By David Pakman
It’s been a while since David Pakman’s had an O’Reilly segment, so
here’s a clip from the “O’Reilly Factor” with Bill O’Reilly shouting
down Alan Colmes. In this classic Fox News maneuver, the talk show host
challenged his guest to identify any spending cuts that Barack Obama has
made to government programs, then shouted the hapless guest down when
he attempted to answer the question.
Colmes kept trying to say “Medicare
and Medicaid,” but O’Reilly kept screaming at him and even yelled “Bull
The next day, O’Reilly issued a standard non-apology … but only
for saying a bad word, not for abusing his guests. But that’s okay, the
event was pre-taped and obviously staged: O’Reilly and Colmes are
obviously quite comfortable and friendly with each other.