Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Note To Democrats: Call The GOP's Bluff

Posted by Rude One

Oh, it would be a shit show of open sewer proportions, for sure. It would be a scuzzy circus on top of a cheap zoo covered with crazy sauce. But House Democrats should call the bluff of the increasingly divorced-from-reality Republicans and hold hearings on all the fuckery they claim has been going on. Like fuckin' all of it. Like let's attempt to blow this shit up once and for all.

Just tell Republicans at different committees, "You wanna go? Let's go, motherfuckers. Call your witnesses. But everyone has to go under oath. Every fucking witness."

Start with one bullshit conspiracy and then move on to the next. You wanna prove that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election, Republicans? Fine. Look at one of Devin Nunes's repetitive mad rants during the impeachment hearings and see who they might want to testify. Alexandra Chalupa? Groovy. How about all the Ukrainians that Republicans claim know shit about Hunter Biden or the 2016 election? Awesome. Bring 'em all in, Valeriy Chaly, Viktor Shokin (that'll make you shit blood, eh, Devin?), and more. And, sure, why not, let's get Hunter Biden.  Do it up.

However, Democrats get to invite witnesses, too. Lev Parnas and Serhiy Leshchenko, perhaps. Hell, bring in Joe Biden.

Let's get it all out there. "Black book" and "Steele dossier" are still involved in this madness.  So call back in Glenn Simpson, along with Peter Fritsch, two of the founders of Fusion GPS, who can explain one more goddamn time about the Republican origins of the Steele dossier and about how they have no connection to Ukraine and how deeply, deeply Trump is in with Russia.

You wanna see how divorced from reality things are now? Check out this moment from their New York Times editorial this past Sunday, when Simpson found himself on a plane with Rudy Giuliani.

"'I understand you think I spent a lot of time in Ukraine?' Mr. Simpson inquired.

"'You did spend some time in Ukraine,' Mr. Giuliani replied.

"'Did I?' Mr. Simpson asked as he waved his phone in front of Mr. Giuliani, signaling that he was recording the encounter. 'What if I told you I have never been to Ukraine in my life?'

"'Well,' Mr. Giuliani replied with equanimity, 'O.K. I will find out if that’s true or not.'"

Essentially, the GOP has become a machine to back up whatever insanity is coursing through Donald Trump's shrinking brain or whatever lie has been concocted to cover up the latest crimes. It's like if you're a Republican member of Congress, you must wake up and get a text message from your leadership that says something like, "Okay, we no longer trust the entire intelligence apparatus of the United States. We have to say no one knows anything about who might have the DNC server," and you might want to text back that there really isn't a "DNC server" that can be sent around and hidden like Napoleon's penis. But you know better because Trump has gotten in his head that some acid-washed black box is sitting in a room in Kyiv, and that's the GOP's belief now, even if it's bugnuts insane.

Why do this? Why give them the freak show that they so claim they want? It won't change many minds. People who don't live in reality tend not to give a flaming monkey fuck if you show them facts. So screw them. But so many elections these days, especially on the state and national level, are a matter of a percentage point or two. And if hearings can nudge that one or two percent by demonstrating that Republicans are full of shit, Democrats have to hold their noses and do it.

And it'll also solidify the narrative that so many of us know is true. That Donald Trump was the beneficiary of election interference from Russia, almost certainly knowingly, and that he openly sought election interference from Ukraine, warping U.S. foreign policy in order to assure his reelection. It's not that complicated. It's all about greed and power and madness.

We can't go on like this, as a country where there are two completely different versions of reality, one based in facts and one based in fantasy, especially when the fantasy side has built up a web of doubt against facts. If we had a functional news media (and no Fox "news"), it could do the job. But we don't, and we now have the party that controls the executive branch, most of the judiciary, and half the legislative branch actively seeking to replace facts with fantasy. The kick in the ass is that most of them know it's a fantasy and don't give a shit as long as they maintain power.

It's an odious fucking task for Democrats. But while they have the ability to tear at that web through hearings, they need to do it until the goddamn thing snaps enough to make a difference. Or we're all gonna get trapped in it.

New Game PC, PS3 and XBOX 360 - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque

New Game PC, PS3 and XBOX360 - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque

Assalamu Alaykum (Peace be with you)
First of all, I would like to thank my friend @dlevere for supporting me by promoting my game projects on his website and now here.

Also I would like to thank my brazillian fellow, ROD Lima, for all his help with Unreal Scripting Programming. He is most known for his Resident Evil 2 Fan Remake in UDK Engine:

I would like also to thank my friends at UDK Engine Forums ( for all their help and support.

As you may know, recently I had to put offline my project UDK Ultimate Engine (the custom build of UDK Engine with PS3 and Xbox360 Export Support) for copyrights reasons (EPIC asked me to do this), however, they were very kind with me and allowed me to keep using my custom version of UDK to publish my games, I even signed with them an Unreal Engine License Commercial Amendment, so now I am a Licensed Unreal Engine Developer and I am ready to pursue my dream of life!

DISCLAIMER: In this game, the player does not shoot Israeli civilians, women, children, elderly, only soldiers. Also in this game there are NO images of sexual content, illicit drugs, religious desecration, hate of speech against any group, ethnicity or religion, anti-Semitist propaganda against Jews, Nazi propaganda or boasting of any terrorist groups and / or other unlawful acts. This game only contains the virtual representation of the Palestinian Resistance Movement against the Israeli Military Occupation, which is officially recognized by the United Nations (UN). I even sent this project for Brazillian's Government Justice Department, Age Rating Sector (kinda Brazillian ESRB) for their approval and age rating. This project was approved, now I am just waiting for the Age Rating Information of my game which will be available very soon on their website (

I am Brazillian, from Arab ascendance, my father is from Palestine, and something I never revealed before, and one of the biggest reasons of me creating this game, is that my father was a Fighter of the Palestine Resistance Movement, he fought against Israel Army in the Lebanese Civil War on the 70's, and from since I was a kid, I felt too much proud of my father and the Palestine People in General, because of their Strenght and Constant Resistance. So this game is kinda tribute to the Brave People of Palestine and their Resistance against Military Occupation.

Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque is a Third Person Action Game on which you play as Ahmad al-Ghazzawi, a young Palestinian Student who was unjustly tortured and jailed by Israeli Soldiers for 5 years, had all his family killed by an Israeli Airstrike and now after getting out from the prison he seeks revenge against those who wronged him, killed his family and stolen his homeland.

