Saturday, May 24, 2014

Darrell Issa Declares War on John Boehner as Benghazi Investigation Turns Into a Circus

By Jason Easley

The big House Benghazi investigation has turned into a full blown circus, as John Boehner has lost control over Darrell Issa, who has gone rogue, and is trashing Boehner’s big plans.


Here is a transcript of Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) explaining the meltdown in the House GOP to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer:
BLITZER: What exactly is going on?
REP. CUMMINGS: I think the Speaker has lost control of Issa. Mr. Issa’s trying to interject himself into the Select Committee’s business. Keep in mind, Wolf, when the Select Committee was formed what the Speaker said was everything comes under the Select Committee. Now, here we have Mr. Issa trying to bring the Secretary in, and the Secretary is saying, you know, I’m going to come, but I’m just going to come one time. This is it. By the way, Wolf, it undermines the Select Committee. It undermines them. This is the very thing they were worried about.
BLITZER: I thought if there was a Select Committee, it would supersede the other committees.
CUMMINGS: That’s exactly right….I can tell you. I would think that Trey (Gowdy) would be a little upset about this. In other words, it’s his committee now, the Select Committee, and now he sees Issa operating on the outside, and the Speaker said it would not be a circus, but we’ve got a circus on the side.
Blitzer and Cummings both agreed that Sec. of State Kerry wouldn’t know anything, because he was a senator and not the Sec. of State at the time of the attack.

Yesterday, Issa sabotaged the Select Committee by disclosing details of a memo that confirms that the White House was telling the truth about Benghazi. At the time, it was speculated that Issa was bitter about the Benghazi investigation being taken away from him. Rep. Issa’s behavior today proves that he is actively working to sabotage Boehner’s Select Committee investigating Benghazi.

This whole sideshow has turned into an epic circus before the Special Committee has even formally been seated. I agree with Rep. Cummings. Boehner has lost all control of Issa, who is now acting on his own. The whole let’s get Obama with Benghazi plan is melting into complete chaos and dysfunction.

The great Benghazi investigation is a total joke, as Boehner, Issa, and company are getting what they deserve for trying to exploit the deaths of four Americans for partisan political gain.
Darrell Issa Declares War on John Boehner as Benghazi Investigation Turns Into a Circus was written by Jason Easley for PoliticusUSA.

Friday, May 23, 2014

One county shows why Tom Corbett is doomed

By Adam B

In 2010, Tom Corbett carried Centre County, PA, by a 55%-45% margin. It's in the center of the state (duh), and sufficiently purplish that even in 2012, when Barack Obama carried the state 52%-47%, he only won Centre County by 175 votes.  If Tom Corbett is going to be re-elected, he needs to win Centre County.

And here's the Republican primary results for Centre County, Pennsylvania, from Tuesday night:
Have you ever, in your life, seen a reverse drop-off like that?  A thousand in his own party writing in someone else, and another thousand voters also refusing to acknowledge that race at all as demonstrated by the under vote relative to the legislative races?
I should probably mention something else: Centre County is the home of Penn State University.
The rest, I think you know: Corbett, as attorney general, has been accused of slow-walking the investigation into Jerry Sandusky's horrific crimes against children on campus.

As Governor, he slashed funding to Penn State as well as public education across-the-board; bizarrely approved a $3M grant to Sandusky's Second Mile charity while he knew the investigation was ongoing; and is reviled by many for his acquiescence to the NCAA's punishment of the school, and for commandeering what was seen as the disrespectful way in which Joe Paterno was hastily fired (over the phone) after 61 years devoted to the university. (Paterno died two months later.)

Please read below the fold for more on this story.
Tom Fitzgerald, Philadelphia Inquirer, 6-12-13:
A significant number of voters, 47 percent, said in the latest Quinnipiac University poll on Thursday that the Penn State situation would be a "very" or "somewhat" important factor in their choice for governor next year. By a margin of 58 percent to 23 percent, voters thought that Corbett did not do enough to pursue Sandusky.
Forty-six percent of those polled said the NCAA penalties against Penn State are "too severe," while 32 percent said they are appropriate. Perhaps more important from a political point of view: 75 percent said that the sanctions, including limits on scholarships, a ban on bowl appearances, and a $60 million fine, will hurt the football program.
The Pennsylvania Attorney General's office has been pursuing an investigation into Corbett's handling of the allegations against Sandusky; while delayed, its report is expected in the next few months.
There are many reasons why the Washington Post has listed Corbett as America's most vulnerable governor consistently over the past year and a half. As Tuesday's election results demonstrate, it's not just Democrats who realize how ruinous his governorship has been.

Tom Corbett must be defeated, and we will need your help here in Pennsylvania.

Originally posted to Adam B on Thu May 22, 2014 at 07:04 AM PDT.

Also republished by Pittsburgh Area Kossacks, Philly Kos, DKos Pennsylvania, and Daily Kos.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Maddow slams Republicans for complaining about VA scandal after passing budget cuts

By Arturo Garcia

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow argued on Wednesday that the problems currently surrounding the country’s Veterans Affairs (VA) department predated both President Barack Obama and department Secretary Eric Shinseki’s administrations, and were fueled in part by Republican budget cuts and inaction.

“There is a modern American dysmorphia when it comes to veterans,” she said. “We see things that aren’t really there. We tell ourselves that we’re doing things that we’re not really doing. We have a poetry in this country about our love and respect for veterans that is not matched by the prose of how veterans are actually treated.”

Maddow noted that in March 2003 — the same month the U.S. began its second war against Iraq — the GOP-led House of Representatives approved a budget cutting $14 billion from the VA’s budget. Two years later, Anthony Principi, who was appointed by then-President George W. Bush, released a statement saying the department did not “require additional resources” despite the escalating cost of that conflict.

Lawmakers later had to approve an emergency $1.5 billion budget influx following reports that local VA facilities were instituting hiring freezes and lacking the ability to make necessary purchases.

Yet it’s Republicans who are now engaging in a coordinated effort, she said, to oust Shinseki amid an investigation into alleged record-keeping malfeasance in VA clinics in 26 cities.

“Not even the people who are clamoring for him to go — not even the people who are clamoring for the president to fire General Shinzeki — say they believe that that would solve the problem at the VA,” Maddow said. “I mean, whether or not you want Eric Shinzeki to keep his job, what would it take to fix the problem?”

Watch Maddow’s commentary, as aired on Wednesday, below.

Monday, May 19, 2014

GOP Senator Marco Rubio Is a Frighteningly Stupid Man Who Thinks He's Ready to Be President

Posted By Rude One

One-time Savior of the Republican Party, Senator Marco Rubio, he of the muy beneficial Cuban background (although, you know, Hispanics aren't idiots - believe it or not, they can tell a Mexican from a Puerto Rican from a Cuban), he of the parched lips, he of the allegedly once-reasonable side of the GOP, thinks he's all grown up and ready to be president of these here United States. Oh, sure, he was a bit coy during his Sunday interview, saying that his party of lunatics, whores, and lepers is just filled to the brim with potential candidates. But, yeah, he's ready.

