Thursday, May 9, 2013

‘Doomsday Preppers’ Are Prepared To Take Up Arms Against The Government

It started as a joke. One night, with not much else to watch on television, I turned on “Doomsday Preppers” on the National Geographic channel. Within a few minutes, I was hooked. People aren’t really this paranoid, right? I’d heard of being prepared for things like natural disasters, but these people were extremists. And extremists have always fascinated me.

I started looking into the movement and what I found is unsettling. Speaking, of course, in general (nothing is ever universal except for change), preppers are a very secretive bunch. Estimated to be about 3 million strong (but difficult to get a solid number since they are so well hidden), they actually look down on those who agree to be on the show. They say the Preppers who go on the show only make them all look like paranoid, tinfoil hat-wearing, gun-nut bigots with anti-government ideas. 

But that’s not a fair depiction at all, they exclaim. After all, they are just God-fearing, Constitution-loving, traditional marriage-favoring, guns-are-for-keeping-government-tyranny-in-check patriots!
So they happen to have a few guns. So they happen to have thousands of rounds of ammunition. So they happen to know how to make their own ammo. So they happen to hate anyone who has ever needed public assistance, is homosexual, a minority, liberal, or educated. What harm could they possibly pose to society? (Don’t believe me on the hate? Check out the comments on this blog.)

 I’ve spent months lurking in their online forums. I am of the belief that the anonymity (or at least perception of it) of the Internet lets people speak more freely than they would in person. This is certainly true in these forums. In the safety of their online community, they show their true colors. 

They hate everyone who isn’t white, Christian, and a Prepper. (Because if you aren’t a prepper, you’re going to die when the “SHTF” or “shit hits the fan.”) One of the most popular topics among Preppers is what will trigger TEOTWAWKI (tee-ought-wa-kee), or “the end of the world as we know it.” (Cue R.E.M!) Some think nuclear war, some think economic collapse, others think Obama is going to declare himself dictator and mandate martial law. Whatever they think the cause will be, one thing is agreed upon: the end is near, and societal collapse is inevitable.

But that isn’t the scary part. The scary part is that these people are excited about this. They are waiting for it. They look forward to it. They see the collapse of American society as “pressing the reset button on America.” They can’t wait. Some even see themselves as Noah, warning those around them of the coming flood and telling them to prepare. I call them “Prepper Preachers.” They relish in the idea of being the survivors, the only ones left to rebuild society in their ideal. It’s a romantic notion for them.

It is this anticipation of the end of the world that makes Preppers a dangerous bunch. Combine this with the rampant rumors of Obama banning guns and black powder via executive order, and you have an angry, irrational percentage of the U.S. population that are in a near frenzy. This group is very well armed, and more than willing to use force.

My fear is that this small, well-armed group is so desperately anticipating societal unrest that they will be the ones to bring it on. Yes, I believe that there will be another Civil War in this country, and this time it will be a fight over the 2nd Amendment. There is already talk among the online Prepper community about how they will protect their guns, using phrases and terms such as “NOMI” or “not one more inch,” and “Molon Labe,” a term meaning “come and take.”

Here is the promotional trailer for Doomsday Preppers Season 2:

They are ready. Are we?

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