Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Bachmann And Gohmert Lower The Bar On Stupid

By Randa Morris

Gohmert And Bachmann Outdo Each Other On Stupid During House Floor Speech

Michelle Bachmann And Louie Gohmert Embarrass Themselves On An Entirely New Level During House Floor Speech On The ‘Killer Drug’ – Birth Control. – From Dummidumwit

It’s not every day that you get to watch Tea Party conservatives embarrass themselves on the House floor. Or wait, yes it is. Be that as it may, Michelle Bachmann and Louie Gohmert may actually have outdone themselves on March 26, 2014.

Bachmann and Gohmert speak on the “unprecedented killer drugs” that are killing America.

There are certain things you can count on, any time Bachmann or Gohmert open their mouths. Both are well known for over the top theatrics and absurd bits of hysteria. On the other hand, neither is known for their great intelligence or habit of making sense when they talk. You can count on half truths and sometimes, like on this occasion, no truths at all.
Gohmert starts off speaking about how ‘an agency,’ made up of unelected officials will be able to determine what medications are covered and not covered under the ACA. Dire warnings and prophecies aside, Bachmann keeps voicing her agreement, the entire time Gohmert is speaking.

It’s as if she believes she’s attending some Pentecostal church revival, and not standing on the floor of the House of Representatives. “That’s right!” She keeps interjecting, “Yes it is.” Not that anyone really wanted to hear what Gohmert was saying, but Bachmann’s repeated interruptions took annoying to an entirely new level.

Bachman finally cuts Gohmert off entirely. She goes off on this nonsensical tangent, before accusing the President of wielding the power to decide who gets medicine and who doesn’t.
“If you looked at the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, you knew with certainty when you woke up tomorrow morning that your religious liberties were intact. Now, apparently today, the gentlemen was in the chamber and heard that, according to at least one Supreme Court justice, in her opinion, they aren’t so much certain anymore.”
“It is not at only the election of the court, but at the election of the unnamed bureaucrat that decides, today we will have these killer drugs that we mandate. Tomorrow, what drugs will they take off the list? Will I not get life-saving drugs that I need to get?”

Bachmann goes on to tell us what all of this means.

“That means that the president and his administration wins their religious liberty, and the right to force their religious views down the throats of the American people… It’s unlike anything we have ever seen before in the history of the United States of America.”
“The American people better wake up quick because we are living in a country we no longer recognize.”
If you don’t think one word of it makes sense, in spite of Bachmann telling us what it means, you’re not alone.

Would anyone like some some facts with their word salad?

The entire display is beyond ridiculous. First, the government and ‘agencies made up of unelected officials’ already decide which drugs people can and cannot use in this country. That agency is called the FDA. It approves medications for use in the United States. The ACA merely mandates that insurance companies cover medications approved by the FDA.

Second, the only people trying to deny anyone medication, life saving or not, are members of the Tea Party. They want to be the ones to pick and choose which medications will be covered under your health insurance plan, rather than mandating that all drugs are covered, regardless of your employers personal (and misguided) beliefs about them.

Third, this is not ‘unlike anything we’ve ever seen before in the history of the United States of America.’ Not even close. If you get healthcare through the Veteran’s administration, for example, some unelected official dictates which medicines are covered. If you are insured through Medicare or Medicaid, it’s the same thing. Medicaid has covered birth control since Americans first figured out that it’s less expensive than covering a child’s food, housing and medical needs for 18 years or longer. That realization occurred in mainstream America decades ago, but will the Tea Party ever catch up?

Here’s the video of Bachmann and Gohmert’s embarrassing speech on the House floor.


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