And how can you tell he's ready? Because Marco Rubio talked about complex issues like a brain-damaged Twitchy commenter. "I think a president has to have a clear vision of where the country needs to go and clear ideas about how to get it there," he told ABC combover Jonathan Karl. And part of his clear vision is that you can go fuck yourself with your climate change.

When Karl asked him about it on Sunday, Rubio answered, "I don’t agree with the notion that some are putting out there, including scientists, that somehow, there are actions we can take today that would actually have an impact on what’s happening in our climate." Here's the fuckin' deal: unless you are a scientist and you have slam-dunk evidence in your hand, you don't get to disagree with the "notion" that nearly every climate scientist is wrong. It's like when a fan thinks he can tell the coaches of a pro football team what plays to run by screaming at them from the stands. You know, Senator, a law degree from the University of Miami entitles you to a lot of things. Ignorantly questioning climatologists with statements like "I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it" is not one of them. "These scientists" will kick your ass all over your soon-to-be drowned state.

But let's put aside the usual blah-blah-blah climate change denialism. We're pretty much fucked there, and we're not gonna do a goddamned thing about it until we're having Road Warrior-esque drinking water battles.

Instead, have a read of Rubio's erudite statements on how Democrats want to keep people working at Burger King: "I want people to look at the Republican Party as the party that shows them the way to a new American century versus a Democratic Party that shows us how this is the new normal and we just have to get used to it, that the cashier at Burger King will always be a cashier, and all he or she can hope for is an increase in the minimum wage...And what we say is: No, the cashier at Burger King might be a cashier today, but he or she will be a manager tomorrow, and maybe they're paying for school so she can be a doctor in 10 years."

In order to understand that mindbogglingly stupid paragraph, picture this: The skeleton of Ayn Rand has Marco Rubio sitting on her lap. She's got her bony hand up his ass, operating his mouth like the meat puppet he is. Got it?

What is the magical path by which that Burger King worker becomes a doctor, something that is totally within the realm of possibility? So let's use our brain TVs and imagine that Burger King worker. Let's call her "Claudette." Claudette maybe has her high school diploma, so let's say she's around 20. Chances are that, as a full-time worker at Burger King, she'll make somewhere around $7.40 an hour. Even after working a second job, she might make under $15,000 a year with no benefits. If you can imagine someone like that, she might inform you that, after three years at BK, "I still live at home with my mother and try to go to school on the side. I do dream of something more, but it's really hard to get jobs right now."

Oh, wait. We don't have to imagine Claudette because she's a totally fucking real Burger King employee.

How the fuck is she becoming a doctor, Senator Rubio? Only through the government helping through programs like student loans, health care, and, yes, a higher minimum wage so that she can actually save something and not just exist to serve your kids Whopper, Jrs. And Claudette's a best case scenario (other than middle class kids in high school, the GOP fantasy minimum wage workers). What if she had kids? A sick parent? No place to live? That's where government is supposed to step up and says, "Hey, you wanna be a doctor? Let us help you try to achieve that dream." Not "It's your fault you can't make more than $7.40 an hour after 3 years at Burger King."

Show us the way to the "new American century"? Motherfucker, it's 2014, not 2000. We're in the century, the real century. Deal with what's happening, to the climate, to the people, now, not in some fake future constructed in the cash-stuffed offices of think tanks and SuperPACs.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Charter Schools Are Crooked and Corrupt Money Pits

Charter schools are bad. In addition to taking funding away from the public education system, a new report by the Center for Popular Democracy and Integrity in Education shows that fraud, waste, and abuse cases are abundant within charter schools.

These cases, which total over $100 million in losses to taxpayers could “be just the tip of the iceberg,” according to the report.

The report sets aside other issues associated with charter schools (segregations, low performance records, and questionable administration practices) and focuses on activities classified as criminal. It also indicated that the fraud, waste, and abuse are due to the actual problem of inadequate regulation. While this may only be one symptom of the problem, it is a huge one and should be brought to light.

There are, however, reform efforts in progress in states such as Hawaii, which repealed its charter school law in 2013. Even the Walton Family Foundation, which is a major advocate for charter schools, spent $5 million in 2012 lobbying to make the regulation of charter schools more stringent.

Kyle Serrette of the Center for Popular Democracy explained that they expected to find fraud within the charter school systems, but it was not expected that it would be so prevalent.

The study was conducted in only 15 states. The fraud is more than likely much more expansive than what is realized.

“And that figure [$100 million in losses] fails to capture the real harm to children. Clearly, we should hit the pause button on charter expansion until there is a better oversight system in place to protect our children and our communities,” said Serrette.

Sabrina Stevens, executive director of Integrity in Education, explains, “Our school system exists to serve students and enrich communities. School funding is too scarce as it is; we can hardly afford to waste the resources we do have on people who would prioritize exotic vacations over school supplies or food for children. We also can’t continue to rely on the media or isolated whistle-blowers to identify these problems. We need to have rules in place that can systematically weed out incompetent or unscrupulous charter operators before they pose a risk to students and taxpayers.”

The people that Stevens are referring to are charter school executives, such as Joel Pourier, who embezzled more than $1 million from Oh Day Aki Heart Charter School.

These are funds that should be spent on bettering the education and lives of the children who attend the schools, not make the rich richer.

When will Americans take notice of the major flaws and problems associated with charter schools? 

The best move would be to eradicate charter schools, instead of abolishing the public education system, which some Republicans propose.

All charter schools are good for is taking away money from the public education system and taxpayers.

Meg is a writer and researcher with Ring of Fire.

The post Charter Schools Are Crooked and Corrupt Money Pits appeared first on Ring Of Fire Radio: Robert Kennedy Jr, Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Limbaugh’s ignorant rhetoric about 2016

Conservative talkers continue their attacks against Hillary Clinton, this time with Rush Limbaugh’s wild theory about the role of gender in the race. Ed Schultz, Lizz Winstead and Annette Taddeo discuss.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Marco Rubio's radical denial of climate change

Snow in May, devastating wildfires in California - and Senator Marco Rubio still denies the existence of scientifically proven Climate Change. Ed Schultz, Mike Papantonio and Former Governor Brian Schweitzer discuss.

Want to Know If Your Food Is Genetically Modified?

Why Karl Rove Uses Dirty Tricks: They Work

By Peter Beinart

Karl Rove reportedly hinted that Hillary Clinton may have brain damage from a fall—then quickly backed away. His history suggests it's a calculated maneuver.

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

Karl Rove now denies reports that he said Hillary Clinton may have brain damage. “I never used that phrase,” he said on Fox News. True. What Rove said was, “Thirty days in the hospital? And when she reappears, she’s wearing glasses that are only for people who have traumatic brain injury? We need to know what’s up with that.”