This game is being developed during the course of 4 years by one person (me, Nidal Nijm), in a custom version of UDK Engine (Unreal Engine 3), using the best technology to tell a compelling story through a game packed with non stop action, advanced 3D graphics and modern gameplay mechanics, however keeping the soul of old school shooters. You will play in missions accross ground, sea and sky, you have many objectives to accomplish in each mission, epic bosses battles, powerful guns, vehicles to drive, helicopters to take down, and much more. Expect a LOT of Action and Adrenaline!!!

This game also is greatly inspired by Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid, Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Insurgency Sandstorm.
I hope you enjoy this game and support me by purchasing it, Insha Allah (God's Willing). I decided to release this game as episodes (missions), each mission by a symbolic value just to cover my development costs, as everyone knows that develop a game is not an easy task, it takes a lot of time and efforts. It will be a very small value, however any copy sold of this game is very important and will truly help me.

I hope until the end of this month (november) release a free demo of this game (for PC, PS3 and Xbox360), so people can enjoy and feel what my game is about, enjoy the game play, feel the action. I plan to make something similar to Metal Gear Solid VR Missions (If you may remember), on which I will teach the player the basis of the Gameplay, like training the player for the true battle that will come on the final game. About the first episode (mission), I hope to release it until the end of December, beginning of January 2020.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Robert De Niro: Donald Trump Is "A Fake Resident"

The star of "The Irishman" on Netflix makes his third visit to The Late Show and gives Stephen Colbert his honest opinion about resident Trump and some of the people seeking to replace him in 2020.

Elie Mystal Gets Real On Reparations With CSpan Caller Offering Him $2.00

She called on the Republican line in favor of reparations, but took a bizarre approach. Mystal treated her with more respect than many would have.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Lordy, There Are Tapes: Lev Parnas Hands Over Audio And Video To House Intelligence Committee

Lev Parnas has reportedly handed over potentially damning audio and video of Giuliani and Trump to the House Intelligence Committee

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Internet Erupts After Eric Swalwell Rips Massive “Fart” On Live TV

Former Democratic Presidential Candidate Eric Swalwell appeared to let a major fart rip on national television. This was during an appearance on Chris Matthews’ show Hardball on MSNBC.

The Internet immediately erupted, labeling the incident #FartGate, with both Matthews and Swalwell denying that it was actually a fart. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses the absurdity of it all.

How Did Trump Lose Louisiana? | Morning Blow | MSNBC

Democrat John Bel Edwards won a second term as governor of Louisiana, beating Republican challenger Eddie Rispone delivering a blow to the resident and his efforts to boost members of his party. Aired on 11/18/19.

GOP Senators Will Be Forced To Remove Trump - Polling & Gov Races Show PEOPLE WANT TRUMP GONE!

The recent Republican gubernatorial losses in states like Louisiana and Kentucky are an indicator that people are growing fatigued by Trump. Further, the latest public polling data shows that an overwhelming number of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump's corrupt actions related to Ukraine.

GUILTY! Roger Stone Is Going To Prison

Warren Triggers Crying Billionaire

Billionaires can’t stand Elizabeth Warren.

Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

“Leon Cooperman has been one of several billionaires who has been vocally critical of Elizabeth Warren and concerned at the prospect of her becoming president. Warren has a new campaign ad set to air on CNBC tomorrow which swipes at Cooperman at others.

The ad plays Cooperman railing against her “vilification” of the wealthy before featuring a CHARGED WITH INSIDER TRADING graphic. (He ultimately settled with the SEC.)

The ad brings up criticism from others like Lloyd Blankfein and Peter Thiel. CNBC reported on the ad today, and received a pretty angry response from Cooperman:”

 Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian

 Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Random Observations On Republicans Getting Kicked In The Taint

Posted by Rude One

1. At some point in the future, barring democracy's end, a Democrat will be president. Let's say for shits and giggles that it's, oh, hell, how about Alyssa Milano? Sure. Why not. Let's say that it's election time and Donald Trump, Jr. decides it's time to throw his dumpy ass into the mix. And let's say, and, why not, Junior's the frontrunner because, hell, Republicans have got no one else. Maybe Junior will have opened a Trump Tower in Jerusalem in the last few years, and that meant doing a lot of business with wealthy people in Israel. Now, as we know, there are politicians (Netanyahu) in Israel who are tits-deep in corruption. We also know that the United States gives a fuck-ton of money in aid to Israel, along with military equipment.

The Republicans' own characterization of what Donald Trump (Senior - that asshole we have now) did with asking for Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden under the banner of "corruption" is that it was perfectly okay to make U.S. aid to Ukraine contingent on the investigation.

So in the future, if President Milano says that aid to Israel won't be released unless and until that country investigates Donald Trump, Junior, under the banner of "corruption," it's all good, right?

Because, see, that's what the fuck you're saying, Republicans. Now, we know that because you're Republicans, you eat and shit hypocrisy, which means that you'll act outraged and pretend that no one has ever done anything so outrageous in the history of ever. But, right now, you're saying that any president can do this to another country and to a political opponent. You want that, fuckers?

2. The best moments in today's impeachment hearings were ones that took Republicans, pulled down their pants, and smacked their asses red. It was pathetically hilarious to see Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, that Ratshit guy, and the rest attempt to fuck the roadkill of the conspiracy theories that were run over time and again by officials who were not just Trump administration hires, but lifelong Republicans, like Kurt Volker and Jennifer Williams. Things got so bad, with GOP members of Congress stepping on their own dicks, stepping on each other's dicks, stepping on dicks that showed up just to be stepped on, that they were forced to try any attack, like on Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman's choice to wear his uniform to the hearing or the TV ratings, fer fuck's sake, or that no one used the word "bribery" in any of their testimony, which is the weirdest fucking thing since witnesses don't get to decide what crimes people will be charged with. Jesus, even Volker, who was pretty much caught lying and had to revise his testimony, couldn't really offer any help. It was utterly useless, but they're gonna pretend like they won a great victory because that's what skeevy hucksters like Donald Trump do.

