Wednesday, July 24, 2019
What I Would Ask Robert Mueller By James Comey
By James Comey
Friday, July 19, 2019, 3:37 PM
If I were a member of Congress with five minutes to question Robert Mueller, I would ask short questions drawn from the report’s executive summaries.
Volume One: Russia
Did you find that there were a series of contacts between the Trump campaign and individuals with ties to the Russian government? (p. 5)
In particular, did you find that a Trump foreign policy adviser learned that the Russians had dirt on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of emails? (pp. 5-6)
Did you find that the Trump foreign policy adviser said the Trump campaign had received indications from the Russian government that it could assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information damaging to candidate Clinton? (p. 6)
Did you find that senior members of the Trump campaign met with Russian representatives at Trump Tower after being told in an email that the meeting was part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump? (p. 6)
Did you find that, despite the fact that candidate Trump said he had "nothing to do with Russia," his organization had been pursuing a major Moscow project into the middle of the election year and that candidate Trump was regularly updated on developments? (vol 1, p. 5: vol 2, p. 19)
Did the Trump campaign report any of its Russian contacts to the FBI?
Not even the indications from the Russian government that it could assist the campaign through the anonymous release of information damaging to candidate Clinton?
Volume Two: Obstruction
Did you find substantial evidence that the president had committed obstruction of justice crimes?
For example, did you find that the president directed the White House counsel to call the acting attorney general and tell him the special counsel must be removed? (p. 4)
Did you find that the White House counsel decided he would rather resign than carry out that order? (p. 4)
Did you find that the president later directed the White House counsel to say he had not been ordered to have the special counsel removed? (p. 6)
Did you find that the president wanted the White House counsel to write a false memo saying he had not been ordered to have the special counsel removed? (p. 6)
Did you find that the White House counsel refused to do that because it was not true? (p. 6)
Did you find that the president repeatedly asked a private citizen—his former campaign manager—to deliver a message to the attorney general to restrict the special counsel to investigating only future campaign interference? (p. 5)
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Here's The THREE MOST CRITICAL QUESTIONS To Ask Robert Mueller During His Wednesday Testimony!
Here's the THREE MOST CRITICAL QUESTIONS to Ask Robert Mueller During His Wednesday Testimony!
Robert Mueller testifies before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees on Wednesday, July 24th. There are sure to be a litany of probing questions that will be asked of him. Jesse Dollemore believes these will be three of the most important!
Robert Mueller testifies before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees on Wednesday, July 24th. There are sure to be a litany of probing questions that will be asked of him. Jesse Dollemore believes these will be three of the most important!
Monday, July 22, 2019
We Won’t Win Over Deplorable Trump Supporters, So Stop Playing Nice
After watching what unfolded at Donald Trump’s North Carolina rally this
week, along with his nonstop calls for people to “get out” of our
country, it has become clear that there are certain voters that we
simply can’t reach.
And while some people think we have to maintain a certain level of “civility”, the truth is that these people would gladly stomp on your head if the opportunity arose.
Stop fucking around with them, and start fighting back. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
And while some people think we have to maintain a certain level of “civility”, the truth is that these people would gladly stomp on your head if the opportunity arose.
Stop fucking around with them, and start fighting back. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
My filter is broken so I’m likely to lose a lot of followers and friends who are used to the kinder, gentler Ben. But all things considered, we don’t have time to worry about being nice.— Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) July 18, 2019
Look man, those rednecks in that audience last night won’t be won over with any policy. They would gladly give up health insurance and die of diabetes-driven gangrene than to abandon a president who lets them be their full racist selves.— Benjamin Dixon (@BenjaminPDixon) July 18, 2019
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Trump Supporters LOVE The Resident’s Hate Filled Tirades
While most of America is still angry about Trump’s disgusting comments
from this past Sunday, his hardcore supporters are loving every minute
of it. They seem to enjoy watching the resident make his xenophobic
comments, and some even admitted to CBS News that this is why they voted
for him!
