Posted by Rude One
It's practically a saying from the old country: If you elect a raging
sociopath with a dead soul, don't be surprised when he acts like a
raging sociopath with a dead soul.
So, frankly, what would have been shocking is if President Donald Trump had expressed
remorse, sorrow, and sympathy to the widow of Sgt. La David T. Johnson,
killed on a mission in Niger along with three of his fellow soldiers.
Did anyone think that he wouldn't screw it up?
Of course, every time you think that Trump has cleared some incompetence
bar, he sets it lower and still manages to flatten his gelatinous body
to squeeze under it.
Talking to Myeshia Johnson while she was in a car with Florida
Congresswoman Frederica Wilson on her way to the airport to greet the
casket holding her husband and the father of her two children and one on
the way, Trump referred to Sgt. Johnson only as "your guy." This is
according to Wilson and Johnson's mother, who heard the call on
speakerphone. And Trump's words of comfort were "He knew what he was
signing up for, but I guess it hurts anyway."
The first part of that sentence has gotten the most attention, but,
really, the second part is just as callous and malignantly narcissistic.
"I guess it hurts anyway" makes it seem like Trump thought the death
shouldn't have hurt as badly because Johnson had joined the military.
Even more, it's that he doesn't comprehend what the pain of loss is like
because it's not about him.
Let us pause here to recognize that the deaths of four soldiers in Niger
on October 4th weren't acknowledged by Trump until Tuesday. The "fake
news" had reported on it shortly after
the ambush that also wounded two others. And Johnson's body was found
two days after the assault by Nigerians, not by the U.S. Special Forces
there. American soldiers are in the African nation to train the local
military on dealing with al-Qaeda, although history has shown that the
mission creep from this kind of activity often plunges more troops into
danger (see Vietnam, El Salvador, and on and on).
Let us also recognize that had this attack and these KIA's had occurred
when Barack Obama was President and Hillary Clinton was Secretary of
State, it would have been a scandal that would have stoked impeachment
talk, if not criminal charged. The silence from the administration and
the president would have been an indicator to Republicans of some
massive cover-up, perhaps even the willingness of the administration to
allow soldiers to die.
It would be a shame if, say, not only did the American forces lack
enough medical support in Niger, but that "the military’s Africa Command
asked lawmakers broadly for more help months before the attack in
Niger, a West African nation nearly twice the size of Texas." Oh, right,
they did. On March 9, 2017. To the Senate Armed Services Committee.
General Thomas D. Waldhauser, the head of the U.S. Africa Command, testified,
"[Our] African partners lack the capability and capacity to assist with
personnel recovery missions. Integrating personnel recovery and
surgical stabilization/medical sustainment capabilities are a moral
obligation and essential for the proper care of U.S. service members who
risk their lives to protect our nation."
Committee Chair Sen. John McCain pledged
at that hearing, "We owe our witnesses, and the men and women they
lead, unambiguous national security priorities, clarity in our strategic
thinking, and an unwavering commitment to provide them the resources
required to support the necessary courses of action."
Except just under seven months later, those resources weren't there in a
way that might have been able to help the soldiers killed in Niger.
There are reasonable discussions to be made about distribution of forces
and the use of resources. But had this been Obama and Clinton, we would
be hearing how incompetent they are and how they abandoned our troops.
Certainly, we should now at least be saying that Republicans and Trump
were warned and did nothing about it (just as they did nothing when
Clinton asked for more funding to shore up defenses at embassies and
consulates overseas).
So when Trump told Myeshia Johnson that her husband "knew what he signed
up for," well, that's bullshit. What he signed up for didn't involve
the nation not putting out the resources needed to make any medical
attention quickly available. What he signed up for didn't involve being
left to rot for a couple of days because of inadequate ability to search
for his corpse.
What he didn't sign up for was that his family would be treated like
their grief should be muted because his Commander-in-Chief cannot handle
human feelings and doesn't understand that his incompetence contributed
to their pain.
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