By TomCADem
The corporate media has repeatedly pushed the narratives:
1. That the President is unpopular and politically toxic.
2. That Democrats are running away from President Obama and his policies.
Only stories that fit in this narrative are portrayed. Stories that
are inconsistent with this narrative are ignored. This narrative fulls
the public, including liberals, into apathy with the meme that
Democrats' only platform is that they are not President Obama. In the
meantime, as Bernie Sanders explained issues of relevance to the people
are ignored. This is why voters could manage to vote for Republicans
who are against the minimum wage while also supporting propositions
raising the minimum wage,
If you look at the Landrieu race, you see thread after thread on
this Board calling Senator Landrieu a DINO based entirely on her
position on the Keystone pipeline, which should not be surprising since
LA is one of the States that would likely benefit from the pipeline even
though most other states would not benefit.
However, there are issues beyond the pipeline, and it is clear that
there is a world of difference between Landrieu and Cassidy. Many of
folks have insisted, even on Democratic Underground, that it would not
make a difference if Cassidy beats Landrieu. The ignorance of this line
of argument is exposed by the summary below of the candidate's stated
positions on the issues. Some will argue why haven't we hard this?
Perhaps it is because it just does not fit the media narrative that (1)
Democrats are running away from President Obama and Democratic
priorities and (2) that there just isn't that much difference between
Democrats and Republicans. Look at how the mainstream media largely
ignored the extreme positions states by Joni Erst in the Iowa race.
Budget: Did you support raising the Federal debt ceiling with no strings attached?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No
Campaign Finance: Do you support the DISCLOSE Act, which would require key funders of political ads to put their names on those ads?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No
Campaign Finance: Do you support the Supreme Court's Citizens
United decision, which allowed unlimited independent political
expenditures by corporations and unions?
Landrieu: No
Cassidy: Unknown
Economy: Do you support raising the minimum wage?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No
Economy: Do you support extending unemployment benefits beyond 26 weeks?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No
Economy: Do you support the Dodd-Frank Act, which established
the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and sought to increase
regulation of Wall Street corporations and other financial institutions?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No
Economy: Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: Yes
Education: Do you support refinancing of student loans at lower rates, paid for by increasing taxes on income over a million dollars?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: Unknown
Environment: Do you believe that human activity is a major factor contributing to climate change?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No
Environment: Do you support government action to limit the levels of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No
Environment: Do you support government mandates and/or subsidies for renewable energy?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: Yes
Gay Marriage: Do you support gay marriage?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No
Gun Control: Do you support enacting more restrictive gun control legislation?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No
Healthcare: Do you support repealing the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare?
Landrieu: No
Cassidy: Yes. Also authored bill permitting people to keep insurance
policies that didn't meet the coverage standards of the law.
Healthcare: Did you support shutting down the federal government in order to defund Obamacare in 2013?
Landrieu: No
Cassidy: Yes
Immigration: Do you support the D.R.E.A.M. Act, which would
allow children brought into the country illegally to achieve legal
status if they've graduated from high school, have a clean legal record,
and attend college or serve in the military?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No
Immigration: Do you support the comprehensive immigration
plan passed by the Senate in 2013, which includes a pathway to
citizenship and increased funding for border security?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No
Social Issues: Should abortion be highly restricted?
Landrieu: No, although supports ban on late-term abortions
Cassidy: Yes
Social Issues: Should employers be able to withhold contraceptive coverage from employees if they disagree with it morally?
Landrieu: No
Cassidy: Yes
Social Issues: Should Planned Parenthood receive public funds for non-abortion health services?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No
Social Security: Do you support partial privatization of Social Security?
Landrieu: No
Cassidy: Unknown
Taxes: Have you signed the Americans for Tax Reform Pledge to
oppose any tax increases to raise revenue? (The answer to this question
is taken from the database of signatories of the Taxpayer Protection
Pledge, created by Americans for Tax Reform. Signers to the pledge
promise to oppose "any and all tax increases" meant to generate
additional revenue.)
Landrieu: No
Cassidy: Yes
Taxes: Would you increase taxes on corporations and/or high-income individuals to pay for public services?
Landrieu: Yes
Cassidy: No. See above
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