This is what we’re up against in 2020, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.
This is what we’re up against in 2020, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.
Trump Won’t Listen To Courts Anymore, Spokesperson Claims
According to a spokesperson for the Trump administration (Hogan Gidley),
Donald Trump will no longer “be beholden to the courts.”
This is an instance of saying the quiet part out loud, because theresident, like
the rest of the country, is bound by the laws of this country.
Is Congress going to take action now? Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
This is an instance of saying the quiet part out loud, because the
Is Congress going to take action now? Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Donald Trump’s Demagoguery Boils Over With “SEND HER BACK” Chants! #IStandWithIlhan
Last night at one of Donald Trump’s venom fueled MAGA rallies, he
launched into an attack on Freshman Congresswoman from Minnesota – Ilhan
Omar… A scripted attack filled with garbage and lies.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Let's Have This Goddamn Political Race War Already
Posted by Rude One
At least now Democrats can stop fucking pretending that there is any reasoning with Republicans or anyone on the right at this point. By refusing to condemnresident Donald Trump's blatantly racist statements
as "racist," by continuing and expanding on Trump's attacks on four
non-white Democratic congresswomen in saying that they should leave the
United States, by getting outraged that racism is being called racism,
the GOP has ripped its mask off in the clearest way possible and gone
all in on attacks on non-whites.
At this point, Donald Trump could yell, "Nigger!" on Fifth Avenue and wouldn't lose any voters. And Republicans would blame whichever black person it was directed at.
Conservatives like to decry what they say is "identity politics;" that is, making policies and running candidates to appeal to a certain racial, ethnic, religious, or other background. But the GOP's appeal to white nationalists and to the idiot hordes that comprise its base is more clearly identity politics than anything Democrats have done. 'Cause, see, Trump and those who suckle at Trump's orange man teats get their votes almost exclusively from white people. By contrast, Ilhan Omar was elected with 78% of the vote in a district that is two-thirds white. I fucking guarantee you that Republican Representative Steve Scalise didn't get shit for non-white votes. But we're supposed to pretend that Omar is dividing Americans. Fuck that.
The right has been aching for a political race war. With their explicit support of Trump's "Go back to your country," now supposedly not racist "If you're not happy here, you can leave," as well as rallying around demonizing Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashid Tlaib, Republicans have tied their 2020 strategy to this racist fuckery. The four progressives are the new welfare queen, the new Willie Horton, the new Mexican rapists. And they are folding that into the oldest fucking act in the conservative book: calling Democrats socialist or "commies," as a sweaty Lindsey Graham did. There's the campaign: commies and coloreds. They really did make it 1960 again.
Hell, yesterday, Trump went back to his political origin of saying that other countries send their criminals here to seek asylum. In a cabinet meeting, while doing the supposedly official business of the supposed United States, Trump said, "Why would Honduras or Guatemala or El Salvador, why would they keep their criminals when you can put them into the caravan, lose them in a caravan, and send them up to the United States. We take everybody because the Democrats don’t allow immigration laws that mean anything. It’s horrible. It’s horrible."
As a counterpoint, here's how a mother from Honduras described the circumstances that forced them to leave their home: "The family fled Honduras after Tania witnessed her mother get killed. Her sister-in-law also was a witness and was later kidnapped, tortured and slain to keep her from testifying. The gang MS-13 then posted a note on the family's door telling them they had 45 minutes to leave, Tania said. That's when the family left to seek asylum in the U.S." Yeah, it is horrible. Just not in the way our simpering racist prick of aresident
says it is. And his very approach, his very words are more anti-American
than a million socialist candidates demanding that this nation take
care of its people like nearly every other nation on earth.
