Senator Bernie Sanders has long been the progressive voice out of his home state of Vermont. There is one thing, however, which he has never spoken of, a desire to be President of the United States. As he has put it may times in the past, “There are people in this world who, ever since they were 12 years of age, they decided they wanted to be president of the United States.” But, with the lack of true progressive candidates emerging for 2016, he made a startling revelation to the Burlington Free Press late Friday.
Bernie Sanders For President, 2016.
Do you hear that? That sound of panic from the right-wing? The crescendo of noise which fills their ranks? It is the sound of panic. They thought they had to deal with the conservative wing of the Democratic Party, led by Hillary Clinton, and in a fight between center-right and far-right, the right-wing still wins in the end.Now, they are facing a candidate who won in 2012 without running a single attack ad, in fact did not use television advertisement at all. He carried the state with 71% of the votes, despite not having any party affiliation. A true independent, he turned down offers from both the Democratic Party and Vermont Progressive party to run as their candidate. His nationwide popularity remains high, with him being the third most popular Senator in the United States.
Socialism is alive in America, and winning.
Understand, this is not the right-wing taking some politician with a D next to their name and proclaiming they are a socialist. This is an actual Socialist, proud of that label, who ran under the label of Socialist Alternative and won.
Bernie Sanders just reshaped the election landscape in 2016, running Or not.
Senator Sanders is putting his money where his mouth is. He knows the continuing swing to the right will only destroy the United States. For years, no viable progressive candidate has stepped forward in the run for President. The Democratic Party has regularly run center-right candidates such as Hillary Clinton or centrist moderate candidates such as Barack Obama. For this country to correct the damage done by decades of right-wing destruction of our nation, he knows we need a true left-wing candidate, a progressive, even a socialist. And if none step forward, and force the debate sharply to the left, he will step up and do it himself. And with his popularity above all anticipated candidates from both parties, this puts all who would put their hats into the ring on alert.Socialism is on the march in America. Either the major parties have to embrace it, or witness as they are trampled by it. After all, calling President Obama socialist looks incredibly silly with real Socialists and Progressives now entering the race.
Ultimately, that is what Bernie Sanders is doing. Even if he never runs, he is forcing the debate to the left. He recognizes that the debate in this country has for too long been dominated by the right-wing. Our nation is greatest when it embraces its liberal nature. By putting his name out there in this manner, he is forcing the rhetoric to the people, to the middle class. After the victory of the liberal Democrat, Bill de Blasio in New York City, and Socialist Kshama Sawant in Seattle, the time is right to push back against the Conservatives attempting to destroy this country.
As for the Vermont senator, we only have one thing to say.
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