Monday, July 30, 2018

Donald Trump is not a traitor. It's much worse than that

By Aldous J Pennyfarthing

The Surrender Summit ended nearly two weeks ago, but something about the post-capitulation rhetoric still doesn’t sit right with me.

This notion that Donald Trump is a traitor to his country is flat-out wrong.

Treasonous? Hell, yeah. In thrall to a brutal foreign adversary? Of course.

But he’s not a traitor.

To be a traitor, one has to have been loyal to something or someone (aside from oneself) at least once, and Trump clearly doesn’t qualify. Trump is loyal to precisely two things: his rapacious id and his ravenous ego.

Apart from those cherished jewels of the Trumpian dunce cap, our resident cares about nothing and no one.

Was he loyal to our country when he failed to pay his income taxes?

Was he loyal when he took $150,000 in federal money earmarked for small businesses impacted by 9/11?

Was he loyal when he bragged, just hours after the World Trade Center towers came down, that his building was now the tallest in Manhattan?

Was he loyal when he bone spurred his way out of the military?

Was he loyal when he did business in Fidel Castro’s Cuba in defiance of strict American trade bans?

Was he loyal when he failed to learn the words to “God Bless America” and “The Star-Spangled Banner”?

Was he loyal when he failed to donate — until he was caught red-handed — the $1 million he’d promised to veterans charities?

Was he loyal when he savagely mocked a sitting senator and war hero, as well as a Gold Star family?

Was he loyal when he approved his son’s rendezvous with Russian agents in order to get dirt on Hillary Clinton?

Was he loyal when he encouraged the rat fucking of our election by Russia and Julian Assange’s Wikileaks?

Was he loyal when he promoted a scam university in order to fleece his fellow citizens out of their retirement money?

And what about his loyalty to his family and employees?

Was he loyal to any of his wives?

Was he loyal to his current wife when he cheated on her with a porn star and a Playboy model?

Was he loyal to his family when he cut off his gravely ill nephew’s health insurance out of spite?

Was he loyal when he stiffed hundreds of real estate contractors, many of whom were struggling small business owners?

Was he loyal when he left investors in his public casino company in the lurch while personally making out like a bandit?

Was he loyal (you might want to grab an air-sickness bag for this one) when he blamed two former employees who had died in a helicopter crash for his own ongoing failures in the casino business?

Of course he wasn’t. Because he’s never been loyal to anyone, ever. Michael Cohen, et al., are learning that right now.

No, Donald Trump isn’t a traitor. It’s much more banal — and frightening — than that.

He’s just an evil asshole.

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