In other words, Rove didn’t say Hillary Clinton has brain damage. He hinted it, thus giving himself deniability while ensuring that the slur lingers in the public mind. Which is what he’s been doing his entire career.

In 2004, Joshua Green reported in The Atlantic that Texas insiders accused Rove of spreading allegations that his rival, Republican consultant John Weaver, had made a pass at a young man at a GOP event. Green also quoted an aide to a 1994 state Supreme Court candidate in Alabama who accused Rove of having quietly insinuated that his boss was a pedophile. Similarly, when George W. Bush ran for governor of Texas that same year, rumors swirled about the sexual orientation of incumbent Ann Richards. “No one ever traced the character assassination to Rove,” wrote Bush biographer Louis Dubose, “Yet no one doubts that Rove was behind it.”

Most famously, when Bush was fighting for his life against a surging John McCain in South Carolina in 2000, fliers, emails, and push polls accused McCain of having fathered an African-American “love child” (he had actually adopted a girl from Bangladesh) and of suffering from mental instability as a result of his incarceration in Vietnam. McCain staffers, and McCain’s daughter, have accused Rove of orchestrating the rumors; Rove denies any involvement.

Why does Rove allegedly smear his opponents this way? Because it works.

Consider the Clinton “brain damage” story. Right now, the press is slamming Rove for his vicious, outlandish comments. But they’re also talking about Clinton’s health problems as secretary of state, disrupting the story she wants to tell about her time in Foggy Bottom in her forthcoming memoir.

Assuming she runs for president, the press will investigate Clinton’s medical history and age no matter what Rove says. But he’s now planted questions—about the December 2012 blood clot that forced her into the hospital, and about her mental condition as she ages—that will lurk in journalists’ minds as they do that reporting. If she has a moment of Rick Perry-like forgetfulness sometime between now and the fall of 2016, Rove’s comments make it more likely that voters will wonder whether she’s still with it mentally.     

Political consultants create narratives about the candidates they want to defeat: Al Gore fudged the truth; John Kerry was an elitist; Barack Obama wasn’t fully American; Mitt Romney didn’t care about ordinary people. Once you kindle public suspicion about your opponent, it’s easy to keep throwing logs on the fire. On the eve of the memoir that will launch Hillary’s pre-campaign public relations blitz, Karl Rove is starting that process now, despite having no evidence for the storyline he wants to convey.

For better—but mostly for worse—campaign 2016 is already here.

The cartoon hillbilly

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Alan Grayson Calls Marco Rubio's Climate Change Denial 'The Endarkenment'

By John Amato

He explains that politicians like Cruz understand what their actions will cost the American government and the taxpayers, but don't care.
Rep. Alan Grayson has always spoken out against the crazy, anti-intellectual side of the Republican party and as I've written before, he always speaks truth to psychosis. Here's what he said about Ted Cruz after he shut down the federal government:
Grayson: No, not at all. Ted Cruz represent the element in the republican party that's trying to hasten the Apocalypse. These are people who understand that Obamacare actually does help save people's lives and they want to destroy it anyway.
These are people who understand that defaulting on the national debt would drive unemployment sky high and they want to do it anyway. Those are the people Ted Cruz speaks to today.
He explains that politicians like Cruz understand what their actions will cost the American government and the taxpayers, but don't care. This past Sunday, Senator Marco Rubio joined the ranks of Ted Cruz , Louis Gohmert and many others as a disbeliever in truth and facts when he denied that climate change was influenced by mankind and said scientists were all wrong when asked if climate change was threatening cities in Florida.
"I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientist are portraying it," Rubio said. "And I do not believe the laws that they propose we pass will do anything about it. Except, it will destroy our economy."
I emailed Rep. Alan Grayson after I watched Rubio's performance on ABC news about his ludicrous positions since he's from Florida too and here's how he responded via email:
Grayson: It’s insane, but that’s what passes for political discourse these days. It’s a complete rejection of facts, evidence and logic – the “Endarkenment.”
To some Christian conservatives, climate change is nothing more than a sign of the approaching End Times, but for Rubio it's just gobbledegook nonsense, but to people who objectively consider and weigh the evidence, it's a threat to our planet's entire existence.

I think "The Endarkenment" describes the Republican party perfectly.

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Big Puff of Wind Rush Limbaugh

Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder discuss Rush Limbaugh's ratings cataclysm.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

North Dakota was the deadliest state to work in 2012

By Laura Clawson for Daily Kos Labor

The workplace fatality rate held steady at 3.4 deaths per 100,000 workers in 2012, which means that 4,628 workers were killed on the job in America in 2012, according to the AFL-CIO's annual "Death on the Job" report. Where you work makes a huge difference in the risk of death. Take North Dakota:

  • The state’s 2012 job fatality rate of 17.7 per 100,000 is more than five times the national average and is one of the highest state job fatality rates ever reported for any state. The state’s fatality rate more than doubled from a rate of 7.0 per 100,000 in 2007, and the number of workers killed on the job increased from 25 to 65.
  • Latino workers accounted for 12 of the North Dakota deaths in 2012, a fourfold increase from the three Latino worker deaths in 2011.
  • The fatality rate in the mining and oil and gas extraction sector in North Dakota was an alarming 104.0 per 100,000, more than six times the national fatality rate of 15.9 per 100,000 in this industry; and the construction sector fatality rate in North Dakota was 97.4 per 100,000, almost ten times the national fatality rate of 9.9 per 100,000 for construction.
By contrast, the workplace fatality rate in Massachusetts was just 1.4 per 100,000 workers. Obviously some industries will always be more dangerous than others, but the elevated fatality rate for construction workers in North Dakota versus other states shows that it's not just that.

Who you are also matters: Latino workers were particularly at risk, with a workplace death rate of 3.7 per 100,000 workers; nearly two-thirds of the Latinos killed on the job were born outside the United States.

The state to state variations in fatalities remind us that regulation and oversight work. They save lives—something to remember when Republicans drone on about "job-killing regulations." That regulations necessarily kill jobs is just not true, but if you need more evidence that regulations save lives, consider that, according to the AFL-CIO, since the 1970 passage of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, "The job fatality rate has been cut by 81 percent; more than 492,000 workers' lives have been saved."

Then consider that Texas hasn't seen last year's devastating fertilizer plant explosion as a reason to push for new safety measures.

Originally posted to Daily Kos Labor on Thu May 08, 2014 at 10:36 AM PDT.

