Sunday, October 8, 2017

Eddie Griffin: Trump Experienced Trauma At 15, That's Why He's Stuck At That Age

Comedian Eddie Griffin is no stranger to voicing his opinion, in part 1 of "The Truth" the funnyman goes on a harangue about Donald Trump's residency and how him being an "adolescent adult" will likely lead to another World War.

"A childish motherfucker - I don't know what happened, but something traumatic happened in Trump's life around 14 or 15 years old because he's stuck at that age," expells Griffin.

He then goes on to explain how Kim Jong-Un also had a traumatic adolescence that has led to the two of them going back and forth.

He also says "This a coup pulled off by the Russians, Trump's motherfuckin' treasonist ass, the alt-right, KKK, neo-nazis all conspired pulled off a coup of the United States residency."

Watch the clip to hear him tell it like it is about what's going on in America and why no one is speaking up. This is the first of three clips that serve as the prequel to his forthcoming comedy special.

Does Donald Trump Even Want To Be President Anymore?

Donald Trump doesn’t appear to even be trying to act like he cares about being resident, as his responses to both the Las Vegas shooting and Puerto Rico’s devastation following 2 massive hurricanes have shown us.

So why won’t he resign?

Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains Trump’s decision to remain in a position that he clearly hates.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Fuck You, Steve Scalise

Posted by Rude One

Before he was shot and nearly killed in June, Representative Steve Scalise was a motherfucker on cultural issues. How much of a motherfucker was he? His security detail as Majority Whip in the House of Representatives included Capitol Officer Crystal Griner. Griner and another officer, David Bailey, were injured saving Scalise, with Griner being shot in the ankle. Scalise released a statement specifically thanking the two: "I am especially grateful to Crystal and David, who I have been blessed to have by my side day in and day out in my job as Majority Whip. I would not be here today without the bravery of Crystal and David. They saved my life, and are my heroes."

That's right. For three years, since he was elected Majority Whip, the Louisiana Republican has had Crystal Griner by his side. Griner, as you may have heard, is a lesbian who is married to, wait for it, a woman.

Being a nutzoid Christian, Steve Scalise has spent a good chunk of his career blocking the rights of the woman who put her safety on the line for him and, as he said, saved his life. On his official congressional web page, it brags, "Congressman Scalise has worked diligently throughout his career to protect traditional marriage. Scalise has co-sponsored legislation to amend the Constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman. As a member of the Louisiana State Legislature, Congressman Scalise authored a similar amendment to the Louisiana Constitution that protects traditional marriage."

So he was being protected by someone whose happiness he sought to prevent. That's how much of a motherfucker he was. And now, after the shooting, after he was saved by Griner, he's even more of a motherfucker because he's going right back to fucking mothers.

One of his first big public appearances will be at the hategasm known as the Values Voters Summit. That's a gathering of homophobic Jesus-fellaters who rant for a couple of days at a DC hotel about how fucked the nation is, how much they hate libtards, the poors, and the darks, and how Donald Trump's shit tastes like delicious chocolate pie. It's sponsored by the mad Family Research Council (motto: "Proud to be labeled a hate group"), whose "Human Sexuality" page makes you think that LGBTQ Americans are essentially Isis in better clothes and that the Obergefell decision legalizing same-sex marriage is the day God puked.

Yeah, in a royal "Fuck you, my real savior," Scalise is gonna speak to these dipshits.

And before you say, "Oh, wait, he might say something about a change of heart."

After I stopped laughing at how adorable you are, I'd point out that in his first post-hospitalization interviews this week, Scalise has said that his being shot and all those people in Las Vegas being killed has only strengthened his desire to stick his dick into a shotgun barrel and fuck it.

On Fox "news," Scalise was firm about his bullshit, dangerous interpretation of the 2nd Amendment: "I think it's fortified it because first of all, you've got to recognize that when there is a tragedy like this, the first thing we should be thinking about is praying for the people who were injured and doing whatever we can to help them, to help law enforcement. We shouldn't be first thinking of promoting our political agenda." And then, like so many fucking idiots talking about guns, he brought up how law enforcement has guns, which no one is saying should change: "Frankly what I experienced was when there was a shooter, luckily we had Capitol Police there with their own guns. Every single day in America regular citizens that just have a passionate belief in the Second Amendment, who have their own guns, use guns every single day to protect themselves against criminals...that's a different side of the story that I think is important. People use guns way more to defend themselves against criminals than criminals use guns to hurt people."

Oh, go fuck yourself with your own shattered pelvis, you fucking blind shitheel. First of all, Griner and Bailey didn't have "their own guns." They had department-issued guns. And, you dumb motherfucker, guns harm more people than they help, as study after study after study has shown. And you can't just compare crimes committed versus crimes stopped; you better throw in accidents, suicides, and more in there or you're just a lying son of a bitch.

Did anyone really think that Scalise, who comes from a gerrymandered district in deep red Louisiana, David Duke country and the creepy-ass area where the first season of True Detective took place combined, would gain wisdom and perspective from learning what exactly bullets can do to a body? C'mon. He could have taken ten bullets and watched his whole family be shot and all of them saved by a group of gay EMTs and not a goddamn thought of transformation would enter his depraved fucking head. A bought and paid for whore knows that he's gotta keep working for his pimp. He gets no sympathy. He doesn't get a pass for his pain when he wants so many others to suffer.

Welcome back, Steve Scalise, and fuck you endlessly.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Tell me one thing that Rex Tillerson said that was wrong.

Because Donald Trump IS a fucking moron.

