Posted by Rude One
1. From the beginning, the tone of last night's third presidential debate
(aka "The Time an Orange Pussy Was Grabbed by a Former Secretary of
State") was set from the first question from moderator Chris "Do You
Still Love Me, Roger?" Wallace. It was about the Supreme Court and how
the candidates view the role of the court and the Constitution. Democrat
Hillary Clinton offered a thoughtful explanation of the Supreme Court
as a check on the powerful. Republican candidate and imploding rage
persimmon Donald Trump took a different tactic.
First, he talked about how one justice had totally dissed him: "Justice
Ginsburg made some very, very inappropriate statements toward me." Then
he veered into the one amendment he apparently has heard of: "We need a
Supreme Court that in my opinion is going to uphold the Second
Amendment, and all amendments, but the Second Amendment, which is under
absolute siege." So don't worry, Third Amendment fans, you still won't
be forced to quarter soldiers. In other words, Clinton said something
that was real and possible and Trump followed up with ego, fantasy, and
lies. That Clinton didn't respond to Trump's every answer with "The fuck
are you saying? Yo, Chris, what the fuck is that? Fuck, fucking
dumbfuck" before kicking him in the taint and sodomizing him with a
dildo on principle is some kind of miracle of self-control.
2. Well, there was that one moment when Clinton said, "Let me translate
that, if I can, Chris" when Trump was rattling off a stream of
not-really-consciousness about the economy.
3. Clinton let her feminist freak flag fly in full last night with her
response on a question about abortion. She gave up the total bullshit
line that abortion should be "safe, legal, and rare" because, let's face
it, it ain't ever gonna be rare. Instead, she offered absolute support
for Roe v. Wade and, when asked about late-term abortions (when Wallace
used the anti-choice dog whistle phrase "partial-birth abortion"),
Clinton made an impassioned and compassionate case for its necessity:
"The kinds of cases that fall at the end of pregnancy are often the most
heartbreaking, painful decisions for families to make." Goddamn, it was
great to see Clinton get her activist dander up for women's rights
3a. Trump responded, in one of his most mentally-challenged moments,
that "based on what she's saying, and based on where she's going, and
where she's been, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb
in the ninth month on the final day. And that's not acceptable." No,
motherfucker, that's not an acceptable abortion. It is a c-section,
however. No doctor is cutting open women and swinging babies around by
their umbilical cords like it's on the end of a slingshot and tossing
them in the garbage. To Donald Trump, compassion is what you show people
who like you. Everyone else can suck it.
4. Trump, dude, fuckin' marry Putin already and move to Russia where he can rub bear oil on your pendulous man nips.
4a. And what the hell was all that dissing of American intelligence
agencies? Trump was on some kind of paranoid rant about how "you don't
know" that Russia wasn't behind email hacks when, like, every
intelligence group says it was Russia. There are lots of reasons to
criticize our spying for its invasion of Americans' privacy (a subject,
like climate change, never brought up in the debates), but to go to the
mat over what country hacked a private email account is a desperate play
for one's lover's attention.
4b. Pendulous. Man. Nips.
5. Yeah, yeah, Clinton still seemed like she's stumbling around when
asked about her email server. But, truly, what the fuck else is there to
say? "I fucked up," she's told us time and again, and, unless you
believe, like Trump, that the FBI is just a big scam to protect Hillary
Clinton, how is the whole thing even relevant except as something,
anything to use to criticize Clinton?
6. Trump said Clinton was responsible for the following things:
a. His use of Chinese steel in his buildings
b. His not paying income tax for 20 years
c. Women saying that he has assaulted them
d. The timing of the attack to take back Mosul
Seriously, if she's this powerful, we better fuckin' elect her or she's
just gonna use her obvious wizard-abilities to murder us all like we're
just Vince Fosters in a park.
7. Trump can't help himself with his misogyny. In addition to his
condemnation of the women who said he tit-groped, force-kissed, and
pussy fondled them, at one point, when Clinton said, "My Social Security
payroll contribution will go up, as will Donald's, assuming he can't
figure out how to get out of it," Trump proclaimed, "Such a nasty
woman." Just to put this in context: By that point, late in the debate,
Trump had said that Clinton had committed high crimes, is "crooked" and
running a "crooked campaign," and shouldn't even have been allowed run
for president. But, sure, implying that Trump, who has said he's proud
he doesn't pay taxes, might weasel out of paying for Social Security,
that's the nasty part. Trump has never been a position where he had to
listen to woman tell him what a piece of shit he is when there was
nothing he could do about it.
8. And, of course, Trump proved how this whole thing is just a fuckin' game to him when he said, in answer to a question
about whether he would "accept" the outcome of the election, "I will
look at it at the time. I'm not looking at anything now. I'll look at it
at the time...What I'm saying is that I will tell you at the time. I'll
keep you in suspense. OK?" And there it is. This is a goddamn sporting
event, a very special episode of The Apprentice: Deplorables Edition to him. You got that sense earlier when he smirked that he should have won an Emmy for his idiot show. He followed up today with a coy "I'll totally accept" the election results "if I win,"
And what does that even mean? Fuckin' hell, Republicans, especially
those in Congress, didn't accept Obama's election twice. Trump just said
it too early. And Trump doesn't have to concede. That doesn't change
the outcome of the election. He can stand there with his dick in his
hands and pretend like some challenge he makes will change the outcome.
But unless a court accepts it, he either has to lead his idiot hordes
into revolution (which he won't and which, with maybe a couple of
exceptions, they won't) or he has to slither back to his golden
penthouse and pretend his entire life hasn't become a huge goddamn joke.
Events over the past several years,” Cunningham said, “have caused many to question the actions of our officers and has tragically undermined the trust that the public must and should have in their police departments. …The history of the law enforcement profession is replete with examples of bravery, self-sacrifice, and service to the community. At its core, policing is a noble profession.”
But Cunningham added, “At the same time, it is also clear that the history of policing has also had darker periods.” He cited laws enacted by state and federal governments which “have required police officers to perform many unpalatable tasks. … While this is no longer the case, this dark side of our shared history has created a multi-generational — almost inherited — mistrust between many communities of color and their law enforcement agencies.”
Cunningham continued, “While we obviously cannot change the past, it is clear that we must change the future…For our part, the first step is for law enforcement and the IACP to acknowledge and apologize for the actions of the past and the role that our profession has played in society’s historical mistreatment of communities of color.”Several veteran organizers spoke around the issue of police terrorism and Cunningham’s words. Their responses were short, unsweetened, and to the point.