Also republished by WE NEVER FORGET, In Support of Labor and Unions, and Daily Kos.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Set Destroyed During Fight On Live Talk Show In Jordan

A talk show debate between two Jordanian journalists turned into a seat-clearing, set-destroying fight, Young Turks host Cenk Uygur reported amusedly on Thursday.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Benghazis the GOP Will Never Touch

Posted By Rude One

The Rude Pundit was going to write a long, graphic, stomach-churning piece about various Republicans, like Darrell Issa, Lindsey Graham, and Trey Gowdy, doing horrible things to themselves and each other sexually using the bones of dead U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens as implements of penetration. There would have been dildo talk, there would have been cries of pain and joy, there would have been gushes of ejaculate and feces all over one another and all over the hearing rooms of the Congress and all over the media and all over their base, who just eat it up, and maybe even all over Hillary Clinton. It would have been vile and depraved, and some of you might have found it shocking and funny, and some of you might have found it shocking and gross, and more than a few of you would have been turned on, and perhaps some of you might have taken notes for use later. That's the kind of service this blog offers.

It would have all been written as a metaphor about the GOP's monomania about What Happened at Benghazi, something that really has no relation anymore to what happened at Benghazi, at that American consulate in Libya some twenty months ago, when four Americans were killed in the chaos of terrorist attacks and riots over whatever people were rioting about. The metaphor would have demonstrated, through nauseating imagery, exactly why Republicans are still beating this drum, even though the drumhead was worn out and torn a long time ago. Yeah, all of that was loaded and cocked and ready to fire.

And then, out of curiosity, the Rude Pundit was reading a bit, and this story came up: "4 Dead, 24 Wounded in Weekend Chicago Violence." It's about how many people were murdered or hurt, mostly by gunfire, in the Windy City just this past Saturday and Sunday.

If this was being written last Monday, the headline would have been "43 Shot, 5 Killed, in Spate of Weekend Violence in Chicago."

If it had been the week before last, the headline would have been "At Least 8 Dead, 44 Wounded In Weekend Shootings."

And on and on heading backwards for as long as you care to look.

In other words, there's at least a Benghazi every weekend in Chicago. Sometimes it's twice a Benghazi. Yet there are no congressional hearings about the dead Americans in Chicago. There's no admonishment of politicians for having policies that contribute to the violence, like the nation's lax gun laws (yeah, Chicago's got strict gun control, which totally doesn't prevent people from getting weapons an hour away). There's no movement on the federal government's part, through action by Congress, to pass things like the Youth PROMISE Act, which at least would establish ways to try to deal with the violence that plagues so many places.

But those are gangs doing most of the murdering, mostly black and Hispanic Americans killing mostly black and Hispanic Americans, not filthy Arabs killing noble white men.

Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy and whoever else are going to lead the latest bullshit hearings on whatever bullshit committee bullshit leader John Boehner pulls out of his orange ass. If they won't even acknowledge the little Benghazis that are doing far more harm to the nation than a dozen burned-down consulates, they can go fuck themselves with...well, see above.

Jet Magazine to Stop Print Publication and Go Digital

By Breanna Edwards

Jet magazine will be bidding farewell to the newsstand, for the most part, moving forward with plans to transition into a digital magazine—available as an app—at the end of June, Johnson Publishing Co. announced Wednesday.

The black magazine, founded in the early 1950's as a popular news source for black people to get information about their community, has ranked among the top three African-American magazines throughout its existence.

Jet magazine says the new weekly digital-magazine app will harness the power of multimedia, telling stories using video interviews, enhanced digital maps, 3D charts and, of course, photography—along with its daily breaking news. The app will be available across all devices and platforms.
The magazine is not completely leaving the print space, however, and will produce a special print edition once a year.

"Almost 63 years ago, my father, John Johnson, named the publication Jet because, as he said in the first issue, 'In the world today, everything is moving faster. There is more news and far less time to read it,' " Linda Johnson Rice, chairman of Johnson Publishing, stated in a press release. "He could not have spoken more relevant words today. We are not saying goodbye to Jet, we are embracing the future as my father did in 1951 and taking it to the next level."

"The Jet magazine online presence is continuing to grow, and JPC feels strongly we can provide great and timely content to our readers with the first weekly digital magazine app in the African-American space," said Desiree Rogers, CEO of Johnson Publishing.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The GOP's 'Summer of Benghazi coverage'

Republicans manufacture hysteria over Benghazi in an attempt to distract the American public from the real issues ahead of the midterms. Ed Schultz, Rep. John Garamendi, and Col. Lawrence Wilkerson discuss.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Hey Democrats, Listen to Elizabeth Warren!

By Gary Bentley

It looks like Republicans have a shot at winning the Senate after the 2014 election, and Democrats need to understand why that is. Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio fills in for Thom Hartmann on The Big Picture to discuss how Democrats need strong voices like Elizabeth Warren.

Here's how to debunk their favorite attacks

"Capital in the 21st Century" has sent conservatives into a rage. Here's how to debunk their favorite attacks


Thomas Piketty’s wildly popular new book, “Capital in the 21st Century,” has been subject to more think pieces than the final episode of “Breaking Bad.” Progressives are celebrating the book — and its unexpected popularity — as an important turning point in the fight against global wealth inequality. This, of course, means that conservatives have gone completely ballistic.

Rush Limbaugh, for example, has come out guns a-blazing: “Some French socialist, Marxist, communist economist has published a book, and the left in this country is having orgasms over it,” he exclaimed during a recent broadcast.

When the right drops the C-bomb, the M-bomb and S-bomb all at once, you can be certain a book is having an impact. And “Capital” may well be the “General Theory” of the first half of the 21st century, redefining the way we think about capitalism, democracy and equality.

This, of course, means that the right-wing attacks have only just begun. That in mind, here is a handy guide to navigating the more absurd responses:

Claim: Piketty is a dirty Marxist

There are two Marxes. One, a scholar of capitalism of repute, put forward testable hypotheses, some of which you may accept, some of which you may reject. The other is a conservative boogeyman, the human representation of all they find evil. If they dislike something, it must be Marxist.

James Pethokoukis, a formidable writer, went full hack for his National Review review,

Thanks to Piketty, the Left is now having a “Galaxy Quest” moment. All that stuff their Marxist economics professors taught them about the “inherent contradictions” of capitalism and about history’s being on the side of the planners — all the theories that the apparent victory of market capitalism in the last decades of the 20th century seemed to invalidate — well, it’s all true after all.
How to respond: Most times someone drops the M-Bomb, he is intending to be provocative. With enough effort, you can make almost anything Marxist. While Marxists don’t agree on everything, and the term is very nebulous (Marx once said he wouldn’t describe himself as a Marxist), there are some pretty established rules for determining if someone is, indeed, a Marxist. First, he generally doesn’t write things like,
  • “Marxist analysis emphasized the falling rate of profit — a historical prediction that turned out to be quite wrong” (“Capital in the 21st Century,” page 52)
  • “Marx usually adopted a fairly anecdotal and unsystematic approach”. (“Capital in the 21st Century,” page 229)
  • “Marx evidently wrote in great political fervor, which at times lead him to issue hasty pronouncements from which it is difficult to escape. That is why economic theory needs to be rooted in historical sources …” (“Capital in the 21st Century,” page  10)
  • “… Marx totally neglected the possibility of durable technological progress and steadily increasing productivity.” (“Capital in the 21st Century,” page  10)
These are not the words of a Marxist, but rather a reasonable scholar, investigating the truth of the claims written by the greatest political economist who ever lived. The fact that Piketty abstains from the vitriol and misrepresentation that typify most writing on Marx are to his credit.