3. My personal favorite moment came towards the end of the first part of the day. It was when Democratic (notice the adjective form of the word, the one that Republicans refuse to use because they're twat mites) Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney from New York had his five minutes to question Vindman and Williams. Maloney tore up the "hearsay" allegation that Republicans had kept tossing around on the first day by asking both witnesses about the July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky: "You heard the call with your own ears, right?...Not second hand, not hearsay, you heard the resident speak. You heard his voice on the call?"

Then, with Vindman, Maloney fucked shit up for the GOP. He asked Vindman why he reported the call to the National Security Council's lead counsel. "Because that was my duty," Vindman said. Maloney asked Vindman to read again one of the final paragraphs of his opening statement, where Vindman was speaking to his father, who had brought his family to the United States, escaping the Soviet Union to do so. Lemme quote this in full:

VINDMAN: Dad, my sitting here today in the U.S. Capitol, talking to our elected officials, is proof that you made the right decision 40 years ago to leave the Soviet Union and come here to the United States America in search of a better life for our family. Do not worry, I will be fine for telling the truth.

MALONEY: You realize when you came forward out of sense of duty that you are putting yourself in direct opposition to the most powerful person in the world. Do you realize that, sir?

VINDMAN: I knew I was assuming a lot of risk.

MALONEY: And I'm struck by that word don't -- that phrase "do not worry," you addressed your dad. Was your dad a warrior?

VINDMAN: He did serve. It was a different military though.

MALONEY: And he would have worried if you were putting yourself up against the president of the United States, is that right?

VINDMAN: He deeply worried about it because in his context there was -- it was the ultimate risk.

MALONEY: And why you have confidence that you can do that and tell your dad not to worry?

VINDMAN: Congressman, because this is America. This is the country I have served and defended, that all of my brothers have served. And here, right matters.

A good number of the audience in the hearing room burst into applause.  Whether or not Vindman is correct about America, we shall see.

4. The picture of resident Trump that came through today is of an out-of-touch idiot who has listened to Rudy Giuliani, another out-of-touch idiot, both of them sharing delusions of conspiracy theories. And when people in the intelligence, national security, and foreign policy communities tried to tell Trump that the batshit allegations about Ukraine and the DNC server or the Bidens are batshit, Trump told them to fuck off and put Giuliani in charge, sending him on a mission to confirm the batshit allegations, eventually bribing Ukraine to almost join him in the delusion pool before all this shit was revealed by the whistleblower and confirmed by the multiple officials who have testified.

Seriously, this is like Trump sending people to search for Barack Obama's birth certificate, except now he gets to do it with the power of the Oval Office and the purse of the United States behind him.

5. Let's give the final word to Democratic Committee Chair Adam Schiff, who finally came about as close to losing his shit at Republicans as he has so far. In his closing remarks today, he pointed out that Republicans don't give a shit what Trump did. "Their objection is that he got caught," Schiff said. Then, getting more intense, he continued, "Their objection is that someone blew the whistle...their defense is that, well, he ended up releasing the aid. Yes! After he got caught. That doesn't make this any less odious."

I think things are going to get even more odious as Republicans start throwing everything at the hearings to see if something will derail the train that Schiff is driving straight at Trump.

(Note: You might think Trump's not really insane and is using the conspiracy theories as a cover for malevolence. I'd say that if he were truly that smart, he'd know to keep this shit quieter. )

Thursday, November 14, 2019

NOT DULL!!! MAJOR THINGS Were Learned From Day One Of Public Impeachment Hearings!

Yesterday was day one of the public portion of the impeachment inquiry. Although many in the media are claiming that the testimony was dull (or lacking in the circus atmosphere they pine for), there were MAJOR facts we learned that will lead to new and revealing witnesses who will very likely be subpoenaed as well.

Impeachment Hearings: Devin Nunes Leads the GOP Shit Spewers

Posted by Rude One

Of course, Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, the leading minority member of the House Intelligence Committee, was going to bring up the nude photo prank today, the first day of public impeachment hearings against resident Donald Trump. Nunes brought it up at the start of the inquiry back in late September, so he's a little obsessed with this.

The story is simple: In April 2017, a pair of Russian pranksters pretended to be Ukrainians, with one specifically saying he was the leader of the Rada, Ukraine's parliament, and they called and got through to Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, currently chair of the House Intelligence Committee. They told Schiff that a female Russian TV star had had an affair with Trump and now possessed nude photos of him. They also had recordings, they claimed, of the woman and a journalist discussing this kompromat. Schiff was poker-voiced through the entire thing and ended it by saying he would refer it to the FBI. That's it. That's the whole episode. Schiff's spokesperson said later that Schiff suspected it was a prank.

For Nunes and others on the right, the fact that Schiff didn't yell, "Bullshit!" and cut off the call is prima facie evidence that Schiff cannot be trusted because he so badly wants to get Trump that he wanted naked pics, which, let's be honest, no one fucking wants ever, except possibly Devin Nunes. Nunes said in September, "Of course, Democrats on this very committee negotiated with people they thought were Ukrainians in order to obtain nude pictures of Trump."

And today, in his opening goddamn statement, Nunes brought it up again, saying that Democrats want Americans to "forget about them trying to obtain nude pictures of Trump from Russian pranksters who pretended to be Ukrainian officials." No one asked for Trump dick pics to be sent to them. It's simply not true. But it was par for the course for Nunes, who veered between total cock and skeevy weasel for his entire opening, and it set the tone for Republicans, who were all just the most awful assholes and twat mites for the whole goddamn day.

Nunes took the hearing room and the country on a tour through the fevered shit bog of Fox "news" and Twitter-twisted conspiracy theories, dropping items and names that meant just about nothing to rational humans. But they were signals to the drooling hordes of Trump voters that every lie that has been Hannitied into their tiny brains would be trotted out. "For years they accused the Trump campaign of colluding with Russia when they themselves were colluding with Russia by funding and spreading the Steele dossier, which relied on Russian sources," he said, which is like a parfait of lies layered with slander with bullshit sprinkles on top. I mean, fucking hell, Nunes even brought up Schiff mocking Trump's phone call with Zelensky, which is something Trump can't get over.

He dropped in Alexandra Chalupa (do yourself a favor and don't google her), he lied about the whistleblower and his lawyer, and he offered that witnesses were subject to "a closed-door audition process in a cult-like atmosphere in the basement of the Capitol, where the Democrats conducted secret depositions." Yeah, bitch, they were so secret that dozens of Republicans could attend and ask questions. And "cult-like" is rich coming from a side that is worshiping at the bone-spurred feet of its orange idol.  Of course, they brought up Hunter Biden, and no one asked the GOP members, "Hey, motherfuckers, you ran the joint for two years. How come you didn't investigate him then?"