In this ‘Dollemore Daily’ Jesse addresses Donald Trump's stark lack of ability where it relates to language.

Rex Tillerson's non-denial is hilarious. Ana Kasparian, Jimmy Dore, and Ron Placone, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.

"Secretary of State Rex Tillerson just delivered an unscheduled statement to reporters about “some news reports this morning that I want to address.” But while Tillerson went on to dispute one major contention in those “reports” — that he considered resigning — he directly and pregnantly declined to dispute another one — that he called his boss, resident Trump, a “fucking moron.” The juxtaposition of those two things was striking, and it leads to basically one logical conclusion: He can't deny it . . . because he said it.”*

Hosts: Ana Kasparian, Jimmy Dore, and Ron Placone

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Donald Trump Beclowns Himself In Puerto Rico

Posted by Rude One

Jesus fuckballs, how much more embarrassing can this residency get than soulless tangerine cretin Donald Trump play-acting sympathy while touring the devastation in Puerto Rico? At this point, Trump could drop his pants, bend over, and blow his fast food shits all over homeless children clutching their last teddy bear, and we'd say, "Yeah, we were pretty much expecting that."

Speaking at a National Guard base on the island, Trump spent a great deal of time on how awesome his administration is. He bragged about Linda McMahon more than he talked about the people of Puerto Rico: "I also want to thank Linda McMahon, Small Business. I always joke - I said, she's in charge of small business, but small business is massive business when you add it all up. And she has done an incredible job - built a great company with her husband, Vince McMahon. And I wanted her so badly for this position because there's nobody that knows how to build a company like those and, let me tell you, like this woman. She has been amazing in business, and now she's doing an incredible job as the Administrator." We get it, man. You like wrestling.

And then he gave a lesson in what Mick Mulvaney does: "Mick Mulvaney is here - right there - and Mick is in charge of a thing called 'budget.'" Trump pretty much did the rhetorical equivalent of blowing shit when he said, "Now, I hate to tell you, Puerto Rico, but you've thrown our budget a little out of whack because we've spent a lot of money on Puerto Rico." I'm sure the starving people digging their few surviving possessions out of mud will try to economize to save the "budget."

Fucking moron. Fucking clown.

But it got worse when he compared the deaths in Puerto Rico to the deaths during Katrina, which he really did, for fuck's motherfucking sake: "Every death is a horror. But if you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina, and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died, and you look at what happened here with, really, a storm that was just totally overpowering - nobody has ever seen anything like this."

What kind of savage bitch faced cock mite tells devastated people that they have it better than other devastated people? Comparing the number of reported (so far) deaths in Puerto Rico to New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, Trump said, "Sixteen people versus in the thousands." No, not "thousands." Less than 2,000 died in Katrina. Horrible, but not thousands. Besides, this is not a game. Except to a clown, everything's a game.

You might be reading this, thinking, "Well, at least he didn't do that thing where he brags about himself." No, fuck you, of course, he did. When an Air Force representative talked about supply and rescue flights, Trump jumped in, "So amazing that we're ordering hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of new airplanes for the Air Force, especially the F-35."

Then the chemicals in his shrunken brain rolling around inside his soft skull clicked over to campaign mode as he said, in the middle of a place that was ripped apart and will take years to put back together, "That's an expensive plane that you can't see. And as you probably heard, we cut the price very substantially - something that other administrations would never have done, that I can tell you."

We are in some kind of psychological experiment in how much stupidity, shame, and savagery we can take before we break or we just say, "Fuck this. I'm watching Netflix and never coming out." And Netflix is calling louder and louder.

When he was getting ready to go on the tour, Trump said that the people who are waiting all day to get water or gas or food, who have no place to store the dead, who are starting to see diseases crop up, who have no power, should be grateful: "I appreciate your support and I know you appreciate our support, because our country has really gone all out to help. And it's not only dangerous, it's expensive." Yeah, they'll get right to decorating a thank you card as soon as they can eat and have more than one operational hospital.

In Texas in August after Hurricane Harvey, Trump didn't mention how expensive the support would be. He didn't talk about the budget. In Florida in September after Hurricane Irma, Trump didn't say a word about the cost. Only in Puerto Rico. Only there.

And, leaving one area, he told the victims of the storm, "Have a good time." The whole visit was his way of saying that he's not responsible for the cluster fuck of ineffectiveness and incompetence that has ruled the rescue and clean-up effort so far. But Trump's the fuckin' resident, man. He can spin, but he can't hide.

Goddamn, this dumb, racist asshole is beclowning our entire country.

Trump Gets Closer To Impeachment After Proof That Russia Helped Him Win Wisconsin And Michigan

Russia used Facebook's ad targeting system to help Donald Trump carry both Wisconsin and Michigan. 

According to CNN, “A number of Russian-linked Facebook ads specifically targeted Michigan and Wisconsin, two states crucial to Donald Trump’s victory last November, according to four sources with direct knowledge of the situation. Some of the Russian ads appeared highly sophisticated in their targeting of key demographic groups in areas of the states that turned out to be pivotal, two of the sources said. The ads employed a series of divisive messages aimed at breaking through the clutter of campaign ads online, including promoting anti-Muslim messages, sources said.”

Trump won Wisconsin and Michigan by a combined 33,400 votes. With the Russians running targeted advertising for Trump in key swing states, a picture is beginning to take shape of how the Russians may have been able to collude with the Trump campaign to swing the election. It is already known that Russia used Facebook to organize rallies for Trump in Florida and Pennsylvania, add the advertising in Wisconsin and Michigan to the mix and Trump’s surprise victory begins to look less surprising.