Piketty certainly does argue that capitalism will not inevitably reduce inequality, as economist Simon Kuznets had famously claimed. As to whether capital will accumulate without end, as Marx believed, he is more nuanced.

Piketty argues that capital will accumulate in the hands of the few when growth is slower than the rate of return on capital and dis-accumulate if not (This is the now famous “r>g” formula). As growth slows, companies can replace workers with machines (written by economists as “substitution between capital and labor”), but only if there is a high elasticity of capital to labor (higher elasticity means easier replacement). This means that the share of income going to the owners of capital will rise, and the distribution of that capital will become more unequal.

Piketty does not hold to a labor theory of value, he does not believe that capitalism is founded on the exploitation of the proletariat, and he does not believe the system will inevitably collapse on its own contradictions. But critics who call Piketty a Marxist don’t actually mean, “Piketty subscribes to a collection of propositions generally accepted by Marxists”; they mean it as a verbal grenade. Step over it and move to more substantive criticisms.

Claim: The social safety net has already solved the problem

In order to somewhat compensate workers for voluntary unemployment and the ludicrously low wages that “markets” pay them, modern societies have developed transfer systems, or social safety nets of various levels of robustness, to bolster the incomes of low-wage workers. Some conservatives argue that these transfers have solved the inequality problem.

Scott Winship, the lovable but irksome economist dedicated to upsetting the inequality consensus, writes in Forbes,
Most importantly, in the United States, most public transfer income is omitted from tax returns. That includes not just means-tested programs for poor families and unemployment benefits, but Social Security. Many retirees in the Piketty-Saez data have tiny incomes because their main source of sustenance is rendered invisible in the data.
How to respond: There’s not enough room to give his data claims a full airing. For our purposes, it suffices to say that, while America does have a transfer system, it’s far less robust than that of other developed nations. (See chart below, from Lane Kenworthy.)

Government revenues are far lower in the U.S. than in other countries, making redistribution more difficult, and thus our safety net is far more frail. (See chart below, from Sean McElwee.)

Far more interesting is what would happen if conservatives made this their line. After all, if transfers are what is preventing inequality from skyrocketing then the rising share of pre-transfer income accruing to the wealthy capital owners means we need more robust transfer system. Because few, if any, thinkers on the right have argued for a stronger transfer system (and are, in fact, attempting to violate it), they must accept the logical conclusion: Their policies will set off skyrocketing inequality (or, more likely: They don’t give a shit).

Claim: Inequality isn’t a problem because look at consumption!

There are lots of ways to look at inequality. You could look at income inequality by examining how much a person takes home every year from their labor, income from assets and transfers. You could also look at wealth inequality by figuring out how many assets they own, in the form of stocks, bonds, property, and subtract from it their debts. Or you could look at how much they are able to consume.

Some conservative economists argue that an increase in income inequality has not been mirrored by an increase in consumption inequality because the wealthy save or invest their income. Kevin Hassett, a former Romney economic adviser, illustrates this point, arguing:
From 2000 to 2010, consumption has climbed 14% for individuals in the bottom fifth of households, 6% for individuals in the middle fifth, and 14.3% for individuals in the top fifth when we account for changes in U.S. population and the size of households. This despite the dire economy at the end of the decade.
Although he initially made this argument against Piketty in 2012, he has revived it recently in a lecture on the subject.

How to respond: In large part, this is a common trope on the right — the “but they have cellphones!” argument. The empirical literature on this subject is still very much in flux, and there is not a consensus. Some recent studies find that consumption inequality has increased with income inequality. But even if we except the consumption inequality argument, conservatives have some explaining to do. After all, if income inequality has been rising while consumption inequality has stayed the same, where is the spending coming from? Debt. Which means that wealth inequality is increasing, as the rich save more and the poor fall further into debt. Research released this week by Amy Traub of Demos finds that the recent increase in credit card debt hasn’t been driven by profligate spending, but unemployment, children, the declining value of homes and lack of health insurance. Recent research by Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman show how the bottom 90 percent simply haven’t been able to save their incomes and thereby build wealth. (See chart below.)

Claim: We need lazy rich people 

Tyler Cowen is one of the more honest of Piketty’s critics, and there is certainly a lot to like in his review. However, this section is a head-scratcher:
Piketty fears the stasis and sluggishness of the rentier, but what might appear to be static blocks of wealth have done a great deal to boost dynamic productivity. Piketty’s own book was published by the Belknap Press imprint of Harvard University Press, which received its initial funding in the form of a 1949 bequest from Waldron Phoenix Belknap, Jr., an architect and art historian who inherited a good deal of money from his father, a vice president of Bankers Trust… consider Piketty’s native France, where the scores of artists who relied on bequests or family support to further their careers included painters such as Corot, Delacroix, Courbet, Manet, Degas, Cézanne, Monet, and Toulouse-Lautrec and writers such as Baudelaire, Flaubert, Verlaine, and Proust, among others.
How to respond: It’s very true that in the past, many artists, writers and thinkers benefited from familial wealth (or rich benefactors). This, however, is not to be celebrated! It means that marginalized people are frequently removed from mainstream discussion. It’s also a dreadful defense of inequality. As theologian Reinhold Niebuhr writes,“The fact that culture requires leisure, is however, hardly a sufficient justification for the maintenance of a leisured class. For every artist which the aristocracy has produced, and for every two patrons of the arts, it has supported a thousand wastrels.”

Poverty and oppression can also create other powerful types of art, from boheim to the blues. More important, there are far better ways to fund the arts than throwing money at rich families and hoping they cook up something nice. For instance, the National Endowment for the Arts has funded arts education, dance, design, folk and traditional arts, literature, local arts agencies, media arts, museums, music, musical theater, opera, theater and visual arts. In the aftermath of the Great Depression the Works Progress Administration had an arm devoted to funding the arts that supported Jackson Pollock, William Gropper, Willem de Kooning, Leon Bibel and Ben Shahn. The CIA has even gotten into the game.

As Niebuhr notes, “An intelligent society will know how to subsidize those who possess peculiar gifts … and will not permit a leisured class to justify itself by producing an occasional creative genius among a multitude of incompetents.” It’s a wonder that conservatives want the wealthy financing art and philosophy — Marx, after all, would have died of penury without the beneficence of the wealthy Engels. Given that his economist friends have been impressed by Piketty’s cultural depth because of his ability to cite Jane Austen, I wouldn’t put much weight on their cultural defense of privilege.

Claim: Piketty is French, and we saved their butts in World War II

This is true. You’ve lost the debate.

Sean McElwee is a writer and researcher of public policy. His writing may be viewed at Follow him on Twitter at @seanmcelwee.

Don't shut the post office, expand their services

Posted by Jim Hightower

What's the matter with the post office?

