Saturday, October 10, 2015

John Kasich Tells Audience To "Get Over It" Regarding Cuts To Social Security

By stuhunter2

John Kasich had quite a gaffe filled week. First, he demeaned, and then was condescending to female college voters in Richmond, Virginia.

Now, he's touched on reducing benefits for Social Security recipients, telling seniors to "get over it"....

What is it with the GOP candidates? "Get Over It".... "Stuff Happens" ....

John Kasich has just disqualified himself from being president of the United States. He wants to decrease taxes for corporations and the ultra wealthy while calling for a reduction to Social Security benefits.
(CNN)—Ohio Gov. John Kasich said Friday that a New Hampshire audience member would "get over" cuts to Social Security payments as a result of his reform plan -- and the left is already pouncing on the comment.
He asked audience members to raise their hands if they were far from receiving Social Security, asked them if they knew yet what their initial benefit would be and then asked them if they would be bothered if it were a little lower for the good of the country.
One person said it would be a problem.
"Well, you'd get over it, and you're going to have to get over it," Kasich joked.

What he considers funny and what I consider funny are two different things. Maybe he could supply our seniors with the dog and cat food they'll be eating with reduced benefits. The problem with these right wingers is they have started to believe their own propaganda.

Then he doubled down and went for cuts to Medicare/Medicaid as well:
"You're on Medicare and you want me to ignore the fact that its going broke, you're not going to like me," he told the audience, adding later, "I'd rather have people be in a position where they're aggravated with me so I can accomplish something, than have them love me and accomplish nothing, okay. I'm not there to run a popularity contest."
Social Security is paid from taxes that are only collected on the first $125k of income, if they got rid of the FICA tax cap so that all income paid FICA taxes, there would be NO social security issues at all.

So when Kasich bellows: "We can't balance a budget without entitlement reform. What are we, kidding?" It's just a complete lie. Getting rid of the FICA tax cap wouldn't affect anyone earning less than $125k (you're already paying it) and would make those who are earning more pay their fair share for living in this country and having access to the benefits of living in this country.

For reference, a 2012 article where getting rid of the tax cap would bring in $100 Billion per YEAR and make Social Security solvent for 75 years.

A gaffe is when a politician accidentally says what they are really thinking...and that is what is truly scary about all 16 Republican clowns that are running for the highest office in the land.

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