Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Eugene Robinson: ‘Trump’s Obama Envy Is Getting Even Worse’ | Morning Blow | MSNBC

Eugene Robinson joins Morning Blow to talk about his new op-ed in The Washington Post about Trump’s obsession with comparing himself to President Obama and his behavior at the G-7 meeting.

If Donald Trump Had His Way, He'd Use Nukes Against Hurricanes...HURRICANES!!!

Let's talk about the reporting from Axios that Donald Trump has (ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS) suggested that we bomb hurricanes so they won't come to the shores of the United States.

Scaramucci Assembling His Former Trump Official Avengers Team To Take On Trump

Anthony Scaramucci believes that there are enough former Trump officials who are angry at the resident to assemble a team to take him down.

The problem with Scaramucci’s idea is that the public already knows that he’s nuts, and anything short of revealing criminal activity by the resident isn’t going to have any effect at all on the public.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

THIS IS URGENT!!! Trump Proved This Week That He Needs To Be Removed From Office ASAP!

With just his actions on WEDNESDAY of this week, Donald Trump demonstrated the dire situation we are facing with him in the office of resident.

He is a ranting & raving lunatic who is steering our country off a cliff and threatening our allies while asserting that he may still be in office in FOURTEEN YEARS from now... and all while claiming to be the chosen one, the second coming of God, and the king of Israel.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Trump's Vicious Obama Hate Twists Russia's Invasion Of Crimea Into Obama's Fault

At a sick G-7 presser, Trump outrageously blamed the former president for Russia's international war crimes.

Not only that, the criticism takes the form of lies, and reeks of racism, not only for the former president he insults, but the esteemed reporter (Yamiche Alcindor, of PBS) asking him the questions.

ALCINDOR: Thanks, Mr. President. Why do you think it's appropriate to invite Russia to the G7 given that they've meddled in the 2016 election? And are you worried that if Russia does come to the G7 that it might hurt you politically because it's only going to be a couple of months before the 2020 election? 

DJT: I don't care politically. A lot of people don't understand this. I ran one election and I won. It happened to be for president. I don't care politically....
[...blah blah blah argle bargle horsesh*t...]

...Really it was President -- I'm not blaming him, but a lot of bad things happened with President Putin and President Obama. One of the things that happened was, as you know, what happened with a very big area, a very, very big and important area in the Middle East where the red line was drawn and then President Obama decided that he was not going to do anything about it. You can't draw red lines in the sand. You just can't do it. And the other was in Ukraine having to do with a certain section of Ukraine that you know very well, where it was sort of taken away from President Obama. Not taken away from President Trump, taken away from President Obama. President Obama was not happy that this happened because it was embarrassing to him, right? It was very embarrassing to him. And he wanted Russia to be out of the what was called the G8. That was his determination. He was outsmarted by Putin. He was outsmarted. President Putin outsmarted President Obama. And I can understand how President Obama would feel. He wasn't happy. And they're not in for that reason....
[...blah yada bloop-de-doo horsedinky...]

I do nothing for politics. I do what's right. And people like what I do. But I just do what's right...

Wait, let me get this straight. You can't name the "very big area" where President Obama drew the red line in the sand (it was Syria, sweetie,) and Putin took Crimea away from President OBAMA?

Crimea was OURS, and Putin tricked Obama into giving it to him? Oh, that wily Putin. He's so dang SMART. He and his army and TANKS outwitted Obama into losing Crimea to him in a game of checkers because he's brill, man. So much smarter than Obama!

Lies and racism. Yamiche Alcindor called him on it.
ALCINDOR: Why do you keep using the misleading statement that Russia outsmarted President Obama... 

TRUMP: Well, he did.

ALCINDOR: ...when other countries have said the reason why Russia was kicked out was very clearly because they annexed Crimea? Why would you keep repeating what some people would see as a clear lie?

TRUMP: Well, it was annexed during President, I know you like President Obama, but it was annexed during President Obama's term. If it was annexed during my term, I would say, "Sorry, folks, I made a mistake." President Obama was helping Ukraine. Crimea was annexed during his term. It's a very big area and important area. [...something something submarines...] and President Obama was pure and simply outsmarted. They took Crimea during his term. That was not a good thing. It could have been stopped. It could have been stopped with the right whatever. It could have been stopped.

But President Obama was unable to stop it and it's too bad.