Seriously, if there is a God and lying matters to Him, then Nunes should have been squeezed by His holy fingers and popped like a filthy human pimple. The fact that that didn't happen is absolute proof to me that either there is no God or he just fucked off out of here a long time ago.

The right-wing nutzoid part of Onlineville fucking lapped it up like Jesus's jizz.  Jim Hoft over at Gateway Pundit declared that Nunes just "destroyed Democrats." The Blaze said Nunes "shredded" them. Katie Pavlich at the conservative shitpot Townhall squeed that Nunes "did not hold anything back and slammed Democrats for damaging the country." No, I'm not linking to any of them because fuck them all. Fuck. Them. All. Individually and as a group. Fuck 'em.

There are competing narratives going on here: one based on facts and law and observable reality, and another based on whatever bat shit thing they can get away with saying. And it's going to infect this process until there is something so shocking and compelling that it breaks through to the 35-40% or so of Americans who get their news from fucking liars.

What's going on now is that Republicans are throwing up a screen of shit, just shooting shit out of their mouths and through their social media and their websites, hoping they can create an opaque curtain of shit that they can hide behind until this all passes. It's disgusting and harmful, but they're Republicans. "Disgusting and harmful" is pretty much their motto now.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Nikki Haley Then: Trump Is Liar. Nikki Haley Now: Trump Is A Great resident | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

In 2016, Nikki Haley was a vocal critic of candidate Trump. Now the fmr. Trump aide, who is on a media tour for her new book, sounds very different.

Oh, Chuck Rosenberg.

You're so quiet and calm, level and reassuring, not so much as a raised eyebrow, or a microscopic increase in decibel level in your voice. And yet, your words slice through what is left of Nikki Haley's reputation like a Ginsu knife.

On Deadline White House, Nicolle Wallace and her panel were discussing how thoroughly and shamelessly Haley has apparently traveled over to the Dark Side. She's practically already booked on Dancing With The Stars for the 2021 season. Here she is pledging fealty to Our Dear Leader, swearing things are not at all what the rest of us see and hear with our own eyes and ears.

NY Times Columnist Makes The Case for Never Bloomberg | Tim Black

You Must Never Vote for Bloomberg

His expansion of the notoriously racially biased stop and frisk program is a complete and nonnegotiable deal breaker.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

BIG WEEK AHEAD!!! Here's What to Expect From This Week's Public Impeachment Hearings!

This week we will witness the first PUBLIC hearings related to the impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump's bribery scheme involving Ukraine.

Republicans are certain to try to obfuscate and make the process a circus, but rest assured, this will be a week FILLED with major revelations from wildly credible public servants!

GOP Reps. Abandon Trump

GOP representatives run scared, abandoning Trump. John Iadarola and Brooke Thomas break it down on The Damage Report.

Nikki Haley Has Chosen To Lie For Trump

During a Tuesday morning interview, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley says she never had doubts about resident Trump's fitness for office and his truthfulness. The Morning Blow panel discusses Haley's remarks.

Nikki Haley is positioning herself to a presidential run. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

"Two of resident Trump’s senior advisers undermined and ignored him in what they claimed was an effort to “save the country,” former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley claims in a new memoir.

Former secretary of state Rex Tillerson and former White House chief of staff John F. Kelly sought to recruit her to work around and subvert Trump, but she refused, Haley writes in a new book, “With All Due Respect,” which also describes Tillerson as “exhausting” and imperious and Kelly as suspicious of her access to Trump.

“Kelly and Tillerson confided in me that when they resisted the resident, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country,” Haley wrote. “It was their decisions, not the resident’s, that were in the best interests of America, they said. The resident didn’t know what he was doing,” Haley wrote of the views the two men held."

Donald Trump Jr Booed Off Stage At Book Launch By His Own Supporters

Trump supporters reacted angrily when told Trump Jr wouldn't be taking any questions.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

It's too late to save yourself now, Bill Barr

November 7, 2019 at 6:34 p.m. EST
For Bill Barr, it’s too little, too late.

In my news colleagues’ latest scoop, The Post’s Matt Zapotosky, Josh Dawsey and Carol Leonnig report that the attorney general declined to fulfill resident Trump’s request that he publicly exonerate Trump’s “perfect” call with Ukraine’s president — following several actions recently in which “the Justice Department has sought some distance from the White House.”

Right. Like a barnacle seeks distance from a whale.

The distancing maneuver is plainly an attempt by those sympathetic to Barr to make him look a bit less like the resident’s mob lawyer — done anonymously so that Trump wouldn’t rage at Barr but instead blame the “degenerate” Post, as he did Thursday. But Barr has sealed his fate. As Trump’s impeachment looms, Barr has degraded the office Elliot Richardson once dignified. Barr has turned the Justice Department into a shield for residential misconduct and a sword wielded against political opponents.
Even as Barr’s latest distancing gambit debuted, he was due to huddle Wednesday with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Trump’s loyal defender, to decide how to release an inspector general’s report examining the FBI’s investigation into Russian 2016 interference and Trump’s campaign. Notably, the Justice Department inspector general himself, Michael Horowitz, was “not expected to attend,” The Post reported, leaving Barr and Graham free to decide what should be declassified to put Trump in the best possible light.
Barr’s team aims to get that report out in the coming weeks, just in time for Barr’s holiday party at the Trump International Hotel, for which the attorney general is paying upward of $30,000 to the resident’s business. Barr must have liked what he saw when he dined at the hotel earlier this year on a night when Trump was also there for a fundraiser.

If Barr does manipulate the inspector general’s report to Trump’s advantage, he’ll be reprising his mis-characterization of the Mueller report. Then, before releasing the report, he declared that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III had found “no collusion” (a phrase Mueller did not use), and he cleared Trump of obstruction of justice. It was such a betrayal that Mueller (whom Barr had claimed was his good friend) complained about Barr’s misleading summary. Asked about the objections, Barr, under oath, falsely told Congress he knew nothing about them.
Since then, Barr testified to Congress that “I think spying did occur” in the Russia probe, echoing Trump’s claim and earning a public contradiction by FBI Director Christopher A. Wray.

