Showing posts with label The Truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Truth. Show all posts

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Barr's corrupt undoing of Flynn guilty plea

After lying to the vice president and the FBI about his conversations with the Russians, Mike Flynn pleaded guilty in court. Bill Barr is corrupting attempting to undo Flynn's guilty plea.

Here's a road map to Flynn's crimes, his court proceedings, Barr's attempt to dismiss the case, and Judge Emmet Sullivan's options in addressing Barr's corrupt motion to dismiss.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Trump Believes That People Who Die Of Coronavirus Are Losers

Posted by Rude One

As it usually is in these situations, it was the simplest of questions, a potential slamdunk for an ordinary politician, hell, for an ordinary human being. But we are talking about resident Donald Trump, who is a hollowed-out pumpkin filled with a slurry of toxic waste, so the most ludicrous softball questions become moments of torment and confusion because he just doesn't get how being a person works.

On Tuesday, at an event where he brayed about the small business loan program that's become a money trough for corporate pigs to feed at, Trump got a question from a reporter. "You’ve spoken about your friend who passed away," the intrepid journalist asked, tossing a soft, underhand pitch. "I was wondering if you have spoken to the families of anyone else who has lost a loved one to COVID-19.  If there’s any particular stories that have affected you."

Right now, you, sitting there as a semi-normal human being, you could toss out a couple of examples about stories that affected you. Maybe you could talk about Sklyar Herbert, the 5 year old girl in Detroit, who passed away a week before. Maybe you could mention one of the doctors or other first responders who have been taken out by the disease they were fighting. Maybe you could talk about someone else you know, like the elderly retired professor I knew who I just found out died of coronavirus. It might be emotional. But you could do it, though.

But Trump couldn't. He answered, "Well, I have — I have many people.  I know many stories.  I’ve spoken to three, maybe, I guess, four families unrelated to me.  I did — I lost a very good friend.  I also lost three other friends — two of whom I didn’t know as well, but they were friends and people I did business with, and probably almost everybody in the room did. And it’s a — it’s a bad death.  It’s not a — it’s — it’s a bad thing.  It grips onto some people.  Now, we found out that young people do extraordinarily well." And then that was it. The brain worms then made him pivot to schools that are opening up which led him to criticize distance learning because of course he did.

We know that whenever Trump is called upon to offer some kind of sympathy for the dead and sick, he either quickly reads a rote script or he changes the subject, often to how "horrendous" or "brilliant" COVID-19 is, as if it has to be the worst illness in the history of the world because that's the only virus that can be an opponent worthy of Donald Trump.

Trump has made a big show about how he refuses to wear a mask because he's been tested and doesn't have coronavirus. At the event Tuesday, in Oval Office gatherings, neither Trump nor the people there, including Drs. Birx and Fauci, wear masks. You know that he sees wearing a mask as a sign of weakness. You know that he's demanded that no one be allowed to wear masks. No one is gonna make him look like a disease-fearing pussy. He is the uber-mensch. All others cower beneath his exceedingly healthy orange glow.

Essentially, that's his attitude towards the dead. If you get sick, you are weak and you are preventing the economy from "roaring back," so he'll order you back to work or have governors force you back so you lose your unemployment benefits. If you die, you're a loser because it makes him look bad. Here's what he managed to say yesterday: "We mourn — and I have to say this so strongly — we mourn every life tragically lost to the invisible enemy, and we’re heartened that the worst of the pain and suffering is going to be behind us." The worst is not "behind us." We're in the worst right now, with cases rising in some states, falling in others, and staying steady in the others.

The sick and the dead are inconvenient because they prevent him from gallivanting around the country and prancing like a coked-out baboon in front of his adoring, cretinous crowds. He talked about how tragic it would be to have social distancing at his rallies of the damned: "I can’t imagine a rally where you have every fourth seat full. Every — every six seats are empty for every one that you have full.  That wouldn’t look too good." Your fever and cough are keeping the resident from having good-looking campaign events, you selfish fucks.

