When it comes to major policy battles, since 2009 the
GOP is 0-3. Before it fails again, David Frum offers up seven ways the
party is shooting itself in the foot.
David Frum
Republicans have lost three major fights since 2009. They seem likely soon to lose a fourth—and all in the same way.
The three previous losses (in case you’re feeling forgetful) were, in order:
(1) The fight over Obamacare.
Result: the most ambitious new social insurance program since Medicare,
financed—unlike Medicare—by redistributive new taxes on investment and
high incomes.
(2) The 2012 election. Result:
Despite the worst economy since the Great Depression, the reelection of
President Obama, Democratic retention of the Senate, and 1.4 million
more votes cast for House Democrats than for House Republicans.
(3) The fight over the “fiscal cliff” at the end of 2012. Result: In order to preserve some
of the Bush tax cuts, Republicans for the first time since 1991 left
their finger prints on a tax increase for upper income groups.
comes fight (4), the fight over the government shutdown and the debt
ceiling. This one isn’t lost yet. But unless Republicans are prepared to
push the country into the catastrophe of national bankruptcy sometime
around October 17, it’s hard to see how this one does not end in a
Republican retreat, clutching whatever forlorn fig leaf they can
negotiate from President Obama.
all four defeats can be seen the same seven mistakes: what you might
call the seven habits of highly ineffective political parties. Let’s
call the roll:
Habit 1: Maximalist goals.
a lot about Obamacare for a Republican not to like. But to demand
Obamacare’s outright repeal (which is what “defunding” amounts to)
barely 10 months after decisively losing an election in which Obamacare
occupied a central place—well, that’s shooting for the moon. we’ve seen
equivalent moon shots again and again since 2009. During the original
Obamacare legislation, Republicans took the position: no, no, not one
inch. During the election of 2012, Republicans were not content merely
to replace one president with another. They also campaigned on the most
radical platform the party since 1964. They wanted the biggest possible
mandate. Instead they got whomped.
Habit 2: Apocalyptic visions.
have insisted on maximal goals because they fear they face a truly
apocalyptic moment: an irrevocable fork in the road, with one path
leading to socialist tyranny, the other to the restoration of the
constitutional republic. There sometimes are such moments in history of
nations. This is not one. If the United States has remained a
constitutional republic despite a government guarantee of health care
for people over 65, it will remain a constitutional republic with a
government guarantee of health care for people under 65. Obamacare will
cost money the country doesn’t have, and that poses a serious fiscal
problem. But it’s not as serious a fiscal problem as is posed by the
existing programs, Medicare and Medicaid, which cover the people it
costs most to cover. It’s not a problem so serious as to justify panic.
panic has gripped the Republican rank-and-file since 2009—and instead
of allaying panic, Republican leaders have aggravated and exploited it,
to the point where the leaders are compelled to behave in ways they know
to be irrational. In his speech to the “Bull Moose” convention of 1912,
Teddy Roosevelt declared, “We stand at Armageddon and we battle for the
Lord!” It’s a great line, but it’s not a mindset that leads to
successful legislative outcomes.
Habit 3: Irrational animus.
Obama was never likely to be popular with the Republican base. It's not
just that he's black. He’s the first president in 76 years with a
foreign parent—and unlike Hulda Hoover, Barack Obama Sr. never even
naturalized. While Obama is not the first president to hold two degrees
from elite universities—Bill Clinton and George W. Bush did as well—his
Ivy predecessors at least disguised their education with a down-home
style of speech. Join this cultural inheritance to liberal politics, and
of course you have a formula for conflict. But effective parties make
conflict work for them. Hate leads to rage, and rage makes you stupid.
Republicans have convinced themselves both that President Obama is a
revolutionary radical hell-bent upon destroying America as we know it
and that he's so feckless and weak-willed that he'll always yield to
pressure. It's that contradictory, angry assessment that has brought the
GOP to a place where it must either abjectly surrender or force a
national default. Calmer analysis would have achieved better results.
Recently, GOP lawmakers have been pointing fingers at Democrats for a supposed unwillingness to compromise.
Habit 4: Collapse of leadership.
Republicans have always been the more disciplined of America’s two
political parities, and today they still are. But whereas before,
discipline used to flow from elected leadership down, today it flows
from factional leadership
up. An aide to Sen. Mike Lee
told the National Review:
“The minority of the minority is going to run things until our
leadership gets some backbone.”