Rewarding Trump loyalists’ demands, Barr appointed a prosecutor (in addition to the inspector general) to examine the Trump-Russia probe, which has mushroomed into a criminal investigation of the investigators. Among those leading the probe? Nora Dannehy, the special prosecutor who decided not to charge any members of the George W. Bush administration after the politically motivated firing of U.S. attorneys and subsequent lies about the actions.

Further indulging Trump’s “witch hunt” claims, Barr traveled to Italy in search of evidence that would discredit the Trump-Russia investigation, and he reportedly asked the resident to enlist the Australian and British governments in the effort. Trump named Barr during his infamous call with the Ukrainian president seeking investigations of Democrats and Joe Biden, according to the White House’s partial reconstruction: “I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it.”
The whistleblower got wind of this and said: “Attorney General Barr appears to be involved.” But the Justice Department — Barr’s Justice Department — declined to investigate, even though the CIA inspector general found the complaint “credible” and “urgent.” Barr, though named in the complaint, didn’t recuse himself, even as the Justice Department attempted to block the complaint from reaching Congress, as the law requires. Along the way, he embraced a White House legal strategy of defying subpoenas that has met with a string of defeats in the courts.

Now, as part of the “distancing” campaign, Barr’s Justice Department would have us believe the attorney general never discussed with Trump the prospective Ukraine probe into the Bidens, didn’t talk to Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani about Ukraine and didn’t know anything about the White House withholding aid to Ukraine.

Why would anybody doubt the sincerity of such claims?

Maybe Barr is getting queasy, with two of Giuliani’s Ukraine associates under indictment and Giuliani being turned down by four lawyers before finding representation. Maybe he’s unnerved by what he’s reading in the daily drop of impeachment depositions; on Thursday, another high-ranking State Department official testified about Giuliani’s campaign being “full of lies.” Maybe he even felt a pang of conscience.

It doesn’t matter. During his confirmation hearing in January, Barr vowed to “protect the independence and the reputation of the department.” Instead, he destroyed the former and squandered the latter. We may never know why he ruined his reputation to serve as Trump’s mob lawyer. But it’s far too late for rehabilitation.

Interested in following Dana Milbank’s take on the impeachment inquiry? Sign up here to receive future installments by email.

Read more:

Friday, November 8, 2019

Republicans Prepare To Throw Rudy Giuliani Under The Bus To Protect Trump

Republicans in the House of Representatives have finally found a strategy to deal with impeachment that they believe will play well with the public. That strategy is to blame the whole thing on Rudy Giuliani.

House Republicans are going to try to paint Giuliani as a rogue operative, and all of the people who went along with the extortion plan were actually working with Giuliani and not Trump. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

University Of Alabama Threatens Students Who Protest Donald Trump

The Student Government Association at the University of Alabama sent a letter warning students and organizations that if they protest Donald Trump’s expected visit to the Alabama vs. LSU football game this weekend, they will lose their seats at the stadium for the rest of the year.

This is a very clear violation of the 1st Amendment, and it wouldn’t be surprising to see the SGA back off these claims now that the public knows what they are up to. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Trump and McConnell Team Up Against Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III

"Former attorney general Jeff Sessions plans to announce as soon as Thursday that he will run for his old Senate seat in Alabama, according to three people familiar with his plans, setting the stage for a potentially contentious Republican primary with resident Trump at the center and control of the Senate possibly at stake.

Sessions, whose turbulent two year stint in the administration ended in dramatic fashion when he was forced out by Trump in November 2018, would enter with strong name recognition and deep institutional ties in the state and elsewhere.

He held the seat for two decades before he became Trump’s first U.S. attorney general. But the wild card in the race will be Trump, and whether he will weigh in against his former attorney general and in favor of other Republicans who have already announced their candidacies.

Trump remains popular in the state and plans to attend the University of Alabama’s football game against Louisiana State University in Tuscaloosa, Ala., on Saturday."

Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian

Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian

Michael Bloomberg is another rich asshole trying to waste our time

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is expected to officially enter the 2020 presidential race, making him the 2nd billionaire to fight for the Democratic nomination. Bloomberg is entering the race because he sees that Biden and the other centrists are fading fast, and he doesn’t want to pay more money under a Sanders or Warren administration. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

The Plot To Betray America

Touré interviews Malcolm Nance about the Trump administration, the death of Iraqi Islamic State leader al-Baghdadi, and the release of Malcolm's new book, The Plot To Betray America.

Politicon 2019 // Music City Center, Nashville // October 26th, 2019

Videography & Editing: Chris Sampson 

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Order Malcolm's NEW book "The Plot to Betray America":

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Joe Scarborough Gleefully Blames Trump For Losing Kentucky Governor's Race

Kentucky's unpopular Republican governor was ahead by five points until Trump held his rally, the host pointed out.

By Susie Madrak

Think about it. Last night's election was so decisive, pundits haven't yet figured out a way to turn it into "this is bad news for Democrats." (I have faith, though.) After last night's blue tidal wave, Willie Geist picked through the debris.

"Donald Trump can't run away from this. Republicans cannot run away from the fact that a Donald Trump-backed candidate probably lost. He has not conceded yet but probably lost the governorship in a state that President Trump won by 30 points," Geist said.

Joe Scarborough couldn't keep from crowing.

"Just looking at the specifics here, what has to be especially difficult for Donald Trump this morning and for all Republicans, they have to -- here's the thing, before Donald Trump went to Kentucky on that last night and had those stupid shirts that said 'Read the transcript' printed up. By the way, which of course the document he was talking to said up top, 'This is not a transcript.' The stupidity.

"It's really shocking, and we're sitting there -- how do people get away with that? They don't. Here's the thing, they don't get away with it. He doesn't get away with it. He's going to be impeached. His party lost the biggest landslide vote lost in the history of the United States Republicans 2018 for following him blindly," he said.

He pointed out Bevin was ahead by 5 percentage points in the polls before Trump held his rally.

"Donald. Bevin was ahead, son. He was ahead by five points before you went to Kentucky. right? Look at this. Donald, look at that. I know you don't like reading, Donald, but look. That R stands for Republican. He had 52% before you went and did that rally for him, and he got those poor folks wearing that shirt that said read the transcript when the piece of paper itself said this is not a transcript.

