Posted by Jim Hightower
After the Supreme Court's democracy-mugging decree that
corporations can dump unlimited amounts of their shareholders' money
into our election campaigns, a guy named Larry sent an email to me that
perfectly summed up what had just been done to us: "Big money has
plucked our eagle!"
Thanks to the court's freakish Citizens United ruling, the Koch
brothers have already amassed an unprecedented $900 million
electioneering fund, making them the Godfathers of tea-party
Thus, such presidential wannabes as Ted Cruz, Rand Paul,
Marco Rubio, and Scott Walker are shamelessly scurrying to kiss the Koch
ring and pledge fealty to the brotherhood's extremist plutocratic
But big money is not only corrupting candidates, but also
greatly diminishing voter participation in what has become a made-for-TV
farce. The biggest chunk of cash spent by Koch, Inc. will go right into
a mind-numbing squall of ads. They will not explain why we should vote
for so and so, but instead will be nauseatingly-negative attack ads,
trashing the candidates the Koch syndicate opposes.
Worse, voters will
not even be informed that the the Kochs paid for this garbage, since the
Supreme Court says they can run secret campaigns, laundering their
money through front groups to keep voters from knowing what special
interests are really behind the attacks.
We saw the impact of secret, unrestricted corporate money in
last year's midterm elections. It produced a blight of negativity, a
failure of the system to address the people's real needs, an upchuck
factor that kept nearly two-thirds of the people from voting, a rising
alienation of the many from the political process – and a Congress owned
by corporate elites.
The Koch machine spent about $400 million to get
those results. This time, they'll spend more than twice that.
"16 Koch Budget is $889 Million," The New York Times, January 27, 2015.
"Shine light on campaign 'dark money'," The Austin American Statesman, February 1, 2015.
"Koch Network Vows To Spend Nearly $900 Million To Buy Presidency And Congress,", January 27, 2015.
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