Let me personalize this: I fucking love my neighborhood. I love the black women artists who live downstairs from me who. I love the Latino kids who ride their bikes up and down the street with rap music on old school boomboxes playing. I love the Indian family across the street who have a disabled son whose Chinese bus driver is always overjoyed to see. I love the Dominican family behind me who have parties that always end up with musicians playing amazing tunes. I love the young Puerto Rican parents who have a car with a license frame that says, "My other car is the Tardis." I love the white people who showed up to offer comfort to the Pakistani owner of the corner bodega when his father died. It ain't perfect. We've had crime and fights and everything (although that's changed since the neighborhood has become even more diverse). But I fucking love this America. I don't know who is here legally or illegally. And I don't give a shit. I just care that we all treat each other with respect. If you don't love this, too, then you don't love this country.
That's worth fighting for. That's worth pissing off the mythical "White Working Class" (which doesn't seem to contain all those working class voters who think Trump's full of shit). That's worth having the political race war the GOP has been aching to have and has been having since 1980. Let's have this throw down the nation has needed since the civil rights era. Let's define who we are and try to finally be absolutely fucking clear about it.
Call it like many of us have been saying for years now: If you support Donald Trump, you're racist. And fuck you. Double fuck you if you think calling you "racist" is racist, you dumb motherfuckers. And triple fuck you if you think anyone who doesn't want to get face-fucked by Donald Trump hates this country and should leave. You assholes aren't leaving over the Affordable Care Act, which is the law of the land. You assholes didn't leave over same-sex marriage. You put on your asshole hats and tried to change it. Which is the exact same thing that Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib are trying to do (minus the asshole hats and with smarter tweets).
Make this election explicitly about the meaning of America, Democrats. This is our chance to take the plot of this story back from Republicans, who have controlled the narrative for most of the last three generations. Do we stand with diversity as our strength or do we stand with white nationalism? Do we stand with the right to dissent or obeisance to a leader? Jesus, we already have to get over the bar of our current racism. If it turns out that most of the country wants to be more racist and more in the thrall of a fucking moron and his moronic policies and the moronic, racist party that props up his saggy orange ass, then we'll at least be able to be fucking honest about it.
And then we can decide if fighting on is worth it or if we want to leave.
(Note: This was supposed to be part 2 of something I started last week, but, well, then this shit started. It's coming.)
At least now Democrats can stop fucking pretending that there is any reasoning with Republicans or anyone on the right at this point. By refusing to condemn
At this point, Donald Trump could yell, "Nigger!" on Fifth Avenue and wouldn't lose any voters. And Republicans would blame whichever black person it was directed at.
Conservatives like to decry what they say is "identity politics;" that is, making policies and running candidates to appeal to a certain racial, ethnic, religious, or other background. But the GOP's appeal to white nationalists and to the idiot hordes that comprise its base is more clearly identity politics than anything Democrats have done. 'Cause, see, Trump and those who suckle at Trump's orange man teats get their votes almost exclusively from white people. By contrast, Ilhan Omar was elected with 78% of the vote in a district that is two-thirds white. I fucking guarantee you that Republican Representative Steve Scalise didn't get shit for non-white votes. But we're supposed to pretend that Omar is dividing Americans. Fuck that.
The right has been aching for a political race war. With their explicit support of Trump's "Go back to your country," now supposedly not racist "If you're not happy here, you can leave," as well as rallying around demonizing Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashid Tlaib, Republicans have tied their 2020 strategy to this racist fuckery. The four progressives are the new welfare queen, the new Willie Horton, the new Mexican rapists. And they are folding that into the oldest fucking act in the conservative book: calling Democrats socialist or "commies," as a sweaty Lindsey Graham did. There's the campaign: commies and coloreds. They really did make it 1960 again.
Hell, yesterday, Trump went back to his political origin of saying that other countries send their criminals here to seek asylum. In a cabinet meeting, while doing the supposedly official business of the supposed United States, Trump said, "Why would Honduras or Guatemala or El Salvador, why would they keep their criminals when you can put them into the caravan, lose them in a caravan, and send them up to the United States. We take everybody because the Democrats don’t allow immigration laws that mean anything. It’s horrible. It’s horrible."