The Russians interfered in the election. There is only one piece of information missing. Who inside the Trump campaign was working with Russia to exchange data to help with the voter targeting?

Jared Kushner was responsible for the campaign’s data operation, so any questions about who worked with the Russians should begin with President’s son in law and right-hand man.

Each new puzzle piece that snaps into place is another step toward Trump impeachment.

Trump Called Out: 'You Don't Give A Shit About Puerto Rico'

Trump got called out to his face while dedicating a golf trophy to the victims of Hurricane Maria. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

“Donald Trump on Sunday dedicated a golf trophy to hurricane victims in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico, and it didn’t go well. As Trump spoke at Liberty National Golf Course in Jersey City, New Jersey, someone in the crowd called out: “You don’t give a shit about Puerto Rico.”

 Online, the reaction was about the same:

Tuesday Toon Roundup 1 - The Issue that always returns, because we do nothing

Gun Crazy: Las Vegas Edition

Posted by Rude One

I'm not going to try to recapitulate the horror of last night in Las Vegas where at least 58 people were killed by a single gunman firing from the 32nd floor of a hotel into a crowd of 22,000 at a Jason Aldean concert, the deadliest massacre in modern times. I'm not going to tell you about the gunman because fuck him. Fuck everything about him. Fuck his life. Fuck his death. Fuck everything he ever loved. Fuck him in Hell with the hot barrels of the 18-20 guns and each of the thousands of rounds of ammo he had with him in the Mandalay Bay Hotel.

I don't give a fuck if he was white or brown or plaid. I don't give a fuck if he was ISIS or Nazi or whatever. I don't give a fuck about his brother, who keeps getting interviewed. What I do give a fuck about is that he was able to own that many guns. How the fuck does a nation allow that? How is that rational? How does it make anyone safer? It's aiding and abetting someone's mental illness at some point. He's just a hoarder with a side of intense paranoia and a socio- and/or psychopath.

Not that gun owners care or have any perspective. Let me give you one anecdote before getting to the motherfucking NRA. Lorraine Berry wrote to me this morning: "I'm trapped in a waiting room in Florida waiting for a mammogram. Watching the news and some newsperson asks why the guy did this. I say, 'Because we sell machine guns in this country.' Immediately, 5 women come after me, tell me they love their guns. One owns 6. Immediately start speculating it was Antifa that did this. I cite facts but they accuse me of being emotional...After they thought I had stopped paying attention, they started talking among themselves. 'My son-in-law is a registered gun dealer. I know so many people with mental problems that own guns. I don't know how they got through the loopholes. Unless you've been certified, you can buy a gun.' But they're so sure that it's their right to own those guns. Told me it was their constitutional right. They told me they were tired of being 'silenced.' I said, 'You haven't had a gun law passed in a decade. You own Congress. I have no idea how you are the victims here.'"

That feeling of imminent victim hood is what drives the National Rifle Association, a group of vermin that feeds on the corpses of gunshot victims, sucking their blood to boost gun sales and their membership, fostering the mental illness of thousands of Americans, the 3% who own over half the guns in the nation, a group that the dog fucker in Vegas belonged to, and the NRA fans the flames of their madness, telling them, through the cruel, pursed, snarling lips of Dana Loesch, that politicians are gonna send goons to take their guns away, something that has never happened in the modern United States, but it makes them feel like victims, it feeds the paranoia, it pushes them to buy more guns and more ammo.

What a goddamned, pathetic nation this must be for this to be allowed.

Right now, not only is the NRA active in trying to get a bill allowing silencer purchases for any "hunter" or "sportsperson," it's trying to get a decision on a magazine size ban in Maryland overturned. It's celebrating new laws allowing for concealed carry of weapons on college campuses in several states. It's a terrorist organization as sure as ISIS is. The NRA uses fear and violence to promote its political agenda. And it uses shit-tons of money. The NRA leadership is dancing on piles of cash with fresh bodies of people from Las Vegas and with the rotting corpses from Orlando and with the child-sized skeletons of Newtown.

We have to be able to agree that some things are just wrong. If we can't agree, as a society, that the way we have handled the ownership of guns in the United States is a complete catastrophe, we can't move forward. At this point, the proliferation and propagation of guns is like what happens when measles gets into a group of children whose parents have refused to inoculate them. Yeah, your freedom got a bunch of people hurt. Is it worth it?

You should not be allowed to own a bunch of guns. You should not be allowed to own large magazines. You should not be allowed to own semi-automatic or automatic rifles. You should be required to get trained and licensed. You should have to register every gun. You should have to use whatever modern technology is available to make guns safer. You shouldn't be allowed to buy a large amount of ammunition without a special permit. You should have to pass a background check for every purchase. You should have to be certified as not mentally ill. You shouldn't be allowed to have a gun if you have had domestic violence restraining order filed against you.

That's basic, man. Any society that doesn't do that, the bare minimum in the realm of "well-regulated," is a society that has gone insane.

Instead of doing something, Republicans and other conservatives tell us that we shouldn't politicize a shooting (although, you know, ignoring the politics of something is a political act). They tell us that good guys with guns can stop crimes (although I'm not sure how a few thousand people firing at the hotels on the Strip would have helped anyone). They tell us that places like Chicago, with slightly tighter gun laws, have a great deal of gun violence (although most of those guns come from outside Chicago because, apparently, there are roads that go in and out of the city).

They will do anything to protect the delusions of the gun nuts, as well as their filthy campaign war chests.

I have no words of wisdom. I can't offer any comfort.  We've all said it all before. We all know what has to be done. But we don't do it.

