses Donald Trump's remarks in a press conference at the White House with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Trump obfuscated and made excuses for not mentioning the loss of four Green Berets in Niger 13 days ago.

Trump has written letters to the families of the fallen. Or he will. They’ll go out tonight. Probably. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

"So given how vocal Trump was about his support for the military, his silence after the Oct. 4 ambush in southwestern Niger in which four U.S. Special Forces soldiers were killed was noticeable. He finally commented on the incident Monday — 12 days after it happened. Asked by a reporter about his delayed response, Trump said he had written letters over the weekend and would “at some point” call the families of the fallen soldiers.

He also said of Obama and other previous presidents that “a lot of them didn't make calls,” an assertion former Obama aides forcefully denied. He did not explain why it had taken so long to publicly acknowledge the incident.

CNN reported over the weekend that Trump was golfing while the remains of La David Johnson, one of the four killed in the attack, were returned to Dover Air Force Base, a juxtaposition critics pounced on.”

During a Monday news conference, resident Trump was asked about the killing of four Green Berets in an ambush in Niger and why he hadn't addressed their deaths. The panel criticizes Trump's response.

Monday, October 16, 2017

The Man From The Past

Rebekah Mercer And Kellyanne Conway Need To Compete In A Who Looks More Like A Skeleton Contest

We need to stop talking about Bannon and start talking about the REAL source of all this.

Steve Bannon is a just another tool of the Mercers.

He is. Conway is, and Trump is. They're tools. To make all of this about him or them is to allow the source of their power to remain largely unknown. Between the perpetual campaigning and Citizens United, we need to shine bright spotlights on the money sources that influence - CONTROL - our government.

After the Russians, this reclusive father-daughter team exercised massive control of the last election. THEY need to be outted widely. Can you say Cambridge Analytica? Can you say Breitbart?

Robert Mercer - father/patriarch
Diane Mercer - mother
Rebekah Mercer - daughter/on-the-ground-face-of-the-family

After bankrolling the Trump campaign's dirty tricks squad, the Mercer's started enjoying what they bought. Big Bux Bob, the dad, put his 42 year old little girl, Rebekah-Friend-Of-Czarina-And-Secretary-Of-Everything, on the Presidential Transition team.

Even the god-fearing set get this:

Know Thy Enemy: Ephesians 6:11-12

So yeah, use their names whenever you want to speak of Bannon, their current field general.
By Stinky The Clown

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Trump Doesn't Know What He's President Of

Trump said he met with the President of The Virgin Islands…which would be…himself.

Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, and Mark Thompson, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

“Washington (CNN) resident Donald Trump accidentally referred to the Virgin Islands' governor as their President during a speech Friday - even though he is technically their resident. "I will tell you I left Texas and I left Florida and I left Louisiana and I went to Puerto Rico and I met with the President of the Virgin Islands," he told the audience of the Values Voter Summit in Washington. "We are one nation and we all hurt together, we hope together and we heal together," he said, later adding, "The Virgin Islands and the President of the Virgin Islands, these are people that are incredible people, they suffered gravely and we're be there, we're going to be there, we have really, it is not even a question of a choice."

Trump appeared to be referring to Virgin Islands Gov. Kenneth Mapp, instead of the "resident" who is Trump himself.

The Virgin Islands is a US territory. The White House did not immediately respond to CNN's request for comment. But in the official White House transcript after the speech, his reference to Mapp as President was corrected to "governor." He was referring to how the Virgin Islands was hit first by Hurricane Irma, then Hurricane Maria, which ravaged the island.”

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Trump Throws Paper Towels At Puerto Rican Victims

How many died again? Whatever, you hurt my budget with all your lifesaving, dammit! Have some towels to dry your tears.

What an asshole!

Trump Tweets About NFL As America Literally Burns To The Ground

Massive wildfires are raging in California’s wine country right now, with a death toll currently standing at 10 American citizens. But instead of addressing this issue, Donald Trump is on Twitter attacking NFL players and calling media outlets “morons.” This man has to be removed from office – people are now dying from his negligence and arrogance, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Mike Pence explains how his one minute football visit actually saved America money

Mike Pence directed Air Force Two from Las Vegas to Indianapolis and took his entourage over to the stadium for the sole purpose of stomping his foot, walking out, and giving a press briefing on how upset he was that what he knew was going to happen, happened. It was planned and staged from the outset, with the knowledge of what was coming so clear that Pence had the press hang around outside to wait for his pre-generated outrage. Donald Trump has even tweeted the instructions he gave Pence to set up the gag.

Which makes this bumbling excuse from Pence’s office just … pathetic.

Mike Pence spent a million dollars to watch one minute of a football game—and you paid for it

Just last week, four actual American soldiers died in Niger, in an attack likely organized by the regional branch of al Qaeda. If you were unaware of these deaths, or even that there were Americans on the ground in Niger—where the United States is helping to train government forces to fight terrorist incursions—that’s understandable. Because among the things at the top of Donald Trump’s list of important events, actual soldiers actually dying … doesn’t count.

