Trumpites all use the same technique; trot out blame the victim reverse racism.
If you are curious about how racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric, and
organizations dedicated to propagating the same are able to slip into
the mainstream, do yourself a favor and listen to NPR's Wednesday
interview with Breitbart senior-editor-at-large Joel Pollak.
apparently felt the need to invite on a Breitbart mouthpiece to put in a
good word for Steve Bannon, Donald Trump’s newly announced
senior policy adviser.
Bannon previously led Breitbart, a publication beloved by the so-called
alt-right, a loose coalition of white nationalists, “identitarians,”
neo-Nazis, anti-Semites, racists, and misogynists who
were ecstatic over Bannon’s
Pollak’s segment was a master class in obfuscation and a primer on how
to flip the script and turn totally justified accusations of bigotry,
misogyny and anti-Semitism into “reverse racism.”
“Let’s hear a
defense of Steve Bannon,” NPR host Steve Inskeep began, offering a view
of exactly what direction this interview would take. Pollak started by
launching into a gushing assessment of Bannon, calling him “a national
hero,” and talking about how it’s so great we’ll have someone “so calm
under pressure in the White House.” (Maybe this is true, though it
contradicts accusations against Bannon of
domestic abuse,
sexual harassment and
being a “verbally
abus[ive]” “bully” “who is prone to a lot of tirades” by former
When Inskeep interjected to ask about Bannon’s tireless work
to turn Breitbart into the alt-right outlet of choice, Pollak attempted
to distance the site from the movement it has nurtured on a steady diet
of xenophobia, racism, sexism and anti-Semitism.
“The only
alt-right content we have is a single article out of tens of thousands
of articles, which is a journalistic article about the alt-right by Milo
Yiannopoulos, and Allum Bokhari, which basically went into this
movement, and tried to figure out what it was all about,” Pollak said.
“That’s not racist; that’s journalism.”
And just like that,
Bannon’s site was suddenly unaffiliated with the alt-right
movement—though Bannon himself boasted in August that Breitbart is the
"platform of the alt-right.” Inskeep didn’t push Pollak on this point,
though Bannon’s own words suggest that he either disagreed with his
spokesperson or fabricated the link in order to be seen as the voice of
the alt-right.
Either way, aren’t both of these things problematic—that
Bannon is either with the racists or wants to be? Isn’t it worth
questioning why Bannon would seek to tie his publication to a movement
whose founders have been unequivocal in their racism and anti-Semitism?
(Prominent white supremacist Jared Taylor has
said that while
there are “areas of disagreement” among alt-righties, “the central
element of the alt-right is the position it takes on race.” Richard
Spencer, who coined the term alt-right, has talked about the "
Jewish question,” called for
forced sterilization of racial minorities and advanced the idea of “
peaceful ethnic cleansing.”)
does this tell us about the morals of both Bannon and Breitbart? How
scary is it that this man is advising a volatile, inexperienced
president-elect who
found out only
two days ago what a president does? We won’t know, at least not from
this interview, because Pollak’s response went basically unchallenged.
followed up by asking Pollak about a Breitbart article headlined,
“Hoist it High and Proud,” published just two weeks after the Charleston
massacre of nine black churchgoers, which is a very tactful, classy
move. The piece encouraged its alt-right readers to proudly wave the
Confederate flag (as
Dylann Roof is seen doing in countless photos). It included this passage:
your supporters are trashing the monuments and reputations of the
forefathers of so many Americans, Barack, you might just want to remind
us again which state of the Union, north or south, your ancestors
resided in during the traumatic years 1861-1865? Or did Kenya not have a
dog in that fight? The Confederacy was not a callous conspiracy to
enforce slavery, but a patriotic and idealistic cause for which 490,000
men were killed, wounded or taken captive.”
defended all this as part of a debate about the Confederate flag and
history and heritage, which is fine if you think we should fly the flags
of slaveholders and traitors to the United States, while going on and
on about nationalism. I’ll give him that’s an arguable point; racists
certainly argue it all the time. Inskeep gave a passive rebuttal to the
piece, noting that “Alexander Stevens, the vice president of the
Confederacy, declared the cause was slavery.” Here's when Pollak seized
on the opportunity to pull out the most overused tool in the racist and
racist-apologist’s arsenal: the reverse-racism card.
“NPR is
taxpayer-funded, and has an entire section of its programming, a regular
feature, called Code Switch, which from my perspective is a racist
program,” Pollak said, continuing:
“I’m looking here
at the latest article, which aired on NPR, calling the election results
'nostalgia for a whiter America.' So NPR has racial and racist
programming that I am required to pay for as a taxpayer. So, you know,
you can read Breitbart, you can read something else—I don’t think that’s
racist, to talk about the history of the Confederate flag. There are
people who disagree with that, as a symbol, but you’re picking on one
opinion article. Breitbart is a 24-hour news website that provides
coverage from within a conservative worldview.”