We are all hostages to the armed and deranged among us.

(Note to complainers: I don't give a fuck today if you think my use of "mentally ill," "crazy," or "insane" is "ableist." I just don't give a fuck today. Save it for tomorrow.)

Trump Forgets His Wife Is Next To Him: "Melania Really Wanted To Be With Us"

Trump appears at a Hurricane Irma relief event in Fort Myers, Florida and says his wife "Melania really wanted to be with us," while she was standing right next to him.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Prayers Aren’t Enough After Deadly Mass Shooting, We Have To Act On Gun Control

59 people died and 527 were injured at a country music festival in Las Vegas on Sunday night when a mass shooter opened fire into the crowds. Witnesses say the shots lasted for about ten to fifteen minutes, and the shooter was using an automatic weapon designed to kill a lot of things very quickly.

Both Republicans and Democrats began Tweeting out their “thoughts and prayers” after the tragedy, but that’s not good enough. As Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains, the time to act – or at the very least open up a serious dialog – about gun control is right now.

Sandy Hook Senator: Its Time For Congress To Get Off Its Ass And Do Something On Mass Shootings

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) wasted no time responding to the shooting at a country music festival in Las Vegas, the deadliest such attack in modern U.S. history.

Paul Ryan is CLUELESS AS FUCK About Poverty and the American Dream

Paul Ryan thinks that, no matter what condition you are born in, the American dream is only limited by your "god given potential." Benjamin Dixon reports on why the Speaker of the House is CLUELESS AS FUCK.

Tucker Carlson Says Wealthy Black People Don’t Understand Oppression

During one of his more ridiculous segments this past week, Fox News host Tucker Carlson spoke with Scott Bolden, a black lawyer who happens to be well off financially.

In the heated exchange between the two, Carlson repeatedly tried to claim that Bolden’s wealth is an indicator that (1) black people are not oppressed, and (2) that he’s never experienced real oppression because he has money.

Carlson grossly misstates the actual problem, and shows that he has no clue how oppression works, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

SCOTT BOLDEN: I've been brutalized by the police. I've been offended by the police.

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): You're wearing thousand dollar cufflinks, don't give me the victim card.

BOLDEN: Doesn't matter. Race is the tie that binds us, economics may separate us but the police have wrongfully stopped me. They've spread me out in front of my Georgetown home.

CARLSON: I actually believe you but you're diverting from --

BOLDEN: But they haven't to you, they haven't to you. So you can't relate to it.

CARLSON: So I can't relate to it, OK. So because I'm white you're saying I have no voice in this conversation.

BOLDEN: You do.

CARLSON: You are fundamentally unreasonable and the position you are taking is an inherently racist one.

BOLDEN: We fundamentally disagree.

CARLSON: Because you are dismissing the position of someone on the basis of his skin color and that is outside the bounds.

BOLDEN: No, I'm dismissing it because of your experience or lack there of.

CARLSON: You know nothing about my experience.

BOLDEN: Have the police ever brutalized you? Wrongfully stopped you? Spread you on the ground?

CARLSON: Spare me, mister million dollar lawyer, this talk.

Conservative Logic: We LOVE Free Speech, But Shut The FUCK Up!

LOL Tomi Lahren forgets she was fired and sued The Blaze over for the same thing she’s now telling the NFL to do. Hosted by Hasan Piker.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Urgent Pentagon statement contradicts Trump: Half of Puerto Rico has no water and its getting worse

DoD Accelerates Hurricane Relief, Response Efforts in Puerto Rico

DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Sept. 30, 2017 — The Defense Department is accelerating relief operations and the deployment of additional response capacity to Puerto Rico to meet the Federal Emergency Management Agency's need for a comprehensive commodities distribution network able to reach isolated communities and provide sustained medical support for the island’s residents, Army Lt. Col. Jamie Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement this morning.

In San Juan, Puerto Rico National Guardsmen load pallets of food and water onto an UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter for distribution to Orocovis, Puerto Rico, Sept. 29, 2017. The National Guard has partnered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other state and federal agencies in response and relief operations for Hurricane Maria. Air National Guard photo by Air Force Staff Sgt. Michelle Y. Alvarez-Rea
In San Juan, Puerto Rico National Guardsmen load pallets of food and water onto an UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter for distribution to Orocovis, Puerto Rico, Sept. 29, 2017. The National Guard has partnered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other state and federal agencies in response and relief operations for Hurricane Maria. Air National Guard photo by Air Force Staff Sgt. Michelle Y. Alvarez-Rea 
Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey S. Buchanan, who’s in command of the DoD response effort in Puerto Rico, is working with FEMA and service components to get distribution priorities right, Davis said.

Buchanan, assisted by his deputy, Army Brig. Gen. Richard C. Kim, assessed that the planned force flow will build the capacity necessary to support Hurricane Maria response priorities, the spokesman said.

Army Lt. Gen. Todd T. Semonite, Chief of Engineers and commanding general of the Army Corps of Engineers, is also in Puerto Rico overseeing the temporary power project, electrical distribution repairs and infrastructure improvements, Davis said.

The Navy amphibious assault ship USS Wasp is now involved in response operations in and around Puerto Rico, the spokesman said.

Davis provided the following updates and details of hurricane relief operations in Puerto Rico and elsewhere in the Caribbean region:

Puerto Rico Situational Update

-- FEMA reports assessments completed at 64 of 69 hospitals; 59 are partially or fully operational; five unassessed facilities are psychiatric hospitals that do not provide emergency care.

