Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Right Winger Proves Bundy And His Nevada Clown Posse Benefit From White Privilege

By Justin "Filthy Liberal Scum" Rosario

white privilege card

This article was originally posted on ProudToBeAFilthyLiberalScum.com

If there’s one thing right wingers despise more than anything else, it’s when someone points out their White Privilege. They’re so invested in their “I’m a persecuted victim” narrative that any suggestion of white people, specifically white conservatives, getting away with behavior that would land black people in jail or the morgue is met with howls of outrage.
Aside from denying privilege even exists, the favorite anti-privilege tactic of the poor, oppressed white conservative when discussing white privilege is to find a vaguely similar incident involving black people. This proves, PROVES! that black people aren’t treated any differently, liberals are hypocrites, and blablabla.

Curiously, many of these “similar” incidents are only superficially in nature and usually prove the original point that white people do get special treatment. For example, here’s Chris Ayarza, one the genius libertarians I regularly encounter, trying to debunk my claim that if Cliven Bundy and his cosplay cowboy posse had been black, they’d all be dead right now:
The Black Panther Party invade the State Assembly…:http://youtu.be/OUQIYLQ2rbk

Oh noes! He got me! The Black Panthers terrorized the state legislature! That’s just like hundreds of armed militiamen threatening to shoot officers of the law for doing their jobs! Liberal hypocrisy! (There’s a good chance Chris will claim he wasn’t really comparing the two. Good luck with that!)

But what, exactly, were the Black Panthers doing at the California State Assembly and why did they have their guns?

Well, you’ll be shocked to learn that, in the 60's, black people in California had a tendency to be targeted, beaten and/or killed by the police with appalling regularity. Unlike today where that never happens. Ahem.

Apparently, the Black Panthers thought this was not a good thing so they decided to follow the police around in minority neighborhoods to keep an eye on them. Whenever a cop would get out of their car, so would the Panthers. You know, just to let the cops know that someone was watching.

Oh, and they all had guns which was perfectly legal for them to carry out in the open according to California law.

You’ll also be shocked to learn that this sent white people into a complete panic. The idea of openly armed black people was so horrifying that California suddenly thought it might be a good idea to make open carry illegal. The resulting Mulford Act was the very bill under discussion the day the Black Panthers showed up at the State Assembly.

Side note, the NRA was quite an enthusiastic supporter of the Mulford Act and then-Governor Ronald Reagan happily signed it into law. Funny how no one on the right seems to remember this…

Anyway, the end result was that the Black Panthers were arrested, unlike Bundy and his “freedom fighters.” Oh, and the Black Panthers are still regularly referred to as terrorists despite the fact that their community had been (and still is, frankly) terrorized by the police for decades. By way of comparison, Bundy is just a freeloader.

So on the one hand, you have a group of legitimately armed and legitimately angry black men protesting a law being passed specifically to strip away their constitutional rights. Their protest got them arrested and demonized by the right wing. On the other hand, you have a group of white privileged cosplayers playing cowboy, threatening officers of the law and strategizing to use women as human shields all so one man can continue to steal from the taxpayers.

I can’t think of a better example of how white conservatives are afforded special treatment than this.

Angry and armed black men standing up for their constitutional rights are terrorists that need to be arrested. Angry and armed white men standing up for a freeloader that spits on the Constitution are “heroes” that need to be lionized.

Got it. Thanks for clearing that up Chris!

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