Monday, June 25, 2018

Maxine Waters My Hero - We Need To Treat Trumpscum Like Trumpscum - Full Court Press

By PaulX2

Trump and his supporters are all upset because their whiteness is losing it's total control of our government. White racist men are being overwhelmed by women, demographics, and a culture shift. Brown people and women are actually doing things, and they don't like it one bit.

Trump's only option is to double down on Fascist behavior to impress his base of mentally retarded racist crackers, and hope they turn out in greater numbers in November. The more Trump mistreats the powerless the happier it makes them. Trump knows it. We know it. The world knows it.

Trump, and all his minions need to be opposed any and every way possible. From kicking a lying fake Christian out of a restaurant, to kicking any lying fascist nazi supporter out of anywhere. Trump supporters are scum and need to be treated like scum.

Full Court Press

We stand for good, and they stand for evil.

We act like christians, and they obviously serve Satan.

Get In Their Face.

They have never been nice, and I refuse to be nice to sickos.

Maxine, they are scumbags. Give it to them.

When they go low, I kick them in the chops with a 63 yard field goal kick.

No quarter.

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