-- Forty-five percent of customers have access to drinking water. Ninety-five percent of customers remain without power; power has been restored to San Juan airport and marine terminals.

-- Eight hundred and fifty-one of 1,100 retail gas stations have reopened and purchase limits have been lifted. Forty-nine percent of grocery and big box stores are open.

-- Erosion repairs to the Guajataca Dam are scheduled to begin Oct. 1-2.

-- The Navy hospital ship USNS Comfort departed Norfolk, Virginia, yesterday and it is estimated to arrive in Puerto Rico on Oct. 4.

-- Five of six FEMA-priority sea ports are open or open with restrictions; surveys of Ponce and Roosevelt Roads are ongoing.

U.S. Virgin Islands Situational Update

-- An assessment of the main hospital on St. Thomas will be completed today.

Details of DoD Response in Puerto Rico

-- U.S. Northern Command is deploying enhanced logistics capacity, centered on commodity distribution and medical support, and designed around a sustainment brigade. Northcom is flowing five force packages into Puerto Rico focused on logistics, tilt/rotary wing lift, and medical units. Force Package 1 is on the ground with leadership in Puerto Rico for planning and assessment. Force Packages 2 and 3 will deliver logistical units and associated command and control and is deploying. Force Package 4 will follow and deliver helicopters, aviation command-and-control elements and medical units. Force Package 5 will deploy next and provide more robust medical capacity.

-- The USS Wasp, carrying three MH-60 helicopters, is en route to Puerto Rico and will embark 10 additional aircraft. The Marine Corps has identified eight additional MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft and two KC-130 fixed-wing aircraft that will self-deploy to support operations on Puerto Rico.

-- U.S. military helicopters moved 3 HHS Disaster Medical Assistance Teams with 12,500 pounds of equipment to Mayaguez, Arecibo, and Ponce from Roosevelt Roads to support the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ “hub-and-spoke” concept for the delivery of medical care. Seven federal medical stations will be co-located with each of the seven hospitals identified as ‘hub’ hospitals.

-- The Guajataca Dam spillway continues to erode; immediate risk reduction measures are ongoing to stabilize the dam spillway. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports two to three inches of rain has fallen, and an additional two to four inches each day over the next two days is possible.

-- U.S. Transportation Command will deliver super sandbags for spillway stabilization today; sandbag installation will follow on or about Oct. 1.

Foreign Disaster Assistance
-- U.S. Southern Command’s Joint Task Force Leeward Islands continues evacuations on Dominica. Following the evacuation of priority U.S. citizen medical cases, the Hurricane Response Task Force will transition to on-call status today.

Trump's Hypocrisy Problem: Private Planes, Private Emails, And Public Humiliation

Between the revelations that his appointees are zipping around the country on private planes at the expense of US taxpayers and the fact that at least 6 members of his staff – including his own family members – are using private email accounts to conduct official business, Donald Trump and the Republicans are suffering from a massive hypocrisy problem. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Another Trump Cabinet Official Caught Taking 10 Day European Trip At Taxpayer Expense!

In this ‘Dollemore Daily’ Jesse addresses more fraud, waste, and abuse within the Donald Trump Cabinet.

Majority wish Obama were president, as Trump labeled 'mentally unstable'

A majority of Americans wish former President Barack Obama was still in the White House and in charge of the nation according to a new poll.

A new survey from Public Policy Polling found that 52 percent of respondents wish Obama were in the midst of his third term. By comparison, only 41 percent prefer having President Donald Trump over Obama.

But it's not uncommon for a former president to see his popularity jump after he leaves office. 

A 2009 Gallup poll showed that only 35 percent of people liked former President George W. Bush, but after he'd left office and the news that he had taken up painting emerged, his approval rating has jumped up to 59 percent.

Unfortunately for the current resident, the poll included many other negative ratings. The survey found 54 percent of people claim Trump is dishonest, 47 percent say he's mentally unstable and 48 percent call for his impeachment. 

Former President Obama has made only a handful of forays into the political conversation, but has joined his fellow ex-presidents to call for relief after Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria battered parts of the United States.

He's also continued to occasionally speak to the press on his personal life, recently admitting that he cried while dropping his daughter Malia Obama off at Harvard University this year.

Obama even found some time to hang out at The Presidents Cup golf tournament with former president’s Bush and Bill Clinton.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

As Puerto Rico Suffers, @realDonaldTrump Worries About Big Banks And Wall Street!

In this ‘Dollemore Daily’ Jesse addresses Donald Trump's lack of response in the wake of Hurricane Maria and the dire situation in Puerto Rico. Looked at are Trump's tweets and public statements.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Parables Involving Cliffs

Donald Trump, you lying hypocritical imbecile, you need to shut your draft dodging ass up about The American Flag!

Where were you when it was your turn to respect the flag?

"I didn't dodge the draft just so some son of a bitch could take a knee during the National Anthem."

7/18/15 UPDATE: Now that Donald Trump has maligned Senator John McCain as a phony war hero who got himself captured in Vietnam, below you’ll find a reminder--which TSG published the last time the Republican claimed to be running for president--how Trump avoided military service.

The son of a wealthy real estate developer, Trump received four student deferments that were followed by a 1968 medical deferment that came a few months after he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.

After denigrating McCain during remarks today at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, Trump faced reporters questions about his lack of service. Asked about the last of his five deferments, Trump said that his disqualifying medical condition was a bone spur in one of his feet (he could not remember which one). It is unknown on which golf course the injury was sustained.



APRIL 28--Despite Donald Trump’s claim this week that he avoided serving in the Vietnam War solely due to a high draft number, Selective Service records show that the purported presidential aspirant actually received a series of student deferments while in college and then topped those off with a medical deferment after graduation that helped spare him from fighting for his country, The Smoking Gun has learned.