The US Postal Service, I mean – the corporate hierarchy that runs this enormously popular public institution. Yes, I know that USPS has lost revenue it traditionally got from first-class mail delivery, but I also know that letter carriers and postal workers have offered many excellent ideas for expanding the services that USPS can deliver, thus increasing both revenue and the importance of maintaining these community treasures.

Yet, the Postal Board of Governors, which includes corporate interests that would profit by killing the public service, seems intent on – guess what? – killing it. The board's only "idea" is to cut services and shut down hundreds of local post offices. Incredibly, their list of closures include the historic post office in Philadelphia's Old City, the very building where Ben Franklin presided as our country's first Postmaster General, appointed by the Continental Congress in 1775.

All across the country, post offices that are invaluable artistic and historic assets are slated to be sold to developers. One is the marvelous 1935 Bronx post office, with classic architectural flourishes and 13 museum-worthy murals. "It's not just a post office," says one customer fighting the closure, "it's part of my life." No one feels that way about a Fed Ex warehouse. Yet, says a USPS spokeswoman dismissively, the four-story building is "severely underused."

So, use it! Put a coffee shop in it, a public internet facility, a library and museum, a one-stop government services center – and, as USPS employees have suggested, a public bank offering basic services to the thousands of neighborhood people ignored by commercial banks. Come on, USPS, show a little creativity and gumption, and remember that "service" is a key part of your name!

"Protest Aside, Postal Service Is Taking Next Step to Sell Grand Property in the Bronx," The New York Times, February 5, 2014.

"Elizabeth Warren Proposes Replacing Payday Lenders With the Post Office,", February 3, 2013.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

One Line Exposes the Entire Pile of Bullshit the NRA Is Selling

Posted By Rude One

The annual convention of the National Rifle Association this past weekend in Indianapolis was the usual Fellini-esque freak parade of intellectual dwarves, geeks, and cripples. It featured Pasolini-esque wallows in sadism, like dominatrix Sarah Palin, with a small, silver vibrator set on "Ultragasm" running in her snatch, let the world know that no one's got as big a swinging dick as she does, supporting waterboarding and guns in schools, condemning, oh, shit, yeah, right there, "clownish, 'Kumbaya'-humming, fairytale-inhaling" liberals. This is not to mention the Argento-esque hellscape that Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's chief executive, painted with virgin blood, a place where only the nobly beweaponed can survive.

Also the convention featured the debut of a new ad for the NRA titled, "Do you still believe in the good guys?", a question that seems like a dare. The blatant troll bait features three people - let's call the white dude "Bearded Bear," the black dude "Safe Negro," and the white chick "School Secretary." 
The ad is filled with the boring-ass blather you've come to expect: There's bad people who want to rape your face while burning the Constitution. But here's some good people who want to make everyone into good goodniks with some tough love and guns, motherfuckers, guns. Which side are you on?

And then we get to the line. Safe Negro says, "It takes a special kind of backbone to reject the world that surrounds you." Then Bearded Bear says, "To sign your name where everyone can see it."

That last phrase there made the Rude Pundit sit up and look around the empty room to ask if everyone heard what he just heard. An NRA ad saying that you're a pussy if you don't let people know what you stand for?

So there it is, as plain as the screen you're reading this on. The NRA just told everyone to believe in something that they themselves do not believe at all. Really, Wayne? Really, Bearded Bear? "Sign your name where everyone can see it"?

See, the Rude Pundit seems to remember that, right after the Supreme Court's 2009 democracy-murdering Citizens United decision, part of which allowed political groups keep their donor names secret, Democrats tried to pass the DISCLOSE Act, which would have created at least some minimal disclosure about who is buying elections. One of the biggest opponents was the NRA, which feared all kinds of crazy shit, like that it would have to turn over member lists to the government and, more importantly, "disclose top donors on political advertisements."

But wait, one might think. Shouldn't you "sign your name where everyone can see it"? By its own words, the NRA is an organization that is financed by cowards, people who without backbone to say it's them.  It is merely a shill for gun manufacturers. It's a giant con game that exists to enrich a few people while demanding worshipful obeisance from politicians and members. What that line in the ad demands is that you, good, loyal NRA card-carrier, you should go out there and proselytize for the gun cult. You should put your name out there so that, say, the Walton family and Chinese gun factory owners, perhaps, don't have to.

The culture war the NRA says it wants is just a cover for a power-grabbing sham and a means to make sure that Wayne LaPierre gets the best comb-overs in the business. The fact that the organization can so nakedly lie means, of course, that it knows its members just don't care.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Snoop Dogg’s Incredible Response To Sterling’s Racist Rant

By Alan J. McStravick

By now, you have no doubt seen the name ‘Donald Sterling’ trending across your social media platforms. If you are coming to the game late, be sure to catch Addicting Info’s own Randa Morris’ take on the obscenely racist rant of an obviously intoxicated NBA team owner.

After the 9 plus minute audio recording of the drunken Los Angeles Clippers owner was released by TMZ, the internet came together in condemnation of Sterling. From legendary sportscaster Keith Olbermann advising the Clippers to refuse to take the court to calls for newly crowned Commissioner of the NBA Adam Silver to act against the team owner, the anger has been swift and decisive.
But it was hip-hop superstar Snoop Dogg who shared his disdain for Donald Sterling in the most erudite and civil manner possible. Well actually, Snoop Dogg’s message for “the motherfucker that own the Clippers” was delivered by Instagram and is most certainly NSFW.

Snoop Dogg is nothing if not a masterful wordsmith, and I couldn’t agree with him more.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Daily Show: 'The Broads Must Be Crazy'

Jon Stewart and The Daily Show's fantastic --- MUST-WATCH (just for the crying clips!) --- take on the outrageously absurd and demeaning media-enforced double-standard faced by female politicians over their male counterparts...


Swatting Hoax: Is Online Gamers' Revenge Turning Deadly?

"Police swarmed a Long Island home Tuesday, responding to what they thought was a hostage situation and possible murder scene only to learn the call was a hoax targeting a teenage boy.

"About 60 officers and emergency responders went to the home on Laurelton Boulevard in Long Beach after receiving a 911 call from someone claiming to have killed his mother and brother there.

"When they arrived, they found no evidence of a shooting and learned no one at the home had called 911. Instead, a 17 year old boy believed to be the target of a hoax was in the shower, and his family was fine."

Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss the "Swatting" trend and its potentially deadly consequences during this segment of The Young Turks.

GOP attempt to regulate your micro-beer

Serious "buzz-kill" in Florida, as Republicans find their latest target to attack, the craft brewing industry. Ed Schultz and Joey Redner discuss the impact of conservative policies on your beer.

