Hey, Ben Carson!
Posted by Rude One
Dr. Ben Carson, Fox "news" designated black man this election cycle, was
probably a fine, fine neurosurgeon back when he was practicing. Hell,
he might even be a great motivational speaker in the Joel Osteen/Tony
Robbins "is he for real or is he punking us?" model.
Cuba Gooding, Jr.
played him in a movie, which is just super. But now that he is
apparently amping up his presence on the national stage ahead of a
potential presidential run that will do nothing but enlarge the coffers
of Carsonco, it's probably beyond time for people to tell him to just
shut the fuck up already.
Stop fucking lecturing us in your smug,
self-righteous way and go the fuck away, back into the prayer breakfast
cubbyhole where you belong, paraded around by every white racist to
demonstrate that they have black friends.
Yesterday, in a totally poorly-timed appearance, Carson was on CNN's Wolf,
which does not involve various people having their throats ripped out
by a raging, carnivorous animal, but is, actually, hosted by the
bestubbled Wolf Blitzer. It was just before the announcement of the
grand jury decision not to indict the cop who killed Eric Garner in
Staten Island, and Blitzer was asking Carson about some stupid fucking
thing that Charles Barkley said because apparently ex-basketball players
and ex-surgeons are automatically criminal justice experts.
Carson said, "Well, I think it's true that the police are our friends.
And I challenge people all the time, imagine living for 24 hours with no
police. People would be walking into your house saying, hey, I think I
like that television, I'm taking that. I mean, it would be total chaos."
No, really, he actually said that and acted like he made some kind of
profound point, like a toddler proud of hitting the toilet when he
pisses standing up. Is that really the choice? Irresponsible violence by
cops or complete anarchy from having no cops? There's no in-between?
Chaos is something Carson fears a fuck of a lot. "We have to, at some
point, get to a point where we actually trust the system or we're just
going to have chaos all the time," he told Blitzer after explaining how
he trusts "the people who have all the facts."
Later, talking about how
the country has become more racist under Barack Obama, who just doesn't
respect the rule of law, Carson explained, "Once we lose the rule of law
and chaos ensues, you know, that is not going to be the kind of country
that any of us wants to live in."
Seriously, this guy's opinions are so
simple-minded that it's no wonder Fox loves him. Oh, and he thinks that
Obama was wrong to talk out about Trayvon Martin because he should have
trusted how things would play out in the justice system, which worked
so awesomely then.
Blitzer should have answered each and every one of these statements with
"Oh, fuck you. Shut the fuck up. Why are you still fucking talking?
Who the fuck is listening to you? Fuck them, too."
Instead, Blitzer got to something real. He asked Carson about remarks
he made where he compared the United States now to Nazi Germany because
"you had a government using its tools to intimidate the population. We
now live in a society where people are afraid to say what they actually
believe. And it's because of the p.c. police. It's because of
politicians." So not being able to say "faggot" in public freely is as
bad as rounding up and killing all the gays in Germany. Got it.
Using his own version of "Shut the fuck up" (and getting freakily
jingoistic), Blitzer said, "So you've got to explain that, because when I
heard the comparison of the United States of America, the greatest
country in the world, the greatest country ever, to Nazi Germany, I
said, 'What is he talking about?'"
Then, in an answer that should be the epitaph to whatever political
ambitions he might have, Carson replied, "Well, see, what you were doing
is allowing words to affect you more than listening to what was
actually being said."
Now, you might actually perk up at that moment and wonder, "The fuck?
You said the fucking words. We're not making this shit up."
Well, Carson will explain: "Nazi Germany experienced something horrible.
The people in Nazi Germany largely did not believe in what Hitler was
doing. But did they say anything? Of course. They kept their mouths
shut. And there are some very important lessons to be learned there."
And then, shit you not, Carson's example of what horrible things are
going on now is that the IRS slightly delayed the approval of tax-exempt
status for a few Tea Party groups.
Finally, we get to Carson's game. See, when it comes to Michael Brown
and, one presumes, Eric Garner, unarmed men being murdered, Carson
believes we need to knuckle under to the force of the law. But when it
comes to things like being "free to express yourself" without
consequence, well, the government is just jack-booted thugs.
don't focus on his words: "You are just focusing on the words Nazi
Germany and completely missing the point of what is being said. And
that's the problem right now. That's what p.c.-ism is all about. You may
not say this word, regardless of what your point is, because if you say
that word, you know, I go into a tizzy. We can do better than that."
At that point, Blitzer should have said, "I'm going to call you 'Uncle
Tom' for the rest of this interview and I hope you don't focus on the
In the actual interview, Blitzer asked Carson if he stood by his saying
that Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery, which, of course,
Carson did: "What needs to be understood here is that the way this
country was set up, the people -- we the people were set up at the
pinnacle of power in this nation. The government is supposed to conform
to our will. By taking the most important thing you have, your health
and your health care, and turning that over to the government, you
fundamentally shift the power, a huge chunk of it, from the people to
the government. This is not the direction that we want to go in this
Is Carson really that blind? Does he not understand that the only
difference between him and Eric Garner is who they stand with on the
corner and how they're dressed? Eric Garner didn't want to give in to
authority. Carson claims that he doesn't want government taking away the
power of the people.
Garner only had his corner to express his opinion
that he was being mistreated by the law, which got him killed because
the authority had to assert its power and could do so freely. Carson
gets to go on national TV and say, essentially, the same thing without
fear because he is protected by his conservative enablers and his own
wealth. Put him in a t-shirt and shorts, surrounded by cops, and see who
Blitzer then asked another variation on "Shut the fuck up." He pressed
Carson, "You say that Obamacare is the worst thing that has happened
in this nation since slavery. Worse than the Great Depression of the
1920s? Worse than the Vietnam War? Worse than 9/11?"
Of course, Carson had not a goddamn thing to say other than "Well, Wolf,
I think it's non-productive to get into is it worse than this and worse
than that, or maybe it's better than this and better than that."
Scratch what was said above. Yeah, he's the perfect Republican candidate.
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