So why did the moment feel so small?
At his victory scold in the State Dining Room on Thursday, the president
who yearned to be transformational stood beneath an oil portrait of
Abraham Lincoln and demanded . . . a farm bill. He also couldn’t resist
taking a holier-than-thou tone toward his tail-between-their-legs Tea
Party foes.
He assumed his favorite role of the shining knight hectoring
the benighted: Sir Lecturealot.
“All of us need to stop focusing on the lobbyists and the bloggers and
the talking heads on radio and the professional activists who profit
from conflict,” he sermonized. (We have met the enemy and they are . . .
Certainly, the House Republicans who held their breath until the country
turned blue acted like foolhardy children on what John McCain called “a
fool’s errand.”
The country agreed. So it probably wasn’t necessary for papa to preach,
overacting the role of weary parent watching the irresponsible kids make
their mistakes.
Sir Lecturealot, who hates selling and explaining and negotiating and
cajoling and knocking noggins, always manages to convey tedium at the
idea that he actually has to persuade people to come along with him,
given the fact that he feels he’s doing what’s right.
Obama says he will now work for an immigration bill and a budget deal
with deficit cuts. But as Peter Nicholas and Carol E. Lee pointed out in
The Wall Street Journal, the president did not mention his more
ambitious goals: hiking the minimum wage, widening access to preschool
education, and shoring up bridges and roads.
“Those efforts require bipartisan consensus that may be even more
elusive amid the ill will carried over from the budget fight,” they
Senator McCain, who excoriated the Tea Party zanies and voted with the
president, indicated to The Journal that the president had poisoned the
well. “A lot of us are resentful that he didn’t negotiate as hard as we
think he could have or should have,” he said. He told CNN that if Obama
does not “engage” with his adversaries, “obviously you’re not going to
be a successful president.”
Democrats, too, chided the president for being the diffident debutante.
“This is a town where it’s not enough to feel you have the right
answers,” Leon Panetta, the former congressman, Clinton chief of staff,
C.I.A. director and defense chief, pointedly told Washington reporters.
“You’ve got to roll up your sleeves, and you’ve got to really engage in
the process.”
Senator Dianne Feinstein also urged presidential leadership, noting that
Obama “stepped back” partly because he felt “burned” by all the
scabrous budget fights. But as Mark Twain said, “We should be careful to
get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it and stop there
lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove lid. She will
never sit down on a hot stove lid again and that is well but also she
will never sit down on a cold one anymore.”
And if Obama is anything, he’s a cold cat on a hot stove.
Washington is surpassingly nutty right now, but the founding fathers did
build a system designed for factional warfare. When sweet
reasonableness doesn’t work, Obama’s default position is didactic
disdain. He under-uses the fear and charm cards. When he first saw the
White House movie theater, he was surprised there were so many seats
beyond what the first family would need. Bill Clinton, on the other
hand, probably would have built a balcony and auctioned off seats, if he
could have.
As Valerie Jarrett told David Remnick in “The Bridge,” Obama’s “uncanny”
abilities need to be properly engaged, or he disengages. “He’s been
bored to death his whole life,” she said. “He’s just too talented to do
what ordinary people do.”
Matt Viser wrote in The Boston Globe that, while Obama soared talking
about getting past blue-and-red slicing and dicing, the blue states are
getting bluer and the red states redder. In his stateside travel
schedule, political meetings, staffing and legislative accomplishments,
Obama has cleaved to the blue side more than he has tried to reach out
to the red side, Viser wrote.
After Sir Lecturealot admonished both parties on their divisiveness in
his 2010 State of the Union address, Viser said, the president did not
have his first one-on-one with John Boehner for another year and a half,
and has only met individually with Mitch McConnell twice.
When the president says “we’ve all got a lot of work to do,” he means
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Obamacare should really be called
Pelosicare, as the historian Niall Ferguson noted. And an unyielding
Reid made sure Obama didn’t cave as in the past, which had emboldened
Republicans to challenge the president this time. Obama is the
anti-Lyndon Johnson.
He thinks he can come down from above, de haut en bas, and play
the great reconciler, but you can’t reconcile in absentia. You have to
be there. You’ve got to be all over these people.
The paradox of Obama is that he believes in his own magical powers, but then he doesn’t turn up to use them.
There’s nothing wrong with a president breaking a sweat somewhere beyond the basketball court.
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