Thursday, May 23, 2013

Remember When Rush Limbaugh Got Punked By A Liberal On His Show?

By Leslie Salzillo

This is classic. It’s a classic video, and even more, a delightful earful of classic Rush Limbaugh getting punked – by a liberal. As Limbaugh is stumped, he phooeys, fumbles, snorts and sniggers, searching for answer, or some kind of reason. I LOVE IT!

Now, when I say classic, I also mean in age. The video was uploaded to YouTube in 2011, yet ironically, much of the conversation is still relevant today. Majority Report host, Sam Seder, guides us through the fun-filled audio of ‘Limbaugh v. Liberal.’

In the video, caller Mike Stark, grills Limbaugh on Reaganomics, Social Security, Guantanamo, The Greenspan Commission, Iran… and Limbaugh is flailing. Somehow the screening process of callers must have failed the producers and Limbaugh was caught off guard and busted. These days, Rush takes no such chances. You will rarely hear a caller argue with him about anything, unless it’s a Limbaugh ‘plant’ to help him with one of his fabrications. Most of the time Limbaugh is ‘his own show’ with no one to challenge or ague his lies, and right-wing propaganda.

For me, the very best part about this audio/video is listening to Limbaugh try to bullshit his way out the entire conversation. And I enjoy watching Sam Seder do his impressions of Limbaugh as he gleefully interprets the discourse between Stark and Limbaugh.

Towards the end of the video, it’s obvious that Limbaugh/his producers have muted our lovable liberal. Limbaugh then rambles on, into a place called nowhere, as he awaits pertinent information from his producers in order to debate Stark. You can almost hear when that information is given to Rush. Meanwhile, the audience is led to believe Stark is still on the line listening to Limbaugh’s pearls of renewed wisdom – without objection.

Sit back and enjoy… here is the video:

This is one instance when I can handle listening to Limbaugh. His voice rings high on the cringe-factor scale for me much like the voices Beck, Hannity, Gingrich, and George W. Okay, let’s add Palin, Ryan, Bachmann, Paul, McConnell and Boehner… you know what I mean. For several months last year, after Rush Limbaugh’s verbal attack on Sandra Fluke where he called her a ‘slut’ and ‘prostitute,’ I had to listen to his show three hours a day, five days a week. Why would I do that? Why would anyone do that? As it turns out a good many liberal volunteers did the same. We were tracking ads/sponsors, helping to create the Limbaugh boycotts that do thrive today.

The video above is lightweight and amusing. To truly appreciate it, one would have to be aware of Limbaugh’s continuous and blatant sexism, racism, and gay-hating bigotry. The protests against his smut are massive. Consumers, activists and every-day people have joined and are contacting his sponsors to let them know they will no longer buy from companies that support Rush Limbaugh. And it’s working.

Women’s rights organizations like NOW and, as well as other large groups like AddictingInfo.orgDaily Kos, Being Liberal, and Media Matters have been fully supportive and contributed much to the movement. 95% of Cumulus Radio Network advertisers are requesting No-Rush clauses when buying airtime. Power to the people.

To become involved: 
Check Out/Sign This: Petition To Clear Channel and 40 Limbaugh Sponsors
Join: Boycott-Rush-Limbaughs-Sponsors-to-SHUT-HIM-DOWN
Visit: The StopRush Database
Meanwhile, I’m wondering what kind of rating Rotten Tomatoes would give this film. Bye, bye, Rush.

(The author, Leslie Salzillo, is an activist, political commentator, diarist and visual artist. Salzillo often writes diaries in Daily Kos, and began contributing to in March 2013.)

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