During a TV interview Tuesday morning, Trump--who spent his high school years enrolled at the New York Military Academy--said, “I actually got lucky because I had a very high draft number. I’ll never forget, that was an amazing period of time in my life.”

He went on to recall, “I was going to the Wharton School of Finance, and I was watching as they did the draft numbers and I got a very, very high number and those numbers never got up to.” The word “deferment” was not mentioned by Trump during his chat with the morning show hosts on WNYW, the Fox affiliate in New York City.

However, Selective Service records reveal that Trump, the fortunate son of a multimillionaire real estate baron, took repeated steps to avoid serving in Vietnam.

By the time his number (356) was drawn during the December 1, 1969 draft lottery, Trump had already received four student deferments and a medical deferment, according to military records on file with the National Archives and Records Administration. An extract of Trump’s Selective Classification record, seen here, was provided in response to a TSG records request.

In fact, the December 1969 draft lottery occurred about 18 months after Trump graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied business at the Wharton School. So, while claiming that he would “never forget” being at Wharton watching the draft numbers being drawn, the 64-year-old Trump seems to have misremembered, as candidates are fond of saying.

Trump obtained his first two Class 2-S student deferments in June 1964 and December 1965, when he was student at Fordham University in the Bronx. He was briefly reclassified as 1-A--or "available for military service"--in late-November 1966, but that classification was switched back to 2-S three weeks later.

Another 2-S deferment is dated January 16, 1968, just months before his graduation from UPenn (to which he transferred following his sophomore year at Fordham).

Following his UPenn graduation, Trump--no longer qualified for a 2-S deferment--was again briefly classified as available for service on July 9. However, three months later, on October 15, his classification was switched to 1-Y, which was given to men deemed qualified for military service “only in time of national emergency.”

The 1-Y classification came a month after Trump underwent an “Armed Forces Physical Examination,” according to Selective Service records, which note the results of the exam as “DISQ.”

While the military records do not further detail why Trump was granted the 1-Y deferment, a 1992 biography of the businessman by journalist Wayne Barrett reported that Trump received a medical deferment following the September 17, 1968 exam.

Trump’s 1-Y classification stayed in effect until February 1, 1972 when it was changed to a 4-F classification (which covered registrants not qualified for military service). The change in classification was likely prompted by the military’s December 1971 decision to abolish the 1-Y classification.

The Selective Service records also include a copy of the registration card signed by Trump in June 1964, 10 days after he turned 18. The possible future Commander-in-Chief, it turns out, has birthmarks on both his heels.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Housing Authority charges rent to tenants for apartments made uninhabitable by Hurricane Harvey

Donald Trump's Cabinet Acts Like Royalty - Flying Private Jets Paid For By Tax $$$

In this ‘Dollemore Daily’ Jesse addresses the horrendous hypocrisy of Donald Trump's Cabinet officials as they talk about saving tax dollars while spending HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars flying private jets all over the country!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Bill Cassidy just won't stop lying about his healthcare bill

By Laura Clawson

THIBODAUX, LA - FEBRUARY 23:  Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) speaks during a town hall meeting on February 23, 2017 in Thibodaux, Louisiana. Cassidy spoke on a wide range of issues including healthcare, jobs and government spending.  (Photo by Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images)
Bill Cassidy
“This guy, Bill Cassidy, just lied right to my face,” Jimmy Kimmel said on Tuesday night. And on Wednesday morning, Cassidy did a lot more lying about his healthcare plan. He lied on CNN:
“I’m sorry he does not understand,” Cassidy said of Kimmel. “Under Graham Cassidy Heller Johnson, more people will have coverage, and we protect those with preexisting conditions. States like Maine, Virginia, Florida, Missouri — there will be billions more dollars to provide health insurance coverage for those in those states who have been passed by by Obamacare, and we protect those with preexisting conditions.”
He lied on MSNBC:
“There will be more people covered under the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson amendment than are under status quo and we protect those with pre-existing conditions,” Cassidy said during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
And the reality that Kimmel laid out so clearly—that Cassidy’s bill simply does not live up to the tests he set himself and will hurt a lot of people—remains:
That statement, similar to one Cassidy also made on CNN, is virtually impossible to defend. The Graham-Cassidy proposal, which Republicans are rushing to take up for a floor vote next week, calls for reducing federal spending on health care through two sets of changes. [...]
As for Cassidy’s other claim, that his bill would protect people with pre-existing conditions, that’s not true, at least in the sense most people would understand it. The bill would very explicitly allow states to waive existing rules, which the Affordable Care Act put in place, prohibiting insurers from charging higher premiums to people based on their medical status. With that flexibility, insurers could make coverage prohibitively expensive for people with a variety of medical conditions, from diabetes to cancer.
Cassidy wants to make his bill seem different from the wildly unpopular Republican bills that failed, but the only thing that’s really different is that this time, Republicans are up against a Sept. 30 deadline for repealing Obamacare and the pressure to get on board will be that much more intense. This bill will still gut the Medicaid expansion that’s gotten so many people the health coverage they need and it will still weaken protections for pre-existing conditions and essential health benefits and much more. He lies, he lies, he lies—and he lies in the service of harming millions of Americans.

Another Obamacare repeal bill?! It’s time to jam the congressional phone lines again. Call your senator at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to vote NO on any repeal bill.

The Short Bus To Armageddon: Trump At The U.N.