"Donald, this is not working for you. You should just stay home and watch like those cage fights, right? Sit down, drink some Tang, the drink of the astronauts and maybe have some Sanka coffee, stir it up. This is what happened after you showed up in Kentucky.

"Donald, my friend, you lost the state for Republicans."

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Take that, Mr. Resident: Woman who gave the finger to Trump's car wins election

She was on a bike ride in 2017 and was photographed making the gesture as the resident's motorcade went by.
Juli Briskman shows her middle finger as a motorcade with resident Donald Trump departs Trump National Golf Course in Sterling, Va. on Oct. 28, 2017.Brendan Smialowski / AFP - Getty Images file
By Associated Press

LEESBURG, Va. — The woman who lost her job after displaying her middle finger at resident Donald Trump's motorcade has won a seat on a county board of supervisors in Virginia.
With 99 percent of the vote reported by the Loudoun County Office of Elections Tuesday night, unofficial returns showed Democrat Juli Briskman ahead of Republican incumbent Suzanne Volpe with 52 percent of the vote.

Among her goals, Briskman said she would increase transparency in local government.
Juli Briskman, who was fired after giving resident Donald Trump's motorcade the middle finger while cycling and is running for a seat on the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, on Oct. 17, 2019, in Sterling, Va. Brendan Smialowski / AFP - Getty Images
Briskman was on a bike ride in October 2017 and was photographed making the gesture as Trump's motorcade went by.

She told her bosses what happened after the photo went viral and was asked to leave her government contracting job or face termination. She sued and won a severance claim, but her wrongful-termination lawsuit was dismissed.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Justice Department seeks info on 'Anonymous' author of soon to be published insider book

The Justice Department is demanding identifying details about the senior Trump administration official who has written an anonymous book, warning in a letter to the publisher on Monday that the author may be subject to nondisclosure agreements.

The letter, signed by Assistant Attorney General Joseph Hunt, asked for details or copies of the author's nondisclosure agreements "or the dates of the author's service and the agencies where the author was employed, so that we may determine the terms of the author's nondisclosure agreements and ensure that they have been followed."

Publication of the book may violate nondisclosure agreements based on the individual's work or access to classified information, the letter states, "if the author is, in fact, a current or former 'senior official' in the Trump administration."

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Nunes Aide Is Leaking The Ukraine Whistleblower's Name

A top aide to Rep. Devin Nunes has been providing conservative politicians and journalists with information—and misinformation—about the anonymous whistleblower who triggered the biggest crisis of Donald Trump’s residency, two knowledgeable sources tell The Daily Beast.

Derek Harvey, who works for Nunes, the ranking Republican on the House intelligence committee, has provided notes for House Republicans identifying the whistleblower’s name ahead of the high-profile depositions of Trump administration appointees and civil servants in the impeachment inquiry.

The purpose of the notes, one source said, is to get the whistleblower’s name into the record of the proceedings, which committee chairman Adam Schiff has pledged to eventually release. In other words: it’s an attempt to out the anonymous official who helped trigger the impeachment inquiry.

On Saturday, The Washington Post reported that GOP lawmakers and staffers have “repeatedly” used a name purporting to be the whistleblower during the depositions. The paper named Harvey as driving lines of questioning Democrats saw as attempting to determine the political loyalties of witnesses before the inquiry. A former official told the Post that Harvey “was passing notes [to GOP lawmakers] the entire time” ex-NSC Russia staffer Fiona Hill testified.

“Exposing the identity of the whistleblower and attacking our client would do nothing to undercut the validity of the complaint’s allegations,” said Mark Zaid, one of the whistleblower’s attorneys. “What it would do, however, is put that individual and their family at risk of harm. Perhaps more important, it would deter future whistleblowers from coming forward in subsequent administrations, Democratic or Republican.” Zaid has represented The Daily Beast in freedom-of-information lawsuits against the federal government.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Unfairness Of It All

Trump booed at World Series and chants of "Lock him up!" break out

resident Trump's low-profile appearance Sunday night at Game 5 of the World Series drew loud boos and jeers when he was introduced to the crowd.

APTOPIX World Series Astros Nationals Baseball
resident Donald Trump is introduced during the third inning of Game 5 of the baseball World Series between the Houston Astros and the Washington Nationals Sunday, Oct. 27, 2019, in Washington. Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP
Wearing a dark suit and a tie, Mr. Trump arrived at Nationals Park just before the first pitch of the Houston Astros-Washington Nationals matchup. Hours earlier, he had announced that U.S. forces had assaulted the hiding place of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who was killed in the raid in northeast Syria. At the same time, a divisive impeachment inquiry into the resident is underway in Congress.

Mr. Trump and first lady Melania Trump entered a lower-tier box to the left of home plate as the game was beginning. At that point, his presence hadn't yet been formally announced, but baseball fans in the section just below his suite turned to look toward the box as he arrived. Some waved at the resident as he smiled and gave a thumbs-up.

At the end of the third inning, the resident stood and waved to the crowd, and ballpark video screens carried a salute to U.S. service members that drew cheers throughout the stadium. When the video on the Jumbotron cut to the resident and his entourage — which included a number of GOP lawmakers — and the loudspeakers announced the Trumps, cheers abruptly turned into a torrent of boos and heckling from what sounded like a majority of the crowd. Chants of "Lock him up!" broke out in some sections, including one below where the resident was sitting.

Mr. Trump appeared unfazed and continued waving. Later, some fans behind home plate held a sign reading "VETERANS FOR IMPEACHMENT." Another banner appeared during the game: "IMPEACH TRUMP!"

A red banner reading "Impeach Trump!" appeared over right field during game 5 Sunday night in the World Series. CBS News - Arden Farhi
The resident remained at the game for seven innings before heading back to the White House. The Astros took a 3-2 series lead with a 7-1 victory in Game 5.

Until Sunday night, Mr. Trump hadn't attended a major league game as resident even though the White House is a few miles northwest of Nationals Park. A dozen or so congressional lawmakers accompanied him, according to a list provided by the White House, including Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and David Perdue of Georgia, and Representative Steve Scalise of Louisiana and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

"I think everybody is excited," Nationals star pitcher Stephen Strasburg said before the game. "It's the resident of the United States. So there's obviously beefed-up security. So usually the dogs that are sniffing in our clubhouse are these nice Labs that are super friendly. And today there was a German shepherd that I didn't really feel comfortable petting."

