Sunday, June 11, 2017

Best Twitter Thread On Trump's Guilt After Comey Hearing

The Wire creator David Simon lays out his theory for why Trump looks guilty as hell after the Comey hearing.
I don't have much to add to the Comey hearing. It's become clear that depending on your political affiliation, you either saw a former FBI director call Trump a liar and lay the groundwork for an obstruction of justice case (while not so subtly hinting that Attorney General Jeff Sessions can't be trusted) or you saw some shit about Hillary Clinton's emails, and that's all that matters to you.

The objective truth is that Democrats stayed focused on the serious issue of Russian interference with American elections - which could bite either party in the ass at any given moment - while Republicans spent their time focusing on Hillary Clinton and the occasional semantical argument about whether Trump directly told Comey to stop the Russian investigation.

That's the plain and simple reality of the situation, but good fucking luck explaining to that a not insignificant portion of the population who doesn't even think the Russian situation is real. (On the Right or Left.)

So here's veteran Baltimore Sun reporter David Simon, more famously known for being the creative force behind HBO's The Wire, along with writing Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets. Long story short, Simon knows his shit, and his insights on the Comey hearing are worth reading.

From Twitter:
Thread: A year with some good detectives taught me that often WHAT ISN'T SAID is the actual tell. And note what isn't discussed between....
...Trump and Comey. At no point does Trump make any concerted effort to discern whether or not Russia did in fact attempt to interfere... the election. Indeed, he notes that the claim has created a cloud over his governance -- so he can scarcely say that it isn't...
...of real concern to him; his concern is premised in this meeting. Yet, he doesn't inquire as to what Comey and the FBI is yet discerning..
...about Russia's role. He doesn't even do so as a means of disparaging the claim. (i.e. "I'm sure you're finding out that there's nothing.. the claims of Russian interference, right?" It. Doesn't. Come. Up. In this regard, I am reminded of every innocent and guilty man...
...I ever witnessed in an interrogation room. The innocent ask a multitude of questions about what the detectives know, or why the cops...
...might think X or Y or whether Z happened to the victim. The guilty forget to inquire. They know. An old law school saw tells young...
...trial lawyers to remind their clients to stay curious in front of a jury. There's a famous tale of a murder case in which the body of...
...the defendant's wife had not been recovered yet he was charged with the killing. Defense attorney tells the jury in final argument...
..there's been no crime and the supposed victim will walk through the courtroom doors in 10 seconds. 30 seconds later the door remains...
...shut. "Ok, she isn't coming today. But the point is all of you on jury looked, and that my friends is reasonable doubt. You must acquit."
Jury comes back in twenty minutes: Guilty. Attorney goes to the foreman: "I thought I had you." Foreman: "You had me and ten others. But...
"...juror number 8 didn't look at the door, he looked at your client. And he didn't eye the door, he was examining his nails.
Even when he was completely alone with Comey, Trump didn't look at the door. He eyed his nails. It's an absolute tell.
Why? Because Trump already knows that there is some fixed amount of Russian interference on his behalf, and possibly, collusion as well.
And now to pretend that won't be greeted with responses about Hillary Clinton's emails or how I'm a neoliberal shill. What the hell is happening out there?

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