Yeah. It could have been stopped with the right "whatever." President Obama was outsmarted. "I know you like President Obama..." You know, because Yamiche Alcindor is Black?

Racism and lies. The BIGGEST lie was when Trump said that if Crimea was annexed during his term, he would have said, "Sorry. I made a mistake." That's the biggest pile of horseshit of all

Friday, August 23, 2019

Jill Biden's SHOCKING Admission About Joe

Jill Biden doesn't sound super convinced her husband should be President.

Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

INSANE!!! Trump Indicates He's the 'King of Israel,' the '2nd Coming of God,' and 'the Chosen One.'

Where are the Evangelicals who ramble on about respect for their religion all the time?

Donald Trump retweets Wayne Allyn Root thanking him for calling him the King of Israel and the Second Coming of God.

Later in the day, Donald Trump referred to himself as the "Chosen One" and shameful Evangelical Christian hypocrites all over the nation are silent!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Trump Is Kicked Off The California Ballot Until He Releases His Tax Returns

California Governor Gavin Newsome signed a bill into law this week that will prevent Donald Trump from appearing on the 2020 ballot if he does not release his tax returns.

This might get under Trump’s skin, but given the fact that California is a solid blue state, it isn’t likely to change his position on releasing those tax returns. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

NYPD Officer Who Killed Eric Garner FIRED

SHOCKING But Not Surprising!!! Donald Trump’s Immigration Policies: Bad From the Beginning!

Follow along as Jesse Dollemore discusses the origins of Donald Trump's assaultive immigration policies (both attempted and enacted).

Monday, August 19, 2019

Tucker Carlson Is Scheduled To Return Today - Let's Not Forget What He Said And Did!

Let's talk about Tucker Carlson and remember the abhorrent things he said before running away to be on vacation.

Even Fox News Polls Can’t Save Trump’s Failing Residency

The latest round of polling from Fox News doesn’t have any good news for the resident, even though the hosts on the network do their best to provide cover for him on a daily basis.

The latest polls from the network have Trump’s disapproval ratings at a near-record high, which is consequential for multiple reasons.

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening, and how the events of the last few months haven’t helped Trump at all.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Army Veteran Calls resident Donald Trump 'The Biggest Enemy'

Hollywood legend and liberal activist Rob Reiner puts out new video with military veterans against Trump. Reiner and U.S. Army veteran Robert Pearson join The Beat.

Trump Administration: The Huddled Masses Can Go Fuck Themselves

Posted by Rude One

Let's get one thing straight here right off: If you are a legal immigrant in nearly every other country in the world, you are allowed to participate in that country's national health system. You're paying for the benefit through your taxes and other fees, and, goddamnit, just like everyone else legally in the country, you don't have to worry about paying much of anything else for your medical care. Nothing will be held against you. Nothing will turn you into a "public charge" or whatever fuckin' term for "undesirable" you want to use. And that's because most every other country in the world is not filled with ignorant savages who think that calling health care a "right" is akin to mass enslavement by socialists.

We in the United States happen to live in a country that is, in fact, filled with brutish idiots who would rather die in a ditch of a treatable disease than have a government-run health insurance system for everyone. So that means that only the poorest of the poor get to be on Medicaid, and then you're considered on welfare and a burden to the state. And that means that, unlike every other civilized nation, if you're a legal immigrant, the American government wants to hold it against you if you have a shitty job that doesn't provide health insurance (like, say, in a chicken processing plant) and need help so the flu doesn't financially ruin you.

We are a nation run by sadists who get off on hurting the poor. So, in the new rule, "Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds," published yesterday in the Federal Register, taking advantage of a whole bunch of government programs meant to, you know, help you survive could result in you getting booted from the country.

See, previously, "'public charge' has been interpreted to mean a person who is 'primarily dependent on the Government for subsistence, as demonstrated by either the receipt of public cash assistance for income maintenance or institutionalization for long-term care at Government expense.'" Yeah, we didn't take into consideration "an alien's reliance on or receipt of non-cash benefits such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps; Medicaid; and housing vouchers and other housing subsidies."

But that was before motherfuckers took over and decided to redefine shit that didn't need redefining unless you are a motherfucker.  Here's the new shit: "DHS is revising its interpretation of 'public charge' to incorporate consideration of such benefits, and to better ensure that aliens subject to the public charge inadmissibility ground are self-sufficient, i.e., do not depend on public resources to meet their needs, but rather rely on their own capabilities, as well as the resources of family members, sponsors, and private organizations." Wow, sounds almost logical, no? Except it's just fucking cruel for so many reasons. Keep reading.