Nationals manager Dave Martinez said: "He's coming to the game. He's a fan. Hopefully he cheers for the Washington Nationals, and I hope he enjoys the game."

Mr. Trump's staff has long tried to shield him from events where he might be loudly booed or heckled, and he has rarely ventured into the neighborhoods of the heavily Democratic city. He won just over 4% of the vote in the District of Columbia in 2016.

Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred said he discussed with the resident whether he'd like to throw out the ceremonial first pitch, but the resident declined, citing the disruption that would cause fans getting to the ballpark.

Washington Nationals principal owner Mark Lerner told the Washington Post that Mr. Trump should be at the game, but he made clear that he did not invite the resident to throw out the first pitch, saying there were many other candidates who should be considered before Mr. Trump.

Jose Andrés, a prominent local restaurant owner and humanitarian, threw out the first pitch to a roaring, sustained ovation. He has a history with the resident, too, both in business and in politics.

Andrés has repeatedly opposed Mr. Trump's immigration policies and his administration's response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Four years ago, he withdrew from plans to open a restaurant in the Trump International Hotel in Washington following Mr. Trump's controversial comments about Mexican immigrants during the presidential campaign. Legal action ensued and the dispute was settled in 2017.

—Arden Farhi contributed to this report.


Democratic Rep. Katie Hill to resign amid allegations of improper relationship with staffer

Rep. Katie Hill (D-Santa Clarita) announced Sunday that she would resign from Congress after allegations that she engaged in affairs with a congressional aide and a campaign staff member became public this month.

Hill announced the resignation in a letter to constituents, saying she was stepping down “with a broken heart.”

The letter did not specify when the resignation would take effect. Hill will be the first female member of Congress to resign in a post-#MeToo era. Her resignation will also be the first after a House rule banning sexual relationships with staffers was enacted last year in response to nearly a dozen male members of Congress resigning amid sexual harassment allegations.

Trump Bills Irish Cops $100,000 For The Honor Of Protecting Him

Police officers in Ireland just received a bill from Trump’s Doonberg resort after they were called in to provide extra security for the resident. His golf course is now billing them $100,000 for things like tea, coffee, and packs of snacks that they “provided” to the officers who were protecting the resident.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains how this violates the Constitution, and why its just morally wrong.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

See lawmaker's reaction when Poppy Harlow calls him out for tweet

CNN's Poppy Harlow clashes with Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) over his tweet claiming without evidence that former Vice President Joe Biden committed a crime.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Matt Gaetz Leads Moron Brigade To Disrupt Impeachment Hearings

Dozens of Republican Representatives, led by Matt Gaetz, attempted to storm the impeachment hearings on Wednesday, creating a massive security breach by filming the sensitive information with their cell phones.

These Republicans are creating a spectacle of the entire impeachment inquiry by falsely claiming that they are being shut out of the process. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

MASSIVE SURGE In Approval For Impeachment!!! Watch Mitch McConnell & Matt Whitaker Both HURT TRUMP!

A poll released yesterday by Quinnipiac found that a full 55 percent of respondents approve of the impeachment inquiry, while a dwindling 43 percent opposed it. Last week those numbers were 51 percent to 45 percent.

 But the numbers representing the group that I believe are the most critical in the public opinion sphere were also the ones that saw the most dramatic movement. You see, support for Donald Trump’s Impeachment among independents jumped 8 points (in a single week).

 And here is what is very well fueling the rapid change related to how the American people feel about Impeaching and removing this clear and present danger from office. It is a combination of who is coming to the defense of Donald Trump and those who seem to be running in the other direction.

Note To Republicans On Impeachment Hearings: C'mon. We All Know What Happened

Posted by Rude One

Jesus, Republicans. It's embarrassing. It's really fucking embarrassing now. Every time one of you appears on some goddamned news network or another, opening your mouth holes to diarrhea out some absurd defense of Donald Trump, it's just embarrassing. As it would be if you went on TV and literally shit out of your mouths. At least then you might get some pity, a kind of "Oh, poor thing, he's sick" or "God, don't let that happen to me." But in the figurative case, it's just fucking pathetic.

See, we all know what happened. We all know that Trump was extorting Ukraine to get them to go along with weird-ass conspiracy theories he's had skull fucked into him by a constant feed of Fox "news" and its devolved stepchild, One American News, talk radio depravity, and whatever hell-creature Stephen Miller is. This involved both military aid to Ukraine, as well as a promised meeting between Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky. We all know that Rudy Giuliani is just a savage ghoul in it for however much he can line his filthy pockets. And, hell, if he can pretend he has power, too, and might be able to stick it to Hillary? That's just a bonus. In other words, one vile, mentally-imbalanced shit heel enabled another vile, mentally-imbalanced shit heel, and, together with all their lickspittles and whores, they sought to undermine the United States. All that we need to find out now is what levels of evil, greed, stupidity, and treachery are involved. And how much Russia needed to push anyone to do this shit.

I mean, c'mon, look at the opening statement by William Taylor, delivered today to the House Intelligence Committee. The whole thing is Trump and Giuliani attempting to push Ukraine to say that it was investigating the DNC server or the oil company Hunter Biden was getting paid by, Burisma, while Taylor and others were desperately trying to get Trump to knock it the fuck off.  Here's what Taylor said on page 7 about the hold on the $400 million in military aid: "My understanding was that the Secretaries of Defense and State, the CIA Director, and the National Security Advisor sought a joint meeting with the resident to convince him to release the hold."

You got that? Everyone who knew anything about Ukraine knew it needed the promised funds. But they couldn't get that meeting because Trump was too busy watching TV, tweeting, and holding his rallies of the damned. No wonder Rick Perry was involved. He was almost the only cabinet member who thought this was a good idea.

Then there's the whole side of this that's fucking nuts, that crazy-ass John Bolton was the comparative voice of reason. Bolton didn't want Trump to talk on the phone to Zelensky because he thought it "would be a disaster." At one point in July, Bolton and the regular foreign policy team butted right up against EU Ambassador and Trump taint sniffer Gordon Sondland and his shadow foreign policy team, confusing the shit out of the Ukrainians they were in talks with: "Bolton...wanted to talk about security, energy, and reform...Sondland...wanted to talk about the connection between a White House meeting and Ukrainian investigations."