Instead, Trump has focused on athletes leading a peaceful protest against the ongoing killing of African Americans by police, and the failure of the justice system to hold these police responsible for their actions. By portraying a pose usually reserved for honoring an injured player as a sign of disrespect toward the flag, the nation, and the military, Trump has created a fresh racial injustice to heap on top of the original. In service of this lie, Trump has now tweeted 29 times concerning these uppity protests, including multiple tweets about how this dishonors the military. He’s tweeted zero times about the sacrifice of the Green Berets in Niger.

But apparently just talking about it wasn’t divisive, hateful, and hypocritical enough. Over the weekend, Trump ordered Mike Pence to drop in on Indianapolis for the express purpose of making a show of mock disgust over players daring to express concern that their fellow Americans were being murdered with impunity. Trump didn’t disguise the fact that the whole thing was planned.

More Gun Talk

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Fuck You, Steve Scalise

Posted by Rude One

Before he was shot and nearly killed in June, Representative Steve Scalise was a motherfucker on cultural issues. How much of a motherfucker was he? His security detail as Majority Whip in the House of Representatives included Capitol Officer Crystal Griner. Griner and another officer, David Bailey, were injured saving Scalise, with Griner being shot in the ankle. Scalise released a statement specifically thanking the two: "I am especially grateful to Crystal and David, who I have been blessed to have by my side day in and day out in my job as Majority Whip. I would not be here today without the bravery of Crystal and David. They saved my life, and are my heroes."

That's right. For three years, since he was elected Majority Whip, the Louisiana Republican has had Crystal Griner by his side. Griner, as you may have heard, is a lesbian who is married to, wait for it, a woman.

Being a nutzoid Christian, Steve Scalise has spent a good chunk of his career blocking the rights of the woman who put her safety on the line for him and, as he said, saved his life. On his official congressional web page, it brags, "Congressman Scalise has worked diligently throughout his career to protect traditional marriage. Scalise has co-sponsored legislation to amend the Constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman. As a member of the Louisiana State Legislature, Congressman Scalise authored a similar amendment to the Louisiana Constitution that protects traditional marriage."

So he was being protected by someone whose happiness he sought to prevent. That's how much of a motherfucker he was. And now, after the shooting, after he was saved by Griner, he's even more of a motherfucker because he's going right back to fucking mothers.

One of his first big public appearances will be at the hategasm known as the Values Voters Summit. That's a gathering of homophobic Jesus-fellaters who rant for a couple of days at a DC hotel about how fucked the nation is, how much they hate libtards, the poors, and the darks, and how Donald Trump's shit tastes like delicious chocolate pie. It's sponsored by the mad Family Research Council (motto: "Proud to be labeled a hate group"), whose "Human Sexuality" page makes you think that LGBTQ Americans are essentially Isis in better clothes and that the Obergefell decision legalizing same-sex marriage is the day God puked.

Yeah, in a royal "Fuck you, my real savior," Scalise is gonna speak to these dipshits.

And before you say, "Oh, wait, he might say something about a change of heart."

After I stopped laughing at how adorable you are, I'd point out that in his first post-hospitalization interviews this week, Scalise has said that his being shot and all those people in Las Vegas being killed has only strengthened his desire to stick his dick into a shotgun barrel and fuck it.

On Fox "news," Scalise was firm about his bullshit, dangerous interpretation of the 2nd Amendment: "I think it's fortified it because first of all, you've got to recognize that when there is a tragedy like this, the first thing we should be thinking about is praying for the people who were injured and doing whatever we can to help them, to help law enforcement. We shouldn't be first thinking of promoting our political agenda." And then, like so many fucking idiots talking about guns, he brought up how law enforcement has guns, which no one is saying should change: "Frankly what I experienced was when there was a shooter, luckily we had Capitol Police there with their own guns. Every single day in America regular citizens that just have a passionate belief in the Second Amendment, who have their own guns, use guns every single day to protect themselves against criminals...that's a different side of the story that I think is important. People use guns way more to defend themselves against criminals than criminals use guns to hurt people."

Oh, go fuck yourself with your own shattered pelvis, you fucking blind shitheel. First of all, Griner and Bailey didn't have "their own guns." They had department-issued guns. And, you dumb motherfucker, guns harm more people than they help, as study after study after study has shown. And you can't just compare crimes committed versus crimes stopped; you better throw in accidents, suicides, and more in there or you're just a lying son of a bitch.

Did anyone really think that Scalise, who comes from a gerrymandered district in deep red Louisiana, David Duke country and the creepy-ass area where the first season of True Detective took place combined, would gain wisdom and perspective from learning what exactly bullets can do to a body? C'mon. He could have taken ten bullets and watched his whole family be shot and all of them saved by a group of gay EMTs and not a goddamn thought of transformation would enter his depraved fucking head. A bought and paid for whore knows that he's gotta keep working for his pimp. He gets no sympathy. He doesn't get a pass for his pain when he wants so many others to suffer.