Note: Of course, as long as it's the poors, immigrants, prisoners, and the weak old people (not strong like his wheezing ass) that die, well, that's just thinning the herd until we get to immunity or something.

But I keep coming back to that fuckin' question. Trump admitted that he has not reached out to a single family of someone who died. He didn't take any time to ring up some widow in Alabama or Texas or Kansas, the states that he won. That's just fucked up. He can't because to do so would be to concede that the deaths mean something beyond lower approval ratings. He can't because he's incapable of exuding the kind of empathy that's necessary to come across as anything other than the popularity-driven, praise-thirsty, narcissistic monster that he is.

Instead, he pretends that 60,000 deaths are bad, but, hey, a million deaths is worse and China must be lying; he's petulantly defensive, pissed off that all these weak losers are dying and that he's supposed to pretend to care. Fuck that. Not when it's more fun to shitpost about Brian Williams or CNN.

He says the disease is going to disappear "like a miracle," except it's not. It's going to slowly peter out, the bodies stacking up, becoming to him like a wall preventing his reelection. Your death means nothing more and nothing less.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

NO NO NO!!! Trump & Kushner Okay w/ 60,000-70,000 American Deaths. Say They've Done a Great Job!

Jesse Dollemore discusses recent comments from both Donald Trump and Jared Kushner when they have touted themselves as having done a great job in dealing with the spread of the Coronavirus. They are moving the goalposts right before our very eyes and think we aren't paying attention!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Trump Suggests Disinfectant To Kill Virus Inside The Body

The resident suggested the possibility of an 'injection' of disinfectant into a person infected with the coronavirus as a deterrent to the virus during his daily briefing Thursday. The Morning Blow panel discusses Trump's remarks. Aired on 04/24/2020.

Heather TEA
Trump, YOU & Bill Gates can go 1st. 💅 Don't worry, we'll WAIT.💁
Donald Trump's daily coronavirus press briefings have been getting stranger by the day, but Thursday's absolutely broke the crazy meter. 
Trump told people that the virus might be able to be defeated by heating the body to absurd temperatures, or by putting light inside the body, or, and more dangerously, by injecting disinfectants into a person. 
None of these are actual treatments, and some of them are a near guarantee of death, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Tucker Calls Out AOC For Elitism and Privilege | Tim Black

Fox News Savior, Tucker Carlson goes after Ocasio Cortez aka AOC using a bit of Class, Race, White Privilege, and Wikipedia.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez BODIES Tucker Carlson After He Calls Her Privileged!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responded to Tucker Carlson after he said that she came from privilege, after Republicans spent years saying she is dumb and that she's just a bartender.

Democrats Refuse To Fight For Struggling Americans In Latest Relief Bill

The Democratic leaders in Congress are patting themselves on the back today over the fact that they worked with Republicans on a new relief bill that is certain to pass. 

The only problem these Democrats have is that they didn't get anything REAL for the American public in these bills, and their "concessions" were things that should have been a no-brainer to pass. 

The Democrats aren't fighting for us, at all, and that isn't going to bode well come November. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Mehdi Hasan Loses His Mind, Says Joe Biden Should Pick Elizabeth Warren "Because She Is Progressive"

Mehdi Hasan of the Intercept says that Joe Biden should pick Elizabeth Warren as his Vice President, with the argument being that it's because she's a progressive who will keep him in check on progressive issues. 

Except... she's not a progressive who cares about progressive issues.

Georgia Governor Lifts Some Shelter In Place Restrictions

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Donald Trump, No One Is Willing To Die For You


No one is going to go back to work before it's safe just because you want to be elected.  I say elected because you didn't win the 2016 election, you Russian spy traitor!