For starters, Trump ran on promises to get rid of Muslims and lawless Mexicans, tweeted
erroneous facts about black criminality (just one of his
many retweets from white nationalists) and built a coalition among people who,
studies show, had
negative views of blacks
and Muslims. The tagline for Trump’s campaign was “Make America Great
Again.” America has been getting browner, but Trump’s folks voted for a
previous America that was whiter and thus, in their estimation,
"better." There’s little Inskeep could have done here, since I get that
there’s zero chance of winning an argument with a racist who is paid to
deny racism, but there you go.
I could get into all the ways that
Code Switch, which
is dedicated to discussions of “race and identity,” isn’t racist.
Talking about issues of race isn’t racism, but people like Pollak use
this argument when it benefits them and trash it when it doesn’t. Never
mind how badly he contradicted himself while absolving Bannon of any
responsibility for the actual racist content that ran on his site, but
pulled out an article from Code Switch and held it up as an affront to
the taxpaying populace, who he probably imagines are all white. In the
topsy-turvy world of Breitbart and racist denial in general, there is no
racism — not in
headlines bemoaning diversity, or Bannon's
on-the-record complaints about there being too many Asian tech CEO's — except on websites dedicated to issues facing people of color.
has spent four years ensuring that Breitbart contains all the red meat
the alt-right can feast on, from an entire section tagged “black crime”
to frequent contributions from Jason Richwine, whom the
Daily Beast notes
“resigned from the conservative Heritage Foundation when news broke
that his Harvard dissertation argued in part that Hispanics have lower
IQs than non-Hispanic whites.”
That, Pollak should be told, is actual
racism. Textbook.
But I really want to get to this, the moment just after Inskeep pointed to a
2011 quote from
Bannon in which he labeled feminists “a bunch of dykes that came from
the Seven Sisters schools." In response, Pollak went into a whole spiel
about Bannon’s hiring of gay writer
Milo Yiannopoulos—the
same Yiannopoulos he referred to earlier as the author of “the only
alt-right content” on Breitbart, while failing to note that Yiannopoulos
is a celebrated champion of the alt-right. (Yiannopoulos previously
called Richard Spencer “dangerously bright” and was
kicked off Twitter for racially terrorizing Leslie Jones, which only upped his alt-right standing.)
But here’s the nugget from Pollak:
is a political correctness in this country that would say that if you
said that once [called feminists "dykes"] on a radio show that you
should be drummed out of public life. I would defy you to find a person
in the LGBTQ community who has not used that term, either in an
endearing sense or in a flippant, jovial, colloquial sense. I don't
think you can judge Steve Bannon's views.”
This is
rife with the same lame things white racists love to repeat. They fault
“political correctness” for every despicable view they hold, pretending
that not being able to utter racist and xenophobic rants makes them
victims; oppressed martyrs marching for free speech and the ability to
publicly call black people the names their daddies did. It’s maybe the
biggest lie ever told, not least of all because it isn’t even true:
Breitbart’s entire catalog of articles is proof. Racists still say
whatever they want, and they are currently shouting it out loud, in ways
both verbally and physically violent. They aren’t opposed to political
correctness, they’re opposed to the consequences of being vile. And
they’re feeling pretty good right now, because two of the worst examples
of their ilk are now in the highest echelons of government.
the very least, Inskeep could have pointed out that political
correctness hasn’t seemed to hinder Bannon at all, that this is a man
who now will skulk the halls of the White House and have the
president-elect's ear. As long as media keep letting these people create
an alternate reality where they aren’t challenged, where it is okay to
rant about “dykes,” where it's no biggie to tailor a publishing empire
to avowed racists, where false equivalencies convert discussions of
racism into manufactured reverse racism, we’ll stay here.
Pollak, who says he’s an Orthodox Jew according to
Jezebel (and
therefore a perfect spokesperson to trot out at times like this), is on
a press jaunt that will likely last for a while, so we'll probably see
lots more of this. For the record, here’s how the conversation ended:
I want to invite a yes/no question, because we’ve just got a few
seconds here. This is a question that’s just on a lot of people’s minds.
Is Steve Bannon—and by extension, Donald Trump—winking at racists? Not
quite embracing their views, but trying to get their support and their
Yes or no?
POLLAK: Absolutely not.
INSKEEP: Not at all?
POLLAK: Not at all.
INSKEEP: OK. Joel Pollak, thank you very much, really appreciate the time.
No, thank
NPR, for giving this guy a chance to come on and defend hate as no big
deal, and for contributing to the ongoing effort to normalize all this
I’m sure it’s very appreciated by
the 300 people—and counting!—who've been attacked, harassed and harmed by those inspired by Bannon and Trump.
Kali Holloway is a senior writer and the associate editor of media and culture at AlterNet.