Now that Beck has condemned violence at a Nevada ranch, his own followers have turned on him - with the same violent talk he used to direct at others.
By Ellen Brodsky
Glenn Beck has spent years exploiting violent rhetoric and blowing extremist dog whistles about the U.S. government. But now that his followers have begun acting out his fantasy at the Cliven Bundy ranch conflict in Nevada, Beck has suddenly gone all Prince of Peace. In response, his audience has turned against him with just the kind of rhetoric Beck has directed at others.
Apparently, Beck feels that those armed militia types who have rushed to scofflaw Bundy’s ranch in Nevada are not following God as closely as he does. Or something.
But then Beck started lecturing his listeners about how to respond. He said:
You get down on your knees and you pray. Which way, Lord? Which way? Do I follow the teachings of Jesus vis-a-vis Martin Luther King? Do I follow those rules or do I get into a crowd stirred up by the media on both sides?
Only God is in control and so I will stand exactly where He wants me to stand and I can tell you right now, it is not standing in front of people with guns.Unfortunately for Beck, all those folks he has stirred up don’t want to hear that. Not only that, they’re thinking he might be some kind of fraud for jumping out of the frying pan, so to speak, just as things are beginning to heat up.
Raw Story caught some of the outcry against Beck on his Facebook page and Twitter:
“When the possibility of bloody conflict exists does Beck simply roll over and side with the oppressor, the tyrannical State?” one Facebook user wrote on the Glenn Beck fan page.
Another person commented: “Glenn, you are no longer a friend of the Patriots fighting for FREEDOM. Go away and sell some books and your false ‘Bravado’ to other traitors. How about you yourself said this Tyranny was coming and did not stand up. Re-read Article 1 Bundy is a hero. Oh, thats why you are mad, they didn’t invite you to speak?”
… “Get a grip Glenn. My vote didn’t keep Obama out of office. Our country is being destroyed and you and Obama think talk will fix it all. I am not for violence but you can’t use a sign against a fed sniper.”On both Monday and Tuesday, Beck expressed shock and outrage that people should respond to him with such venom. He instructed those who support violence to unfriend him, unsubscribe from his newsletter and Blaze TV.
In truth, Beck is merely reaping what he has sowed. This is the same Beck who has repeatedly suggested that viewers need to use violence against the crooked Obama administration. For example:
“This administration…they model themselves…after Al Capone. You take these guys on, and they will bash your brains out. …That’s what they do to everyone who stands in their way. So, you have to ask yourself, …what are you prepared to do. If you’re going to get into a fight with these guys, you better be able to battle all the way to the end.”So maybe Beck has replaced “Al Capone” with “Martin Luther King” in his spiels. But now, nobody’s buying it.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow.
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