Friday, April 17, 2020

AOC RIPS Biden's Measly Concessions To Progressives

The Young Turks’ Emma Vigeland ( breaks down Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's comments about Joe Biden in an interview with The New York Times.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Florida Governor Declares Pro Wrestling Essential Service For Dumbest Reason Ever

Republican Florida governor Ron DeSantis has declared professional wrestling, specifically the WWE, to be an essential service in the state in order to allow live performances to continue. 

The reason he gave is even dumber than the decision itself, as DeSantis said it was necessary to do this because people are tired of watching reruns on TV. 

Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening with the braindead Florida governor. 

Link -

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

OUR NIGHTMARE CONTINUES! Trump's Stunning Idiocy is Rising To New Highs With Each New Press Briefing!

Jesse Dollemore talks about a little discussed moment from a recent press briefing when Donald Trump opened his mouth and revealed how criminally inept he is at the task of crisis management!

Trump Says He Can Override Governors And Reopen States Whenever He Wants

Donald Trump claimed on Monday that he, and he alone, has the authority to reopen states, even if the governors of those states don't want him to. 

This is not only a lie, it would also be illegal, as states alone are responsible for the health, safety, and welfare directives within their own borders, per the 10th Amendment. 

Trump is proving that Republicans never really cared about "states' rights." Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this. 

Trump's "Total Authority" Is A Complete Sham

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Pete Buttigieg URGES Bernie Sanders Supporters To Vote For Joe Biden!

 “Nobody can deny what a force he and his supporters are, and how important of a voice they have been,” Buttigieg said. “So much now depends on us coming together.” Buttigieg said he called Sanders yesterday after it was announced the Vermont senator was suspending his campaign. 

Buttigieg said “I hope [Sanders] will take that step” to endorse Biden. 

Buttigieg suspended his own presidential campaign on March 1 and endorsed Biden the next day. “I think we have to define real progressivism not by how negative you can be on Twitter or how angry you are, but by what it is we're actually for,” he said of Sanders supporters reluctant to back Biden. “I don't think you have to be a Democrat to be for these things like empowering workers, raising wages, holding companies accountable, making sure everybody can get health care, and for God's sake, doing something about climate change before it really is too late,” he added. “So I think the fundamental question that supporters need to ask themselves is, ‘What's really at stake here?’”

Buttigieg stressed he wasn’t asking Sanders supports to “pretend we agree on everything, but to understand the urgency of the task at hand … [it] is literally life or death for so many Americans.” 

“Shame on us if we let 2016 repeat itself,” he said. “A lot of people took their ball and went home, not believing a Trump residency could actually happen. Not only did it happen, it's worse than we thought - and we're seeing now in the midst of a national crisis, just how costly that is.”

Trump Was Slow To Absorb The Scale Of Virus' Risk: NYT | Morning Blow | MSNBC

'The resident, though, was slow to absorb the scale of the risk and to act accordingly' on the coronavirus, according to new NYT reporting. Reporter Eric Lipton joins Morning Blow to discuss. Aired on 4/13/2020.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Ted Cruz Again Proves He's A Disgusting Human Being

Ted Cruz has decided to join in the growing chorus of voices from Republicans claiming that Democrats and the corporate media are "giddy" over the fact that the pandemic is still getting worse. There is no evidence to back up this claim, but that has never stopped people like Cruz in the past. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's going on.

New Anti-Trump Ad Should Bury Him In The Polls

Nicolle Wallace discussed the new ad that has Trump's GOP buddies worried about his popularity and re-election. His own words write the Democrats' ads for them.

By Aliza Worthington

Speaker Nancy Pelosi unleashed a devastating ad against Trump, laying waste to any delusion his supporters might have that he is handling this pandemic competently or with care. It runs clips of him downplaying the danger posed by COVID-19, despite clear warnings from people in his own administration as early as January.
TRUMP: Stay calm./We have it totally under control./We're in great shape./One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear./This is their new hoax.

It charts the rise of illness and death ravaging the nation, the toll being taken on doctors, nurses, caregivers, while superimposing him trumpeting his desire to eliminate the Affordable Care Act.
TRUMP: What we want to do is terminate it.

