Showing posts with label Hypocrisy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hypocrisy. Show all posts

Friday, December 20, 2019

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Atty. General Barr Is Lying To America About Ukraine

Former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi reacts to Atty. General Barr's answers on who hacked the 2016 election. Aired on 12/10/19.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Impeachment Hearings: Devin Nunes Leads the GOP Shit Spewers

Posted by Rude One

Of course, Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, the leading minority member of the House Intelligence Committee, was going to bring up the nude photo prank today, the first day of public impeachment hearings against resident Donald Trump. Nunes brought it up at the start of the inquiry back in late September, so he's a little obsessed with this.

The story is simple: In April 2017, a pair of Russian pranksters pretended to be Ukrainians, with one specifically saying he was the leader of the Rada, Ukraine's parliament, and they called and got through to Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, currently chair of the House Intelligence Committee. They told Schiff that a female Russian TV star had had an affair with Trump and now possessed nude photos of him. They also had recordings, they claimed, of the woman and a journalist discussing this kompromat. Schiff was poker-voiced through the entire thing and ended it by saying he would refer it to the FBI. That's it. That's the whole episode. Schiff's spokesperson said later that Schiff suspected it was a prank.

For Nunes and others on the right, the fact that Schiff didn't yell, "Bullshit!" and cut off the call is prima facie evidence that Schiff cannot be trusted because he so badly wants to get Trump that he wanted naked pics, which, let's be honest, no one fucking wants ever, except possibly Devin Nunes. Nunes said in September, "Of course, Democrats on this very committee negotiated with people they thought were Ukrainians in order to obtain nude pictures of Trump."

And today, in his opening goddamn statement, Nunes brought it up again, saying that Democrats want Americans to "forget about them trying to obtain nude pictures of Trump from Russian pranksters who pretended to be Ukrainian officials." No one asked for Trump dick pics to be sent to them. It's simply not true. But it was par for the course for Nunes, who veered between total cock and skeevy weasel for his entire opening, and it set the tone for Republicans, who were all just the most awful assholes and twat mites for the whole goddamn day.

Nunes took the hearing room and the country on a tour through the fevered shit bog of Fox "news" and Twitter-twisted conspiracy theories, dropping items and names that meant just about nothing to rational humans. But they were signals to the drooling hordes of Trump voters that every lie that has been Hannitied into their tiny brains would be trotted out. "For years they accused the Trump campaign of colluding with Russia when they themselves were colluding with Russia by funding and spreading the Steele dossier, which relied on Russian sources," he said, which is like a parfait of lies layered with slander with bullshit sprinkles on top. I mean, fucking hell, Nunes even brought up Schiff mocking Trump's phone call with Zelensky, which is something Trump can't get over.

He dropped in Alexandra Chalupa (do yourself a favor and don't google her), he lied about the whistleblower and his lawyer, and he offered that witnesses were subject to "a closed-door audition process in a cult-like atmosphere in the basement of the Capitol, where the Democrats conducted secret depositions." Yeah, bitch, they were so secret that dozens of Republicans could attend and ask questions. And "cult-like" is rich coming from a side that is worshiping at the bone-spurred feet of its orange idol.  Of course, they brought up Hunter Biden, and no one asked the GOP members, "Hey, motherfuckers, you ran the joint for two years. How come you didn't investigate him then?"

Seriously, if there is a God and lying matters to Him, then Nunes should have been squeezed by His holy fingers and popped like a filthy human pimple. The fact that that didn't happen is absolute proof to me that either there is no God or he just fucked off out of here a long time ago.

The right-wing nutzoid part of Onlineville fucking lapped it up like Jesus's jizz.  Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit declared that Nunes just "destroyed Democrats." The Blaze said Nunes "shredded" them. Katie Pavlich at the conservative shitpot Townhall squeed that Nunes "did not hold anything back and slammed Democrats for damaging the country." No, I'm not linking to any of them because fuck them all. Fuck. Them. All. Individually and as a group. Fuck 'em.

There are competing narratives going on here: one based on facts and law and observable reality, and another based on whatever bat shit thing they can get away with saying. And it's going to infect this process until there is something so shocking and compelling that it breaks through to the 35-40% or so of Americans who get their news from fucking liars.

What's going on now is that Republicans are throwing up a screen of shit, just shooting shit out of their mouths and through their social media and their websites, hoping they can create an opaque curtain of shit that they can hide behind until this all passes. It's disgusting and harmful, but they're Republicans. "Disgusting and harmful" is pretty much their motto now.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nikki Haley Then: Trump Is Liar. Nikki Haley Now: Trump Is A Great resident | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

In 2016, Nikki Haley was a vocal critic of candidate Trump. Now the fmr. Trump aide, who is on a media tour for her new book, sounds very different.