Posted by Rude One

When do we get to stop being embarrassed, huh? Every time that President Donald Trump opens his lamprey mouth and shakes his semen-colored mane, it's like another shiv in the gut while we stand in the prison shower that is the United States in 2017.

"Which group of shit-sniffing baboons is he gonna talk to this time?" we wonder. Will it be the crazed conservative hawks, the ones whose savagery make Democratic hawks look like confused parakeets?

Will it be his base, whose heads are evolving into the shape of a permanent dunce cap, the one-third of the American populace who pretend they want anarchy when, really, all they want are more guns and fewer dark-skinned people?

Will it be the unsatiated capitalists, the ones who would monetize child rape if they thought they could squeeze a few more pennies out of the bloodied anuses of babies? And usually, it's all three, to varying degrees, with Trump a carnival barker yelling at the freaks and carnies to scoop up the spilled popcorn and toss it back in with the rest to sell again tomorrow.

At the United Nations today, Trump spoke stiffly and boorishly, his pinch-fingered hand gesticulating like he was jacking off his own micropenis. It was like some kind of dumb college prank, where you make the stupidest freshman get up at karaoke and sing the National Anthem instead of some damn Ed Sheeran song. Put a MAGA hat on that bitch, and you've got a Trump voter.

Whatever you think of the U.N., most of the leaders in that room are people who have dedicated their lives to the politics of their nation. Most of them are vastly educated, well-read, worldly, and, to varying degrees, smart enough to know a fucking idiot when they see one. So you had to imagine the reactions to Trump at the General Assembly ranged from horror to bemusement to calculating how easy it would be to roll this rube (looking at you, Saudi Arabia).

Did Trump brag about how great things are now that he's been resident for all of 8 months? Fuck, yeah, you know he did. Actually, apparently, his residency started even earlier: "The United States has done very well since Election Day last November 8th. The stock market is at an all-time high -- a record. Unemployment is at its lowest level in 16 years, and because of our regulatory and other reforms, we have more people working in the United States today than ever before. Companies are moving back, creating job growth the likes of which our country has not seen in a very long time."

Yes, I'm sure Hage Geingob, the president of Namibia, who has a PhD in international relations from the University of Leeds, really thought that Trump deserved the credit for this. (By the way, interestingly, Geingob came to the United States to start college at Temple University, in Philadelphia, in 1964 before transferring to Fordham University in New York City. Trump started at Fordham in 1964 before transferring to the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.)

Were there lines that should have made any sentient world leader just crack up with sad laughter? You bet. "In America, we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to watch," Trump had the gall to say as most of Central and South America, a good chunk of East Asia, and assorted islands from all over the world rolled their eyes so hard they saw their own brain pans.

Sure, but did he sound like a pathetic, low-level thug who wants everyone to think he's a made man? Aw, come on. That's his default mode. He warned, "We can no longer be taken advantage of, or enter into a one-sided deal where the United States gets nothing in return." He threatened, "The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea." And, yeah he called Kim Jong-un "Rocket Man." In front of the U.N. It's like having your drunk aunt shake her bare titties at her nephew's graduation.

And, obviously, Trump talked as if no one else there has any idea how the world works. "If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph," he said in a line that's right out of his Captain America fanfic. He continued, "When decent people and nations become bystanders to history, the forces of destruction only gather power and strength." Certainly, every country that has dealt with terrorism, which is a fuck-bunch of 'em, appreciated being told they should not be bystanders.

On it went, with shitting on the Iran deal (which is working, despite every feeble protest Trump makes), praise for Russia and Turkey, called out the "loser terrorists," and repeated a blatant lie: "Our country has achieved more against ISIS in the last eight months than it has in many, many years combined."

Yeah, it was like piss from heaven that all the golden showers lovers on his side could bathe themselves in. And everything you need to know about the speech, and everything that you believe about it, is contained in how you think about this: One of the first people to praise the speech was Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who tweeted, "In over 30 years in my experience with the UN, I never heard a bolder or more courageous speech."

Yes, it's so very brave to threaten to wipe out a desperate tiny country, to walk away from a peace deal, and to ignore the greatest threat to the planet, climate change, altogether. We're riding the short bus to Armageddon. And there are no stops ahead.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Trump’s Golf Ball Retweet Was Low, Even For Him

Donald Trump over the weekend decided to retweet a GIF of himself hitting a golf ball that had been merged with a GIF of Hillary Clinton falling down (the editors had made it look like Trump’s ball hit Hillary and that’s why she fell.)

This kind of behavior should be beneath the resident of the United States, yet Trump once again managed to sink well below the already-lowered bar that has been set for his administration. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Joy Ann Reid Calls Hillary Clinton "Insane" Having "Psychotic Break"

Fresh Health Care Fuckery: Your McCain Praise Was Probably Wasted

Posted by Rude One

Ah, remember when Mighty Maverick John McCain was the mighty maverick hero last time there was a vote on a bullshit health care "reform" bill with his mighty mavericky thumbs-down?

Remember the ejaculations of praise for this irascible cockhead doing something decent just to fuck with Donald Trump? Remember his slobber-coated speech where he said of the Senate, "Let's trust each other. Let's return to regular order"? Remember how he insisted, "Let the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee under Chairman Alexander and Ranking Member Murray hold hearings, try to report a bill out of committee with contributions from both sides. Then bring it to the floor for amendment and debate"?