It shows our journalistic crown jewel, Rachel Maddow, making a dire prediction that has already come true:

MADDOW: This is the kind of useless national response that's going to result in the deaths of thousands and thousands.

Then it shows him uttering the words that should be the chyron of every network every time they air his repugnant presence live:
TRUMP: No, I don't take responsibility at all.

It ends with the words, "He fiddles while Americans die," and the haunting sound of a heart monitor's flat-lining beep.

Nicolle Wallace showed that ad today, then followed it up with this:
WALLACE: It's tape like that, those clips of Donald Trump in his own words at official public events, that represent either Donald Trump telling deliberate lies or showcasing a gross misunderstanding of what a pandemic is, that have his allies people like Lindsey Graham very worried today. 
According to The New York Times, Graham says, quote, "I told him your opponent is no longer Joe Biden, it's the virus." 
And Lindsey Graham is not alone. The Times adds, Mr. Trump's re-election campaign, staff members have closely monitored internal polling data that shows an erosion of the gains Mr. Trump made immediately after he put social distancing guidelines in place. Advisers are torn between knowing that a less abrasive approach would help Mr. Trump, and their awareness that he can't tolerate criticism, regardless of the setting.

His allies are worried? Good. Lindsey Graham is shitting his pants? Excellent. I hope every single one of those enabling Republican sons-of-bitches have to wear diapers 24/7 because they are terrified of the next word that comes out of the monster they elevated to destroy this government and the people who live in this nation.

Advisors are torn? They their boss doesn't like criticism? Boo-fucking-hoo. How many of them voted to have him removed from office when they had the chance?

Thursday, April 9, 2020

White House reverses position after blocking health officials from appearing on CNN

New York (CNN Business)Vice President Mike Pence's office reversed course on Thursday afternoon, after declining for days to allow the nation's top health officials to appear on CNN and discuss the coronavirus pandemic, in what was an attempt to pressure the network into carrying the White House's lengthy daily briefings in full.
After this story was published, Pence's office allowed for the booking of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield for CNN's Thursday night coronavirus town hall. Dr. Anthony Fauci was also booked for Friday on "New Day."
Previously, Pence's office, which is responsible for booking the officials on networks during the pandemic, said it would only allow experts such as Fauci or Dr. Deborah Birx to appear on CNN if the network televised the portion of the White House briefings that includes the vice president and other coronavirus task force members.
CNN often only broadcasts resident Donald Trump's question and answer session, which sometimes includes the health care officials, live on-air.
After Trump leaves the podium, CNN frequently cuts out of the White House briefing to discuss and fact-check what the resident has said. A CNN executive said that the network usually returns to such programming because of the extensive length of the full briefing that includes Pence, which can run in excess of two hours.
CNN did, however, air the vice president's portion of the briefing Wednesday night.
Regardless, Pence's office for several days declined to make the nation's top health care officials available to CNN for the last seven days.
"When you guys cover the briefings with the health officials then you can expect them back on your air," a Pence spokesperson told CNN Thursday morning.
Fauci, Birx, FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn and Surgeon General Jerome Adams have all appeared on NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox during the last week, despite the fact that the broadcast networks have generally not covered the briefings that have included the vice president and health officials.
But the Vice President's office had blocked all CNN appearances since last Thursday night.

Fauci appeared on the last five weekly CNN Town Halls, with Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta. Until this story was published, Vice President's office has refused to make him, or anyone, available for Thursday's town hall.
The White House has made two non health care officials available to CNN in the last week. Secretary of Defense Mark Esper appeared on "State of the Union" on Sunday and Peter Navarro appeared on Anderson Cooper's show on Friday and "New Day" on Monday.
Trump has declined CNN's repeated requests for an interview, instead appearing only on Fox News for softball interviews multiple times during the national emergency.
A CNN spokesperson declined to comment for this story.
Correction: A previous version of this story misstated the number of CNN town halls in which Dr. Fauci has appeared.