As a counterpoint, here's how a mother from Honduras described the circumstances that forced them to leave their home: "The family fled Honduras after Tania witnessed her mother get killed. Her sister-in-law also was a witness and was later kidnapped, tortured and slain to keep her from testifying. The gang MS-13 then posted a note on the family's door telling them they had 45 minutes to leave, Tania said. That's when the family left to seek asylum in the U.S." Yeah, it is horrible. Just not in the way our simpering racist prick of a
Let me personalize this: I fucking love my neighborhood. I love the black women artists who live downstairs from me who. I love the Latino kids who ride their bikes up and down the street with rap music on old school boomboxes playing. I love the Indian family across the street who have a disabled son whose Chinese bus driver is always overjoyed to see. I love the Dominican family behind me who have parties that always end up with musicians playing amazing tunes. I love the young Puerto Rican parents who have a car with a license frame that says, "My other car is the Tardis." I love the white people who showed up to offer comfort to the Pakistani owner of the corner bodega when his father died. It ain't perfect. We've had crime and fights and everything (although that's changed since the neighborhood has become even more diverse). But I fucking love this America. I don't know who is here legally or illegally. And I don't give a shit. I just care that we all treat each other with respect. If you don't love this, too, then you don't love this country.
That's worth fighting for. That's worth pissing off the mythical "White Working Class" (which doesn't seem to contain all those working class voters who think Trump's full of shit). That's worth having the political race war the GOP has been aching to have and has been having since 1980. Let's have this throw down the nation has needed since the civil rights era. Let's define who we are and try to finally be absolutely fucking clear about it.
Call it like many of us have been saying for years now: If you support Donald Trump, you're racist. And fuck you. Double fuck you if you think calling you "racist" is racist, you dumb motherfuckers. And triple fuck you if you think anyone who doesn't want to get face-fucked by Donald Trump hates this country and should leave. You assholes aren't leaving over the Affordable Care Act, which is the law of the land. You assholes didn't leave over same-sex marriage. You put on your asshole hats and tried to change it. Which is the exact same thing that Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib are trying to do (minus the asshole hats and with smarter tweets).
Make this election explicitly about the meaning of America, Democrats. This is our chance to take the plot of this story back from Republicans, who have controlled the narrative for most of the last three generations. Do we stand with diversity as our strength or do we stand with white nationalism? Do we stand with the right to dissent or obeisance to a leader? Jesus, we already have to get over the bar of our current racism. If it turns out that most of the country wants to be more racist and more in the thrall of a fucking moron and his moronic policies and the moronic, racist party that props up his saggy orange ass, then we'll at least be able to be fucking honest about it.
And then we can decide if fighting on is worth it or if we want to leave.
(Note: This was supposed to be part 2 of something I started last week, but, well, then this shit started. It's coming.)
Trump Is Afraid Of Her
After Trump continued his attack on four freshmen Congresswomen, the
crowd at Trump’s rally launched into a chant of “send her back!”
Lawrence O’Donnell discusses with Leonard Pitts, Jr., Yamiche Alcindor,
and Rep. Eric Swalwell.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
DOES HE EVEN HIDE IT? Donald Trump WAS, IS, And WILL ALWAYS BE That Which His Supporters Deny!
Since Donald Trump's tweet about Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria
Ocasio-Cortez, and Rashida Tlaib there have been a lot of people
denying the obvious about the tweet. Here are examples of what should be
obvious to every single clear-eyed observer!
Republicans Are The Ones Who Hate America
Donald Trump believes that those who “hate” America should pack up and
leave, but that would mean that the entire Republican Party would have
to get out of the country. When you drill down to it, Republicans are
the ones who hate this country, and that is obvious through their
Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains how Republicans disguise their hatred of this country as patriotism, and why we shouldn’t buy into their lies ever again.
Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains how Republicans disguise their hatred of this country as patriotism, and why we shouldn’t buy into their lies ever again.