Oh, Chuck Rosenberg.

You're so quiet and calm, level and reassuring, not so much as a raised eyebrow, or a microscopic increase in decibel level in your voice. And yet, your words slice through what is left of Nikki Haley's reputation like a Ginsu knife.

On Deadline White House, Nicolle Wallace and her panel were discussing how thoroughly and shamelessly Haley has apparently traveled over to the Dark Side. She's practically already booked on Dancing With The Stars for the 2021 season. Here she is pledging fealty to Our Dear Leader, swearing things are not at all what the rest of us see and hear with our own eyes and ears.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nikki Haley Has Chosen To Lie For Trump

During a Tuesday morning interview, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley says she never had doubts about resident Trump's fitness for office and his truthfulness. The Morning Blow panel discusses Haley's remarks.

Nikki Haley is positioning herself to a presidential run. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

"Two of resident Trump’s senior advisers undermined and ignored him in what they claimed was an effort to “save the country,” former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley claims in a new memoir.

Former secretary of state Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John F. Kelly sought to recruit her to work around and subvert Trump, but she refused, Haley writes in a new book, “With All Due Respect,” which also describes Tillerson as “exhausting” and imperious and Kelly as suspicious of her access to Trump.

“Kelly and Tillerson confided in me that when they resisted the resident, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country,” Haley wrote. “It was their decisions, not the resident’s, that were in the best interests of America, they said. The resident didn’t know what he was doing,” Haley wrote of the views the two men held."

Friday, November 8, 2019

Republicans Prepare To Throw Rudy Giuliani Under The Bus To Protect Trump

Republicans in the House of Representatives have finally found a strategy to deal with impeachment that they believe will play well with the public. That strategy is to blame the whole thing on Rudy Giuliani.

House Republicans are going to try to paint Giuliani as a rogue operative, and all of the people who went along with the extortion plan were actually working with Giuliani and not Trump. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Trump and McConnell Team Up Against Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III

"Former attorney general Jeff Sessions plans to announce as soon as Thursday that he will run for his old Senate seat in Alabama, according to three people familiar with his plans, setting the stage for a potentially contentious Republican primary with resident Trump at the center and control of the Senate possibly at stake.

Sessions, whose turbulent two year stint in the administration ended in dramatic fashion when he was forced out by Trump in November 2018, would enter with strong name recognition and deep institutional ties in the state and elsewhere.

He held the seat for two decades before he became Trump’s first U.S. attorney general. But the wild card in the race will be Trump, and whether he will weigh in against his former attorney general and in favor of other Republicans who have already announced their candidacies.

Trump remains popular in the state and plans to attend the University of Alabama’s football game against Louisiana State University in Tuscaloosa, Ala., on Saturday."

Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian

Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian

The Plot To Betray America

Touré interviews Malcolm Nance about the Trump administration, the death of Iraqi Islamic State leader al-Baghdadi, and the release of Malcolm's new book, The Plot To Betray America.

Politicon 2019 // Music City Center, Nashville // October 26th, 2019

Videography & Editing: Chris Sampson 

Malcolm's Facebook:

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Order Malcolm's NEW book "The Plot to Betray America":

Sunday, October 27, 2019

See lawmaker's reaction when Poppy Harlow calls him out for tweet

CNN's Poppy Harlow clashes with Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) over his tweet claiming without evidence that former Vice President Joe Biden committed a crime.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Eric Trump Says It’s “Sickening” That Kids Use Their Parent’s Names To Get Rich

Eric Trump may be the most tone-deaf person in the United States. During a recent interview, he said that it was “sickening” to him to see the children of politicians using their family names to get rich.

Does he not know who he is?

Does he not understand that his entire life has been handed to him solely because of his last name?

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Trump Jr. Proves How Stupid He Is

"Resident Trump’s two sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, who were born into wealth and work at a company their grandfather founded, have spent the last few weeks contending for the title of World’s Least Self-Aware Person.

 First, one of them goes on TV or Twitter and attacks Hunter Biden for trading on his father’s name, brushing aside their own histories of doing the same.

Then the other one goes on TV or Twitter and wags their finger at Joe Biden allowing his son to profit off his name, never mentioning that their sister and brother-in-law are senior White House officials whose companies are raking in cash as they help craft U.S. policy.

With each appearance, the irony and sanctimony are ratcheted up. The brotherly competition reached its apex Wednesday night when Don Jr., who became an executive vice-president at his father’s company at the age of 23, appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show and said this: “When you’re the father and your son’s entire career is dependent on that, they own you.”

Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Mark Thompson

Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Mark Thompson

Monday, September 30, 2019

Trump Throws Pence Under The Bus And Says HIS Calls Should Be Released

Donald Trump made a huge gaffe while talking to the press by saying that Vice President Mike Pence should also be forced to hand over his conversations, because he made quite a few himself.