"This rule redefines the term 'public charge' to mean an alien who receives one or more designated public benefits for more than 12 months in the aggregate within any 36-month period (such that, for instance, receipt of two benefits in one month counts as two months). This rule defines the term 'public benefit' to include cash benefits for income maintenance, SNAP, most forms of Medicaid, Section 8 Housing Assistance under the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program, Section 8 Project-Based Rental Assistance, and certain other forms of subsidized housing."

The fuckery is deep in this, but let's put this simply. Let's say you're an immigrant who has been in the country for a few years totally legally. All of a sudden., you lose your job when the restaurant where you're waiting tables or, hell, the office where you're working closes. For four months, you need to go on Medicaid, you need SNAP, and you need housing assistance. That's it. You can be denied a green card for circumstances completely beyond your control unless you starve, go homeless, and let yourself be sick.

This has been one of the pet projects of presidential adviser and man most likely piss in your swimming pool, Stephen Miller, whose head is essentially shaped like a white hood. It's racism that is so plain, it's almost laughable. Yes, let's punish those who want to come to the United States and work our shittiest jobs so rich pukes can get richer. Yes, let's make them pay sales taxes and other shit that prop up our economy. And by all fucking means, let's take the income taxes of people who may have paid them for years before needing some government assistance.

In the UK, if you are a legal immigrant, once you receive your National Insurance number, you have access to many (not all) financial benefits, starting with the National Health Service. You can apply for Employment and Support Allowance, in case you are too ill or disabled to work. You can apply for a Carer's Allowance if you are forced to stay home because you must care for someone. You can get housing credits, maternity leave pay, and retirement income. And it's specifically because you've been paying into the national insurance while living in the UK that you are eligible. In the United States, it doesn't matter how much you've paid. Go fuck yourself in your old country if you need Medicaid for over a year.

Of course, the demented dullards of the Trump administration are all on board. Acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, that verminous cockscab Ken Cuccinelli, couldn't even fake it when he completely undercut the Emma Lazarus poem on the Statue of Liberty, ignoring the "huddled masses" and "wretched refuse" part. And then he insisted that the poem was about Europeans, which, really, just sodomize your ass with a burning cross at that point.

As for resident Ignoramus Q. Shiteater, when asked about the rule and Cuccinelli yesterday, he said, " I don’t think it’s fair to have the American taxpayer paying for people to come into the United States...I am tired of seeing our taxpayer paying for people to come into the country and immediately go onto welfare and various other things.  So I think we’re doing it right." We should point out that not only are the taxpayers of the country paying for the months and months of vacation he has taken, but a good chunk of that taxpayer money is going straight into his business coffers and his own pockets.

Frankly, it's pretty fucking clear who should be booted from the country for being a public charge.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Israel Denies Entry To Omar And Tlaib After Trump’s Call To Block Them


JERUSALEM — Israel on Thursday barred two American Democratic congresswomen who had planned to visit the Israeli-occupied West Bank, hours after resident Trump had urged the country to block them.

Mr. Trump’s intervention was an extraordinary step to influence an allied nation and punish his political opponents at home. Israel’s decision to bar the two congresswomen, Representatives Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, was widely criticized, including by prominent Israel supporters.

The two lawmakers, both freshmen, are the first Muslim women elected to Congress. Both are outspoken adversaries of Mr. Trump and have been vocal in their support of the Palestinians and the boycott-Israel movement.

The resident has targeted them in speeches and Twitter postings that his critics have called racist and xenophobic.

It was reported last week that Mr. Trump was pressing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to deny entrance to the two women, and Thursday morning he left little doubt. While Israeli officials were still deliberating the matter, he said in a Twitter post that “it would show great weakness if Israel allowed Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib to visit.”

Later on Thursday Israel’s Interior Ministry announced that Mr. Netanyahu had decided to deny entry to the two American lawmakers, on grounds of their “boycott activities against Israel” and in accordance with the country’s anti-boycott law.

“No country in the world respects America and the American Congress more than the state of Israel,” Mr. Netanyahu said in a statement after the decision had been announced. “As a free and vibrant democracy, Israel is open to critics and criticism, with one exception: Israeli law prohibits the entry into Israel of those who call for, and work to impose, boycotts on Israel, as do other democracies that prevent the entry of people believed to be damaging to the country.”