The Lee aide was specifically referring
to the Republican minority in the Senate, but the language has broader
According to Robert Costa,
a well-sourced reporter at NRO: “What we’re seeing is the collapse of
institutional Republican power ... The outside groups don’t always move
votes directly but they create an atmosphere of fear among the members
[of Congress].” Large organizations are inherently vulnerable to capture
by tightly organized militant tendencies. This is how a great political
party was impelled to base a presidential campaign on the Ryan plan—a
plan that has now replaced the 1983 manifesto of the British Labour
Party as “the longest suicide note in history.” It’s the job of
leadership to remember, in the words of Edmund Burke, “Because
half-a-dozen grasshoppers under a fern make the field ring with their
importunate chink, whilst thousands of great cattle, reposed beneath the
shadow of the British oak, chew the cud and are silent, pray do not
imagine that those who make the noise are the only inhabitants of the
field.” That job is tragically going undone in today’s GOP.
Habit 5: Self-reinforcing media.
actor Hugh Grant once bitterly characterized his PR team as “the people
I pay to lie to me.” Politicians do not always need to tell the truth,
but they always need to hear it. Yet hearing the truth has become harder
and harder for Republicans. It takes a very unusual spin artist to
remember that what he or she is saying isn’t actually true.
Non-politicians say what they believe. Politicians sooner or later
arrive at the point where they believe what they say. They have become
prisoners of their own artificial reality, with no easy access to the
larger truths outside.
This entombment in their own artificial reality
was revealed to the entire TV-watching world in Karl Rove’s Fox News
election night outburst against the Ohio 2012 ballot results. It was the
same entombment that blinded Republicans to the most likely outcome of
their no-compromise stance on Obamacare—and now again today to the most
likely outcome of the government shutdown/debt ceiling fight they
Habit 6: Politics as war.
business of America is business, as Calvin Coolidge said. American
politics has been businesslike too. Americans understand that the
business of the nation is ultimately settled by a roomful of tired
people negotiating their differences in the small hours of the morning:
everybody gets something, nobody gets everything. It’s a grubby
business, unavoidably, and most of the time, Americans understand that.
They build statues to Martin Luther King. They elect Lyndon Johnson.
time to time in American politics, differences arise that are too wide
to negotiate. Slavery versus no slavery. Prohibition versus drink.
Pro-life versus pro-choice. Professional politicians usually keep their
distance from absolutist movements. As George Washington Plunkitt
observed, “The politicians have got to stand together this way or there
wouldn’t be any political parties in a short time.”
That line was meant
as a joke, but it contains truth. Professional politicians are
disagreement managers. Since 2009, however, the GOP has given
unprecedented scope to those who for their own ideological, financial,
or psychological reasons refuse to allow disagreements to be managed—and
instead relentlessly push toward the kind of ultimate crises
the country so nearly escaped in 2011 and teeters again on the verge of
Habit 7: Despair.
The great British conservative historian
Hugh Trevor Roper scoffed at the Marxist claim that history runs in one
direction only. “When radicals scream that victory is indubitably
theirs, sensible conservatives knock them on the nose. It is only very
feeble conservatives who take such words as true and run round crying
for the last sacraments.” The great conservative poet T.S. Eliot
explained that there are no lost causes, because there are no won
causes. How many ways can one express that idea? So long as there is
life, there is hope; everything old is new again; etc. etc. etc.
The trouble with
these assurances, however, is that they contain an implicit moral that
politics is very hard work. Free-market economics—so discredited in the
1940's—returned to favor in the 1970's because of tireless research by
brilliant economists. The excesses of the 2000's have undone that
success, and now it will take serious thinking, and some necessary
reforms, to repair the damage. It’s a tempting shortcut to throw up
one’s hands and say, “I’ve seen the best of it.
The future holds only
darkness.” It’s especially tempting for a party that disproportionately
draws its support from older voters. The fact is that for those of us
over 50, the future offers us as individuals only decline leading to
extinction. It’s natural to believe that what happens to us
must happen to the world around us. Who wants to hear that things will
become much, much better for humanity shortly after we ourselves shuffle
off the scene? Yet of all mental errors, despair is the most dangerous
to a democracy. The “politics of cultural despair” lead to
authoritarianism and worse, as the German historian Fritz Stern warned
in his history of that same title.
man who has no hope will make the most irrevocable errors—and
unnecessarily plunging the United States into the first national
bankruptcy since the 1780's would be about as irrevocable as an error as
history contains.
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