Friday, April 25, 2014

NYPD's Twitter Outreach Backfires as People Expose Their Brutality

By Ryan Denson

The New York Police Department, in the last couple years facing harsh criticism for their controversial and unconstitutional ‘Stop and Frisk’ took to twitter and launched their own advertisement, using the hashtag #myNYPD with the picture, saying “Do you have a photo w/ a member of the NYPD? Tweet us & tag it . It may be featured on our Facebook:”
nypd 1

This was in April. Within two days, just two days, Twitter would ignite with pictures of police brutality from all across New York City, exposing the NYPD for brutality, inappropriate conduct, and sheer stupidity, all while using the force’s #myNYPD.

Some of these images are NSFW, and some will make your blood boil. Thanks to social media like Twitter, images, words and actual people are able to expose the often overlooked and dark side of the ones who are here to protect us.

This woman, Molly Crabapple, was arrested at an Occupy Wall Street demonstration.
molly crabapple
 This is a woman being dragged away by police forces at a protest demonstration, while her shirt is pulled up, exposing her bra.
police brutality 1 nypd
       This man has his leg run over by an officer on his bike.
man run over nypdman run over nypd
              After 16-year-old Kimani Gray was killed by police, and the community took the streets to protest, this is how the officers responded.
police brutality 2 nypd
   This was posted from Occupy Wall Street.
occupy nypd
           And apparently, doggies are just as bad as criminals and should be promptly subdued.
animal cruelty nypd
Hey, I’ve got a great idea! Instead of using the NYPD to violently break up Occupy Wall Street protesters and people fighting for justice, let’s send them down to Nevada to deal with Cliven Bundy and his ilk!

Jon Stewart’s Takedown Of Sean Hannity Has To Be Seen To Be Appreciated

By T. Steelman

Jon Stewart's Takedown Of Sean Hannity Has To Be Seen To Be Appreciated
The feud between Jon Stewart and Sean Hannity goes into high gear as Hannity tries to attack Stewart’s program, only to be mocked in return.

Jon Stewart did a report on Sean Hannity’s support of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy on Monday’s edition of The Daily Show. Little did he know that he started a feud that is now in its fourth day. The report on Monday called Hannity out on his hypocrisy, demonstrating — with video proof — that Hannity is selective about his support of the law:
“Apparently Sean Hannity thinks laws are served buffet-style in that you can pick and choose the ones that you like best. The ones that you don’t like, you don’t have to abide. Well that’s not going to sit well with Fox’s immigration/healthcare law expert pundit, a Mr… Sean Hannity!” (from the video)
That report didn’t sit too well with Mr. Hannity, either. On his Tuesday night show, Sean decided to strike back. Calling Stewart “a comedic hack” and declaring The Daily Show “apologists for the Obama administration,” Hannity chose not to simply ignore the TDS segment. Against all common sense, Hannity went to to make the claim that Stewart was “obsessed” with him and insisted that TDS writers were “struggling.”

Hannity also wondered what Stewart’s “true feelings” on the Bundy situation were. Did he watch the same video we did? Isn’t it clear what Stewart thinks of Bundy and his ridiculous claims? Pretty sure it does. He also brought up Bill Ayers — using that name is one of the symptoms of Teabagger Tourette’s — and Cat Stevens, who appeared at Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity. Stevens, who was at the event to sing “Peace Train,” is a convert to Islam who supported the fatwa against Salman Rushdie.

It’s possible that Stewart and the TDS staff could have let that go. But Hannity just had to get one more dig in:
“They just can’t give their viewers the facts. They have to spin the story.”
You know that Stewart and the TDS staff couldn’t let that go. They don’t need to “spin” a story; they let the story spin itself. The clips of Hannity are proof that he is being selective when it comes to Americans breaking the law. Hannity’s complaint that the clips go back several years is nonsensical.

Why shouldn’t everything he said on this subject be open to review? He tapes and airs it. If he doesn’t want that to happen, he probably should find another line of work.

Which leads us to Wednesday night’s edition of The Daily Show. For the show’s “vulgar and extensive audience” (according to Hannity’s guest Kevin Williamson) the team had a real treat. Containing possibly one of the funniest jokes in the show’s history, it was truly an epic pwning.

See for yourself:

If you don’t know what “bukake” means, Google it. But, be warned… it’s very NSFW. If you do know (and after the rest find out), perhaps you will agree upon the brilliance of that joke.
Stewart allows that, yes, he is obsessed with Hannity’s show, much as he is with…
“… antibiotic resistant super-bugs, the Pacific garbage patch or the KFC Double Down. Because I just can’t believe in this day and age, with all that we know, this shit is out there. That… humanity… that our society is still weighed down by these burdens of a seemingly more medieval time. Like your show. To see it night after night, serving up the same shit… my god, you’re the Arby’s of news.” (from the video)
The video of Hannity calling Ted Nugent a “friend of the show” after seeing Nugent’s horrible remarks about then-candidates Obama and Clinton, is particularly effective. Whereas Stewart didn’t know about Stevens and the fatwa — as most don’t — Hannity actually showed the video of Nugent.

He can’t claim that he didn’t know what the man said.

Stewart calls out Hannity’s paradoxical love of America and support of Bundy (whom he calls a “USAtheist”). How can Hannity claim to love this country, its founders and Constitution yet be so partisan in his application? And George Washington, Hannity’s self-proclaimed favorite Founding Father? What would he do when “an armed group of federal government rejectionists” refused to pay their taxes? It was called the Whiskey Rebellion and the Founding Fathers made sure that the federal government could put that rebellion down legally. Just like they can do with Bundy and his camo-wearin’, gun wavin’ supporters.

All-in-all, this was one of the best skewerings in The Daily Show‘s history; absolute proof that you don’t want to play the Dozens with Jon Stewart and crew. But if Hannity wants to escalate again, he would do well to remember that TDS doesn’t air on Friday. That will give the writers 4 days in which to compose a retaliatory reply. If I were Hannity, I’d stop right here.

Radical racist context missed in rancher hype

Rachel Maddow points out that Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s racist remarks are unsurprising in the context of his apparent adherence to the philosophy of the Posse Comitatus and Sovereign Citizen movements, rooted in post-Civil War reconstruction.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Be Skeptical Of Walmart’s Cheap Organic Food

Cartoon: Rancher Bundy

Ranchers, Racists, and Sean Hannity

By GoLeft TV

Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio appears on The Ed Schultz radio show to discuss racist remarks that were recently made by Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, and how right wing talking heads like Sean Hannity are still on Bundy’s side. 

Cliven Bundy denies making pro-slavery comments, then repeats them

By Travis Gettys

Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy denied he was a racist Thursday after The New York Times quoted him unfavorably comparing social programs to slavery.

“I didn’t say nothing about picking cotton,” Bundy told Alex Jones on his radio program.

Jones said this was a bombshell revelation, and Bundy repeats his claim.

But video of Bundy making the comments, including remarks about picking cotton, was posted online Thursday by Media Matters after the rancher’s supporters questioned the accuracy of the reports.

Bundy’s supporters claimed in a Facebook post that the media had taken the comments out of context to twist their meaning and promote rumors.