Yeah, fuck all that noise. Now that the new spiked dildo of health care, the Graham-Cassidy-etc bill, is threatening to be rammed up the hemorrhoidal anus of the American people, with just about every fucking terrible thing as the last attempt intact, McCain said that he wanted to hear from Gov. Doug Ducey of Arizona. Ducey had opposed the previous Trumpcare bill because it dicked over Arizonans on expanded Medicaid. Now Ducey has said he supports Graham-Cassidy-who-the-fuck-cares, even though the aforementioned dicking remains, and McCain has tweeted that he's still feeling cranky about the process but is "inclined" to support the bill.

And even if McCain ends up going thumbs-down again, fuck him for even contemplating an upraised thumb. Either you've got principles or you don't, motherfucker.

In all the time the GOP has had, since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, since the election, since the failure of the "Fuck You, We Don't Care If You Die Bankrupt" bill in July, they have not made a case for repeal except "We said we'd do it." It's like a bunch of morons promising to light their farts if their favorite team wins a championship. The only people who wanna see that are other morons. Right now, we're down to 8.8% of Americans without health insurance, and a good number of those are because of the assholes in Republican states not expanding Medicaid.

Who does this bill help? It's faith-based legislation. Republicans say that Obamacare is making you suffer, so, if you're GOP-inclined, you believe it's making you suffer (even if it's paying for your chemo or psoriasis medication). And you have staked your entire political belief system on your investment in this bullshit. You'd rather die a miserable death than admit that you were always the mark for a bunch of low-rent Barnums. This way to the amazing egress, idiots. Grab a snipe on your way.

I wrote last week about the remarkable care I received in the UK for free. I was in the middle of the fourth largest city in the country, and every complaint I've heard about single-payer was rendered utterly and completely false.

Yet here we are, unable to even agree that tens of millions of people, including those with pre-existing conditions, who are now covered by the Affordable Care Act, deserve to be treated as human beings. What a stupid goddamned society we've built. It's repulsive. It's disgusting. It's immoral. And yet so many of our dumb fellow citizens think this is the way things ought to be.

The cruelest trick that capitalists ever played on Americans was making them believe they didn't need everyone else. Our fake rugged individualism will be our undoing.

And for those of us who do give a shit about our fellow Americans, it's once more to the phones to make Senators fear for their careers.

Monday, September 18, 2017

America Won't Forget That Sean Spicer Chose Donald Trump Over America!

In this ‘Dollemore Daily’ Jesse Dollemore addresses Sean Spicer's appearance at The Emmy's last night and his connection to Donald Trump, which shouldn't be forgotten so easily.

Sean Spicer Appears At Emmy’s And Everyone Forgets What A Lying Jackass He Is

Sean Spicer made a surprise appearance at the Emmy Awards on Sunday night, and almost immediately the entire country forgot that he spent months lying to the American public on behalf of Donald Trump.

We cannot normalize this kind of behavior, or give him a free pass because he made us chuckle by spewing his rehearsed jokes. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Meanwhile, On Parallel Earth

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Republicans Vote To Keep Trump’s Tax Returns Hidden From The World

The House of Representatives has voted to continue to shield Donald Trump from releasing his tax return information – something that presidents and Party presidential candidates have been doing for decades to prove they are on the level.

This decision shows that Republicans are afraid of what we could find, but it also shows that they are being stupidly loyal to a man who constantly berates and bullies them.

As Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins points out, this makes absolutely no sense.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Trump Adviser Issues Threat: Politicians Who Support Impeachment Are Endangering Their Lives

Roger Stone, one of Donald Trump’s closest allies and advisers, issued what could be perceived as a death threat against politicians who support Trump’s impeachment: If you are in favor of it, you are putting your own life at risk.

Stone threatened a new civil war if impeachment takes place and an “insurrection” the likes of which this country has never seen. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains why these comments not only prove the need for Trump’s impeachment, but they should also land Stone in prison.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Ted Cruz Twitter Fiasco Shines A Light On Rampant Hypocrisy In Republican Party

In this ‘Dollemore Daily’ Jesse addresses Ted Cruz' late night twitter habits while discussing the greater problem within the GOP.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Lawrence On 'Sheer Madness' Of Steve Bannon's Epic 60 Minutes Interview

Steve Bannon criticized Donald Trump's firing of James Comey in a '60 Minutes' interview, and he gave the country a window into the contradictory world view that guided Trump for 7 months. Peter Baker, Max Boot, and Jed Shugerman join Lawrence O'Donnell.

Even on 9/11 Donald Trump Couldn't Resist Bragging About Himself

In this ‘Dollemore Daily’ Jesse addresses the sociopathic nature of Donald Trump and the lengths to which he will go to brag about himself... Even in the face of tragedy and the heartbreak of a nation!

The Press Is Now Calling Trump “Independent”, Playing Right Into His Tiny Hands

The media has been fawning over Donald Trump for the last week, mostly due to the fact that he worked out a debt ceiling deal with Democratic lawmakers. Now, the press is calling him “independent” and saying that he isn’t beholden to the Republican Party.

This is insanity. Trump isn’t independent, he’s a pathetic businessman who only cares about branding and ratings – and his words in the last week prove it. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Steve Bannon Plotting A Coup To Take Over The Republican Party

Former Trump advisor and current Breitbart propagandist Steve Bannon is planning on running primary challengers to key Republican lawmakers in order to shift the Party even further to the right.

Bannon has been empowered by Trump, and now he wants to take over the whole Party. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Conservatives Disrespect The American Flag And Violate U.S. Flag Code With Their Fake Patriotism

In this episode of "The Conversation", Jesse discusses the U.S. Flag Code and the many violations of it committed by the same "conservatives who act so hyper patriotic. Even the "Blue Lives Matter" crowd are a bunch of violators of U.S. Code!