Welcoming the decision, Mr. Trump said on Twitter: “Representatives Omar and Tlaib are the face of the Democrat Party, and they HATE Israel!”

His ambassador to Israel, David M. Friedman, said in a statement that the boycott movement was “no less than economic warfare” and that Israel had “every right to protect its borders” against activists who support it.

In lobbying a foreign government to bar members of the United States Congress, Mr. Trump crossed yet another line that other presidents generally respected. No matter how virulent their differences at home, presidents have traditionally not enlisted the help of overseas allies to take action against domestic political adversaries.

But Mr. Trump has demonstrated time and again over the last two and a half years that he sees little need to observe the norms that governed previous occupants of the White House, dismissing them either as antiquated or irrelevant if he recognized their existence at all. To Mr. Trump, politics is a contact sport with few limits and Ms. Omar and Ms. Tlaib have become two of his favorite targets.
In a statement, Ms. Omar called the actions by Mr. Trump and Mr. Netanyahu “an affront” that had limited the ability of members of Congress to learn from both Israelis and Palestinians.

“Sadly, this is not a surprise given the public positions of Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has consistently resisted peace efforts, restricted the freedom of movement of Palestinians, limited public knowledge of the brutal realities of the occupation and aligned himself with Islamophobes like Donald Trump,” she said.

“The irony of the ‘only democracy’ in the Middle East making such a decision,” she said, “is that it is both an insult to democratic values and a chilling response to a visit by government officials from an allied nation.”

Mr. Trump’s intervention also placed him at odds with the Democratic and Republican leadership in Congress and even some pro-Israel advocacy groups in the United States.

Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic minority leader, said denying the representatives entry was “a sign of weakness, not strength.”

“No democratic society should fear an open debate,” he tweeted. “Many strong supporters of Israel will be deeply disappointed in this decision, which the Israeli government should reverse.”

Just a few days earlier, the House minority leader, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, told reporters in Jerusalem while leading a delegation of 31 Republican lawmakers: “I think all should come.” Speaking at a news conference with Mr. McCarthy, Representative Steny Hoyer, the House majority leader who was heading a delegation to Israel of 41 Democratic representatives, agreed.

Many Israelis and Jewish leaders have also expressed discomfort with the idea that American officials could be denied entry because of their beliefs or criticism of Israel. Just last month, the Israeli ambassador to Washington, Ron Dermer, said that Israel would not deny entry to any United States representatives.

David Harris, chief executive officer of the American Jewish Committee, a prominent pro-Israel organization, said it disagreed with Mr. Netanyahu’s decision even though the group strongly opposes the views expressed by the two congresswomen.

“While we fully respect Israel’s sovereign right to control entry into the country, a right that every nation employs, and while we are under no illusions about the implacably hostile views of Reps. Omar and Tlaib on Israel-related issues, we nonetheless believe that the costs in the U.S. of barring the entry of two members of Congress may prove even higher than the alternative,” Mr. Harris said in a statement.

Jeremy Ben Ami, the leader of J Street, a liberal pro-Israel advocacy group in Washington, sharply criticized both Mr. Trump and Mr. Netanyahu. J Street, which backs Democrats who support Israel, did not endorse Ms. Omar, and withdrew its endorsement of Ms. Tlaib last year after she said she did not support a two-state solution and expressed support for the boycott-Israel movement.

“The very foundations of American and Israeli democracy are being called into question by President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu,” Mr. Ben Ami said in an interview. “If you’re not allowed entry into a country because of your views, then we have reached the end of the ability to say the U.S.-Israel relationship is based on shared democratic values.”

Ms. Omar had been scheduled to arrive on Sunday for a tour of the West Bank, partly under the auspices of an organization headed by a longtime Palestinian lawmaker, Hanan Ashrawi, that was expected to highlight Palestinian grievances over the Israeli occupation.

The women had been planning to visit the West Bank cities of Hebron, Ramallah and Bethlehem, as well as Israeli-annexed East Jerusalem, according to Ms. Ashrawi, including a visit to the Al Aqsa Mosque, a hotly contested and volatile holy site. Most of the delegation was expected to depart on Aug. 22, but Ms. Tlaib had been planning to stay to visit relatives in the West Bank.

No meetings had been planned with either Israeli or Palestinian officials, other than Ms. Ashrawi, who is also a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s executive committee. She said the organization she leads, Miftah, was co-sponsoring the visit.