The rancher told Jones he would appreciate a correction by the Times.

“I think they should do that,” Bundy said. “They make it a racist-type thing. I’m not racist.”

As proof, Bundy claimed he personally knew a black man.

“He’s been in and out of my home,” Bundy said. “I think he feels welcome as anybody else.”

Video evidence supports the Times’ reporting, and Bundy’s own remarks made in another radio appearance Thursday suggest the rancher hadn’t misspoken.

“I’m wondering are they happier now under this government subsidy system than they were they were slaves, when they were able to have a family structure together and the chickens and the garden and the people have something to do,” Bundy said Thursday on The Peter Schiff Show.

Then he asked whether black people had gained much since slavery was ended.

“Are they better off being slaves in that sense or are they better off being slaves of the United States government in the sense of a subsidy?” Bundy said.

It does not appear that Bundy posed his question to his black acquaintance, but The Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates published a column Thursday that addresses his concerns.

Coates quotes several anecdotal accounts from Thavolia Glymph’s 2003 book, “Out of the House of Bondage,” to illustrate how brutal treatment of slaves was used to enforce white supremacy.

“Enslaved black people were, with some regularity, beat with cowhide whips, tongs, pokers, chairs, and wooden boards,” Coates writes. “Nails were driven through their palms, pins through their tongues. Eyes were gouged out for the smallest offense.”

“When people like Cliven Bundy assert the primacy of the past it is important that we do not recount it selectively,” he continues. “American enslavement is the destruction of the black body for profit.

That is the past that Cliven Bundy believes ‘the Negro’ to have been better off in. He is, regrettably, not alone.”

Listen to Bundy’s appearance on The Peter Schiff Show posted online by DooDooVideos:

Jon Bon Jovi Helps Open Low Income Housing in Philly

By Kathy Matheson

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Jon Bon Jovi's hit tune "Who Says You Can't Go Home?" took on new meaning Tuesday as the rock star cut the ribbon on a namesake housing development for low-income residents and the formerly homeless in Philadelphia.

The 55 unit JBJ Soul Homes opened in the Francisville neighborhood after about 18 months of construction. Bon Jovi's Soul Foundation provided the lead gift for the $16.6 million complex, which he hopes will offer tenants the support they need to get back on their feet.

"This is not a handout, it's just a hand up," Bon Jovi said in an interview before the official ceremony.

"This opportunity for them is special and it's not easy to come by."

The four-story building, which was financed by public and private funds, also includes retail and office space. Residents will receive social services from Project HOME, a nonprofit dedicated to ending homelessness in Philadelphia. HOME stands for Housing, Opportunities, Medical and Education.

JBJ Soul Homes is "taking our work to a whole new level," said Project HOME co-founder Sister Mary Scullion.

The grand opening of the facility, which coincides with the agency's 25th anniversary, is part of an initiative to build 500 such units across the city, Scullion said. Two developments totaling nearly 200 units are scheduled for groundbreaking over the coming year, she said.

Residents of JBJ Soul Homes will have access to basic medical care, employment training and educational classes; they are required to contribute part of their income toward rent. Several units have been set aside for young adults to help them transition out of programs for homeless teens.

One new resident, 53-year-old Anthony Gulley, said he had been sleeping in a local park when outreach workers from Project HOME began talking to him. Although resistant at first, Gulley said he eventually agreed to come in from the cold.

He stayed at a couple of shelters and attended regular counseling sessions before qualifying for JBJ Soul Homes. He now hopes to get a barber's license.

"I'm getting myself back together, and this is a big, big step," Gulley said. "When they give you the help, you have to be willing to do what they ask you to do. It's beautiful."

Bon Jovi has previously shown brotherly love to the city's less fortunate, supporting the Covenant House for homeless youths and helping to rebuild dilapidated row houses in gritty north Philadelphia.

JBJ Soul Homes functions as a small but crucial safety net "by providing shelter and an integrated array of services to so many of Philadelphia's most vulnerable youth and adults," he said.

The first JBJ Soul Home was built in Newark, N.J. Bon Jovi's foundation has also worked in Detroit, Los Angeles and Louisiana.

The New Jersey native once co-owned the Philadelphia Soul arena football team.
Follow Kathy Matheson at

Guess What, Cliven Bundy? Your Nevada Ranch Is Also Getting a ‘Government Subsidy’

How about leaving “the Negro” out of your half-baked manifesto, Mr. Bundy? If you refuse to pay for your herd to graze on government land, you’re the one on welfare.


Nowadays, we get treated to someone’s half-baked revisionist take on slavery so regularly that it’s hard to get worked up anymore when, let’s say, Arizona Republican congressional candidate Jim Brown writes on his Facebook page that “Basically slave owners took pretty good care of their slaves,” or when potential 2016 GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson calls Obamacare “the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.”

Politicians and pundits, you see, have really played the slavery card out.

So after reading Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s ranging soliloquy on “the Negro,” you’ll have to forgive me for thinking, this time around, that when he opted to play the slavery card, it was actually only the second most ludicrous thing that he said.

And here—reports the New York Times’ Adam Nagourney—is some of what he said:

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

Put aside, for a moment, the fact that he’s apparently weighing the relative merits of human bondage.

What’s also galling is that Bundy’s a guy currently involved in an armed standoff with law enforcement over his unpaid use of federal land to graze his cattle, and he’s the one referring to “the Negro” being “on government subsidy.”

To say the least, it’s an ill-considered riff that puts the vintage, now almost quaint, Tea Party rallying cry, “keep your government hands off my Medicare,” to shame.

Bundy, of course, is the beneficiary of a huge subsidy—making a living, in part, off of cattle ranching on federal land, while refusing to pay over a million dollars in grazing fees, being in arrears, and then threatening to shoot federal agents after they first took him to court, then couldn’t collect and then tried to repo the cattle, which, I’ll just add one more time, were on federal land.

Even the most stalwart defenders of the rancher’s cause, like Powerline’s John Hinderaker, have conceded that “legally, Bundy doesn’t have a leg to stand on.” And even the most ardent opponents of government assistance would concede—whether it’s the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s SNAP program, providing food stamps that help families make ends meet, or the USDA’s MILC program, which creates price supports that let dairy farmers keep the price of milk artificially high—that at least most government beneficiaries are getting their benefits legally.

By contrast, Bundy took his at the point of a gun.

In light of that, Republicans, like Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, who initially defended Bundy’s cause, and Nevada Sen. Dean Heller, who initially described Bundy and his armed supporters as “patriots,” might want to reconsider their public support for the rancher. Not just because of his views about slavery, but also because Bundy’s rant about “subsidies”—while he simultaneously pockets a tidy sum that every other rancher on government land has to pay—makes a farce of the GOP’s basic argument that the social safety net is too big.

Compared to most folks getting benefits, his safety net is a pretty comfy hammock.

David Swerdlick is an associate editor for The Root. Follow him on Twitter.
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