Friday, January 25, 2019

Colorado Senator Lays Into Ted Cruz For His Shutdown Hypocrisy

By Karoli Kuns

This government shutdown is weighing on all of us. I'm sick of it, I'm sick of cable networks streaming Trump being a jerk, I'm sick of all the lies, and I'm heartbroken by all the horrible stories of what's happening to the people who work for the government.

I am not alone, apparently. Senator Michael Bennet went off on Ted Cruz, the shutdown, and his frustrations with the shutdown. Hard.

“I seldom rise on this floor to contradict somebody on the other side,” Bennet began. “I have worked very hard over the years to work in a bipartisan way with the presiding officer with my Republican colleagues, but these crocodile tears that the senator from Texas is crying for first responders are too hard for me to take.”

“When the senator from Texas shut this government down in 2013, my state was flooded. It was under water. People were killed. People's houses were destroyed. Their small businesses were ruined forever. And because of the senator from Texas, this government was shut down for politics,” Bennet shouted, voice rising. He was referring to the 2013 Colorado floods, which devastated the state and killed 8 people.

He was just warming up. Watch the abridged version above, or the full version below.

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