The purpose of the visit, Ms. Ashrawi said, was to give the congresswomen a way “to engage with the Palestinian people directly and to see things on the ground.”

“What are they afraid of?” she said, referring to the Israeli government. “That they might find out things?”

Ms. Tlaib, of Palestinian descent, has spoken often of her grandmother, who lives on the West Bank, while Ms. Omar, a Somali refugee, is the first woman to wear a hijab on the House floor.

While they were hailed as symbols of diversity when they arrived in Washington, they quickly became embroiled in controversy over their statements on Israel and on supporters of the Jewish state. Ms. Omar apologized after she said support for Israel was “all about the Benjamins, baby” — a reference to $100 bills.

In early March, the House voted to condemn all forms of hatred after Ms. Omar said pro-Israel activists were “pushing for allegiance to a foreign country,” a remark that critics in both parties said invoked the longstanding anti-Semitic trope of “dual loyalty.”

Those remarks have been deeply problematic for Democratic leaders, who are trying to demonstrate solidarity with Israel. And they have given Mr. Trump and his fellow Republicans an opening to fan the flames of racial division, in an effort to break the longstanding alliance between American Jews and the Democratic Party.

Ms. Omar and Ms. Tlaib’s public support for the boycott movement had already drawn criticism from the White House. In remarks last month that were widely condemned as racist, Mr. Trump said that four congresswomen of color — Ms. Omar and Ms. Tlaib, as well as Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Ayanna S. Pressley of Massachusetts — should “go back” to the countries they came from.

Axios reported recently that resident Trump had told advisers that he thought Mr. Netanyahu should bar Ms. Tlaib and Ms. Omar under a law that denies entry to foreign nationals who publicly show support for a boycott.

Under the law, passed in 2017, Israel can bar entry to people considered prominent advocates of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, a loose network that, among other goals, aims to pressure Israel into ending the occupation of the West Bank. Pro-Israel advocates accuse the movement’s supporters of anti-Semitism.

Last month, the United States House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan resolution condemning the boycott-Israel movement as one that “promotes principles of collective guilt, mass punishment and group isolation, which are destructive of prospects for progress towards peace.”

Mr. Netanyahu, for his part, is in the middle of a tight election campaign, and some analysts say he can ill afford to appear weak when dealing with high-profile critics of Israeli policies. At the same time, he is involved in a high-wire act of trying to balance Israel’s ties with the Democrats and his close embrace of, and support from, Mr. Trump.

Alon Pinkas, a former Israeli consul general in New York, told Israel’s Army Radio on Thursday that it would be “foolishness” to deny the lawmakers entry. “These are congresswomen of the majority party, which most American Jews vote for.”

One of the main points of contention over the planned itinerary appears to be the visit to the Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem. A sacred site revered by Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and by Jews as Temple Mount, the location of their ancient temples, it is a frequent flash point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Danny Ayalon, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States and a former deputy foreign minister, told Israel’s Kan Radio on Thursday that the congresswomen should be allowed to enter Israel “but with restrictions.”

“If they want to stage a provocation by entering the Temple Mount with Palestinian hosts, then that can be prevented,” he said.

Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Maggie Haberman contributed reporting from Washington, David M. Halbfinger from Jerusalem and Rick Gladstone from New York.


More than 200,000 people sign petition to rename Trump Tower's street after Barack Obama

Tens of thousands of people have signed a petition to rename a one-block stretch of Fifth Avenue in New York City after former President Barack Obama. That particular block also happens to be the home of Trump Tower.

"We request the New York City Mayor and City Council do the same by renaming a block of Fifth Avenue after the former president whose many accomplishments include: saving our nation from the Great Recession; serving two completely scandal-free terms in office; and taking out Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind September 11th, which killed over 3,000 New Yorkers," creator Elizabeth Rowin wrote.

The petition requests that all buildings between 56th and 57th Streets on Fifth Avenue change their addresses. If the campaign is successful, Trump Tower's new address would read: "725 President Barack H. Obama Avenue, New York, NY 10022."

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Why You Shouldn't Trust Anthony Scaramucci's Criticism Of Donald Trump

Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci now says Republicans should support someone other than Trump in 2020.

Lawrence O’Donnell explains why you should be skeptical of the former Trump supporter's claim and talks with Bill Weld, the only Republican who is already challenging Trump in the GOP primary.