A massive crowd of Bernie supporters has shown up in droves to attend his latest rally in Philadelphia, the largest city in the pivotal primary state of Pennsylvania. Enthusiastic voters have gathered outside the Liacouras Center at Temple University by the thousands. The below video says it all, showing a town square packed with people waiting to be let in.
Reports are coming in that the line for the rally could be as large as ten blocks long, ending at the cross street of Broad and Master about half a mile away.The line at the Philadelphia Bernie Rally is YUGE!!! #PAprimary #FeelTheBern #WeAreBernie @PhillyForBernie pic.twitter.com/d4JLD4sxmQ— Ryan (@navin_ryan) April 6, 2016
N line 4 the Bernie rally n Philadelphia it's 10 blocks long & counting!!! But Philly is definitely FEELING THE BERN pic.twitter.com/ePmucWHVYQ— Cindi P (@CindiPargressiv) April 6, 2016
End of the Bernie Sanders Rally line in Philadelphia is at Broad and Master. #feelthebern pic.twitter.com/xtQ7Htktoi— Leon (@noirsith) April 6, 2016
This surge of support comes in the wake of a poll that gives proof to the massive momentum that Bernie has built up in the crucial state of Pennsylvania following his recent string of primary victories. A Harper Polling Survey had Bernie behind Clinton at 55% to 33% just last weekend.#Bernie rally in #Philadelphia: jammed since 5pm.— DrSusanna (@MJoTAtalks) April 6, 2016
But today, a Quinnipiac University poll jumped him up a full sixteen points, right on Clinton’s heels at 50% to 44%, with 6% of likely voters saying that they are still undecided, and 22% saying they may still change their minds.
For those unsure of which poll to trust, the analysts at the polling research site Five Thirty Eight dole out ratings to all major polls in the US, and they rate Quinnipiac a “B+” over Harper’s “C+” rating, signifying that Quinnipiac has historically been more accurate and also boasts more legitimate polling methodology.
Meanwhile, his recent victories showed him outperforming even the most optimistic polls, including his 13.5 point margin of victory over Clinton in Wisconsin. The average poll conducted there had him ahead by only 2.6, with the highest showing an 8-point lead for Sanders.
And what has Senator Sanders been doing in the hours leading up to his latest rally? Supporting a local union by speaking at a worker’s protest against Verizon.
The entire lower deck of the stadium was already packed with multiple blocks’ worth of people still waiting to be let in.it's @SenSanders out supporting @CWAUnion in its struggle against @Verizon in Philadelphia! pic.twitter.com/xOaTFg8H2F— Gwen Snyder (@gwensnyderPHL) April 6, 2016
Bernie #Sanders Rally in #Philadelphia. The line is still city blocks long! pic.twitter.com/wGZRvVE1BZ #FeelTheBERN #StillSanders #BernieStrong— ☭ Left Juan ☭ (@SuckMyLEFTJuan) April 6, 2016
Even the destination for the overflow of supporters, a practice arena set aside from the main location, has been packed on both sides of the rafters.Bernie rally / drum circle wrapping around Temple's Liacouras Center via /r/philadelphia https://t.co/MhV4PLjepK pic.twitter.com/9SgcVOplyk— Clifford H Cohen (@CliffHCohen) April 7, 2016
The rally will begin after Sanders finishes a small town hall with members of Philadelphia’s African American community. Watch live coverage of the rally below:Overflow crowd for @BernieSanders at Temple University tonight pic.twitter.com/wWyC28nP3j— Elizabeth Landers (@ElizLanders) April 7, 2016
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