Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Donald Trump Ignores Fallen Soldiers In Niger - Lies About Obama As Cover!

In this ‘Dollemore Daily’ Jesse addresses Donald Trump's remarks in a press conference at the White House with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Trump obfuscated and made excuses for not mentioning the loss of four Green Berets in Niger 13 days ago.

Trump has written letters to the families of the fallen. Or he will. They’ll go out tonight. Probably. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

"So given how vocal Trump was about his support for the military, his silence after the Oct. 4 ambush in southwestern Niger in which four U.S. Special Forces soldiers were killed was noticeable. He finally commented on the incident Monday — 12 days after it happened. Asked by a reporter about his delayed response, Trump said he had written letters over the weekend and would “at some point” call the families of the fallen soldiers.

He also said of Obama and other previous presidents that “a lot of them didn't make calls,” an assertion former Obama aides forcefully denied. He did not explain why it had taken so long to publicly acknowledge the incident.

CNN reported over the weekend that Trump was golfing while the remains of La David Johnson, one of the four killed in the attack, were returned to Dover Air Force Base, a juxtaposition critics pounced on.”


During a Monday news conference, resident Trump was asked about the killing of four Green Berets in an ambush in Niger and why he hadn't addressed their deaths. The panel criticizes Trump's response.

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