Kellyanne Conway (Photo: Screen captures)
Conway alleged that the “New Day” co-host was attempting to go viral, but it was Conway that lit up the Internet with commentary.
The interviews caught her in a series of awkward pivots and obvious hypocrisy, namely that she mentioned a report about former FBI director James Comey that cited anonymous sources. Trump and his White House has notoriously criticized the media for using anonymous sources.
Twitter users weren’t having any of it. They attacked Conway for both interviews and heralded Cuomo’s dogged attempts to get Conway to understand Donald Trump Jr. accepting a meeting with a Russian lawyer is an admission of guilt.
See the best responses below:
I wonder how many bunnies Kellyanne Conway has boiled? #DonaldTrumpJr #Russia— Amy (@bunnyhugger75) July 10, 2017
Kellyanne Conway defending Donald Jr. is scary on CNN— Paul Rizzo (@PaulRizzo504) July 10, 2017
Kellyanne Conway complaining that people are saying things that aren't true.— Zane. (@iamironbeard) July 10, 2017
I'm seeing Kellyanne Conway trending and I don't even want to know why. #ProfessionalLiar— Miss Know It All (@GayleErmadean) July 10, 2017
Kellyanne Conway is a better spinner than those damn fidget things.— Steve Becker (@Steveisbookin) July 10, 2017
Everytime Kellyanne Conway trends, a Pinocchio becomes a real boy.— Brandon Besserer (@BrandonBesserer) July 10, 2017
— Tosin Ash. (@Tosyneno) July 10, 2017
Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer make 180K a year and aren't even remotely good at their jobs.— William the 3rd (@_ThreeStacks) July 10, 2017
KellyAnne Conway is despised because of her lies. Nothing to do with feminism.— Marg K (@acerbic_comic) July 10, 2017
Thank you @ChrisCuomo for challenging Kellyanne Conway & the rest of the Trump team on their lies. She's an insult to our intelligence— Me (@AlwaysGrowing00) July 10, 2017
Please @ChrisCuomo stop giving Kellyanne Conway air time first thing on Monday morning. Start the week w/ my skin crawling— Brianna N. (@BriannaNoelani) July 10, 2017
If you want to experience loony tunes, listen to any interview with KellyAnne Conway!— Chuck Roberts (@Keeperofthecast) July 10, 2017
@ChrisCuomo is 1 of my favorites but he missed a great opportunity to say #AlternativeFacts when Kellyanne Conway scoffed about credibility— Dawn Y. McDaniel🎗 (@justdawn_) July 10, 2017
"Kellyanne Conway" what "billionaire" agrees to meet anonymous person with no clue why that person wants to meet & then shows up for it— ducit amor patriae (@GKoury) July 10, 2017
.@KellyannePolls, did you miss part where @DonaldJTrumpJr admitted to meeting with Russians to get damaging info on HRC?— VoteVets (@votevets) July 10, 2017
How do I know the Trump Family got caught doing something dumb, treasonous, illegal, caught in a lie? "Kellyanne Conway" on TV this morning— WTF+GOP+ESC (@bcinaz) July 10, 2017
Chris Cuomo: the sky is blue— Zoey Bartlet-Young (@Zoey_Bartlet) July 10, 2017
Kellyanne Conway: Your logic is flawed because of Hillary Clinton's emails.
Maybe Kellyanne Conway's "alternative memory" was not working properly during that Chris Cuomo interview.— Robert (@menumag333) July 10, 2017
CNN is more of a Saturday Night Live skit than a news organization. Kellyanne Conway should stay away from that sinking ship.— Caleb (@NC_Politico) July 10, 2017
Kellyanne Conway would probably make better sense if she'd spit out Trump's covfefe.— Ham on Wry (@realHamOnWry) July 10, 2017
Wish SNL didn't create the "Where in the world is "Kellyanne Conway" .— MrsPerrin -Conservtv (@MrsPerrin) July 10, 2017
It summoned her and now we can't get rid of her.
Kellyanne Conway kicks off today's MAGA spin machine.— David Bates (@DavidBWriter) July 10, 2017
Remember when Kellyanne Conway said microwaves can turn into cameras?— Emilia (@PoliticalEmilia) July 10, 2017
Kellyanne Conway, you deserve every gallantry award for trying to act smart about everything illegal.— Pritish Bhattacharya (@PritishB1) July 10, 2017
Is there anything that @realDonaldTrump can do that Kellyanne Conway won’t defend and support?— Amir Behrouzian (@abehrou) July 10, 2017
Wow! Kellyanne Conway is still jealous of Clinton. No matter what the topic, she finds way to blame Hillary! @KellyannePolls— Blue VA (@VA4Hillary1) July 10, 2017
If the Trump family left a steaming bag of shit on Kellyanne Conway's front porch she'd go on live TV to defend it.— Sol to Seed Farm (@soltoseedfarm) July 10, 2017
Kellyanne Conway, says there's nothing wrong with Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russian lawyer associated with the Kremlin. (who talks like that— Zoe Chinaka (@ZoeChinaka) July 10, 2017
Imagine having to wake up everyday as Kellyanne Conway, go to work, and then clean up after her boss.— Pritish Bhattacharya (@PritishB1) July 10, 2017
Unclear to me why Kellyanne Conway continues to show up to speak on a channel she purports to consider fake. Actually, not all that unclear.— Sarah Tolzmann (@notetosarah) July 10, 2017
Kellyanne Conway is a mutt with a lazy eye and bad hair and horrible skin chapped knees with Blistex in her pocket wearing an ankle brace.— BM(P)WP5179 (@WyattPaige1979) July 10, 2017
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