Trump’s Deranged Speech Shows He Must Be Impeached NOW
During a speech on Monday, Donald Trump doubled down on his xenophobic
comments about “The Squad,” going even further in his attacks on Ilhan
Omar. He linked the Congresswoman to extremist groups and claimed that
she hates members of certain religions, which isn’t rooted in reality at
Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains how this latest speech proves that theresident is not mentally stable and must be removed
from office now.
Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains how this latest speech proves that the
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Donald Trump Attacks Congresswomen Of Color On Twitter - Fox News And Republicans LAUGH ABOUT IT!
Jesse talks about Donald Trump's Sunday morning tweet telling U.S.
citizens and Congresswomen to GO BACK TO THE COUNTRIES THEY CAME FROM.
He also plays clips of video as examples of the types of people who use
phrases like that. Also included is a disgusting clip from Sunday's Fox
and Friends showing Jedidiah Bila LAUGHING about Donald Trump's divisive
Monday, July 15, 2019
Trump Election Advisers Panic After Realizing His Base Is Too Small
Donald Trump’s reelection advisers are starting to get very worried
about the fact that the resident’s support seems to be coming from just
his base, and that base isn’t big enough to win in 2020.
This helps explain why he gave his incoherent environmental speech earlier this week, and we can expect more of theresident trying to appeal to people
who don’t wear crusty MAGA hats all day.
Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
This helps explain why he gave his incoherent environmental speech earlier this week, and we can expect more of the
Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
Donald Trump Swears He’s Not A Bully
Last week, Joe Biden accused Donald Trump of being a bully, and this
attack left Trump confused.
He swears that he’s never been a bully, he just likes to fight back when he feels attacked.
The problem is that he ALWAYS feels like he’s being attacked, and he lashes out against those who dare oppose him.
He is 100% a bully, but that appears to be what Republicans like. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
He swears that he’s never been a bully, he just likes to fight back when he feels attacked.
The problem is that he ALWAYS feels like he’s being attacked, and he lashes out against those who dare oppose him.
He is 100% a bully, but that appears to be what Republicans like. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
If You Shook Mitch McConnell's Family Tree, Rape Victims Would Fallout
Watch The #DLHughleyShow weeknights at an ALL NEW time, 10/9c and an ENCORE at 11/10c, only on TV ONE. Visit for more.
Friday, July 12, 2019
Trump Accuser Has Video Of Him Forcibly Kissing Her
*This video was recorded prior to Trump’s lawyers releasing competing
footage of the interaction mentioned in the court filings.*
Donald Trump’s disgusting remarks on the infamous Access Hollywood tape might come back to haunt him as court documents show that one of his accusers from 2016 actually has footage of him doing exactly what he described in the video.
This bombshell footage, if released to the public, could be the beginning of the end of Trump’sresidency,
especially considering the fact that the lawsuit against him would be
easily won by the plaintiff. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains
what’s happening.
Donald Trump’s disgusting remarks on the infamous Access Hollywood tape might come back to haunt him as court documents show that one of his accusers from 2016 actually has footage of him doing exactly what he described in the video.
This bombshell footage, if released to the public, could be the beginning of the end of Trump’s
Children’s Charity Pulls Out Of Stripper Event At Trump’s Golf Resort
*This video was recorded prior to the Trump Organization announcing that
the entire event has now been cancelled.*
A children’s charity has decided that they don’t want to be involved in a golf tournament at Trump’s Doral golf course that is being hosted by a local strip club. The club is actually auctioning off some of the exotic dancers to perform as “caddies” for the event, and that was just a little too much for a group that is trying to improve the lives of children.
Oddly enough, it wasn’t too much for theresident and his
business to tell the organizers to find a new venue. Ring of Fire’s
Farron Cousins discusses this.
A children’s charity has decided that they don’t want to be involved in a golf tournament at Trump’s Doral golf course that is being hosted by a local strip club. The club is actually auctioning off some of the exotic dancers to perform as “caddies” for the event, and that was just a little too much for a group that is trying to improve the lives of children.
Oddly enough, it wasn’t too much for the
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