Welcome back, Steve Scalise, and fuck you endlessly.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Donald Trump Beclowns Himself In Puerto Rico

Posted by Rude One

Jesus fuckballs, how much more embarrassing can this residency get than soulless tangerine cretin Donald Trump play-acting sympathy while touring the devastation in Puerto Rico? At this point, Trump could drop his pants, bend over, and blow his fast food shits all over homeless children clutching their last teddy bear, and we'd say, "Yeah, we were pretty much expecting that."

Speaking at a National Guard base on the island, Trump spent a great deal of time on how awesome his administration is. He bragged about Linda McMahon more than he talked about the people of Puerto Rico: "I also want to thank Linda McMahon, Small Business. I always joke - I said, she's in charge of small business, but small business is massive business when you add it all up. And she has done an incredible job - built a great company with her husband, Vince McMahon. And I wanted her so badly for this position because there's nobody that knows how to build a company like those and, let me tell you, like this woman. She has been amazing in business, and now she's doing an incredible job as the Administrator." We get it, man. You like wrestling.

And then he gave a lesson in what Mick Mulvaney does: "Mick Mulvaney is here - right there - and Mick is in charge of a thing called 'budget.'" Trump pretty much did the rhetorical equivalent of blowing shit when he said, "Now, I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you've thrown our budget a little out of whack because we've spent a lot of money on Puerto Rico." I'm sure the starving people digging their few surviving possessions out of mud will try to economize to save the "budget."

Fucking moron. Fucking clown.

But it got worse when he compared the deaths in Puerto Rico to the deaths during Katrina, which he really did, for fuck's motherfucking sake: "Every death is a horror. But if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina, and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died, and you look at what happened here with, really, a storm that was just totally overpowering - nobody has ever seen anything like this."

What kind of savage bitch faced cock mite tells devastated people that they have it better than other devastated people? Comparing the number of reported (so far) deaths in Puerto Rico to New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, Trump said, "Sixteen people versus in the thousands." No, not "thousands." Less than 2,000 died in Katrina. Horrible, but not thousands. Besides, this is not a game. Except to a clown, everything's a game.

You might be reading this, thinking, "Well, at least he didn't do that thing where he brags about himself." No, fuck you, of course, he did. When an Air Force representative talked about supply and rescue flights, Trump jumped in, "So amazing that we're ordering hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of new airplanes for the Air Force, especially the F-35."

Then the chemicals in his shrunken brain rolling around inside his soft skull clicked over to campaign mode as he said, in the middle of a place that was ripped apart and will take years to put back together, "That's an expensive plane that you can't see. And as you probably heard, we cut the price very substantially - something that other administrations would never have done, that I can tell you."

We are in some kind of psychological experiment in how much stupidity, shame, and savagery we can take before we break or we just say, "Fuck this. I'm watching Netflix and never coming out." And Netflix is calling louder and louder.

When he was getting ready to go on the tour, Trump said that the people who are waiting all day to get water or gas or food, who have no place to store the dead, who are starting to see diseases crop up, who have no power, should be grateful: "I appreciate your support and I know you appreciate our support, because our country has really gone all out to help. And it's not only dangerous, it's expensive." Yeah, they'll get right to decorating a thank you card as soon as they can eat and have more than one operational hospital.

In Texas in August after Hurricane Harvey, Trump didn't mention how expensive the support would be. He didn't talk about the budget. In Florida in September after Hurricane Irma, Trump didn't say a word about the cost. Only in Puerto Rico. Only there.

And, leaving one area, he told the victims of the storm, "Have a good time." The whole visit was his way of saying that he's not responsible for the cluster fuck of ineffectiveness and incompetence that has ruled the rescue and clean-up effort so far. But Trump's the fuckin' resident, man. He can spin, but he can't hide.

Goddamn, this dumb, racist asshole is beclowning our entire country.

Tuesday Toon Roundup 1 - The Issue that always returns, because we do nothing

Trump Forgets His Wife Is Next To Him: "Melania Really Wanted To Be With Us"

Trump appears at a Hurricane Irma relief event in Fort Myers, Florida and says his wife "Melania really wanted to be with us," while she was standing right next to him.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Conservative Logic: We LOVE Free Speech, But Shut The FUCK Up!

LOL Tomi Lahren forgets she was fired and sued The Blaze over for the same thing she’s now telling the NFL to do. Hosted by Hasan Piker.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

As Puerto Rico Suffers, @realDonaldTrump Worries About Big Banks And Wall Street!

In this ‘Dollemore Daily’ Jesse addresses Donald Trump's lack of response in the wake of Hurricane Maria and the dire situation in Puerto Rico. Looked at are Trump's tweets and public statements.