How willfully blind do you have to be to think none of this was fucked up? It wasn't about uncovering corruption. There's a shit-ton of corruption involving Ukrainians and other Americans that Trump or anyone never fucking mentioned. And the DNC server? What the hell? What the hell? How is this even a thing anymore?

 On July 20, Sondland told Taylor that "he had recommended that Zelensky use the phrase 'I will leave no stone unturned' with regard to the 'investigations'" when Zelensky spoke to Trump. You know who else uses that phrase? Fucking Trump. And he had done so talking about the citizenship question on the census just nine days earlier in a pissy little appearance after the Supreme Court blocked it. So Sondland knows that Trump's a goddamn child who needs to be made to feel smart and special.

The mania with which Trump demanded Zelensky knuckle under to his lunatic conspiracy theories was brazen. Sondland told Taylor that Trump wanted Zelensky "'in a public box' by making a public statement about ordering such investigations." It got so ludicrous that Zelensky asked a pair of visiting U.S. senators if we were still standing by Ukraine. They told him that he "should not jeopardize that bipartisan support [for Ukraine] by getting drawn into U.S. domestic politics." The poor motherfucker went from making fart jokes on Ukrainian variety shows to having to deal with our lunatic leader.

And the most utterly, most reprehenisble part of this? The idea that if they say there was "no quid pro quo," if Republicans repeat "no quid pro quo" over and over, the idiot hordes will believe there was no quid pro quo when the quid pro quo is all there fucking is.

Goddamn, GOP.  We all know what went on. Aren't you tired of looking like asses and fools? Or has that just been your identity for so long that you figure why bother changing?

(Note: The attempt to smear Bill Taylor as a "radical bureaucrat," as the White House called him, is beyond laughable. The man worked for Reagan and both Bushes, as well as for Democrats. Step the fuck off on this "radical" and "far-left" bullshit.)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Can We Fix America Together? | Marianne Williamson | Politics | Tim Black

Author, activist and Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson joins us to talk about the issues: "Plan for US Dept. of Peace", "The Reparations Plan" and "U.S. Department of Children and Youth "The Whole Child Plan".

Trump Rebuked For 'Lynching' Comment: He's 'A Violent White Nationalist'

Rutgers Professor Brittany Cooper says she’s ‘deeply offended’ by Trump’s comparison of being ‘held accountable’ by the impeachment inquiry, to the ‘spectacular violence of lynching.’

As Trump faces new damning Ukraine evidence, he claims impeachment is like a ‘lynching.’

The comparison drawing wide rebuke from democrats, civil rights leaders and the rare condemnation from many GOP leaders.

Establishment Democrats Panic As Biden Keeps Falling

According to a new report by The New York Times, establishment Democrats are in full panic mode as Joe Biden continues slipping and is no longer the front runner for the nomination.

They are asking around to see if there’s someone more friendly to their donors who can take the lead, but the polls show that the public wants someone who is going to shake up the Party and the country.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Trump Calls Emoluments Clause “Phony” And He’s Likely Still Running His Businesses

Of all of the parts of the U.S. Constitution, none have been more trampled on by the Trump administration than the Emoluments Clause forbidding a resident from enriching themselves while serving.

Trump claimed on Monday that the Emoluments Clause was “phony” and then proceeded to reveal information that he wouldn’t know unless he was still (illegally) running his business. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

What I Wish Everyone Knew About Bernie Sanders Poll Numbers | Tim Black

A new Florida North University Poll omits Bernie Sanders in their polls.

How can you trust these polls Johnson? Tim Black has the receipts.

This Could Be Pete Buttigieg's True Purpose | Tim Black

Pete Buttigieg is apparently thriving in the Iowa polls. What makes Pete a viable anti-Bernie candidate to begin with? Here's some food for thought.

Republicans FINALLY Stand Up To Trump

Has the GOP finally found its spine?

Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Susan Rice: Lindsey Graham 'Is A Piece Of Shit'

The former National Security Advisor under President Obama made the observation in an episode of the "Pod Save the World" podcast.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Jury is in. Lindsey Graham is really this stupid and racist.

Eric Trump Says It’s “Sickening” That Kids Use Their Parent’s Names To Get Rich

Eric Trump may be the most tone-deaf person in the United States. During a recent interview, he said that it was “sickening” to him to see the children of politicians using their family names to get rich.

Does he not know who he is?

Does he not understand that his entire life has been handed to him solely because of his last name?

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

The Internet Howls With Laughter At Mitt Romney's Fake Twitter Account

Mulvaney & Pompeo Expose Donald Trump in Separate Interviews - Republicans Begin to Turn on Trump!

We are witnessing the steady erosion of Donald Trump’s grasp on the power of his Residency. There still remains a number of steps before he’s gone - and many of those steps involve the investigatory process which has only just gotten underway in the House via the official impeachment inquiry.

Another critical step in the process is to garner some Republican support. So, what's it going to take to sway the public stances of Republicans in Congress? You need to call your Representative and Senators… ESPECIALLY if they are Republicans and tell them you EXPECT them to support the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump from office.

This is, after all, a government of the people, by the people, and for the people!

How to get a tiny XBox on your phone

Monday, October 21, 2019

Trump Jr. Proves How Stupid He Is

"Resident Trump’s two sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, who were born into wealth and work at a company their grandfather founded, have spent the last few weeks contending for the title of World’s Least Self-Aware Person.

 First, one of them goes on TV or Twitter and attacks Hunter Biden for trading on his father’s name, brushing aside their own histories of doing the same.

Then the other one goes on TV or Twitter and wags their finger at Joe Biden allowing his son to profit off his name, never mentioning that their sister and brother-in-law are senior White House officials whose companies are raking in cash as they help craft U.S. policy.

With each appearance, the irony and sanctimony are ratcheted up. The brotherly competition reached its apex Wednesday night when Don Jr., who became an executive vice-president at his father’s company at the age of 23, appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show and said this: “When you’re the father and your son’s entire career is dependent on that, they own you.”

Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Mark Thompson

Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Mark Thompson

More Constitution Talk

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Trump says his Doral resort will no longer host G-7 after backlash

Resident Trump on Saturday said the United States would no longer host next year's Group of Seven (G-7) summit at his Doral resort after intense backlash from Democrats, ethics watchdogs and some Republican lawmakers.