Trump then tried to say that those calls were also perfect, but his statement makes it clear that he is going to take everyone down with him. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what that means for those involved in this scandal.

Lindsey Graham CONFRONTED For Being A Hypocrite

Lindsey Graham is a swampy slimeball. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

“For Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the very notion that President Donald Trump could be deserving of impeachment seemed "laughable" earlier this week. After having read a summary of the July phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that sparked House Democrats' impeachment inquiry into the president, McConnell said on Wednesday that it was "laughable to think this is anywhere close to an impeachable offense."

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Giuliani Played A Role In Almost Every Matter That Will Eventually Get Trump Impeached! #RudyColludy

Rudy Giuliani played a key role in almost every aspect of the justifications for impeaching Donald Trump. He also has legal jeopardy issues to deal with apart from Trump, seeing as though he has seemingly failed to register as a foreign agent as required by the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Remembering How Trump And The Right Tried To Convince Everyone Obama Was A Traitor

Posted by Rude One

Every fucking day they went after President Obama. Every fucking day they looked for the merest hint, some seemingly insignificant spark that they could fan into a full conflagration, some misstep that would give his evil game away. Every fucking day the syphilitic cocks of the right tried to prove that Barack Obama, who was clearly guilty of being president while black, was a Muslim, anti-American traitor out to destroy the good (white) American way of life.

Goddamn, the things they came up with. It's almost laughable. They thought a photo of him holding Fareed Zakaria's book The Post-American World proved that he was some kind of crazy radical. Vile sack of rotting flesh with a bloated fish head on top Dick Cheney more or less called Obama a traitor for daring to have an exit strategy for the endless (and still going) war in Afghanistan (Cheney really said, "I think it’s likely to give encouragement — aid and comfort — to the enemy"). Hell, one human-shaped fart, former Rep. Trent Franks, called Obama "an overt traitor to the state of Israel," to which any American ought to say, "The fuck?" Fun fact: Franks was forced to resign from Congress over sexual harassment allegations for offering women on his staff money to bear his child.

This isn't even to get into all the treachery that was implied by birtherism. Or all the shit said by the racist fuck nuts in stupid hats that made up the goddamned Tea Party. Or every conservative twatmite trying to get some ratings or publicity by insulting Obama or accusing him of high crimes.

Donald Trump, of course, was into this degradation of President Obama long before he ran for president in 2016 and went into overdrive while running. In June 2016, after the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Trump said of Obama that "we're led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he's got something else in mind." And, because Trump is a cowardly bitch, he hinted rather than stated, "And the something else in mind — you know, people can't believe it. People cannot, they cannot believe that President Obama is acting the way he acts and can't even mention the words 'radical Islamic terrorism.' There's something going on. It's inconceivable. There's something going on."

You gotta think about those last lines - "It's inconceivable. There's something going on" - in light of the whistle-blower allegations that Trump did something so alarming that an intelligence official felt compelled to report it to the inspector general of the intelligence community, who found it "urgent" enough that he wanted to tell Congress but was stopped by Trump's Acting Director of National Intelligence. Think about all those attacks on Obama, all those digging into the minute details of his words, his dress, his friends, Michelle, all in a vain attempt to show he was a traitor.

And compare that to Donald Trump, who it now seems was holding up funding to Ukraine, perhaps to try to force the country to find or create dirt on Joe Biden and/or Biden's son. That funding was passed by Congress, so, yeah, maybe they have an interest in this.

Or compare it to Trump's ongoing coddling and support of savage dictators and monarchs, like Kim Jong-un or MBS, or that prick Putin. Compare it to Trump saying he was awaiting word from Saudi Arabia on whether we should go to war for "the Kingdom." Trump always accuses others of being guilty of the very crimes he has committed. And you don't even have to try very hard to find them.

The right, especially the GOP in Congress, won't say a fucking word about the traitor whose traitorous acts are staring them right in their dumb faces. And that makes them accessories to Trump's crimes. But they'll go right ahead calling for investigations of Obama and Clinton and whoever else they can throw up as a smoke screen to their genuine destruction of our democracy.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Trump Supporters MIXED On Bernie Sanders

At a MAGA rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, Rebel HQ’s Emma Vigeland ( asked Trump supporters what they think about Senator Bernie Sanders and his policies.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

BUSTED! Trump Had Secret Deal With Scotland Airport To Boost Business

Donald Trump swore all day Monday that he had nothing to do with military personnel and the Vice President staying at his Turnberry golf course in Scotland, but it turns out this was just another lie.

And the little failing airport that feeds Turnberry? Trump’s got a deal with them, too, and that’s why hundreds of military flights are stopping at the inconvenient airport in order to spend millions on fuel.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.