Friday, March 15, 2013

Fox News VERY Upset That The Economy Is Recovering


Meanwhile, in Foxland, the conservatives who run the PR branch of the Republican party are busily building fantasy castles in the sky… As we have always suspected, the folks over at Fox “News” are not only ignoring the stock market’s several-day record-setting numbers, they are actively naysaying any recovery news.

Frequent Fox guest Caroline Heldman of Occidental College, appearing on Rev. Al Sharpton’s Politics Nation show Tuesday night, went so far as to say:
“I have never met a group of people who are so upset that the economy is rebounding than the folks over at Fox.
That’s right, among the lies they tell themselves (and their viewers) is that the stock market’s recent surge is unimportant. Sean Hannity, on whose show Heldman was appearing Monday night to talk about the recovery, was so upset he lost his head. In trying to make his point that the stock market boom was not a sign of recovery, he actually asked – rhetorically, of course, as he doesn’t really give a damn – “those people on food stamps, are they investing in the stock market?” Heldman replied that she was “impressed” that Hannity was concerned about the poor. With a healthy dose of sarcasm, one notes.

When she appeared on Rev. Sharpton’s show she was spot on with her analysis of the recovery, noting that this insistence upon denial could actually harm the recovery. She went on to say:
“I think that Sean Hannity is a perfectly likeable person. I happen to know that he tips 100% in his private life. I just wish that his public stances and the stances of Republicans didn’t go after the poor, the elderly, kids – with Pell Grant cuts, Medicaid cuts, job training cuts. You really do have to put your money where your mouth is.”
Well, that’s as may be. I’m not one to judge a person by only one aspect, that being the public face they turn to the world, but Sean Hannity has shown himself to be uncaring and cold when it comes to people not like him. That is to say: white, male, hetero and rich. As for his tipping well… I saw a few comments indicating that may not be completely true and even so, the only thing it really is, is a sign of insecurity and a need to impress. Since he claims to be a Christian, I will go by John’s “actions not words” yardstick. By that measure, Hannity falls far short.

Here’s video of Heldman’s appearnace on Politics Nation: