Sunday, March 15, 2020

Joe Biden's Brain MELTS During Corona Virus Press Conference, Wanders Off & Biden Team PANICS!

Joe Biden gave his Coronavirus virtual press conference via zoom, where he misspeaks multiple times, and then wanders off during the conference as the Biden team is forced to put up a picture to cover him walking away.

Rep. Jim Clyburn endorsed Joe Biden despite Biden's lack of policy to assist black, poor, students or middle-class families. Tim Black calls it out.


Saturday, March 14, 2020

Trump Rejected Coronavirus Testing To Help Re-Election

"The U.S. government's response to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak has been "much, much worse than almost any other country that's been affected," Ashish Jha, who runs the Harvard Global Health Institute, told NPR on Thursday. "I still don't understand why we don't have extensive testing. Vietnam! Vietnam has tested more people than America has." 

Without testing, he added, "you have no idea how extensive the infection is," and "we have to shut schools, events, and everything down, because that's the only tool available to us until we get testing back up. It's been stunning to me how bad the federal response has been." 

Hosts: Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Erin Ryan 

Cast: Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Erin Ryan 

--Donald Trump's administration's refusal to accept the test made available by the WHO as the CDC tried and failed to develop a test is partially responsible for the advancing outbreak 

Trump called missing medical tests "beautiful" 

Trump is blaming Obama for this mess:

Friday, March 13, 2020

A Look At Some Of Trump's Best Words | Morning Blow | MSNBC

The Trump campaign this week is highlighting Joe Biden's public gaffes in attempt to paint him as confused. But is Windsor Mann right in saying there's nothing Biden does that Trump doesn't do worse? Aired on 03/11/2020.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Trump Kids Grifting Scams Uncovered

Is the Trump Campaign paying the partners of his kids? 

Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. 

Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian 

Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian

Read more here:

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

House Can See Mueller’s Secret Grand Jury Evidence, Appeals Court Rules

The decision is a victory for Congress’s power to obtain information for an impeachment inquiry. The Trump administration is likely to appeal.

Trump Is Melting Down, Imagines Journalists Trying Infect Him With Coronavirus

Reports are that Donald Trump thinks journalists will intentionally contract coronavirus and then get close to him on Air Force One to make him sick.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Fiona Hill says Vladimir Putin has U.S. "exactly where he wants us"

In her first interview since the impeachment inquiry, resident Trump's former top adviser on Russia tells 60 Minutes the Russians didn't invent partisan divides in America, but "they understand how to exploit them." See the full interview, Sunday.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

#Covid_19 UPDATE!!! Trump & Pence Are Endangering MILLIONS Of American Lives In Bungling Response!

Jesse Dollemore discusses the very real threat posed by the Coronavirus. Experts are comparing it to the "Spanish Flu" of 1918. 

Donald Trump is trying to be Conspiracist-in-Chief and Commander-in-Chief while simultaneously passing the buck to science denier nutter butter Mike Pence to lead the U.S. government response to the pandemic. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Super Tuesday Predictions: Democrats Unite To Stop Bernie | Tim Black

On the eve of Super Tuesday Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar and Beto O'Rourke back Joe Biden as the Bernie Sanders Stoppers form Voltron.

Some Handy Advice

Donna Brazile To Ronna McDaniel: 'Go To Hell'

By Heather

Donna Brazile tells RNC chair Ronna McDaniel to “stay the hell out of our race” on Fox's America's Newsroom. 

Good riddance, Chris Matthews, MSNBC's sexist blowhard

By David ShankboneOwn work, CC BY 3.0, Link

It's a sad day for those who enjoy watching flecks of spittle appear on the mouth corners of bloviating news personalities. Chris Matthews (74) has "retired" from MSNBC after over 20 salivary years as a hot take opinion spewer and conductor of condescending interviews with women. The straw that broke the blonde camel's back was likely to have been this recent article in GQ by Laura Bassett that describes a number of incidents highlighting  Matthews' sexist behavior, putting him in the league of misogynists like Bill O'Reilly:
Matthews has a pattern of making comments about women’s appearances in demeaning ways. The number of on-air incidents is long, exhausting, and creepy, including commenting to Erin Burnett, for example, “You’re a’s all right getting bad news from you,” while telling her to move closer to the camera. Behind the scenes, one of Matthews’s former producers told The Daily Caller in 2017 that he allegedly rated his female guests on a numerical scale and would name a “hottest of the week,” like a “teenage boy.” In 1999, an assistant producer accused Matthews of sexual harassment, which CNBC, the show's network at the time, investigated. They concluded that the comments were "inappropriate," and Matthews received a “stern reprimand,” according to an MSNBC spokesperson.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Chris Matthews Out At MSNBC

Chris Matthews announced his abrupt retirement from MSNBC Monday night after more than two decades at the network.

The MSNBC mainstay made the stunning announcement at the start of Monday’s night edition of Hardball, a show that has for years been a staple of the network’s politics programming. It also became a thorn for MSNBC brass in recent weeks as Matthews was accused of sexual harassment and came under fire for his often out-of-touch commentary.

“Let me start with my headline tonight,” Matthews said. “I’m retiring. This is the last Hardball on MSNBC.”

“After conversations with MSNBC I decided tonight would be my last Hardball, so let me tell you why,” Matthews said. “The younger generations out there are ready to take the reins. You see them in politics, in the media, in fighting for the causes.”

“A lot of them have to do with how we talk to each other,” he continued. “Compliments on a woman’s appearance that some men, included me, might have once incorrectly thought were okay, were never okay. Not then and certainly not today, and for making such comments in the past I’m sorry.”

After a commercial break Matthews had left the Hardball set, with a stunned Steve Kornacki hosting the show in his stead. MSNBC told Mediaite a rotating cast of anchors will fill in for Matthews until a permanent replacement is selected.

Critics called on Matthews to resign or be fired after he compared Bernie Sanders’ recent victory in the Nevada caucuses to the Nazi defeat of the French during World War II. The comment prompted private complaints to MSNBC from senior Sanders staffers and a rare on-air apology from Matthews himself.

That apology did little to stanch the criticism, as calls for his firing were renewed after a combative interview with Elizabeth Warren was decried as sexist. The interview prompted journalist Laura Bassett, a frequent MSNBC guest, to allege in an op-ed that Matthews made sexist and belittling comments to her off the air.

“Why haven’t I fallen in love with you yet?” Bassett said Matthews told her. “Keep putting makeup on her, I’ll fall in love with her.”

Matthews, who is retiring from the network at 74, was left out of MSNBC’s coverage of the South Carolina primary on Saturday.

In 1999, he was formally reprimanded by CNBC after a female staffer accused him of making inappropriate comments. He made a series of inappropriate comments throughout his time at MSNBC, including an ill-advised joke told to Hillary Clinton about a “Bill Cosby pill” in 2016.

Watch above, via MSNBC.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The DNC Rigged The Democratic Debate Audience

If it seemed like Tuesday night’s debate audience was a little hostile to certain candidates, that’s because it was. The debate audience was packed with the wealthy elite and high-dollar donors, with tickets ranging from $1,700 to more than $3,000. 

Average Americans were shut out of the debate, allowing the wealthy to make their voices heard to those on stage. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains the impact this had on the debate. 

Don Jr's. Humble Plane Brag Goes Down In Flames

Trump official can't answer simple coronavirus questions

#Wattlegate: Is The Resident Digitally Touching Up His Neck? An Investigation

Posted by Rude One

It started as a stupid joke, as these things do. I watched a video that Donald Trump had posted to his Twitter account where he was talking directly to the camera right outside the White House. He's done a bunch of these, and they have the air of a needy vlogger desperate for likes (which, to be fair, is what Trump was before resident).

I was struck by how it was filmed, making it look like he was missing something, so I tweeted the dumb joke "Where's your fucking neck?" That's a Rocky Horror reference for you young'uns reading this, from when it was a midnight movie staple and we'd shout things at the screen. Give us a break. We didn't have the internet, and porn took some effort to obtain. We'd yell the neck line any time the narrator appeared.

That was it. That was what I meant.

Then eagle-eyed reader Al Petterson took me more literally (as did several others) and said, "Watch that neckline. The body is not the head. This is two videos blue-screened together." So I did and, holy crap, that's exactly what it looked like. Or, more precisely, it looked like someone had digitally removed Trump's pronounced neck wattle, the prominent flesh sag that, when pinched together by a collar and tie, has the quality of a puffy vulva. Sometimes, it does lop over his collar but certainly not smoothly.

I took a screenshot which, sorry, I'll share:

Look at the smoothing on his neck. Wanna see it closer? No? Too bad.

I haven't touched it up. Look at the line between the collar and "neck." When you watch the video, you see it the digitized line (or whatever the term of art is) even more clearly. In fact, the aforementioned Al Petterson took it on himself to put together this video that focuses in on the neck area as it moves and, gotta say, it's freaky:

Other videos, some recorded at the same time as the first one here, have the same effect. It's seemingly there in more videos posted by Trump or the White House. But weirdly, it's not in a video from a couple of months ago where he's doing the same thing, speaking outside the White House.

The wattle camel toe is clear.

Look, there are way, way more important things going on. And I don't think anyone is gonna be surprised if he does demand he's turkey skin be airbrushed out. But the man is incredibly vain, and going at his vanity is one way to screw with his deranged brain as we approach the general election.

And if #Wattlegate gets under his digitally-tightened skin, so much the better.

(Credit where it's due: Twitterizer Ralph of Nazareth came up with "Wattlegate." And it's awesome.)

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

A Convincing Case That Trump Is A Russian Asset Spy Traitor

Al Franken hosts Malcolm Nance to consider to what extent Donald Trump is a witting or unwitting asset of the Russian government.