By TheMastersNemesis
Forget working until you are 70 in any kind of meaningful job as you
age. The CEO and corporate culture looks at 50 as the unemployable age
in the new age economy. In Logan's Run people were supposed to be
trashed at 30. Today your corporate CEO will trash you by 50 because a
of new business attitude that has shred the social contract.
Fifty somethings are already finding out in great numbers what being
unemployable means. In the past by the time you reached 50 in most
jobs you had maximum vacation and numerous benefits for being a senior
employee. Today you are considered a liability and drag on the company
at a time when you need higher income for your retirement and to support
getting your kids started in life with a good education.
Now corporations and CEO's are saying that you should wait until 70
or longer to get your Social Security and Medicare. And they REALLY
WANT TO ABOLISH THAT AS WELL. So senior workers will face 20 years of
part time and minimum wage jobs if they can get any job at all.
And if
you are disabled or ill you are royally screwed if you CAN'T WORK.
Any sensible person knows that you cannot save for retirement at today's
wages when pay is essentially capped at 30K. And you cannot build a
future when most jobs are being reduced to part time, temporary,
seasonal and less in the new Reagan revolution economy.
By the time the GOP and its allies have their way only 30% or less
of the job market will support a person or family and 70% of the work
force will be stuck in the "service economy". What you are seeing in
this recovery is what the GOP and Reagan has wrought since 1980. Yet we
still elect them. Obama himself cannot change this corporate model.
Only the business community and corporations can. And only government
policy can force them. FDR was right and knew what he was doing.
Look at the handwriting on the wall. THE CONVERSATION has to change
and the business community has be to be challenged to change its ways
and its attitude that only gets worse by the day. The prevalent anti
union and anti labor and anti government attitude has given us this
SUICIDAL situation.
I worked in the DOL for 24 years and could see what was coming. I
am really puzzled at why the American worker embraced all of this
mayhem. Now the next generation seems to be doomed to a life of low
wages and virtual poverty.
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