Thursday, September 12, 2019

Andrew Yang Believes He Can Beat Biden And Trump

Andrew Yang in an interview recently claimed he has the ability to not only defeat Joe Biden, but also Donald Trump. Tim Black calls it out!

SHOCKING Republican Voter Suppression remains ACTIVE & RAMPANT!

PLEASE watch and share this eyeopening and critically important report on the continuing efforts of Republicans (all over the nation) to shut down HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of polling places in Black and Latino communities!

How Much Of A Pussy Ass Bitch Is Donald Trump? An Investigation

Posted by Rude One

You don't really need to know why model and TV host Chrissy Teigen called resident Donald Trump a "pussy ass bitch." I mean, you can probably think of a dozen reasons right off the top of your head and nod, saying, "Yeah, that makes sense." Because, obviously, Donald Trump is a pussy ass bitch. He's always been a pussy ass bitch. He'll always be a pussy ass bitch with his pussy ass bitch sons and his pussy ass bitch business.

It's more a question of degrees than a discussion of whether or not it's true. We know it's true. We just need to figure out how much. And Trump's actions in the last few days give us ample opportunity to examine the amount of pussy ass bitch he's been.

So let's take a look at the evidence of pussy ass bitchery.

1. Trump fired National Security Adviser John Bolton by tweet because he's always been too much of a pussy ass bitch to fire anyone in person unless they are fake employees on his old game show. (Note: John Bolton is dangerously bat shit insane and should be sprayed with a fire hose if he comes anywhere near a government position, but he's not a pussy ass bitch.)

2. He had Commerce Secretary Wilbur "Hey, Can You Check to See If Wilbur's Dead" Ross threaten to fire people at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This was after some NOAA employee in Birmingham, Alabama, did the responsible thing last week and informed the public that Donald Trump was totally wrong when he said that their state was in the path of Hurricane Dorian. We had a week-long fit from Trump because he was too much of a pussy ass bitch to admit he fucked up.

3. Trump dismissed the idea of allowing some of the tens of thousands of people whose cities were wiped out by Dorian in the Bahamas to come to the United States, saying that other areas of the Bahamas that weren't hit should take them. And he did it in the most dickish way possible, by accusing victims of possibly being "some very bad people and some very bad gang members and some very, very bad drug dealers." So he's such a racist pussy ass bitch that he won't allow people who've lost everything to recover here in the United States.

4. When it was revealed that the Air Force had been using the Trump resort in Scotland for its crews to stay during long flights (and play golf there), as well as using the airport right near the resort to refuel at a higher price than a relatively nearby airbase, Trump claimed he had "nothing to do with" it, which, of course, turned out to be a lie, as it often does. He's such a pussy ass bitch that he can't even cop to something that he personally signed off on.

5. Trump gave the Public Safety Medal of Valor to six police officers from Dayton, Ohio, in honor of them doing their duty in taking down a mass shooter there. However, he did not invite the mayor of Dayton, Nan Whaley, because she's a Democrat and she's been critical of Trump. Instead, he had Republican political leaders from Ohio present. When you can't handle having anyone around you who doesn't kiss your ring, that's some pussy ass bitch behavior right there.

In sum, Trump is a total pussy ass bitch. Everything he does stems from him being a pussy ass bitch. His entire immigration policy is about turning us into a nation of pussy ass bitches. Every time he says something about reforming gun laws, the NRA shows him their pimp hand and he cowers back into his natural state of being a pussy ass bitch. And let's not even get into how much of a pussy ass bitch he is when it comes to the dictators in North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Russia.

Oh, sure, he's the tough guy at his rallies. But then, well, he's surrounded by all the pussy ass bitches who support him.

Let's thank Chrissy Teigen for giving us a shorthand way to define Trump. It's especially sweet that it takes the words he used to talk about assaulting women and turns them against him.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


TYT Reporter Emma Vigeland asked Sen. Elizabeth Warren about her Military Spending Voting Record then this happened.

Tim Black 'can't even" with Elizabeth.


Reverend Al Sharpton appeared on MSNBC Morning Joe to support Kamala Harris as a Criminal Justice Reform Hero.

Reverend Al lost the last of his soul. Tim Black checks Reverend Al.

DON'T CELEBRATE YET!!! What Remains in John Bolton's Absence is Terrifying!

The story that dominated the news cycle was whether John Bolton was fired by Donald Trump or quit on his own, as he claims. The story that is being ignored is just how scary the situation is that remains with Mike Pompeo being the chief voice in Trump's ear related to matters of foreign relations!

UNREAL!!! CIA Extracted Top Spy Out of Russia Because Trump Can't Keep His Mouth Shut!

Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to the intelligence gathering and security of the United States. The CIA exfiltrated its top spy from Russia out of fears that Trump would out the asset and risk their life!

Ethics Watchdogs Have Counted More Than 2,300 Trump-Related Conflicts Of Interest!

Donald Trump's wanton unethical & swampy behavior is not going unnoticed! Join Jesse Dollemore as he discusses but a handful of Donald Trump's disgraceful methods of profiting from the residency!

BUSTED! Trump Had Secret Deal With Scotland Airport To Boost Business

Donald Trump swore all day Monday that he had nothing to do with military personnel and the Vice President staying at his Turnberry golf course in Scotland, but it turns out this was just another lie.

And the little failing airport that feeds Turnberry? Trump’s got a deal with them, too, and that’s why hundreds of military flights are stopping at the inconvenient airport in order to spend millions on fuel.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

Monday, September 9, 2019

PREDICTABLE! Laura Ingraham Self-Owns w/ Straws/Light Bulbs/Steak In Attempt To "Trigger the Libs!"

Fox News' Laura Ingraham waded into the waters to attempt to 'trigger the libs.' Instead of accomplishing what she set out to, she ended up making a colossal fool of herself!


Trump Advisers Think He’s Sabotaging His Reelection

Donald Trump’s advisers believe that he’s done a great job running the country, but they also see his erratic behavior as sabotaging his own reelection campaign.

His horrendous comments over the summer certainly haven’t helped his chances, but he seems to think that’ll be what helps him win.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Trump Loses It After AOC Roasts Him

Donald Trump can't handle Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and The Squad; here is a perfect example. John Iadarola and Jayar Jackson break it down on The Damage Report.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Donald Trump Jr. Held A Rally And Nobody Came

Donald Trump, Jr. appeared in Kentucky to host a rally for Governor Matt Bevin, but only a handful of people actually showed up to hear the resident’s son.

According to those in attendance, there were so few people that those who were there were told to “crowd” around the stage so that it looked more packed for pictures.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains why this is a bad sign for the “Trump political dynasty.”